PC 88-53.. ., !crGC;' . .~`^:<~r7tr~14 ~ ~'rS.. sr. ! ~~ai:i;. ;;.;~; ~p ~,~~ .°Y . ~ i'~"'A d~l ~ r iw;~. ~ ~.,~~ "~;~i ~ It~.4~~I3'.~.4~~~...~'~~ 8 ~ 53 A RfiSOLUTION OF Tt1E ANA.~IE:[M CITY PLANNING COMMYSSTON THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2981 BE GRI~IJT~D WHEREAS, the Ar~».hefm City Plann.ing Commis~ion did rRCe~ivQ a ver3Eied Petition For CondiCional Use kermit frpm ICABMPFER;WOLFF-LA PALMA, 4 Civic F1az~, Su.ite 350, Newport Beach, Culifornia 92G63, owner and VIN~YARD CHRISTYAN FELLOWSHIB, 4854 Main Strc~e~, Suite F, Yorba Lind~s, California 92505, ageiit for. cortain real proporty situatod in tho City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: PABCEL As PA22CEi,S 1~ 3 and 5, A~ SFiOWN ON A MAP 1'ILED IN BOOK 1~i0, PA.;ES 49 and 50 OF PARCEL MAPS, iN THE OFFI~E UF THE COUNTY RECORDER OI' ORA2JGE COUNTY, CAI,IFORNIA. EXCEPTING ALL OIG, GAS, MINERALS Ai~D OTHER E~YDROCARBOtl SUE3STANCES, LYING QELOW A DEPTH OF 500 F~ET FROM THE SURFACE OF SAID LANU, BUT WITHOUT TiiE RIGH~ OF ENT'RY UPON ANY F~OP.TION QF Tf1E SiJRFACE ABOVE A UEPTH 4F 50G FGET TO iAKE, hl:,RKET, MINE, BXPLORF OR llRILL FOR S~ME, AS R~SERVED IN DEED FROM 11 ~ W KRAEMER, INC., RECORDED FEBRUARY Z6, 1970 IN $OOK 9225, PAGE 68G 4E' CF'FICIAL RECOkDS AND IN DEED EXECUTED BY WALTER W. KRAMER, AS HIS SEPARAT~ PROPERxY AND ALFRF.D 0. KRAf;MER, A SINGLE M1lN RECORD~D MARCH 18, 1g68 IN BOOK 8545, PAGE ~3 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ~'ARCEL fi: AN El-SEMENT FOR lNGEtESS, F,GRESS AND UTILITY PURPOSES, OVER, UI~DER, ALONG AND THROUGFI THE NORTHERLY 401.00 FF,ET OF' THE W~$TE.I2LY 15.00 IEE~T OF PARCEL 4 A5 :iHOWIS' ON A Mt.P FIL~D IN n00K 14U, PAG~S 49 AND 5Q OF PALiCfiL MAPS, IN THB OFFICB OF THE CJUNTY FtECORAER OF ORANG~ COUNTY, CALIF012NIA. PAItCEL C: AN EA5CMEtiT FOR INGRF,SS A?JD EGk~SS PURPUSES OVER THE EASTERLY 2Q.U0 FEBT 0~ PARCF.C, 2, AS SHOWN ON A MAF FILED It7 QOOK 62, ~AGE 7 OP PARCEL MAP5, IN TNF, OFFIC~ OF 1'Ftf: CO'JNTY RECARDER OF ORAl3GE COUNTY, CALIPORNIA. n205r PC88-53 ;. ; 1 7 i ~~~~~~~~~~ Y~ ~~ ' , ~ ~ 4;l~ . ,rl; ' ;~~ fx~a ~~~ ~r r ~~j , ,~I '`?~4 t WHEREAS, the City Flanning Commission did hold a public hearin~ at the Civic Ct~nter in th~ City of Anahoim on Fobrut-ry I7, 1988 at 1ti30 p.m„ notice of st~id public hoaring having bedn duly given as required by law and in nccord~nco with the provisions of ~he Anahoim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to haar and cunsider ev:tdence £ur and agt~inst aaid proposed conditional us~ permit and to lnvesti5at~ an~ make findings .anci recommondations in conner.tion therewith; and WHEREAS, sa~d Commission, aft~r du~ 3nspoctf~n, investigation and study made by .itshlE ~nd in its behalf, and after due cons3d~r~tion of a11 ev.Id~ncQ and reports offered at said hearing, does £ind and determine the Eollowinr~ Eacts: 1. That the proposed use is pruperly on~ for which a conclitiona3 use permit is aur' ~rized by Anat~eim Municipal CadQ Section r,o wi~: To permiC a church (Vineyard Christian Fellowship): ~£~T~QN~ ~9~4.~Q.~Q3?~? - M;n~'i~ n i r f.p,~,rk,~n~P~g~• ~~~.Q~.Q._•266 (¢~ space3 requirecl: ;Z7'7 spaces ~$_9~Q-.Q~f.~ exi.sting) ?~.~,2§~4~Q Y $.. 61~4~.~s.4 ~4. 2. T.hat thQ requested waiver is hereby granted on the basis that the parkiny wafver will not cause an increase in traffic congestion in ths immediate vicinity nor adversely affect any adjoining land t-sas and granting of the parking waiver under the condiCiotis imposQd, if any, wS11 not be detrimenral to th~ pa3ce, tiealL•h, saf~ty and genPral welfaro of thc~ citizens of the Cit:~- of Anah~im. 3. That the proposed us~ will not adversRly affect the adjbining land usex and th4 growth and dev3lopnont ~f the aret~ in wtiich ik is proposed to bQ located. 4. That tho ~ize and shape of the RitP proposed for the usR is aiiequuCe Co al]ow th~ full. devolopmQnt of tho propr~se~! use in a mt+nner not detrimQnt~l to the particu~.ar area nor to thP peace, hQalth, Rafety an3 general welfure of the Citir.en~ ut the City of An~heim. 5. That the granting of the ConQitional ~7se Permit undar kfie cond3.tions imposed, iE any, will not be detrimental co the peace, hea.ith, safety And general welfare of tha Citizans of. the City of Anaheim. 6. Tha:. the tr~£fic genorated hy the proposQd use will not impose an unclue burden upon Chc~ streets and highways do~igned anci improvad L•u carry t}te traffic in the area. '-. That no one indic~+ted ehelr ~zosence at said public roaring in oppoaition; and thar no correspondence wa,s rocoiv~d in op~osition L•o the subjecr pet3tion. '`" P~AA-53 r0 y ' ^ ~^~ ~bK'1Sfk4C'l~t i~~;-i~C ~ Y.A,F,Y~1~IY}~r~t~~e.:,~'~ ft~r41F' ^'FS ry~~~ V ,+. C.~y ~1~ f ~r 1..~ . _"./' . .. , ~~. ! . i'Y~~~~1C ti.;iit~~'ny+' ~;~\ ~~1~~ f~'i~ i ti?'i. ~~ t l,fi r!t.~fi~~~ S iYr. f i~ ~y'i i ta ilU 9 ~ ~ ; ~ ~ - , . . r . ` .~. ,cb 'l k'+1 k! ~4 ~. A5 ~ ~ ~ ~`~ , ~~ ya~~ ~~ ,~ • ~ ~ AS~~9~NI1~ ENVIRON~NT~L, QUAI~,?~1~ACT FTNpTNG: That tho Anaheim City Planning Commiss3on has reviewed the proposa]. to permit a church with a waiver of minimum numbor of parking spaco~ on n irregul~rly-shpaed parcel of land ccnsisting ~f approximately 2.42 aci•os on the sn~th side of La Palma ;' Avenue, appr.oximately 1,100 feet east of th~ centerlina of Brasher StreAt aiid ~~. ~;~;; LurthQr described as 5G96 Ea~t La P~~ma Avenues ar-d does hereb,y approve the Neqative Declarati.on upot~ finding thaC .~t: has consider.ed tho Negative L'ec:laration together witli any comm~nts rQCeivod durinc~ the p~xb],ic review process ancl Eurtber finding on ~ho basis o~ the initial study and any commen~s receivecl that there is no substantial evidence that tY~e praject will have a signif.icant effect on h.he environment. ~' ~ NOW, xHEREFUf.tE, IIE TT RESOLVFD that the An~2ieim City Planning ~, Commission does 2ieroby grant• subject Petition for Conditional Us3 Permit, ~~! upon the fol3.cwing conditions whic:h aro horeby found to be a necessary ; prerequisiCe to L•hQ proposod use of the subject properky izi ordex to preserva tlie safety und general welfare of tho Citizens oE the Ci~y of Anaheim: ;, 4 'i 1. That due ~o ~he r_hanqo in use anti/or occu~ancy of the building, plans shall. be aubmitted C~ r.he Building Di.v.i.sion showing '~ compliance wi~h the minimum stamda.rds of the Citl of Anaheim, including the Uniform Building, Plumbing, E~c~ctrical, Mechanical anii Fire CodQS as adopL•ed by tfie City o£ Ar.~Zieim. The appropriar_e oermits shall be obtained for any necessary work. ; • 2. That in conf•ormarir^ aitli Cocie Section 10.67..050.6I4, the ~ tomporary church us~ of subjoct property shall bc~ limited to a tof:al of not mare ~hzn three (~) years duration (from the date ~ herein) within any consecutive ten (10) year periocl, and ~ further provided Cha~ such usQ, other than church ot•F.ice staff, , sha:li not. be permitted on Mondays through Fridays pr3or to 6 p.m. 3. That s rQCiprocal acces~ and par!~inq agreement, fn a form ~'~ satisfactory t~ the Ciy Attorney, shall bo recordE~d with the ~ Offico of the Ora~nga County Rpcorder. A c~ py nf the recorded t;; agreemont shall ~LhQn be submitte~ to tha Zoning Division. . 4. Thar. a trafEic signal ass~~sment feo equal3.ng the dif£ereace ~ be~weQn the fndustrisl and place3 of assembly assessmenC fRes shal]. be pai.d to the Ci~y ot Anaheim in an amou~lt as dcer_ermined b th Ci y e ty Council. 5. Tliat the proposal shall complX with all signing xoq~.~iremunts oE ~ kho ML(S~) "[ndu3tria2, Limiked-Scer~Ic CorriBor Overlsy" Zone ;{~ , unlQSS a variance a].lowing slgn waivers is approved by r_he City ~ I~'r Council, Planninry Commission or Zoninq ACiministrator. 6. That subjeat propc,r.ty shall ke devalopa8 sub~tantially in '~ accordance with plann and speciticatioas on file wiL•h Che City t~ of Anaheim marked E~:hibit Nos. I and 2. -3- „~ FC88-53 1. ~~ i r'^ g' ;;~~ .A '1 "J ;f , '~ , `~i,t ' ~. :. . .~, ,.~. , s } r,~ K~~q} , :r . ~ rR i~y! , . . ...`,.~~ 7. That prior to the commeYieemenr. oL• the activitx authorized by this reselution, or. prior to issuan;.a oi a buildzng permit, or within a pariad of ono year from Cl~e da~e of t,his resolution, Conditiun 2tos. 1, 3, 4 an~~ 6, a~ove-mentionAd, ~hall b~ ;; compliEd with. Extansions Eor fur~hei timt~ to complete said cunditions may be gran~ed 3n aaaordance with Sectian 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municznal Code. 8. '~hat approval of this a}~plicaticn const~ituteu appraval of the ':~ proposQd request only to the e:ctent khat i: complies wi~h the Anaheim Mu~.icipal ~oning Code and any ather applicable City regulatien~c. Approval doe~ not include any action or fandings ss to compliance or approval of the request reg~rding any ather -~~ applicable ordinance, regulation or regi.iirement. BE IT EiJRTHER RESOLVED that the Anahoim City P?anning Cammis~i~n does herebx fincl and determine that adogtion of this Resolution is expressly prediaa~ed upon applicant's cumpliance with each and a11 of the cnnditfons :~erPinabove set for~h. Should any s~ach condition~, o~• any par~ thereof, bp declared invalid or ur~enforceable by tha final judgment of any courC of competent jurisc~iction, then this ReSOlution, and any approval~,z herein contained, shall be de~•~~~~~d null and vui.d. THE t'OREGOTNG RESOLUTIUN is aignod and approved by mp this 17th day of February, 1988. ;~~ • ,~".~~~~c,,.~ ~ ~1~~- ~ CHAIRMAN, ANAElE:[~i CITY PLANNiNG CUMMI.ciSION l RiT~STt ~ ~ , __ v~`~~~~ ~~~ ~_ _ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PJ.I~NNING COMAtISSION .~`~ STATE 0~ CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s3. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. :~arrls, Shcrezar.y of tb.e Ar.aheim C~.ty P'las~nir.g Cammission, do hereby cer~ify that the f:oreqoing resolution was pa3sed and adoptad at a meaCir.g ot the Anaha.tm City Planning Commission held an February .17, 1960, by triQ Pollowing vote af the members thereof: AYESt COMMISSIONERSs ~OUAS, FlOYDSTUN, EIERBST, ME~SE ' :~ l70E~ t COt~1ISSI0NERS s NONE ',; ;,~, ABSENT: COMMISSIONERSi CARUSIi~L~, FELDHAUS~ MC BURNEY' ':r ' IN WITN~5S WHB REOE, I bave horeuntio soC my hand this 17th day of u ":~ FQbrvary. 1988. t~- 1 . . `,$ I _. ___ :~ '": SECRETARY, ANAHBIi~I CITY PLANNING COMrfISSION ''"J !; ~ ;.k -4- PCf18-53 ,~ (~[A i~h ~ ~1[