PC 88-339.~ .,Yxa N4~~!R ,~ . RE$QLUT~UN N,Q~p~g~-339 A RF,SOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSION MODF.FXING CONDITIArYS Or AFPROVAL GRANTED IN CONNECTION WITEI CONDII'TUNAL l;: ~, PERMIT PERMIT N0. 2978 WHEftEAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission diii recezve o, verif3~d PQtiti~n far modification to conditioris adopted in connecY_ion with apnroval of. Conditional Use Pex•rnit No. 2978 trom CANYON ACRES RFSIDENTIAL CENTER INC., ATTN: DANIEL MC QUAID, 233 S. Quintana Anah~im, CA 92t30o, owner; and WIiEREAS, on ,Ian~:~ary 1a, 198fi, the Planning Commission egproved Conditional Use Permit No. 29'i8 by Resoluti.or- Nc~. PC 88-31 to expand an Qxisting l~c,arding and lc;dging h~mo For 40 dependent ehi].dr~n, including the constructaon of three (3) addit.ional to~i-beciroom resiciences, a g~xage storage buil~ing ana conversion uf an ~xishing ranch h~use intu an oPfice and multi-purpase admiiiistrah.ion building; and WHERFAS, Resolution No. pC86-31 conkainQd the fullowing condition: "19. That siibjech pr.ope~•~ ~. 5ha1 ~~::~~ developod subst.antially in aecordance ~vith p2ans and specifica~ions on iile with thQ City of Anahiom marked ~xhibit Nos. 1 through 4; pr~vided, however, that the parlcing lot shall be paved with turf-block to give the appear.ance oE a lawn to residents ir. the hil.iside above 7ookir~g down on th~ lo.., and that minimum twenty--four (24) inch box trees shall be planted a~jacent to the prnperty 1ine." 4VHERBAG, thA applicant requests modificah.ion of Cnnd.ition No. 19 per. t~ri:iing to turf-block installati~~n. WHBREAS, the City Planning Commission dicl hold a publ:ic hearing rat the C~vic Center in the City of Anahaim on December 5th, 19F38 at 1:30 p.m., notice oL sai8 g~.iblic tiearing having ~een du~y given as required by law and in accoraAnce with th? provisions of ths Anahaim Municipal C~de, Chapts~r 18.03, tu hear and cor~sidAr evidence ior e~r.r? aqainst said proposed modification to conclition~l usc~ perm.it and to inve~tigat,a and make findings and rQCOmmendations in c~nnaction thPrewiCh; and WHGREAS, said Cornmission, after ilug inc~e ~tfon, f.nvestigalion and study ma~a hy its~lf and ir- iCs beha~.f, and aft~r due consideration of all evidence and reports oftered at said hQaring, does find and iietermine tk~e following facts: ~~ Th~~ ~:« .:v~,uir;.ion requzring turr.-b.lock installation for the parking aren surface be muilified to allow the fnstallation of an aspha2tic concreto parking area for t)~e ~ollowinq reasr~ns: a. That turf-block is dosign~d primarily for .infr~iquent vt~hi.cular traffic. The use of. the matsrial on .3 daily basis in a parking area w.~alci r,au3e exce~sfve wear in lhe trafffr. lanes and reK~.~l r. in thc groaa surface weariny away; 0579r -~- PC88~-339 ^;% ";I ~ ~ ~ b. Tha~ the automobiles parked on t}ie grass during ciaylight would cause uneven growth ~f tho turE and/or cau~e the turf material to die; and c. Th~r ~oLx~o-chc~mical oi7, drippiny~ t'ram nutomobS.les would ki1J. th~ turf. 2. '.fha~ the purpose of. ~ho Planning Gommissic+n's condition rpquiring turg-block was ~o mit•igate the view for suri•ounding neighburs, and the petitioner is proposing to plarit 4 ac~ditional 24, inch box tre~s alor-g the north side of the parking axea, (in addition to t.he currant screen planting) if aspY-a.ltic concrete parking area is approvedj and that pe~itioner stinulated ~~ the, publi.c Z~e~rinq to plant, at least five (5) 15-gallan tre~s an the south sdge of. the parking lot. ALI ~RNXA Er'VIRQP7ME;N. AL Q~IAL~ITY_ ACT FTyDING; 'Shat ~he Anaheirn City Planning Commxssion has roviewed th~ proposal to modify tho candi~ions of approval in connection wi~h said condi.tional use permi.t ttnd does herr~by find th~t thQ previously appraved neaative d~sclaration ap~,rovec~ on January 18, 1988, is adequate to sQrve as environmenta: documentation in connection wzth sul~ject requesL. NOW, THERErORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Anatiaim ~:ity Planx~ing Cummission. does hereby approve the rexuest to amend Condition No. 19 of Planizing Corrunission Resolution No. PC 88-31 to reacl as fol~ows: Tha~ subject property shall be developed substantially in accordazice with p1anA arid sgoc:i£icatzons on file wit'h the City a.f Ar.aheim Marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4; prav.ided, laowever, tnat the parking lot sh~ill ~+e paved with asphaltic concrete ancl tk~at minxmum twanty-foiir (24) inch ;;i~e~ box trees shall be plantad adjacent to the prnp~rty Zines, and additionally, that a~ le3st four 24-inc:i box treos shall be planted adjacent to tlie north edge of the p~rking lot and at least five (5) 15-galton trees shaal bo planteci adjacent to the south edqe of. tt~e parking lo~." THE FOREGOING RE~OLUTION is s.ignQd and approved by me thxs 5th day u~ December, 1988. ~, , ~ .~ r ~' . /' ~".A.~~ ./ ~'' ' ~ ~'G~ rC-.~ CHAIEtWOMAN, AI~(AHEI~S CITY`P~,A.NNING C~N,~fISSION ~~ -Z_ tv:~ .n. .. . . _ ., ~ ~ __ k~C88-339 ~ ;'i 1~~ i .~~ ~ 4 ~ '';~ . ~ , . . '~f ~, •' ~'r' ,,: ~::aj ;4,~1 ~~~ ~ .~.~.., AT:CEST: () ..~J`' ' ,~. ' _~.~- ~~ - ~ ~--/ SEGRETARY, ANAHEIM CI~Y PI,A.NNING COty4dISSION STATE OF CAL'IFORNIA NOES: COMM~SSIONhRS: NONE ABSENTs COhIIySISSIQNEI2S: NOZTE TN W'lTNESS WHEREOF, I have her~un~o set rny han~i this 5th. day of December, 1988. ~~~ c.~~, ~:? J/~ _ _ ~-~~.,.t~.a,., ~._ Secratary, Anaheim City Planning Commission ~ ~ „~ ~r, ,;,t? ~z ,~~ •~.-~ ti,~:~ `: I ~ ti COLTNxY 0~' ORANGE ) ss , CITX O1 ANAHEIM } `% I, rdith T,. Harris, Searetary of the Anaheim City Planning Commissipn, du hereby certify that the Eo.regoing resolution was passed and aclop~ed at a mcs~ting of the Anaheim ~itx Planning Cummiosion reld on Decembor 5, 1988, bx the Eol?lowing vote of the members ther.eof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, CARUSILL7, FELDHAUS, HERBST, MC BURNEY, MESSE !'' ~': „ ,. ~3- PC88-339 4. '~ r . , ~~~