PC 88-335, ~ l~ ~ ~'Ly R E SQ_~.9T ~.Q.~._~~._~'S~Q_~.~ ~ : A RGSOL'JTION OF THB ANAHEIM CITY PLA2dNING COMMISSION THAT PETJTIOt7 FOR RECLASSIFICATION 2d0, 88-89»22 BG GRI-NTED WNERF.AS, the Anaheim Ci~y Planning Commissfon did receive a verifiAd pet3 tion for P,eclassiticali.on fram DiJRFEF GARDcNS, FARTNERSHIP, 17pp Raintree Ro.,d, Fiillerton, CA 92635, owner, and llR. RONALA -~ROWL~X, ].700 Rt~intreQ Roa-d, Fu1lQrton, CA y2G35, ager.t, or cQr~ain real proper.ty siCuated in the City ot Anahoim, Coiinty oL• Or.ange, State nf (;alifornia, described as fol2~ws: BEGINNING AT A POTNT IN THE NORTFi LINE OF VTNFYARD ''J1 A-•l, AS $FI4WN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOGK 4, Y'AGF;S i' 629 ANn 63U OF DEEAS, RGCORDu OF ~,OS ANGELES COUNTY, ~• CALTF'ORNI1~, SAID PTNT BEING 164 FEET WESTERLY OF THE '' NORTHFAST CARNER THEREOF, R~lNNIrIG THE~TCE SUUTHERLY } PARALLEL TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF SATD L~T, 225 I'L:ET; THENCE WES'TEkI~Y PARALLEL TU TEiE NARTFIERLY L'!NE OF SATB LOT 75 FF,E1; THENCF, NORTHERLY PARALLEL TO SAxD ~:ASTERLY LI-~1°, 225 FEET TO A. POINT IN THE SATD , NORTF3ERLY LINE; THEc1CR EASTEKLY AI,ONG ~AID NCRZFIERLY L'It7E 75 FEET TO THE P~~INT OE BEGINNING. THAT PORT.ION OF I,OT A-1 OF ANANEIM 'JINEYAfiD, IN THE CI'PY OF ANAHEIM, COliNTY OF ORArIGE, STATE OF CALIFORNTA, AS PF.R MAP RECORUEU IN Afl!)K 9 PAGES 629 AND 630 OF' DF.EDS, RECORUS OF LOS ANGEL~S COUNTY, TN THE OFFICE OF TFiE COtINTY RECORDEI2 OE $AID COJNTY DESC~TBED A S ~OLI,OWS: , BEGINPIING AT A P~INT IN THE NORTH L.l'NC QF LOT A-I A5 SHOWN ON A_ FfAP RECnRDED IN }300K 4, PAGES b29 AND 630 OF DuGDS, RkCORDS OF LOS ANGELES COU~TY, CAL,TFORNIA, SAID POYNT B~ING 239 FEET WcSTERLY OF TNE NORTHF.AST CORIiER TIiEREOF, ltUNNING THEPtCL SOUTHERLY PARAi.LEL TQ THF EASTERLY L7NB Ok' ~~ ID f,AT, 225 FFET; THENC~E WF,STERLY PARALLEL TO :t1E NORTHBRLY LIl7E OF' SAID C,O., 67.5 FEET; THENC~ NOETiiBRLY PARALLE:L TO SAID EASTFRC~Y LIPiE 225 FEET TO A POINT IN SAID NORTHEHLY i.INE; THENCE NORTII~f:LY PARA[.LE;L TO SAIA ~ASTERLY LINE 22~a FEET TO A .POIN2' IN SAIU N~RTHERLY LINE; TIl~;NCF EAuTETtLY t\LONG SAIU NOl2TFIERf.Y i,TNE 67.5 F~ET TO THE POINT OE' IIGGINliTNG. WNEREA~, tho riry Elannin~~ Commission did hold a puk>lic hearing ~,t tlie Civic Cc~ntQr in the Cir.y oE Anah~.im an Novem~er 2I, 1~88, at 1:30 p.m., nuticQ oC said public hearing having boQn duly yiven as r.equiroci by law and i.n accordanco wlth tho pr~vi3ions of the ~nahe.im Mur-i~ipa2 Coclo, CtiaptRr 18.C~, to t~ear and co»si~d~r evidonce :Eor ancl against said pr~poseci reclassffication and Lo in•~QUr.igar.o and make findir~gs and recommenc]ntfons in connecrion the.c~wir.h; and aafr,i ~uhlic hcarinq w~s cuntinued ta t:he rt;eoting of Doc~mber 5, 29R8; ancl 05'l5r ~1_ PC88-335 : f: ;;.~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ which ara hereby fou»d to be a noc~ssary prereguisiL•e to the praposed use of subject property in order to proserve tho saf~sty and gon~ral welfar•e of the Citiz~n~ o~ the City of Anaheims 1. That a E~e shall be paid to th~ City of An~heirn .for stree~ lAghting along Norrh 5troet in an amount as r~stabli~had by City Cour,cil reaolution. 2. That the legal owner of subject property shal7. irravocably offer to ;~.;; dedicate to the Ci~y of l~naheim a strip of 11nd forty five (45) fee~ in ;; wiath irom the centQrline of. the sL•reet 31ong East StreeC for stret~t widening purposes. 3. That a cash pzyment shall be made tfl the City of Anaheim for the cost of the removal of existing sL•reet improvements along East Stroet and reconstruc~ion/construction oE full street improvements at the ultimare ].ocatio.n. 4, That a fee shal7. be ~iaid tn the City of Anahoim for tree planting alqng North and Gast Stceets in an amourit a3 ?stabli~k~od by City Council resoiution. 5. Th~t t?ie owr~Qr of subject property stxa.ll submit a 1Qtter requestinq termination oF Roclassif.icatiun No. RS-89-07 ana Variance 2Ia, 3822 to t.he Zoninq Division. 6. 'fhat in the event a parcel map is not rc~corded combining the four (4) existing lol:s, thQ leq~l property ownor shall furnish th~ 2oning Division with a copy af a recorded covenant and agrc~ement in a form approvi:d by tne City ht~orney agreeinq to hold subje~t property as one (1) parcgl. 7. That rr3.or to the introduction of an ordinance rexoning subject property, Condition Nos. 1 through 6, above-•mentioned, shall be completod. ThQ pr~visior,s or rights yranted by this resolution ,hall becone null and void by acti.on ~f tti~ Planning Convnissip~i unlesz saicl conditions are complied with within one year from rhe date of this r~tsolution, or such iurthor timQ as the Flanning CornmissioY~ ma~ gran~, 8. That epproval ~f ;:his application constitute~s approval af tha pr4posed reque~t only to Che eactent that it c~mplies with tho Anahe3.m Municfgal Zoning Code and any ather applicable City r.eg~ilations. Approval doe:a not include any act:an or f.indings aa to compliance or approva7. of the request rRyprding any ~ther app73.cablE ordinance, regulation or requirem~nt. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anat~eim CfCy Planr.ing Commission does horeby find and der.ermine that adopkion of rhas Rosolution is expressl}~ predicated u~on ~pplicant's compiiance with each and all of the conditi~ns horeinabove seC forth. Should any such c~nditions, or any part theraof, be d.eclar9d invali~l or unenEorceable by ti-o ffnal judgment ot any c;ourt of compet~nt jurisdiction, then stiis Rosolution, and any approvzla herein conta.ined, shall be do~med null ancl void. __.:_~ '3" P(:Oa-335 -~~ .;.~,-r ::..; _ . :,,, .. ;;: :,, a ,~' ,~ % ~v~;•F1 WHEREAS, said Commission, aLter and study mado bx i~sell and an its hQhal~, and evicience and xepor.ts offdred at said ~~caring, followinq facts: ~ due 3.n~pection, invQSt3,gatian aflec due ~onsideration of s~ll does ~incl and c~etermino the l. That thQ petitioner proposc~s rec:.assif.ication of subjoct ~roper~.y from rhe RS-7200 (Rosidpntial, Singl~-~amily) Zone to the RM-3000 (FtQSidential, Mu.ltip]c~-Camily) or a le~ss int~nse zone. 2. That the An~heim General Plan designates suhject property f.ar L~ow-Modium Dcnsity RQSiden~ial land us~s. As ap~,roved by the City t:~uncil on 3antiary 2G, 19f18, under Gener~l Plan Amendment No. 23G. 3. Th3t t,he prop~.,ed reclassi£ication of subject property is nec~ssary and/or desirabl9 for tne orderly and proper develn~,ment of the communi~y. 4. That the proposed roclacsificatian of subjec~ property does properly relate to tihe zones and Cheir permittecl uses loc~lly established in c.lo5e proximity to subject pro,perty a~:d ~o the xones and their pe:mitited uses generally establ.ished L-hroti~hn,~r r-,.. ~~~.M;;.-t ~... ...,.r . 5. That the pxoposed reclassif•ication cf aubject property rHquires the dediaation and imprcvement of abuttiriq streets in accnrdance with L•he C.irculation Element. of the General Plan~ due to the anticipato3 i.ncrQaso in traffic wY-.ich will b_ gonerated by the intQnsification oP land use. 6. Z'hat twelve ('12} peop:Le inc3icatr~d their px•esence at said public he:~ring in oppositi.on; and that no correspondence was receivad in oppoe;ition to subaect ~etition. ~ALIF' RNIA __EIJVIRONM£NT'~_QUALITY A~T_FII?DIKrG: That the Anaheim C.ity Planning Commission has reviawed tho proPos~l to raclassify subject pr.aperty fLOm the RS~~2C0 (Residenti~~l Single-Family) 7.one to the RM-30U0 (Ra3idential, Multi-Family) or a.~ess iatense zon~ to permit a.1 and 2 story, 21-unit "afforclable" condominiiim complex with •.vaivecs o:f minim+un bui.ldir.g site arE~t~ pgr iiwolling un.it, maximum structur•al height, minimum £ront yard setbzick, minimum :-ear yard setback an~ minimum recraaCianal/leisure area or~ an irrcgularly-shaood parcol of land cox~sisti;~~ ~f approx3.mately 1.28 acres, .located southwest of thQ sout}iwes~ carr~er o~ North and East Strc~ets having approximato frontage: uf 145 feet on the west side oE East Street and 142 Eeet on the suuth side of North Stroet and further describod as 747-755 North East Street; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration upon ~Eiradinq that it has considc~red thcs Negative Declaration togPthAr wfth any comment~ recctived during the public revS.~w process and furCh~r Eindinq on the ba3Ss of thQ iiiitial study and any r~orrrnonts received that th~re is no ~ubstantial avidence th~.t the projec+:.-~i1.1 huve a sfgnifi~ant e~fect on the euvironmRnt. 2~OW, TEiEREI'OR~, BE IT RESOLVED that kho ~lnahe.im Ciky Planr~3ng C~mmis~ion does hereby grant subject Fetiti~n for Reclas~ificaCion and, b~ so doing, that Tit1e 18-Zoninq of ttie Anaheim Muni.eipal Cocle be amancied to ~xc:lude tho above-described pr~perty from the RS-7200 Zone an~ to incorF~orate srsid describecl px•a~erty ir~to tho RM-3000 Zone uP~n thE fol:owing conditfor.s °z- PCBtI-335 ~ w t~~~ ~ ~ . ' `,~ ~ ~ ~} v• 4~ ~ ~.: ~',, . .. ;:1;,'~ v TH~ FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by mo this 5th dt~y af Uecember, 19A8, , ; / .•? r'i ' ._._ r GU-G ;• ~~. /l ~r~ +~=-~c._--.. CHAIEtWOMAN, •'ANAHFIM CTTY PLANNING COI~4+dISSIpN ~' ::} ATTEST: ' `;,: ,~ ~' ' ~ " G, ~` , r~f ~, __-~~ w-, :;; ; S~:Ck2ETARY, AIIAHEIM CIT'I PLANNI2dG COMMISSiON ~~' STATr OF CALIFORNIA ) r;, ~; ;~ COUNTY OF URANGE ) ss. 'i~. ~' CITY OF ANAFIETM ) ; F d I, Ectith L. Harris, Secrotary of the AnaYiei.m City Planninq " '1 Gommission, do hc~raby cortify L•hat the forogaing resolutiun was nassed and ~~ +' adopted at a moehing ~~f tha Anahelm Ci.ty Planr.ing Commi~sion held on Docember ' Sth, 1988, by thQ followina vote of tne members theroox: ~ ~', AYES: COMMISSIONcR5: IIOUAu, BOYDSTUN, CARliSILLO, FELAHAUS, H~RBST, ~ r`; MC. BuRNEY, MESSE; NOES: CGbSMISSI6NERS: NONE ~ ABSB~IT: COI~MISSIONERS: NONE IN AIITNE:SS hiHEREO~, I have hereunto s~t my hand this 5th day uE ~; December, 1988. .., i { ~.~i~- ~J. C` ~-Y~.c.i y-- '~ SECRETARY, AIi1~HEIN, CITY PLAN~ COMMISSION ~ .. , ;' 'g' PC88-335 "'' '~I;: a {~rs ~ k.i~