PC 88-344A FtESOLUTION OF THF. ANAHFIM CITX PLANNTNG COMMISSION THAT PETITIdN FQR CONDITIONAL~ USE PF,RMTT N0. 3X01 BE GRANTEb WHERE~.S, the Anaheim City Pla2ixiing Commission u~id receive a verified Petit;iorz f.or Conditional Usa Permi~, fram Sh100Kr & SON INVFSTMENT COMP7~2Zy, pos OLfice Ac+e 1311. Los AngeZ..;. CA 900~,. t TRAIL~R 5ALE5, INC., ~2U E, ~°~ owner~, ancl pgA~rG~ COL'NT% ~RUCK ~D c~rtairz real prpperty situated Kn~~he~C ty of Anaheimin~i;ou Cp ~f8 pxa~geeri State <~f California, described as: ~,~` BEGINIIING AT THR NORTFiW~ST CORNER UF xHE LAND DESCRIBED IN ' , THL DEED ~p kigULAFi PECKHADf, ET AL RECORDED JULY il 1955 , IN BOOK 3133 PAGE 26 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, SAID POTN1' BEING ON ;, THE NORTH LINE OF SAID ;TORTH~r1EST QUART~R, WEST''~'~C,Y G10 00 ~~ . FEE~ FROM THE: NORTFi~11ST CORNER THERUF: TH:.;.,~~; SOUTH 9 ' ~` AEGREE 46 MTNU TES 00 SECONUS EAST 60.f39 FEET TO TH~ MOST NORTHERLY CORNER OF THE LAND DESCRTBED IN THE DEED ~0 B~~1L'~ P~~~H~M xr~TKEAD RECORDED AUG7ST 8 1 , 9b3 IN BOOK 6b66 PAGE 253, OFFICIAL RECORDS: THENCE 50UTH 0 D~GRETS ' O1 M INUTEg 45 SECONDS WEST 363.13 FEET TO THE SOU'~H LINE Ob° THE LANll DE5CRI1'3~D IN THE DEED TO NATHAN SMOJKE RF.CpRDED JUNE 3, 1963 IN BOOfi 6571 F'AGE 559. OFFICTAL RECdRA~; PARA r LEL { ,, . WITH SAID 2dORTHF,RLY L2NE QF THC t30RTHWEST ; ` TO A LINE P1~,RALLEL WITH AND I UI:1'HWESTE~t Y ' ; I 150.00 FE~;T ROM 'rHE CENTER LINE QF THE 60 00 FQOT f . C~LIF0~2NrA STAT~ HIGF3WAY: iHENCE NQRTHLVESTERi,' iC 40 00 ' ~ . . FE~;T AI,ONG LASZ SAIU PARALLEL LIN~' OF THE 60.~0 FOOT CALtFORNIA STATE HTGHWAX ' i : THII:N CE NORTHWESTERLY' 40.4p FEET F,I,OI7G LAST SA7CD PARAL' L~L I,INE TO TFiE MOST SOUTHERLY CORtIER ~F xHG LANll bESCFIBED T.1Z THE ~iEED Tp EL'I:50N SFC;LTRITIES COMPANY, A CORPORATION RE , CORDED ApRIL 2Z~ 19~9 IN BOOK 7.83~ PAGE 41 OF nF~'xCIAL H ECORD.S THENC~ NOP.THERLY 392.82 F1;ET ALONG TFiF. EA;i'rERLX LIN~ OF LIN~ ~F .SAID LAND OF EDISOt7 TO THF: NGRTFI LINE ' N OF SAID ORTHWEST QUARTER: TH~NCE EAST~~tJ,Y ALONG SATD NORTH L7.N~ TO THE POINT ~'~~ B~GINNING. WHF.REAS, tho City Planning C~mniission did :zold a public haar.~ny at the Civ?c Cenker in tha City of Axiahei.m on December x9, ~gg~, 19g8 at 1:30 p.-n. , notice of said public he3r.ing h~ving been duly given as req~airod by law and in accordance with thQ provisions oE the hnaY~eim Municipal Coda, Chaptor 18,03, to hear and cnnsic3ez• ev.idence for and against said propose~l ccndit•r,onal use pQrmic and to i.nvestigate and make fi.ndings and recarrunendations in connectxon therQwith; and Oat38r -1- PC 8$-34~} L' r~~ ~~, {r~ WHEREAa, said Commission, after due insger.~ion, investiglt;ion and study mado by itself and f.x~ its behalf, and after duo consideration of all evzdence and reports oPfered at said hearing, does 1~ind and det~rmx~.c the followinq fmcts: l. ~'hat kh~ proposod use is propazl;y one far whic:h a conditional use permit is aut,ltnrized by P.naheim Municipal Code Sectian and 18.6'1.050.070 to wit: to retain a truck sales 1ot and service agancx with waivers of the followiiig: (A) 'E TI N.S~18~~~0'i0 and 18.61.066.d3Q - Rec~~,iir~;;~ im})rovement of out~l~oQr stor~qe ~rea~. ( avin requir.ed; cru~h~ rqck existing) (E) 5,~..~_TIONS 18.06.O~,Q22~ 18•06,Q50.0223 1H•46•O8Q, anc1~.~3.~1 •Q~6. 050 - Minimum number o.E p~rking soace~ (6~ required; 24 existing) (C? SSTirt? 1l~~ "bJ..064~020 - M~~xim_L~~L~•'.~~.~x2ht,. (Permitteii: ~~_ inch high dgsrprative scresn tvr,e wall .;.n fronL 50-foot sPtback area adjacent to Katc~7.la Avenite,~ Fxisting: 6=foot hiqh chainlink fenc~g lor.ated 35 fee~ from Katella Avenue) (D) ~ECTtt7NS :.8.G1_~~tS1~ - ~q1d?r~_~~1,~..~~ oE ou~~loo. T' l1Ses " ~r~,~1Q, 61. 068.4~7~ (.phainlin,~c ~en~e interwp~gn _with wQy~~ sla~,~ required; ~hainl:ink fence ki.~t}~~ sla~ proposed). 2. T.hat the requestQd waivers (A), (~), and (J7); above mentioned, are hereby qranl•ed ~n tk:e basis tliat there are special circumstances applicable to ':;,e p:opeL•ty such as sixe, shap~, topoqti•aphy, location and surrounclings WYlYC~: do not apply to o~her idsn~ically zoned propar.t.y .in the st~ne vic:inity; and that strict application q~ the 2oning Codo ciepri.ves tr.e property of priviigges ~njovea by o~her proQartias i.n the identical zone and classiFicati~n in the v:icinity. 3. Tnat the requested wai.ver (H) abovo montioned, is heraby qranted on ti~e basis that the parking waiver wi11 not c2uso an ~ncreasa in trafF3c congestion in t:~e i:mne~iate vicixiity nor aciversely affect any adjoining 1~nc1 usos and grantin~ of the ~arking waiver uncter the conditions imposed, if any, will not bQ d~trimenta: to Y:he peace, he~lth, safPty ~nd gener~l w~l.tare of the citizens oE tlie City ~f Anaheim. 4 'ChaL• the propo.sed use i.s h~roay granted for a period ~f f.ive (5) ye~rs, to exp,ire December 19, 1993. 5. That the proposod use wi.ll ~iot adversely aL•L•'ect the ad~oining land uses and the growt2t and developmenr of th~ area in whir.h it is proposc~d to be l~c.stacl. -2- ~ YC88-344 ~~~r+i1`I'; ., .1 . ry"' I''~"~''~ F That the size and shape of the s~.~e proposed fur tho use is ad~qu~te i:o ~llo~,~ the fu.ll development; of. the proposed ~~se ix~ a maniier :~~t detrimental. l•o the particulai• area nor.~ to the pea~e~ haalth, s~Eety and aQneral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 7. That thU granting of the Conditional Use Pormit under tho conditions imposRd, if any, wiil not be 3etrimeiita~ to the paace, health, saEety and general welfare of the Citizens nf the City of Anak~eim. 8. That th~ tra.ff.ic generated by thg pro~?osed use wil]. not impose an unclue burdQn upon the streets and highways designed and icr~proved L•a carry the traffic in the area. 9. Thzt no one indicated tlieir prese~ce at said publi.c hearfng 7.n opposition; and that no corresponc~enco was rPceived in opposztion to the subject petiL-ian. CALIFORNIA ENVTi2~NM~NTAL Q,j~ALITY ACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning (:ommission has reviewed the prop~sal 1:o retain a truck sales 1ot and service ageney with waivers of required improvement of outdoor storage area, minimum number o£ parking spaces, maximwr fence hei~ht and requira~ euclosure of outdaar us~s on a rectangular.ly-shaped parcel of lantl consisting of approximately 2.~~ acres, having a frarxtage of approx=matel,y 288 £eet on the south side oE Katolla Avor,uo, having a maximum aepth uf appz•oximatoly 363 £eet, bea.ng lpcatQd approxima~ely~ 590 feet w8st ~t tine centerline of Lewis Street and furthc~r described as 620 East Katella Avenue; and does herehy approve t2ie Negative Dec3aration upon findin7 that it h~as co~-sidereti ths Nogati~~ Declaration toc~ether with anX cor,vnants rece_,~ed during L•he public reviPw process and further finding on the b~sis of th.e initial study and any comments recQived tlzat thera is no substantial evidence that the proje~t wi7.l have a si.gnificar,t ePfoct on the envi~~onment. NbW, THER~FOR~, Ei~ IT R~SOL•VFD tihat the A~aheim City Planning Couunission daos hereby grant sak+ject Petition for Conditi~nal Use permi't, upon the following conditions wliich are heraby fou~id to be a nec~asary prQraquisitQ to r_Yie praposed use of the subject proparty in order tn pres~erve the safe~y and genc~ral welf-are of thQ Citizens of the City oE Anaheim: l. That damagad and/or hazardous sidew3lks and clriveways along Katella Avsnu~ sha11 bQ repaired as required by tYie City Engineer and in accordancQ vrith standard plans dnd ~ecific~tions on. file .iu the Office oE the Ciry Engineer. 2. That the legal owner of subjecL prope~rty shall irrevocably uffer Y:o c~edicate to the Ci.ty of Anaheim an addit.ional ~trip oF land along Katella Avenue, measurc~d westerly From t2ie uitiniate right-of-way line at~ ~he corner of the intersaction of Katella Avenue and Lewis Street, and varying ?n width from twelve ('12) f.eeC for Che f.irst three hundred (300) feet and thon transitioning from twelve (12) ~eet t~ 0 feet Eor the next three hundred (3Q0) feet. 3. That the existin,q on-3it~ ":crrc~x box" dEVicp shall be maintaineri ta ~ne satisfacta.an o: tY~e Cxty Fire Department. -3- PC88-344 r r' ~~f ~~1 j;: ;, ~:~ ;,.?.'~~~ ~ ~ ~ . . Y ~~:F~.IIT1 f .`~I ,4;~j i''~ 4. Tl1at trash sto~age areas sb.all be pruvided and maintained iz~ a location accepkable to thQ Street MaintQnance and Sanikation Division and in aceoti~danc~ with approved ~lans on file with said Division. 5. That this pQrmit is gran~Q~ for a period of five (r) yeaxs, to expire Decemb~r. 19, 1993. 6• That the on-site landscapi.ng sha11 be maintained in compliance with City standards; provided, howevor, that addi.t:i~ual landscaping shall be pravlderl on the western boundaY•y, as stipulated to by the applic~nt at the publi~ ~earing. 7. That ~~.1}~~P,Ct property sha11 be devoloped substantially in accordance with plans and speciEications an file with r.~~ City o~ Arxaheim marked af Exhfbit A'!o. I. .; 8. That ConBi~i;+n Nos. 1, 7, 4 and 7, abo~,re-mentioned, shall be comple~ed ~,. within a period o:° sixty (60) days from the datc~ of this resolution. ~,: ~; S. That ~.pprova,l oE this application constitutcs approval af tho gropo~ad 4 regusst oz~ly to the extenL• tiza~ it aomplis~ with the Maheim Municipal s~ 2onin.g Code and any other applicable City regulatians. Apps~ova~. does not include any action or findings ns to compliance or approval oi the •requ.est ~ reyarding any other applicable oxdinance, regulation or requirement. .A H~ IT FUR'THLR RESOLVED ~hnt the Axi~heim ~ity Pldnning Commi~sion does hereby find and detexmine thaL adoption o£ this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's comp]iance ~vith each and a11 of the condici.o~~~ hereinabcve sRt forth. Should any such condi~ions, or a.ny part thereof, bg declared invalid or unen~orceable by the final juQgment of any court of competQnt ~urisdictian, then this Resolution, and any appxovals herei.n r.~ntai.r.Qd, sh~ll be deerned null a~r? vp~.d. TfiE FOkEGOING RESOLU`rEGi~ is ~igne~ and approved by me this 19th day of D~cember~ 198~3. .~,i.~~%~~f;`" f ~,.~I/ ~:`~.rl~i . ~ ., CFiATRWOMAN, ANAHEIM CITY' PLI+NNTNG CUIrIIriISS~ON .. J ATTEST: ~~~ ~.~~ SECRE'PARY, AN71HF.iM CITY PLANN'fNG COD9MISSIQN -`~~ PCSO-344 ~~ `; i ~ ~ e ~ ;i`;1 ~',,~~~ri~ ';t~ ,~ ~ t :< ;~ , r, "'i ;~ STATE OF CALTFORNTA ) '~: ~ ~, C~UNTY pF ORA,rIGE ) S~ ~ ' CIxY OI' ANAFiEIM ) I, EditYi L. I33rris, Secretary of the Anaheim f;3ty Planning ` Commission, clo hexeby certify thak the foregoing resciution was passed and '`~~~ .~doptad at a meeting of the Anaiieim City Plann9.ng CommiSsion he3.d on becember 19, 1988, by t~ie following vote of the membars thereof; .;~~ AYES: COMI~fISSIONERS: BOUAS, BOYI7STUN, CARUSTLLO, FELDIiAUS, HERBST, ~~Y MG BUItN~Y, MESSE NCESs C~MMISSIONEP.S: 2IONE ABSENT: CJI~I~SSIQNERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREAF, I havQ hereunto sc~t my hand this 19th day Af `` December, 1988. ~~ ~c . _ / ,,,,a, SECRFTARY ANAHEITi ~?TY P~,ANNING COMMISSION -5- PCt38-344