724 LEGAL NOTICE, .. . . .An.a1:~e.1 n.. .o.u.ll.e.~i.n.-- .......--... ...............-..........................__ ORDINANCE NO. 7:W: .:\.1' ORD1XANTJ~ OF THE CITY OF A~AnEUl )1.'IXING 'l'IIE A)IOr3iT 01:1' '.rll"~ 1.)!"}t'lCIAl. Ut, :\D:S Of" 'l'HE CLERK, THE 'fBE.\.8URI:!;R, (:HlJo~F OJl' POLleE ~'XD UI1'}7 .JLDG,(~ o Ii' T.Ut<.; (:t..,l.. Oli' .:\.~ A.- H~J.U, :\.'\1) l\~I'I';AI,I:\G OJUJI- N.\.l\iCE so. :;;2 B.E.~G "A~ onD- INA~C~: OF 'rHE CI'I'1' U!\' AN.\.- HEUl ~"'IXJNG TJlI~ AlIOUNT oar 'l'HIt~ Oli'}t'u.a.-\.I. RO~US OF '1'HM CL~KK. TREASliR....JR, :\I.'\.RSHAI.. A.ND nl~COnDJI~R 014" THE CI')'\" 01<.' A~"-H.l'i~I:t(". AND llEPE.U.- I1\"G On.DIXAN{~E XO, 71:l BIt-;ni (; ~\ ."lU:.~lnlEX'l' Tn 'I'HE S.\ID I OltDJNA :.\"C~ NO. li72. I THE ell'\" COU~CJ.l... IJl'~ TIU~ . C.l'l'Y VI" .\~AHEUl DOES ORDAIN AS l"OLLO.WS; SgC'l'lO~ 1. Ordina.nce No, 5 j ~ entitled "An Or-dinanee of the Cit.~- of Anaheim fixing the amount of the official bonds of the Clerk. thE> '1 Treasurer. ...\18. l"shnl 1:I.nd !~ecordl'l' l:l nd .Repealing Ordi.m:.Il(:e No, :;20 or I t.he City of Anaheim entliled '.An Ordina.nc.:e :Fixing the Amount of the J Official Bonds of tilp. Clerk, 'l','es;a- . l:re". )'I.arsha land R~c(Jrd('r of lIw ~ I Cil;v or .:\naheim'," a.nd Urdtnall('p . l.:\o. 712 entitled. "Au Onl ill~nce or ! the City or ,Allah.eilH alllenrling Sel:- , ! lion 1. 01' OrdinRDc'P. So, 5;2 .h~in~ I "A.!l Ol'dilHuwe of t.hp. Cit~. of Aml- h,eim fixing' the amount of the oifl- cial. bonds ot the Clerk. l'reasurt>'., :\larshal and HecOl'dpr and Repp.:.tl- ing Ol'diTIRnce No. 5~O of tl1e City of Anaheim entitlt:d '.-\n Ordina.lll"8 1'ixirig the amount of the ofl.'ieia i bonds of t.he Clerk, Tn::al'lurer. Ma..r- )o;hai and Re(:ordt>f or the Cit~' of Anaheim.... R nd a.ll other Ordil1anee:-: and parts or ordinH.nces in confliPt I with the Jll"ovisions of this Ordi.n- I' aut'\? are hereby rCJlcalc:~d. SI~C'rJO~ 2. Before ttil;! ell tn' up- on tine dut.it\s of tht:lil' rt~~p~-etive of- I fice8. the Cl~l'l{, w 110 18 t~x-ofrh-in II A~!'ip.!:Sl:-lOI". t.he Tn'i:1SIUer, l.hp. Chif:( of Police. who is f'x-offieio Lic.enf:f.' Collector a.nd tlie Cit~r judge of th~ I Cit}... of Anaheil11. shall ex.ecute bonrl:lt to th.e Cit~, of Anaheim in the fol ~ ; lowing' penal ,",Unlf:, to-wit: i Tile Cler-li. w-hu is eX-fJffido A~- 'I se:o:~or, i.11 the penal sum of $2.000.00: , 'rhe Treasurer ltlld 'fwx COllectOl, I in l.~]e sum of $25,000.00; . I T:he Chief of PoliCe>. who is .",- officio Licen:-:~ CoJl.ector. in t.he De- nal Hum of $.{.OOO.OO: I Tile Cit~. J uc.lg'e, in the j1('ual ~u III lof $3,000,00. I SI1~CTJON 3. The Cit3' Clerk ShH J I ! C't'l.tif~' to th~ paf<lolag'(~ or tit is Ord- ! inanC'e and eH use the H8111e to he : published oru.:e in the A!laheim Rn!.' i lE:'tin. a dR.i1~ new."'papE'r or geuet"r11 i circ:uhttloll, printed, pubH:-:.i1ed :1.rd I eil'eulated in :-;i:lill Cit.\' of ..\na h~in,. ! California, and tl1 il't,... <tan:: from <:l.'1li 'c1ftE>r ib tiJ1al pal'l:-lag.~, it :o:halltHh(" dfect and be in full f01"t:e, The f'ore~oillg Or.uillan<.'c:' wa.~ a". r.l'oved alld signE'd by nw this ~::d. day of :\lareh. l'4~. . f~HAS. A, PI3JAHSON' .M.ayor (If the City of An<ilhetm A ']'''Jt~~T: CHARLES ].;. Gn IF~'rTH Cit~.. CJ(~rl\ of the Ciis of Aml,.heil11. f''l"ATT'''-; 01<' C.:\1.1FOn~L\ I COUNTY vI" OI1A:'\GI:; I l!8 CITY O!i'. AN A HJ.~ll\.r ) 1. CH.AH~ES l~. GnIPFJF.rH. CitY' Cler.k o.f the City of A.naheim, do hereby. c.ertify that the. foregoing Otdin&n.ce was introduced at a reg- ular D;J.e.eting of the.. City CouDell ot the City 0(. Anaheim, held on the 9th .d~y of Marcb, 1~8, and that the same-,.:wa.S pasHed a.d adnpte4 at R. regular meeting of:' t'tle City Coun- cn ..he~ ,o.n the 2~df. day of .March, . 1948...by .the followlnl' vote of the membel-... thereot: . . . A'tICS: ~Councilmen:: Pearson. Pace, Doney.. and .Van 'VaI'otier. . NO"St Councihllelt: None. ASlmNT:' Councilme.n: Heying. ANI> 1."' FURTHE~ CJjJR'fIFY that the Mayor of tbe Qity of .Anahl'!fm appr,,.ea and sipe.4 s,~d. Ordinance on t~ '''Bird. day of (Ma.roo,. 19.8.. . I~ -)VITNl!lS$ ..WICEREOF, ;r ..have hereu~t~ set my h4nd and attixEfd the 8e..,1. ot said City ot Anaheim thf.s..lld day of ;Mal't;h.. 1948. . CHARLES'cE.. GRIFFITH .~ City Clel'~ of the City City of Ana-beim Pu~ \~""'ch.. .38/.1941. I . ... !!... .~..: . ~ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION 8T A TE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss, Count~. of Orange ) ... 8_1 c.h.ar.d....~~.1.9.Ql~1.~..._ .....n....n. ._.............................._............ of ~aid county, being first duly sworn. says-that he Is a malE' citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali- fornia over the age of eighte en years; that he has no In- tCl'E"st I in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; that he is the ...~.~_~.~.~.~.P.~~.....?~_~~.~... ._..nu..uu._nunnm...n.............. of the a.....(._I_~~.~J_J._..... new~paper prl nted, published and circulated in the said County of Orange that said Analleim. DullE' tin i'~' -.~ -.~~~~.~.~~~-~.;..~.f..~;~;;~i-..~i;-~.~i~ti.~~...~ith...~...ii.~t."~f-";~fd folubNcribers, and is publiShed for the dissemination ot both local an d general news and I ntelligence of a general char- acter: that- it is not devoted ~o the interests or pu~lished for the entertainment of a partl cular class, profeSSion. trade, calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it haEl been printed and published in the City of Ana- heim, County of Or.ange, State of California for more than onp. year next prp.ceding the first day of the publication hereto attached: that the o rd. i n a:1 c e ~.:.2.!......7..?~:.___.....n_..._............................__......... ~-f..-;h-i~h.-.th~..~~~;~ed Is a printed copy, was pubUshed In one issue said newspaper at least..........__ .................n......................................... 2b +-11 !'J 'l1"\ch commen~lng on the........_...~...... day of ......~!..~........._......_.._..u_...__ 1!\ J~g and ending on the................day of ...._.........._..._......... ~.; ot1 ce 19 and that said .__...__.n..n. ..._.......n...n....._......__.._......_._............. was....p~bllshed on the following days: ..._~~~~~:'. ~.~ .~... .? .~. .?.... ~.9.~................._..... .._...._......_....... ...._._._............ ..............:~<;i:~~~::~~~::::::: -1--- - '~.t"M>ed and ,worn to .~~tore m, tbls__......L........day of )- / 1- / ., /. /" -;;/ . i. ,c- )'7/""'" ,,,' ~.,.d /,- ./. _.." ..."..I<:..m..............L....ij....?.19 ~ ~ ~_ ..m...=:,""" .i::!?i.L ........ .~....:.Noi~P~lic:..m... 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 OllDIWAHI Wo. Z~,. ua or..,.. 'OI.!T- or '~_.'DI nXI.. ... .If or _ orIIOljJ, _,.; 07 !II CJLDI,. . tJDI., .IIl or POLla AD OIn .nmB r!lll aln or ".&Jlm~ AID UP.ALI.. ODD . .. .0. .,. ..118 ..- OBI_dOl .or !II OJ!! o. --IA.m nXID m ...f 0.. !HI OrrIOIA!. BOlDS .r!ll. .&Ju, !ItM.... IQWSItJ&'- AD a.DD or to 01ft" or ..'~I..:, AID UPtiLI.O OBI.AlOI 10. 71 11:1.0 AI ....I! !O !III SAID OItDIB.BOI . 10. S.71.. . . ~ 01 'l'1' ~IL or _ OIft OJ' DADI. DOI8 ORD~IW .AS roL188. , 8O!10wll. O%d1..... Wo. 578 enU Ue4 · Aa 0r41DUC. of t-. 01ty of ~1. flx1nc the amount of the off101al bOad. of 'tile Olea-k, !re+-urer. JI&:r.hal &D4 aeaor4eZ' ... repealiBI 1 OI'd1JWJG. Wo. 580 10f 1M City of MalMi. BnU Ue4 'AB Or41UMe rlxl., the AaOUDtjOf the Offic1al B0D48 of ~ Ol.rk, !rea.ur.r, Marahal &D4 Reoor+er of t~OltJ of ADalMi.'., aa4 Or41DaaOe Wo. 711 entitled, .AIl!0z41IlaDGe of 'tlle 011;, of ADahel.. ...l14iDl SeoUoR 1, of ord"no. Bo. 578 bel... -AD Ord.1D&DO. of the OU, of Alaallel. flxlq 1 the ..OUllt of the atfia 1&1 b0;l148 of the 01e:r1:. fr...urer, Kar8hal aDd Reoorder aDd Repea11ag OrdlDaROe .0. 530 of tile 01 t,. ot ~.1. 8atl 'led · AD Ordlaanoe flxlq the. UIOUDt af the off1cial b'lld.. of tlle Olert, fr..aver, Jlar8Jlal aDd Jt80o.cler of the a~'J' of A..._l.'I, &B4 all othe:r Or411l&11O.. aDd. p~t. of Ordlnano~. 1. ooDfllot with tbe proylelon8 of thl. : Or41aanoe are hartltJ' repeal__. 81"'101 ,:.~'. Bet._ tae entZ'J upOD the 411'1... of t~elr l reapect1?e offlce~, the O1erk, who 18 es-offlolo Aaaeasor, the !re..urez, t.e Oh~.t ot .Polloe, who 1s ex-offioio LioeD.. 0011.cto , I aa4 the 01t7 Ju4st of the 01t7 of Ana.el., .ball ezeoute boDd. to the GltJ of ADab.~. 1. the following p.aal....., ~o-.lt: !be Cl.rk, w+o ls .~offlolo ~a8.8.or, 1. the peaal a.. of la,ooo.oo; !he treaavet aDd !ax Oof,lector, 1. the BUll of "0,000.00; e 7 . L... .....~ ,._......_~~~~."..."..;.-_.__.._,,-_._----_.. 1 2 3 4 5 !be O_let ot Po110., who 1. .x~offlo1o Li..n.. Oolleotoz, In 'Jae peDal a_ tf .7,000.00. ne 01",. J-t' i. ,he peUl au of p,OOO~OO. ! 81O'10.!a. ~ Oity Olert .-'11 oer'if,. to~ pa..... of thle Or41D&DOelaad oauae 'he .... to _. pUbll.he4 080. 1. 'he ADabel. Bulletin, la 4&117 n...paper of leneral ol~o.l&tloDJ print. , j pu_118he4 aDd 01~~ulate4 1. 8a14 01tJ of ADabel., Oallto~.lat aDd thirty da'8 fro. "4 after it. tinal p".ace, it .ball take effeot aDd be in full to*oe. I !be foresol., Ordlnanoe wa. approYe4 aDd alsne4 b,. .. 'hi. IN 4aJ of Maroh, j1_. . ,''l ! /I) :/.., I ;;.; ; e 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 115 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 . ~AMbl.. 8f&!I 0' OALIrout!" 'J oen" 0.. 0RlI. .. OIn or AlABI'. i . I, ODRLES Et <HtI:rrI!II. 01ty alert of the. 01 '7 ot AuJlel., 40 hel'elt,. oert1tJ t1J4t tile toregolDg Ord1Duce w.e 1Dt~"._ at & recular ~.tlng o( the 01tJ OOUDol1 of the 01t7 of AD&hela, held on the 8th day of i_arah, 19..8. and that the .... wa. 'pal.eel &lid. adopted a~ a relU~ar ..et1Dg of the Oity Couno1l held OB the Bad day of "roh, 19~, bJ the following YOt. of the ...ber. thereot; ADS: aOn,:ILDB: pear.on, Pace, lon87 and .Van V&Coller. .0.8: OOUl~ILII.: Bone. ABBZ.!: OOn+ILJID: B8yiJIg. j ~... I J'IDl'fll-+ ClD.'IrT that tile Jlayor of the 01t,. of ADaMi. . apprOTe4 u4 .lp,. Baid OrdinaDce 011 the 234 cla, of llareh,19"8. 1. .nuss ~OJ', I haTe hereunto set .y haDd. u4 affixe4 the .e&1 of .aid .ity of Allah. 29 30 31 32 ~~....-.'lS""..' ~~.___~_._ ........__~... .. _.-...-.___...~.