PC 88-7r'~'~ta ~F OLUTION N0. PC88-07 A RESOLUTION QF THI~, ANAFiEIhi CTTY PLAN'NING COMMISSION THAT PETITIO:I FpR VAI2IAPIC~ Nt~. 373~3 BE vENI:,'D WHEREAS, thP A;zaheim C.ity Planniny Commission ciid receive a verified petition for Variance from LA QUITA J, KYPIDA, 3603 Savanna Stxeet, Anah~im, ~A 92801, CONVIE RAE ~IALL, 3621 Savanna Street, Anaheim, CA 92801, LUCTOPI W. AND RARBARA ~. MXI,EC, 36U9 Savanna SLi•~et, Anaheim, CA 92801, ROBER'~' AND LI„LA 1~DAIR~ 3613 Savanna Sl:reet, Asiaheim, CA 92801, owners and MADGY HANNA, 4000 MacArthur Blvd., #680, 2v*ewport Beac]i, 92660, agent, ~or certain real property situated in the City of Anaheirn, Coun~y ot Orange, State ot Celifornia, desaribed as follows: TH~ L~ID REFERRED TO Iti THIS REPORT 2S SIT.UA.rED IN THE STATE OF CAI.IFUPNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF ANAH~IM, AND IS DESCRIEiEA AS I'OLLQWS: ~OT 19 OF TRACT N'O, 743, AS PER N,AP RECORDED II3 BOOK 2z, YAGE ]~, OF MISCELLANE~US MAPS, TN' TFiE OFFICE OF ~HF. COUNTY RECORDER OF SATD COUNTY. FXCEPTING THFREFROM TFiE WESTERLY ~3.48 FFET THER~OF. W1~IE~EAS, the City Plauning Commissio~i did hold a public hea.ring at the Civic Center in L-he Ci~y of ~naheim on November ~3, 19&7, at Z:30 p.m., nnticp oi' said public heariny having I~een duly gaven as required by law ar.a in accordance wit•h the provisioxis of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapr,er 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said pr~posed varianc,e and tp invesL-igaCa and make L-indinq;; an~a recomrnend:~tions in connect.i.on therewith; and s4id petitiori having been contir.iued L•o the meek.ing of Jan•aary 4, 19$8; and WHER~AS, ,a'~d Commission, after due inspectiun irivestigation and stu3y made by itsea~ an.d in .its behalf, and after due c~nsic~eration of a11 ev5.dence and repo:ts of•Fe:red at said hearing, does Eind and d~~armine th~ :Eollowing facts: l. T.hat k:he p~titiozzer pr~p4ses wai~~e~,, ~f, the following ~o cox~strucC an 86-unit, 3-•story apartment co.m~,lex: SECTTONS 1~34,()62.01.1 - Maxim m s~uc~a1 heiaht. AND 18 ~4.062.412 (~ or within 150 ft. o~ single-family z~esidential zoninq, Z stories otherwise per;~itted; 3 stor.ieg propn~ed) 2. Tti~.t t2ie above-mentioned waiver is herebx denied on che basis that there are •:r'`. ~N ~ no ,~pecial circumstances applicable to the groperty ,ucr. ~,~ siz~, shape, topoacaphy, lo~ation and surroundings which do n~t apply ko other idpntically zaned property in the same vi.ci~zit of the 'Loning Code does not degrive the pxoperty~~of tprivileges enj o~ d~bY other properties in the identical zane and c1assification in the vicinity. OZ55r <<: ~:,Q;,_"rb '~;"s_`~ :-t~, ','h.r ,;~:; '' :;:.a . .;;;a _ ..7 ~ ;:~ , ,,, t,°' ,;., ~,,. 1~ ~,+~:~3 ~,~~u1~ ~~ '1 .^~*,,% ~~:` ;~~, ~ ~ .' ~ i ;,~;,f; 3. 'rhat there t~re no exr.eptional or extraordinary circumstances or c~~ndi~~ons applicable to ~he property inv~lvect dr ~o the fntendeci use of thU prop~rty that do not apply generally to tho propc~rty or class of uso in the : ~me vicl.ni~y anu zone. ~ 4. That the renuested variance is ~iot necesst~ry for the ;;.~ -+, urasorvat.ion and onjoymerit of a cubst~ ntial property right poss~s~od by r~rher ,:. p°~perty in the samc~ viciniLy and zone, and d~niod to t:he property in quostion. 5. That th~ raqu~sted variance w3)1 be ma~erially de~tirimental to L•hQ publ?c w~.lfarr~ ar injurious to thc~ properry or improvpments in siich vicinity and zone in which the ~roperty .is locatad. 6. 'rhat 1Q per~ons ir.dicated tY.Air. presenc~ at the Nuvember 23, 19U7 r~iblic tiearing and 10 peoplQ indiaated their presencp at the January 4, a98~• public hearing in onr~~l~ion; and tha~ a petition ~ontair~ing pproximatoly 39 signatures was received in ~pposition to subject petition. ALT~OI2NIA GNVIRQNb{ENTAL~~LIry ~ T FINDIN • That tl~s Anah~im !:i.ty Dlanaing Cnmmission has reviQwed the proposal ko ~construct an 86-uniC, 3-story ap~rtmu:-t complex cn an irrc~qularly--shaped pa:cel of land cansisting o~' approxxi•-atoly 2.39 ac:es, lc^.ated on th~ nortti side of Savanna Straet, havir~g ur, ~.L~pr~ximdte frontage of 332 fQet on t:he north side of Savanna Street and a maximum c,ept•h of appro:cimately 383 feet and baing located appr~ximai:ely 66U feet west of tne c:enf:erliiie of Knott Street and Liirther describ~d aa 36Q3, 3604, 3613 and :i6~1 Savai~r.a Streot; and daes hareby epprovz t:he Negativa Ueclarar.ion upon finding that it has considerad tho Negr.tive Ueclaration r,ogether with any comments received du:ing the public r~view prccess and further find.ing ~~n the basis of tho initial study and any cummen~s rec.eivF:d that there i3 no substan~ial E:videhcc~ that ~he project wi'y7. hsvo a siynificanY. effect on th~ environment. NOW, TEiEREFO&E, ~i~ IT_ RESOLt~ED that the Anahoim Ci.ty planning Comrn:,ssion does hereby deny subjec~ Petition for Varfance on the basis of the aforementioned finciings, TJ1F. ~OkEGOING RESIILUTICN i~ s.igned ancl a~proved by me this 4t1~ of Janaary, lygg, i _ % ' ~~° /G~ __ ._~ _._ _.y_____ CHAiRMAN, RNAF(gl,. ~l~y p~,ANNING I:OMMISSION ATTEST: .~ / _ ~ -~'.L'i~ ~/~ !~. ~_ .~ ~~CRETAR'., ANAHEIM CITY PLAN! rIi tG C~ SION ';;~~': . ,, :° ~156r ~~-~ ~~ ~~ i~~ .+r y) J.." ~~~ ~ ~ A~1~_. ~ y 'r~; ir`~. r ~I . . . -2- ~ 1 FCA9-07 ~ ,u/~ }~ . ~1C' ] Z ~(7~1 t ' ~ . ' . 1' 1 '~ . ~ ~„y ~ l , `? ~ J1h~iJ ~ ~ iF.~,~' ,{ ~ 'i ~ ~ ~ _ F ~~ y`l, ' Y ~ / ' ~ .,ti b~:~ ~ ' ~I ~R. r' 'i4' r ' STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA ) ' `;~~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. ~'~ Cl'TY OE' ANAHExM ) : ,;~; Commissi I, Edith J~. on, do hereby Harris, SPCretary of ~hc~ Anahe~lm Cit;y Planning cext;ify that th f •~'''~ ,~! ~" ' adopted e oregoinq rasolu~ion was pctssed xnd at a meeting of thQ Annheim City Planning Commissi~n h ld ~ " ~u 9, 19~8, o on Jaiiuary by the following vote of the irembers thereof: ; - ( ~ + ',ft AYES: COMMISSTONERS: IIOY.UCTUII, Ct-RUS3LL0, IIGRBaT, MESSE ,,:~ 1~,~ NOES: COMMISSIONk:R5: BOUAS, FELDFIAJS, MC BURNEY AESENT: COMM]:S5IONERS: NONE ;'~ ~~~. January, IN WIxN~'SS P1FiEREOF, I hava herounto set my hand this 4th day of lggp, ? i .~ , ~~~"L ~ .i7 ~ ~ ~~ ~.r._._._ _~_x: 1~1~.~/ SFCRF'TARY, AI31~IiEIM PLANNING COMMISSION ,, ~ ai .' i ~,ia; ~ ' ~1J6f ~~li:~ ' ,', ', '-~ ~ ~~`.:x rs~ _{,~ , t,Y r .~~'Pq~;J ...sa ~ _~1~ ~~ 1P A ~' i -3 - PC88-07 ~: 3'~ .. ~ ,.'.li~