PC 88-321•" ' ` ~ ~~.~~~~~ Fc~~.x >;f, ; A RBSOLUTION OF THF AtdAFIEIM CI't'Y PLAi3NING CO!~4rIISSZON TF1A.T PETITION FOR RECLAS5IFICATIUN N0. g8-E9-21 BE GRANTED ~WIiEREAS, the Anaheim Ci~y Planni.ng Gommiss.ion dfd receive a varif.,aad p~tition for Reclassiticatio~ €rom CL~YDE C. ANri ROHERTA K. F:[NCH, 327 5. State Callege 81vd., Anaheim, CA ~2805, owners, and ARLIN STETNBRINK, 33787. Bayside Lane, Dana Paint, CA 9~629, ngent, of certain real property situatod in the City of AnAhQim, County of Orang~, State of California, doscribed a.s fnllows: LOT 102 OF 7.'RACT 1565, A5 PER MAP THEREO~ RE't;ORL~ED It3 i,~" BOOK 49, PAGES 20-24 1'NCLUSIVE OF MISCELLANEOCS MAPS, ~ RECORDS UF ORINGE COUNTY, (;ALIFORNTA. ,~ i~~ ; WFiEREAS, tne City Planning Commission did hold a p~rblic heari,2ig at the C.ivic Center in the Ci.ty of Anaheim or. Novembez 21, 19A0, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having baeii duly glven as r~g~iirQd by law anci in accordance with tho provisians of~ the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chap~er 18.03, to hear and aons.ider evi~de::r.e for and ag~~.nst said proposed reclassi£ication `' and to inveatiqatQ and makQ findiag~ and recommondations i~u connection ~ therewith; and WFI~REA~, 3aid Cummission, aftc~r clue inspection, investigarion and stuQy made by it~elf und in its beha.if, an~ after due r.onsiderati~n oE all evidnnco and repor~s offereil ~~: said heariny, does find and determine the followinq facea: 1. ThaL tYie petir.iot:er pr~posae r~clasa~L•ication of subjoct pr.operty from Lho RS-7200 (Residential, Sinqle-Family) 7,or.e to the CL (Commerciai, Limited) cr a less ~ueense~ zone. 2. ThaL the Anaheim Gpneral Plan d~siqnatt~a gubje:s~ property for General Commerr,ial land usas. , ~ ,~ ~' ;i , i,`~ :;~'~ 3. That ~he proposed reclassific3tion of ~ubjecC proper*y is necQSSary and/or desirable for the orderly ancl proper 8evelopment of tho com,~nunity. 4. That, thQ proposefl :eclas~ification of s~~ajact property doos rraperly relat~ to the zone~s and their permitteCi usas locally eatabl~si~ed in cl~s~ proximity to subjec:t proprrty znd to thQ zanPS and thelr pPrmitted uses yanertslly establishQd thraughout the commun.i.ty. 5. Tha~ the propos~cl roclassifS::ntian af subjecr, property r~quirea the d~dfcation s~nd improvemsnt ~L abu~tinq ~r.re^.ts ~nd alleys in a~cordance w.tth the CArc;Ular.ion Eto-nenti oE the General Plan, du~ t.n the anticipated incrosse ~n trafEic which rri11. be gpnerxtnd by the intensification o£ lAnd use. ?' 0564r ~1- PC 88-321 ~<< 't I `r w, ~ ' r ~ ak. ft aj ^,-~,f J4 jy Fa% _`;d ~ ~ - ,~~ ~ 6. That nu one indicat~d their presence t~t s~id publtc ho~r.ing in oppositi~ii; and that no r,orrospondonr_o w~s rc~ceiv~d i.n opposition to s~~bjec~ petition. ~~L_~xFO~N.~A rNVIRONM^ TALVQU1~i~ITY_ A~'t' rI,N'DIN~C: That the AnaY~eim City Planz~in~ Commission has reviewed the proposal ra recla~sify subjec~ propar.ty from tlie RS-72p0 (Residar,ti~l, Singlo-Family) 2one to the CL (C~mmercial, Limited) or a lesg i.iitense zone to expanc~ the parking aroa of an exi3tzng re3taurant (Sizzler) ou an irregularly--sha~ed p~.rcel oP land consisting of approximately O.lA acre, having u[rontage oE appL•oximatoly 61 feet on the west side oF Stale Colleye Ho~~levard, having a maximum depttx o~ approximately 110 fee~, boing Iocatea approximately 348 feat soutt~ o~ the cQnterline of Broadway and further described a~ 327 South State Colleqe Houlevard; and doos :~eraby r~pprove the Negative DQCl.aration upon finclirig that it has cor~sidere~ thR Negative Declaration togethFr with any commenks received durinq the publi.c review procPs~ znd Fu.rth~r. fi.nding on khe basis oE the initial sCudy an~~ any comments recoivc~d Chat ;:her~, is no substant3al evidonce that the ~rojQCt will have a significant offect on the env.iro,unent. NOW, TFiERBFORE, BE IT RESOI~VED ~ha~ the :,naho.im Cit~ Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Fetition for ~t~clt~ssification ena, by so cloing, that Tit1e 18-2oning oF the Anahe~~ Municipal Code be amended to exclude the abuve-describc~d pL•o~erty Lrom the t}ie RS-7200 (Resider.tial, Single•-r'amily) Zone ~.d to incor.c~,rate said described property into the CL (Commercia2, Limited) aai~e ur;,n the following conditions whic.h ar9 hereby fnunci to be d necegsary pr~rec~uis5.te to the pr~posed use o~ subject property in crder to presaz~ve *_iio safety and gene:al welfare of khe Citizens of the City of AnrshQim: 1. 'rhat prior to i.ssuance of a building permit, the appropriutQ traffic ~3.gna1 asses:amont feo shall be pa3.d to the City o£ Anaheim in an amount as determinFSd by City Council resolution. 2. That a parkfng p].an indicating compliance with City par.king lot iiesign stan~iards shal'_ be submittc~d Co ai,d approved by khe City TxaEL•ic EngineQr. 3. That r~ ~;,v shall be paid to the Ci;.y of Anaheim for es~ree~ lighting al~ng State College Boulevard in an ar.iount as deCermined by City Council resolutic 1. 9. ThaC a fee shall be paid to the C3~y of ~r.ahoim for trep ~lanting alonq State College Boulevard in an amount as detec•minod by City Council resolution. 5. That all non-comm•*r~3a1 Rtructures ~ro~ll be removeQ fr~m subjoct property. 6. That thc ownur of subjQCt proper~:y sha].1 submit a letter requosCing terminaF,:ian of Cond.itional UsQ Pormi+: No. 688 L•o the Zoning Uivii~3on. '2' PC88-321 .~.., ,~ • ',++,, . ', ~~ 7. Tha~ prior to r.he .introiiucti~n of an ordinance ~azoning subject proparty, Conditfon No3. 2 through 6, abave-mantioned, sha11 be completed. The pxov.i~iona or rights grantad by ~hic~ rosolution shall becoma r.ull and voicl by action of Lhe Planning Comm3ssion unloss saxd condition~ ~re com~li~d with within one yea~~ from the date of this resolut3on, or such f•arther time as th~ Plannino Commission may ~rant. ~i~~,; ,~ 8. Th~t approval of this agplicat.ion cunstitutes apQrova]. of tk-e ~roposefl rQqt,est only to tha extent that it complies with tha Anaheim Municipal Zoning ~;ode and an,y oCher applicable City regulations. ApFroval doas noti Anclude any ~criori or f.indings as to comp].iance or approval of the request regarding any other applicablo ordinance, regulation or requiremc~nt. ;, RF IT FURTHER RESOI.V~D that the Anuheim Ciky Planning CAmmission does hereby find and determine thaC adoption of this Resolution is expressly ~'~ predicated upon ppplicant'~ complxance with each and all oL the cond3.tions ,' hereinabove set torth. Sliould any aur_h aonditions, ~r any parC thereof, be declared invalid. or. unen£orceabl~~ by the final judgment o£ any courC ~f competsnt jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and auy approvals herein ~~ contained, sha1J. be deemed null and void. THF I'OREGOING RESOLU'~ION is signed and approvQd by mo this 21st day of Novembor, 1988. , , , !; .l.• ~...~_ J ~' l ,~-i~l~ ,r_~- CHA:IRNOMI+N, ~ ANAHEIM CT'iY ?LANNItJG COMMISSION ATTEST: -~ ` ~~~) r ~ (./t % ~~`1S[/~.~~~~..~ 5F,CRETA Y, 1-NJ-l;E'tbI CITY PLANNING COhIlMISSION STATE OF CALIk'OcZNIA ) COI)13TY Of' ORx-NGE ) ss. CI1'Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edit;h L. Harc•is, Secretary of thQ An~heim City Planii3nq Commissi~n, do hereby cortify that the fprQqoing resolution was passed and adov~ed at a maeting of the Anahaim City P:lanning Commisuion held on rtovember 21, 1988, by ~he following vote oE tho rr,embers thereof: AYES: COt~fISSIONERSt AOIJAS, BOYDSTUN, CARUSILLO, FEIDHAUS, HERBST, MC QURNEY, MESSE N0~5: ~P4rIISSIONERS: NONE ABSENZ: COMMISSIONEtt.~'i: CARU6ILL0 IN WI^'NESS WHI:NEOP, S huae hereuntu set my hand this 21st day of Novt~mber, 198~. `e:.u;~. . ~ ,~ ' __ _____`~~ , c~,,,~. SECRBTARX, ANAFI~IM CITX PLANNING Cqh4~fISSION -3- pcas-szi ; ;:~, . .: 7: