PC 88-56trRl~. t s ; ~ .::A . ~. ., ,. ,,.,.. .. . , , ,. . _ , . . _ i ~'~';`t .:Y,' ~;, ~:. • ~,~~ ~ '2~~ i LiL,TIQ~N~~.~~~_.~ A RESOLUTION O1^ Z'!iE AN1~HE:[M CTTY PLANNING COMMISSl'O1I TIiAT PETTTION FOR CONUITIONAL USE PERMIT N0~ 2986 HE ~RANTED W':iEREAS, the An~heim City P1Rnning ~ommiasion did receiva ~ verified Petition Ear Conditional Usv PF.•mi~ f.rom DWIGHT D. FIASTT.NGS, INSILCO FINANCIAL REAILTY CCRP., 6~00 S. Garf.ield A~•enue, Lo3 Angalo„ California 900~10, uwner anc~ F.RNEST RAtrIR~Z, JIFPX LUf3E INTERNATIOt1AL INC., 12]G1 Mzll Creok Road, ~ 100, Laguna Flills, CalifoL•nia 92G53, ageu~ for certain rQal properry situatQd in the City of Anaheim, County o£ Or.ang~, State of California, described as: THAT PORTION OF LQT 1 OF SUBDIVIS70N, IN TEiE CJTX OF ORANGG, STATE ~F CALtrORNIA, AS Ei00K 442, PAGE 15E1 OF DEEDS, COUNTX RECORDEP OF LOS ANGELES DFSCFIBED AS FOLLOWS: F~ELEN ASJD LYNCH' S ANl~HEIM, COUNTX OF PER MAP RECORDED IN T.N THE OFI'rCE OF TFlE ~:OUNTY, CALIFOR~IIA, BEGZNNING AT A F'OINT IN TEiE SOUTFlERLY LINE OF LIHCOLt~ AV~NU~, AS DESCRTEiEn IN PARCEL 3 OF THE DEE:D TO THL STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RECbRDEi? TN BOUK 780, PAG~ r08, OI'EICIAL RECORDS OF ORANGE COUKTY, CALIFORNT.A, BEING THF. NORTHEASTERLY TF.RMINUS OI' THAT CERTAIN 30.00 FOOT RAL' 7U5 CCJRVF~ AS DESCRIBE7 It~ SAID DEED; THENCE NORT~I 09 DEGREES 16 MIt3UTES 5~ S~CONDS CAST ALOIv"G SAID SOUTfiERLY LINE 150.90 FEET; THGI~Cfi SOLiTFi 20 DEGR~ES 98 MItIUTES 5E SECONDS WEST 166.22 FEET TFIE NOkTHEASTERLY LINE OF MANCTiES'PER AV~WE, 80.00 FF.F.T WIDE, AS D~SCRIBED IN PARCF.L 1 OF SAID DEED TO THE STJ~T~ OF CALIcORNIA, AS ItECORDGU 'IN BOOF~ 780, PAGE l0it: THENCE NORTH ~l7 DEGREES 39 MINUTES 06 SFCONnS WEST ALONG SAID NORTHEASTERLt :,3N~ 150. ~30 FE~T .CO TKE IIEGINN'[NG OE A TANGk:PIT CURVE CONCAVF. SOUTHBASTCL2LY AS I~ESCRIBED IN SAI~ DEED T4 TFiE STATE OC CAL'lFURNIA, ANU HAVING A P.ADIUS 4[~ 30.00 FEET; THF.NCI~: NORIHERLY AND EAST.E~tLY ALQNG SAID CURVE THROUGfI A CE1fTItAL ANGLE OF 134 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 00 S~CONDS, A LI:NGTH OF 71.70 FEET TO THE POINT OF BF.GI~IN7.NG. WHGitEAS, ::i~s City Plann3.ng Comm3.ssion did hold a public hearinq ~t tne Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on February 17, 198tS at 1:3Q p.m., noti.ca o£ said public haarinr having bden duly qivon as roquire(i by law and in accordance with tiie provisi~ns of L•he Anaheim Municipal Code, C}iapter 18.03, to hear and c:ar.3id~x avidPnc.! for and aqainst sai~] proposed condiL•ional use pc~rmit anrl t;, investigate and make finding~ ~n.Q racommendations in conn~ection th~ruw.iCh ~ and 0208r P~88-56 '`:r,~ ,',; :;i~:~E M. ~ ~ ,fr ~ ,;{;~,: i f. ~ 9 ~ WHEREAS, said Commission, after clue inspoction, invostigation and study mado by itsQlf and in its bohalF, and ~fter due consideration oF all evid~nco and roporty offercd flt said hearing, does f.ind and dot~rmine the following fbcts: 1. Th~t the proposod use is p:operly ono I•or which a conciftional use por.m.it is aunc~.~rizad by I~naheim Mun.i.c:i.pa1 Code Soctioii I8. to wit: To permit an automotive lubricating facility (Jiffy Lubo) in the CG (General CommPrcial) 7.or,e. 2. That the proposed use uill not adversely atEect the adjnining la~id uses and tl;e gr~wth and development oF the area iri which it is prcposed L-o be locate~9. 3. That ~:he siza and shape of the site pr~~posed Eor the usc is adequate to allow thc± Full development ot the proposed uso in a manr~er not detrimonCal to the particular area nor tu the peace, health, saEoty and general welfare of the Citizens of th~ City of Ariaheim. ~< 4. '1'hat the grantir~g of the ^,ondit.iona'1 Use Pernit undex the j~ conditions irrposaci, a.f any, wil] not uP detrimental to Che peacQ, hea.lth, saf.ety and genera'1 welfare of the Citizens of thQ City of Anaheim. 5. Tiiat the traffic generaL-ed ';y the proposed use wi).i not imposE an undue burden upor, t}ie streer.s and h.ighway~ deszgned and i.m~roved to carry L•he traf.fic i.ri the area. 6. That no one Ir,dicated L•heir. ~iresezice at said public hearing in oPp~s:itionf ar~d that no correspundenr.a was receivQd in opposition to the Sllb'J@Ct ~G'tAt~OTI. ~L3~~z~+~k'r~V7RQN:rfENTAL~T~i,_1TY~~~Yt1~ING; Ttaat tho AnahQim CiCy Plar.ninq Commission has reviewecl the proposal to permit aii automol•iv~ lubricating facility in thQ rG Zoiie on an irc~egularly-sha~~d pr,rcel of 1ar,d consisti:~g of apprnximately Q.32 acre locat:ed at tha s~ukheast corner of Linculn Avenue and M~ncho~ter Avenue and furthQr described as 14~0 West Lincoln Avenue; and cioes hereby approve the NegativQ Declaration iipon finding that it has conside:Qd ths NcgativQ Declarltion together with any c~~rirnenrs received during the public review process and ~urthsr finding ~n t1iP basis ~f 1:he initial stucly anr~ r~ny comr~ents recefvad thnt there fs na sukstantial evidence that tho project will ltavn a significant effc~ct o:~ the environmant. NOW, THEF2EFORE, HE Ir RESOLVEd that the Anaheim Ciky Plai.ning Commission does hereby g~ant subjoct, Pot3tion f~r CondfCional Use Permik, upon the followinq ~nt~diCiot:s which xre hereby :ound tG be a necessary prt~requisite to thg nroposod usa of tho subject property in ocder to prRServo the safeti.y ayd genecal ,~elfare of thQ Citizvns of tLa Ci.ty ct' A~^:-k~,3im: ~. That the awner of 3ubject proporty shall pay to tho Cfty ~f Anaheim a fec~ for s*xeot lighting alonq Lincoln Avenue in an Amount a3 determined by the City Counci2. ;,. ~2~ PC08-56 . ~ ~~~~. ~ 2. That the owner of subjec~ property shall irrevocably dgger tio dedicate to the CiCy o~ Ana.heim a str.ip of land fifty (,0) fest in w3dth Erom tho c~nterli~~o C,L' rho sr.re~t along Lincoln Avenue and includinq a tnirty (30) £oot radius rRturn, :for str~et wider~ing purposes. 3. That a11 enqineering requiremRn~s uE khe City of Anaheim alonq Li;~coln Av~onue, including preparat,io:~ of .improvemen~ plans and :nstallat~on oF all improvernents such as curbs ai~d gutters, sid~,walks, wt~ter facilities, street grading and pavement, sewer and drainage fac~.lities, or other appurtenant orozk shall be complied with as zequir~d by tha City F.ng.ineer an~ x~l accordancP with speci£icatians on f.ile in the Officti ~f thQ City Lz~cJi.neer prior to commencement of. the act.Ivity authorized by ~his rc~solution. 4. That the oxi~ting mosk northerly driveway on Manchester A•-.~,Ue and ~hQ e~;isting most r~esterly drivew~y on Lincoln Avenuo shal~ be rernoved ancl rep~acocl with a sC.~n~ard curb, gutter, sidewalk and landscaping. 5. 'fhat pc•ior t4 issuc~nce ot a builc:ing permit, the a fees due For primary ar~d firQ protaction shall be na dr oilthe Waker Util~.Cy ~ivision by the owner/develope~ in accordance with Rules 15A and 20 0~ ttie Water Utility Ratss, Rules and Regulat3ons. 6 That a11 driveways shall be constructed with tQn (10) foot ra~ius curb returns as required by the Citg L•'ngineer, 7. rhr~t the appr~priatQ t:raf.fic signa7. assessment teo shal] be paid to th~i City oF Anaheim in an amount as dQtermined by the City Cuuncile ~• rhat the owner o~ ~ubjact property shall pay to th~ City ~f An~heim a fee for tree planCing purposes along Lir~coln and Manchester Avenue~ in an amcunt as det~rroine~ by the City C.ouncil. 9. That plans s{iall bK submitted tcr tho Building Uivision showfng cam~lfancc3 with the minimum standdrds of th~ City of AnahQim, including the Ilniform H~:13ing, plun,bing, Electrical, biechanicaY and Fire Codes as adopted by the City af. Anaheim. T!~~ appropriate permits shall ba obta.ined for any necessary work. 10. Th3t n~ outdoor atorago of or ,~ork on vehicles or vahicular ~~ts sht~ll be- permitted, ~=. That the propos<11 shall comply with a11 signing requirements of th9 CG "General Commercitsl" Zone, unlos~ ~ varfanco allowfnq sign waivers is approv~d by tho City Council, Plann~ng Commission or Zoninc Administrator. -3- PC~38-56 ;~~`~ ~':~%is ,.;,.~, '~`: ;!'t'; ';~ ~:.~; ,, _ ,:~a.a; , .., , . i ..,.r.~4~1¢^'~~..` ~ - ... . . . .. _.. . . x ~ ~~~}~ ~ rS,'iG`,t~'~+~{~ .. ~ _ ~~ j1i: il~ ~ rl~ /$ ~ f~i ~%~lSf^~. , } ~ ~~~jii7l<a 12, ThaC the owner of subjoct property shai~. submit a letter raquesting terminaLion of Conditional Use Pormit Nos. 491 and 2hQb to the Zoning Division. 13. Th~t sub~~ct prope,:ty shall be developed aubstan~ially in accardar.ce with plans and speci£icat.ions an L•ile with the Ci~y of Anaheim m3rked Exr.ibit Nos. 1 and 2. 7.4. 'lhat prinr to the cammencemont of the aetivity authariRe~d by this resolution or w.ithin u pe;ciad of ~ne year from the date ~f this res~s..~tion, whichever occur~ first, Condition Nos. 1 through 9, 12 ~nd 13, above-mcntis~ned, shall be complied with. ExtEnsions tor~ L-urthor time to compl~te said canditicns may be granted in accordan~e with SocCicn 1a.03.090 ~f ~he Anaheim Munici.pal Code. 15. That approval of this applir.atfon constitutas approval of the pr.op~sed requgst only to the ext~nt that it complias with the Anaheim Municipal 7.onir.g Gede and any other applicable City~ requ].ations. A~groval doe~ not include any acti~n or findingta a~ to compliar,ca or appco~~al of the requoRt regarding ::~ny other applicable ordinance, regula~ion or reguzrement. B~ IT FURTHER RESGLVED tha~ khe Anaheim Ciry Planriiny Cammission does hereby find and determina that adoption oP this Re~olution is exprc~ssly predicated upon applicant.'s compiiance with ~ach and all of the conditions hareinabnv~ set forth. Should any such conditians, or any part thereof, bo declared ir.val~d or unenforceab].e by the Final judqment ~f any court o~ competent jurisdiction, th~n this Resolution, and any ~pprova.ls herein contained, shall bQ dePmed null anci vaid. TFiF. F'OREGOING RESOLUTION is 3ignod and approved by me rnis 17th day of February, 19II8. ~~ ~- ._~ ___~~~..~.~ ~~E~.-~.-.~...._ _ CHAIt2MAN, AI~TAHEIM CITY ~i.ANNING CGh4r(IuSION A'PTI:ST: - _~~ ,[~ftN~.G.~r~ - SF,CRSTARY, ~1NANEiM CITY PLANNTNG COMMTSSTON ~-~a aA i.Yu1~,~A 9 i~? V ~ . • ~ ~-u~'~,dS;~t`}vr ^'j~ a'`~y~`"'*i?~t~!~tn~ r fl'~~~i5°9'Y~~x~ ~ ~ i. . /~ l r ~ STATE OF CAL~FORNIA ) '`~~' COUI~TY OF ORANGE ) ,; q . :' '' °' CITY QF ANAHEIM ) `';;~~':; ~il I, EQith L. Harris. Secietar of t2ie 't CommiGS3on, da hereby certify tha~ the aregoing resolution as~ pa sed nand adopted at a meeting o£ the An~heim ~ity Planning Commission held ori Fsbruary 17, 1988, by the follniving vote oE the members theroof: ~~ AX~S; COMMISSTONERS: F30UAS, BOXDSTUN, HERIiST,MEuSE NOES: COARrfISSIOPlERS: CARUSTLLO, FELDTiAUS, MC BUP.xIEY ABSENT: f.'OMMISSIQNEFcS: NQNE IN WITNESS WHEREpF~ I huve hereunt~ set my hand this 17th day of. February, 1988. /; . ~ ~ _. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY T~LANN:[NG COh4~1IS8SON , ': P°~~ 1 ~ : 7 ' I.- s~ ' hiC~~ai w~ ;i IAY . . .. . ...~i~r