725 ORDINANCE NO. 7~5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM GRAliTIH'G '1.10 SOUTHERl~ PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, A CORPORATION, AND SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO~~ANY, A CORPORATION. ITS LESSiE. THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT. UAINTAIN AND OPERATE THEIR STANDARD GAUGE RAILROAD TRACKS IN, UPON AND ACROSS SANTA ANA STREET AND OLIVE STREET AND OTHER STREETS Il~ THE CITY OF ANAHEIM. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS :. Section 1. That the right, privilege and .franchise be and the same 1s hereby granted to Southern Pac~ric Railroad Company, a corporation, and Southern Pacific Company, a corporat1on, its lessee, their successors and assigns, to construct, reconstruct, maintain and operate, for a period ott1tt..D{~5) years their standard gauge railroad tracks in, upon and aoross Santa Ana Street and Olive Street as now constructed in the City ot Anaheim. at locations and along the routes described sa tollows: 1. S1ngle track as now constructed in, upon and across Santa Ana Street beginning at a point 1n the northerly line or West Santa Ana Street, distant westerly thereon approxlmate17 160 re~t from its intersection with the westerly line of ~Vest Street in said City; thence easterly along said track 8S now constructed in Santa Ana Street to a point in the northerly line of East Santa Ana Street, distant westerly the~eon app~oxlmate17 50 feet from its intersection with the wester17 line of Y~oeger Street in said City. 2. Single track 8S now constructed in. upon and across Olive Street beginning at a pOint in the westerly line of Olive Street, distant southerly thereon approximately ,80 feet from its inter- section with the southerly line of said Santa Ana Street; thence southerly along said track as now constructed in Olive Street to the southerly City boundary line of said City. -1- ,. A side and house track in Santa Ana Street lying northerly of and parallel with said single track described in (l) above. beginning approxlmate17 at the easterly line of Olive Street and extending westerly to the westerly line of South Los Angeles Street. Together with such turnouts. cross-overs and con- nections as a~e now in place. Section 2. That the line of the said tracks in, upon and across the said streets hereinbefore named shall conform in all cases to the established grades of said streets where such grades have been established; and in all other cases the said tracks shall conform 8S nearly as p~acticable to the natural grades of the streets over and across which they may be constructed or reconstructed, and when at any time any portion of said streets shall be graded, paved or otherwise improved, or the grades or improvements thereof changed or altered by authority of said Cit~, the said tracks shall be, by said railroad company and its lessee~ their successors and asslgns~ m~de to conform to such g~ades so made, changed or altered. it required by the Council of the City of Anaheim. Section,. It is made a condition hereof that the Cit~ of Anaheim expressly reserves the right to grade, sewer, pave, macadamize, ~epa1rl Imp~ove or alter said streets or any part thereof~ and to lay down pipes fo~ wate~, gas or other purposes therein, all such work to be done by said City of Anaheim in such a manner to injure or obstruct the tracks and business of said railroad company or its said lessee as little as possible and in no case 80 8S to endanger said railroad or the operation of trains thereon. Section 4. Said tracks shall be kept constant17 in repair by grantees and all crossings flush with the streets, and paved O~ planked between the rails and within two (2) feet outside of the outside rails thereof. -2- 1 Section: 5 . The onere.tion 0 f the railroad tracks under 2 thiH franchi~€ s"ae.ll be su.bject to such regulatioi16 and conditions 3 bS :.06.;; be ree.f.:'OI".Lr,'~ly i).cef:~'cribeu from time to time by the Oounoil 4 of tilt Oi ty of An~heii:i!. 5 . Section;E~.. The terms, provisions and conditions of t:nis 8 frE..~.lol"~i8e anc. ~ll' t:l€ ri@~11t8, Dov:ers , privileges, obliga.tions, 7 lia,bil.ities C:,.I'j,ct duties 116reunder SllH.ll inure to and be binding~ 8 UDon the ~,rC'.ntee.':t a.rlC1. B.ny (;uccepP'JrF or assig;ns of said grantees. 9 Section 7. Ths..t tile gre,nteeB ilereof by the aoce'?tc1nce 10 of thi~; fI'hncL1Ee l.LerE:by ~';~..fre€ tu ,)c::.y to "the Ci ty of ana.heim tllE-' 11 f:xnenfies neceb~.;('.l'y" f:Jr t;::.e .)ublicb..tion a.nd. other expenses attend- 13 12 f nt U;'!'~111 t11€ ~. rl..."i"l ti l1l' !) f tl"li p fr t~:.ncl1i ee . 14 City ~ler"i{ :~f t14eCit~f 'Jf Analleil1., ,'r \'\Txitten acceptance of this Section'S. Tlwt ~he [rantees hereo~ shall file with the 15 freno:r~ ise wi thin thir ty" (30) days :.., fter tL.e !,jC1.ssabe .:)f this 18 or(~~ :inc,.nc€;: . 17 18 ~;ectioil ;:. T{i€ ~ity Jle.:~k: of ti.~eCi ty of Ane.JJ.eim shall ;;ertif'; to .~;Le ,. . ~ !il ~ Jr,5i:-..ctnce by o. t"lIo-thir6.s vote of :>b.$ E: {" t'e 0 r 19 :: 11 ..lif.. 'I.J€l'S :~j~"' t':It! :Jl t:.. 'J':'":..!.r.i.l.:~i.l .,f the said City b..nd ehcill Oi;:.-UE~ 20 t~~e Be ~.ie to ()f ,'/0..01iErlE;(.;.. .)nCt; in t:i.le Ana.heiw. Bulletin, a news- 21 ':Ju:nf:;r "f ~ tCl~l'c~;,l c irC\11L tion '"';,riJ.'i tB(: ar~c . ublishecl in the Ci ty i~)f 22 jdl[..~..ei..q ~"n(;. L.LJ.c~11 0eC:.)~~.t~. €i.-=ect~i\?e. t~::.irt~... (30) d.ays fromand 23 ~.:: t,.~ r t~Lle 6.\-,. tf () i i t E: finb..l )c.S E"f;,fe . 25 24 The fOrf~f:O ing :';rC:i inc:;..nce wa,f. {;.....jproved and signed by me this , 19--. 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 8th 6 fl.V .:'J f : JUDe . ... 1 c r-r -.,:,- ......... ,. .. ....... _.....~......_. ~_ ..__...-:.,.___.___..~_ .-"0... ._... .1. ji II I I 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. 2 CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 3 4 I, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do 5 hereby certifY that the forego1ng Ord1nance was introduced at a 8 regular meeting of the City Counc1l of the City ot Anaheim, held 7 on the 25th day of May, 1949, and that the same was passed and 8 adopted at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the Sth 9 dllY of June, 1945, by the following vote of the members thereot: 10 AYES: COUNCILMEN: Pearson, Van Wagoner, Heying and Pace. 11 NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. 12 ABSENT: COUNCILl.lEN: Boney. 13 AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anahe1m 14 app~oved and signed said Ordinanoe on the gth day ot June, 1949. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed seal of said City of Anaheim this gth day of June, 1949. 15 16 the 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~~ City. It of t e : - ~t Anaheim AFFIDA VIT OF PUBUCATION STA'rE OF CALIFORNIA ) )S8. County of Orange ) Richard J'lschle of ~aid county, being first duly sworn, says-that he Is a malE' citizen of the United States, and of the State of CaU- fornia, over the age of eighteen years: that he has no In- t(!1"E'st in. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned: th.a t 'he is the ..~~!.~.~~p~J.....~1.~.~~..... . ............................................ of th~ Anaheim Bulletin . - - -. - - ....... -. --. .-. -..-... ....--... ....- .".. ...... .................-.. --..... -- .-.-.. --.. -. --.- "'--"" ....................................... a...._.~~_!.~y.... new~paper printed. published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said . .~~~.~. ~.. .~~.~.~.~.~ ~~....... ...... .... .._............ ......._____m_.n.m...... is a newspaper of general cir culation with a Hst of paid flIubNcribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and I;'eneral news and intelligence of a general char- acter: that it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment of a parti cular class. profession. trade, calling, race or denomination. or of any number thereof; that It ha~ been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim. County of Orange. State of California for more than one year next prp.('edlng the firt:lt day of the publication hereto attached: that the . 2 ~.~.~.~~~. ~~.. ...~ ~.~_... .Z.?5..... ... .......- ..... .................-.....---.....-..... of which the annexed Is a printed copy, was published In one issue. sa i d newspaper at least...............____...__..____.............__..__.........._.........._ . 12th June commencing on the....................day ot ..................................._....... 19 _~ and ending on the..._._..........day of .....-........._...._..._.... . Ordinance 19 ...... and that sa ,d ................ ...n_........__.......................................... was published on the following days: .....~ ~~.~... ..~ ~__~_ ....~ .~~......... ........ ......... ......__.._....m. ................ ..n.... ............... ..... .~. ~..::..:.:.:. ..;z:~_n.. m:,m.'...:m:'2-.....:nm;.:-.:s:..... ~..~' . ...t..:4C~...........,r.~=Z..-~...........:... Subscribed and, sworn to before me thls.....L~....4a7 of ....................:.::~:~~~~~.~......_.......... Notary Publfc. UR Ul:\.\ ,.' E ., U. 1:::-. '1 ..N ORRIN .\.NCR 01"- 'rK'F. '.'1'1'" or,' .\ x .Un-:I:U GJl.\ ~'I" ,(:; '1'1) SOL 'rH~ I'JRN P.\(JiI1'IC RAn...u,," f'OMJ'I.\NY, .\ conpOR.\TIO.~. ,\~l) S01.;rr~R...'.)t.\.l:rFIC (..~O:!UP,\~Y. .\ ('OR'.on ,\.TIO~. I'rs .IAJ1~MS_l.:'.:, TH.gl:fl..S~~SORS ..\NO ASSf(".~XS. T."": IIIGH1' "'0 (.:O~STRl.T'r. f R.EC.....NSfJ1R'\R~'1.. "A IN'l';\I:\ .\ ~ U OPRR;\ T1': 'I'H f~ I It. s,o" N D \ RU GAtrOE RAn.RO,"-" TR..\{.K~ IX, r I"OX :\ xn .\('RO~~ s.\ ~'r,\. .\N.-\ STREET .\'~D (IIA\'E STRE.~1.' .\.ND OTH.tac. ~TJu:~~rrs I~ 1.'81': C'ITY 01" "\X,\HEIM. I THE CJ1'y COUNCIL OF THE CITY o Ii' AS'.\HEIM DOES ORDAIN I AS FOLLO'" S: ! SECTI0"!' 1. That thp rlg-hf. r".i\"ile~e Rnr1 f1.anp.hi:::p. h~ anri the I &l1me is herphy ~l"antpfi t.'o Sout hp.rn Pacifk Hail"(HI,tJ Conl1"ll-l.n ~', A. C.OI'I'or- atiQn, and Southprn Pacifir. Compan;\p. ;t r:orporatil)ll, Hill If''sgee-, their 8\1("." cessors and ::uu1igns 1.0 constru('t. l"E'col1st.ruc;t. Jnaintain l-I \HI ,operate, for .. period of fjft~en (15) :rears their standa.rd g'U8.ge raih'oad tracKR in. I upon and aCl"l)SR Santa. Ana. Rtreet and Olive Street as now constructed! in the City of Anaheim. at location a'nd along the rOUles described as I follow s: I 1. Single i1'ac'k a8 now c'onl'Ct'.llA'~ted In. upon =tnd 3r;l'n~s ~anta Ana.,' Street bc:-gin ning. at a. point In' the northerly Hnp of ,v...st Sa.nta. Ana ~treet. distant wf".sterl~' thereon approximately 160 fep.t fl.l)m I it.s Interf';pction with the wp~terly Hnp. of 'Vest Strpp.t in ~aid Ci t~.; I t.henC'p. f'8ste1"ly along said tntr.k R.S now c'onstl"tt(,t.E'd in ~a.nbt .\.na I 8trect to a point in tht:'! northerly line of EaRL Santa ,!,\na Strept. db;tant wefllterly thp.1..enn approximately 50 ft;l't from it~ inter- I st"ct.101l Yfith the westerly line of :K,'oeger Stnct in said City. I 2. fo=in~le traC'k as now constructed in, upon and a('rO~8 Olive SU'eet 'tleginnin~ at a point In thp- westerlY' line of OPive StreE't., di~tal1t Roouthel.ly t.hE'reon a.pproxima.tely 380 feet fJ.om Ita i.ntp.Tse('tion with th~ sout.herly Hne of said Santa Ana St1"f~Pt.: ,thence 80uth- ~dy Rlong said track R.8 now c~onFtnH"t~d in Olive. Sti.eet to the southc,'l~. ('"ity. boundary line of said City. . I. A sirle ;;tnd house track In Sant.a Ana Strl"'E't h"in" northerly of H.nd parallel with said single trat'k des~ribed in. (1) R.hove, be- ginning- approximately R,t thf> E"astprh. line of OlivE" Street B.nd pxtending westerly to the westerb" line of South Los Angeles Street. . Together with .uch tU1'1'I.out", r.r03S-0\"f'!rl; and connections as a.t'f; now in plaf'p. . . R"ECTIO"N' 2. . That t.hl'! line 0' the s;:sid trA.(']o~ in.- upon And across thp lICaid st"f'pt ~ 'hpreinbpf-ore named l'ilhal1 ("onfoJ.m in a II (.IU'U'Ill' t n the stRblished gl"Oldp's of said sh'p.p.ts \\--'here llIuch ;::'Tl'ld('lij hwve been elolta h- .i~hed; 8.nrt i!'l. ::111 olhp'l. (,i'l'lle~ t'h~ saici 11"af'ks l'll'hal1 ("nnfo\"111. Rl'l: npa1"lv mlJ \ ~actlcable tot hp nahlTA.1 Iil;'rades of the ~trept!:; 0\'F'1" and IH'1:0AS whh~h i.ey may be t'n\1~t'.lleted nL' recnnFltrl1ctE'd. find when at. any time any :.,'Uon of sa id li'tTE'et.S shR.ll hp. gral1ed, plu",d nr (\therwil'lip. Impl"ovpd. ('\r .': grades 0" i111f".ovenlents thpt"(>nf ('hA.n:;r(~ri 01' Alte1.ed hy authority of' :I City, thE'! ~R.;d t.rack~ shall hp. by li'R.ir.l I'ailroarl e(\mpany B.nd its , 5ee. their fo;\lN'pl-=Flnr" a.nft aFlF;i~nlll. nlaflp to conf.r-,r'm to. l'illlC'h 2;l'ad(>s , made, ChRl1ged or altered. it reQuired b~' the Coul1cil of the City ot :;;;; !l'hpfm. I.~ SECTIOS'~. 1( IR madp i' (~ondition 'hp.I'pof t hA t. the ,.jt Y or Anahp.i11l I Ire.asly re~P1"'eFl the '.ight tn J;:"l.'U:lP. ~ewel., P:H'('. rn"w'Hh'l.mi~E"'. repair. )rOVe or i'ltF'l. sairl Fltl'p.ets or any pATt thP1.p.of. ~lnri to l:t~' rtnwn pillAS water, J1rr'lS nr othPI~ purposes thE-rein. 3.11 Sl1(.h W01.1<: to h(' donp hy d. City of AllA.llpim in ~1.1ch a. mR.nner t.o iniu1"p or obllltruct thp t1.ack'3 I t busineFs of Faid raflroaf! company or its ~::Iiri lpFlll~e RllJ littlE'! ~.l1 l !Fllble and in no case so as to endanger said railroad or the operation I trains thfi",.('nn. RECTJON 1, !l;ald tl'af'klll shHl1 hA l<c:-pt ('nn~t.~lnt1~. in renail. hY' L1Jtees and R 11 c'.nllt~inl:'llI flush with tltp Rtref't.s. ani) flR ved 01. 'Plankecf :we(:lon the rails and. within two (~n feet outside of the outsid-e rails. !rflof. . SE~TJO:."r 5. The OPp.L"R,tinn n1' tl,e railroRrf tl'RPkll: 111lde.. thi.~ ft~an- :se shan hp. l'luhjed to l!ltJ("h Tp.Ji;'ulationR Rnn r'onditionfll ::1~ }T1::1~; hp. l"SOnably 'Prescribed from time to time by the Council of the City of .aheim. S'P.C'T'TO~~, The tenllllJ. Jl,.o,-j!';ions a.nn l:otl(litinl1l'l or thiA fl.atH'hil't~ ., all the 1'i~ht:r;::. 1l0WE\1.S. 'PdvileJ:'E'f!. ohligat;nn:'l, 1iahi1itie~.. ttnfi c'lutiellJ reunner ~hRl1 inU1'e to and bp. binding upon t.he gra.ntee~1: and any . CCPAFlor~ .01. R~Si;:l1S of Rain Jitr::lnteelll. ' ; .. SECTIO;\" 7. That thp ~l..antl:'es hE'l.N,f h~' fh~ R.(:I'('ptRflff or this anchlFlp. hpl.eh~' R.~rp.e tn llay t,o thr City of ,\na.h.etrn the' xpenl'les !r.eflsary (01' rlH' lluhlkati-on and otl1~1" CXIH'nSN!l attendant;' . on the .ant.in~ nf thia franchise, .. .SECTTON~. That t'he ~rRntpC:-fi hE'rr.-of. ~hl:l11 fill" with tl,p ..rlp.rk · the ~it.y of .\nRhdm. a. wrlUpn aec(''Ptan{'~ of this fran . ::within lirty (:~O) r!ay~ aftel. the pltll!sa~p. nf this orr'linlln,"p. . , . . SECTTO:":~. Tl,e Ctty C'lP.l'k nf the ~ity of .'na.1H~il11 sh' , t.he 'HIF!';~l:r(" or this ordina..n{'p by a two-thinl:::; "otp of al' riI'p.mhers f thp. City f'oun("il of thp. CH~' and sha.ll ca.t1~e the Ramf> to h.f'!' pllblillthp.d .nce'ln tl1P Anaheim Bulletin, a newSpal'e1' of ilrC"n,."al c.l,'eulation pr;nt- .-1'1 a.nd ll11bli.F;l1('d in th~ City- of Anahpim. and 8ha11 hf'('nme effective thirty (~:O) ("11-1:'"1" ('.tlm anl'1 ;il.rtPl' fhE'. dRtp of: itf'; finll.l pll~sag..... The fOl'c~'ni1l"Q' Ordinance \Val" approved and :o;igned by me this 8th day of June. l' 1~. . . rH.\ nL~~ .\.. 'Pr~.\ R~O~ ')fl\~.or, ("it~- .nf .\nahetm ATTEST: CHARLES E. GRIFJ'ITR . City Clerk of the City o! Anaheim . '(SEAT..) . '8TA.~~ OF CA"LJFOJJ,NIA ) ,COUNTY OF ORANGE )... ~.\ CITY OF ANAHEIM) .. I. .CHA~tJER E. QRIFFITB, CttY,Clerk of the City of Anab.I~. do herehy certIfy that .the foregoing Ordtn,:nce.' W8,S Introdueed ..t a reg-: ular :meeting of t~e 'CI.t". Council ;Of the City of Al'\ahetm. held OR tht J.6~..."4ay of 1\fay, 19,.... and that Ute same was passed and,., .s,dopted at .. r~.U'lar mef!tt'ng of ....id City ~cou~n held on the 8th day .of June, 19'1. br. the folJowtnJl' vo.'M '1f the m~in~rtJ thereof: . '. '.: .^- YES: COUN~N: Pearson. Van Wag'oner. He}'In,g aiid Pace.. ~NOE.S: COUNCXLJlEN: None, . , . ABSENT: COUJ(.CILMEN:' Bqney. ... . . ,. . . AND I FURTltl;1,t C~rRTJi'Y tttat the. MaYor ot" the City ot AnahellO apprQved and silr'ne.,i1J~fd Ordina'n~ On the -8th day of June, 1941. .. . . '.. IN WTTNmAS WHEREOF, T hf.ve hereunto set niy harid a.Dd affiJ.t4: th_ seal. of said Clt'Y Gf Anaheim-thIs 8th day. of .Tune, 1 f:' . ; . '. ._- . . CHARLES E, G FFrt'H . City ,Clerk of the .Ct of Anahel" .... t(SEAL) P~b.' J~~e 12, 1.948 ~ --:.