PC 88-329~Y~4 ~ R~SQ~TJTT9N N0, PC~E~B-~,2,Q A RESOLti'TION QE' THE ANAHEIM CITX PLAIvNING CdMTdISSION THAT P~;TTTION FOR CONDII'70NAL U5E PERMIT N0. 3064 BE GRANTED, IN PART WH~REAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission c~id receive a veri~iod PeL-ition for Conditional ilse Pez•mit from ME'?TLER ELC~TRONICS CORP., At*n Stephen Metl.lpr, 1430 S. Anahe.im Houlevard, Anaheim, CA 9280]., owner, and FAR WEST RANK, 2825 Wa1nuL avenue, Suite "B"o Tustiz~, CA 92G40, agent, for cc-:rtain r.eal praperty situaL•en in L-he City of Anaheim, County oE Orange, State of CG'ifornia, desc.ribed as: LOTS ].1 AND ].1 qF TRAC2' NQ. 33I3, AS SHOWN UN A MAP RECORU~:C IN HOOK 107, PAGES 34 TO 37 INCLUSIVE, MTSC~LLANEOUS P~fAPS, RECORDS QF ORANGE COUNTY, C7~LIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the City Plann.ing Conunission did holcl a public tiearing at the C.ivic: Center i.n L•he ~3.ty of Analieim on Sept~mber 26, 19G8 ~~ 1:30 p.m., notice of sxid public hearing :iaving been duly given as required by law and in accordarice wit:h the prcvisions of ~he Anaheim Muni~ipal Code, Chapter la.U3, to hear and considor ev.i.denc~ ~or and against said. proposed conclitiona.l use permit and to investigate and mako findings and recommandations in connection therewith; and saicl publ.ic hearing was continued to the me~tings of Oc~ober i0 and October 24, 1988, Nov~amber 7, 1988 and Decemb~r 5, 1988; and WEiEREAS, saic Commission, after due ziispection, investigation cnd study made by itself and in its LiehalL, and after due consideration ct all evidance and repoz•ts r~ffered at said hearing, does fincl and c~etermine the tollowing iacts: 1.. That t}ie proposod use is prop~rly on~ [or which a conditi.ona]. use permit is au~horizr~d by Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18.61.050,516 'to wit: to reta3n an auL•mobile sY,orage 1ot witb waiver oP the following; (A) ~E..~TI~A?~1 61 Q§~.~11 - Mirx~num frQnt~~.1~.~k. 1~-~~t1.~3 _Q13 (Required: ~~ ~~9~~rsm a P.Jr~fi.c'~~'.Y_~.~h.~.x s???~.$.s61.~9 Q~9_ ~ncl .5, fg~ t;qm m lo~~l .str~~; Proposed: 1Q,_;~~~ from Anaheim Boulevacd and n~ng from Palais Road) (E~! S~TIQr~ 1~.LG.~•9_S~E,Q.~1 - Re-3~ii'~.~ ;~tr ning,.~nc~ pn~lQ~ir3_4f 1~,~? .~_~_~~~.U _3_? Qu rL~o r 1~ s e s. ~.~.._~.4..4_$~.Q ~.4 ~.$ ._~1.9~• 4~ 1 ~~ l~~L~• S? 6~~_Q3 2 z• That the r~quested waivpr (A) is hereby grant~sCi on the basis thu~ there are sp~icial ci.rc;umstances applicab].e to thQ property such as size, shapo, topogrophy, l~cat.ion and surroi~ndings which do ~~ot tzpply L•o ol:her i~ontically zoned propprt;y .in thc~ same vicinity; aiid that strict applicaLior~ of. the Zoninq Code d~prives the property of privileqes enioyed by ~ther propprties in Che 3denticnl zone and classiffcGtion fn t!~g vic~nity. ,:_;~ 0569r PC68-a29 ~ / . . . . .. ~ ..... t .., .. ~: kl':~ yN . .NY'i ... . . I , ~ .~.,~,~,,, 3• That thQ request~d waiver (B) is hereby denied on the basis that it was deJ.eted in connect•ioix with the rev.ised plarzs. 4. That the proposed u~e will not adversely af.fe~t the adjoining land uses aiici ~he growth and devolopmont of Che arc~a in which it is pro~ased to ba located. 5• That the size and shape of the site proposed foL• tk~a usa is adequat;e to allow the full devQlopment of the pr~posed tise in a manner nok detr~mental tn the particular arQa nor r.o thP p~ace, health, safety and gerieral wc~lfare of thr~ CitizQ:~s of t~e City aF Anaheim. 5• imposed, That the if any granLing of the Condi~ional Use Fermit under the will crnditions genera]. , welfare of nor be detrimental t~ the pe~ce,. hea].th„ the Citizens cE L-2ie C it f A S3~e~y an~ . y o naheim. 7. undue bu That the rden upon traL•fii; gQnEratacl by the proposc~d usQ wi11 n~~ the streQt impase at~ ~.•~ff;~ s and highway, desigriod and improved to in the area. ca.rry ~h~ A• That nU one indicated t:~eir pre~enco at said public hear.zng in opposition; and that no correspondence was recei.ved in opposition to the subject petition. ~AL~FQRPITA ~NV~'RQNMENTAL_QL'AL' ITY AC_T FrtJUIiI~: Ttcat the Anaheim Ci+.:y Planning Commission has a•eviewed the propos~zl to re~ain an automobile skurage lot with wazvers of minimum front setback, and requirec~ screening, an3 enclosure of. outdoor usQS o~~ an iz•regu.larly-shapQil parcel of land consisting of sppraximately 1.8 acres locat.:d at r_1~e southeast corner o;f nalais Road and Anaheim 13oul~var.d, and ~urthar clescribsd as 143Q South A:naheitn Boulevard; and does herel~y apprave r.,he Neg~~ive Doclaration upon findf.ng that it has c~ansi~tered the 2Jegative Declaration together w.ith atty commonts received during the public review process and ~urt;~er finding on ~ho basis oE L-he iniri~tl study a:~d any comments xecoivad that thore is no substantial evidence that the groject will have a signifiGanL- effQCt on the environmetxt. 'i NOW, T.tiER~I'OP,~, S~ IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning ~ Commission does hereby gr;3rit subject Peti~ion Eor Conditional Use ~ermit, upon the £o1J.owing condit:tons which arE~ hexehy found to bs a nec~ssary ~ prerequi.site to the propos~sd use oP the subje~t property :a order to pres~rve the satety and genaral welEare of the Citizens of the City of Ana}iofm: + 1. That sidawalks ~hall be removEd and/c,r reconstructed. along Anahef~,i Houlevard as required by the City Engineer and in accorQance with standard plans ancl specification:~ on File in the AFEace of ~21Q Cxtj F.ngineer. 2. That the driveway on Anaheim Aoulevard shall be reconstructed to accommodate ten (10) foo': radius cur.b retu.ns. Ex~sting brokeu or cracked driveways shall bt removed and replaced as r~quirQd by the Clty Enginoer. 3. ThaL- a trash stor~age area ;stia~l b~~ pr~~ided a:id mai~.-ta;.n~d in a location acceptable to ths Stieet MaintenancQ and Sanit~ation Divi~ion end in acc~rdance wita approvocl nlans on fi]Q wiL-h said Division, -2- PC88-~29 : :~ ~~ - , , a ~ ~. That all small-car parking spac9s shall have a minimum w.idth of Aight (8) fec~t. 5. That the appropriate traffic signal z~sessment fee for r~utdoor use3 shall be paid to Lhe City ~f Anahexm in an amount as determii:~c~d by City Counc.il resolution. 6. That within a pe.r.iocl of ninety (9G) days from the ,:~c3te of thxs rdsolution, whichP~~er uccurs first, the lcgal owner{s) of sul~ject proper.ty sha11 executp and record a covenant in a iorm ~pproved b;r t.he Ci ,;y Attornc~y's 0£fice wherein suah owner(s) agroe not to contest khe fo•rmati~n af any nssessment dzstrict(s) which ~nay herea~ter be farmed pursuant to the provi~ions of AevQ~opment A~.reemerxt No. 83-~1 betv~~sen the City of Anahe3m an3 Anaheim Stadiwn Associa+.:es, which d.istrict(s) ~;ould inc;lude ::uch legal properl•y awner's property. 7. That a fee shall be paicl t:o t}ie City of. Anaheim for str~et ligllting along Palais Rozd in ~n amount as e~•r_ablished by City ~.:uuncil resolution. 8. That tlie appropriate fees due f~r primary r.iains, and Eira prott~ation service sh~.11 be gaid to tr,e Wat:er L1tiJ.iLy Division in accozdance ~witli . Ru1es 15A and 20 of the W~tter UY.;li.ty R~~tf3s, Rules znd Regulati<~ns. 9. That the proposal shail comply with al.l s3gninq requireme~ts of the ML "Industr.ial, Limir~d" Zone, unloss a variancQ allowing sign waiver;c is appxo~~ec~ hy the City Council, ~lanning Commission or Zaning Administrator. 10. Tinat the on-~ite lanclscap.ing shall bF ina:n~.ainA3 in campli.arice with C.ity stand~rds. : 11. Tp,at aubjoct proparty shall be dQVnlop~,d substant?a11x in accc~r<lanaz with , plans an~i specifications on file with r.he City of Ana2i~eim m~rl:eci Revicion No. J. of Extiabit No. 1 ancl Exhibit No. :. 12. rhat: Cond3.tion ~tos. 1~ 2, 3, 9, !5, 6, 7, 8 anc~ 11, ak+ove-rnentioned, shall be comp~e'ted within a period uf 9U days from the date of thi,s resAlution. 13. 7`hat ag~rnval ~L• this applicatio~- cons*it•ute:: appr~oval o~ the proposs8 request. anly tu the extent: that it complies with the Anaheim A4unicipal "`" ~oning Cocie and any other applicablQ City rogulations. ApprovaZ doea not include arzy action or fi:,c3ings ~s to cnmpliance or approvzrl of the request rQgarding any other applic~ble ~~rdi.na~ice, regulation or raquirement. DE ZT FURTHER RESOI.VET) that th~~ Anaheim City Plaiining Cor-mission does heraby f.ind and determin~ th~t adoption af thi.s Rasolution is eupressly predinated upoti applicarlt's ,:ompliance rrith eact~ anc'. a11 of the conditzons here3.nabove set for~k~. Should any such conditior~.s, ar any part the:reof, '~e declarefl :im~alid or '"~ unenforcemble by the final judgment of• any court of competent jurisdz~ct:ian, then ~;~~ thi~ Resolution, and any r~ppro~r~ls hE:r.ain contai~~ed, stiall be deem~d r~ull anc3 `, vnid. -3- PC88-329 ~'I, ~ ~ ';~ ,~.;;, ,, ;~4:': ~ ~ ~.~- . . . . . . . :~ S~'1:j~v, '`ii 'I' ;,~ . H41.~.. '~yy,Q i~ ~,11{l+j~j y~ ~+ _P ~ ~ 1 ~ `~ THE FOREGOINC RESOLUTI01~ is siqned and a~proved by me rhi~ 5th day af ~ L~ecember, 1988. ~, ~ ~ ..M.: G: '.~. ~; ~'~ ~'.'.c...:c :r.. •--' CHAIRFIOMAN, LANAHEIM ~TTX PL,ANt7ING COI•IIyfTS5IDid ATTEST: ~ ~ ~~Y,'~ ~~Ci[~-~`dir~._.~~_~~_ SECRETARX, ANAH~IM CI~Y PLANNING CbMM'ISSION ~lA'rE OF CAT~:CF4RIdTA of the A,naheim City Planning Commission held on December 5, 1988, by tie f~llowing vats of. the m9mbers ther.•eof: A.YES: CObII•SISSIOIIERS: BO'iJAS, BOY.DSTtTN, CAF2USILLO, L'ELDHAUS, HERBST, MC FiURNEX, MESSE NOES: CQMMISSI~NERS: IJONE AFiSENT: COMMISSTON'ERS: NONE IN WI'PNESS WHGREOF, I have hereunto sst r~y hand this 5th day of Aecember, 19880 COUN.T.Y OF ORANGE } ss. CITX AF T,NAHEItQ ) I, ~;dith L. Harri~, Secretary of the Anaheim City planning Commission, do ' hereby c~srtify that Lhe foregoing resolutian was passed and adopted at a meating 1 k1 ~~ p~~ ( ~I"'`-'C~c,~- S~:CRk,TARY~ ANAI~EIM CITY PL7+NNING COt~SISSTON ir~~ ~; ; S'T^ ~~, ' ~ ~~Yi ~ i~', ;,~(.; : ~ 1. ' y~1J1tE,. . 1~. i a~!'.. -4- PC88-329 ~ •~;i /.'S: I~ 4 ~: Gt /~ .....~ n J!.Y ~