PC 88-8,- r ~}a ~, ,~-~; ,., !"~Ik"S C !; '.; _:, ~'~i r 7~ RESOLT,~T14N Np, pf'~ 4$ A RESOLUTION 0~' THE 1~NAI3~IM CI7'Y E~LANIJ:ING COtdMTSSION THA',C PETITION FOR CONDITIONA~. USE PERtQIT N0. 2g68 BF; GItA21TED F~HEREAS, tha i~naheim City Planning Commissiun did recoive a verifiad Petit3on for Cond:iti.anal ~1se permit Erom BETTY A. WHTTFIELll, %1Q S. Claudina ~,' Straet, Anaheim~ CA 92805, owner and Jl-MFS N. KA~KO, 703 S. Philadelphia ~'~• St.roet, AnahQim, CA 92i305, agent f'ar certain roal property sitttated in t}ie ~ City of Anaheir,i, County of Ornn~e, State of Cal~.f~rnia, doscriber~ $s; LOT 10, ~N IILOCK "C" OF TRACT 372,"CARROLL SUf3UIVSSION", CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGG, STATB OF CALIFO~NIA, AS SHQWN QN A hlAP RECORDED ItI BOOK 15, PAGF 1d 0:' DfISCBLLAl~EOUS MAPS, RGCQFDS CF ORANG~ COUNSY, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission clid hold a public hearing at the Civic Center iii ttie City af Anahei~n on Dacen.ber. 7, 1987 a~ 1:30 p.m„ ne~ice of said publi.c hearing having baen duly given as required by law ancl in accordanr.Q with the provisi.ons of the Anahoim Mu~~icipal CodQ, Cnapter 18.03, L•o hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed c~nditional use permit. ~,nd to inv2stigar.e an~l make tindings and rocommendatior~s in connectaon thQrewi.th; and said publ9r. hearing having been continued to the meetirag of J'anuary 4, 1988; and WFiERL•'AS, said Commiss.ion, aLter due inspection, investigation and study made by itself. and in iks behalF, and after due considoration of all evidertce and report~ ofterQd at sa.id heax iiig, r~oQS find ~nd det~trmi.ne the following fa~ts: 1• That thc Qroposed use is properly one [or whzch a cr~nd.ikional uce permit i~ a~ithorized by GovQrnment Cada Soction 65852.1 to wit; to con~~ert a single•-tamxlx r~~id~n.•~ tc a"granny unit". 2. That use i~ hereby grantQd in coziEortnance ~~ith State Gc~vArnment CoJe Section 65(352.1. w~ 3. Tht~t ttee _~roposad usQ wi11 noC 3dv~erc;ely af£ect the ~sdjoini,ug land ases zsnd tho grow;:h and development or the area in which it :s proposod to he locatecl. ~. That the si.ze and sh~pe of th~ sito pr.op~~sed tor tt-.o usQ is adeguato ta allow the ~ull developmont of thQ proposed use in a manner not de~.rimental lo th~ particulzr arc~a nor L•o thQ ~,~a~~, heal.th, 3afety and general wQlfare of the Cit.izc~ns of. thQ City oE Anaheim. 5. Th~t tho granting of tl~o Conditional ;lsa ~~rmit unQer the conaitions im~osQd, if any, will not be detri.mental to the poac~, hea~th, ~afoty n~,cl general w~lfAro of. the Citizens of tY-A ~City of 1-nahei.m. 0257r :~r'r• ~ a~;;.,,: , ~.r -~ __-___ PC88-08 ,._.. . .... ~~ ~...e~tla7:AA , ~~. ~~~ r ~t 6. That tho tra£fic generated by the pro~o5ed use will not .impose an undue burden upon thQ stroets and highways des3gned anr~ improvad to carry the traf£ic in thQ a. ea. 7. Tha'~ no one indicated the~r presence at saicl ~ublic hearing in ~pposition; and ~ha~ nu correspondence was received in opposition to the subject pQtition. ~LIFORNIA E~IVIRQNMF.l7TAF., ~ ALITY~ A~T FINDIPI~,: The Planning Dir.ector or ha~ authorized represexitiative has 6Qtermined. thaC the propos~:d project falls within ~he definir_ion oP Cat:egorical Jsxemptions, C].ass 3, as defined in ihe State F.IR Guidelines and is, tYierefore, categorically txemp~ Erom the requirQment; to pr.epare an EIR. ; NOW, TH~;REFORE, BE IT RESOLVEi3 thn~ the AriahQim C.ity Planning Commiusion cloes h~reb ra t b y q n su ject PQtitian for Con3iti~~na1 Use PermiL, u on tt p is followi.ng conditions which are hereby found to be a necsssary prarequisite t ~h o e propo~ed u;,e of t2ie subjact prupert,y in order to preaorve the safe~y and ge:ie~ral welEare af the Citi E z9ns e the ~ity oP Anaheim: 1. Ttiat the owner uf subjecl prop~rty sha7.1 irrevocab7.y offer to , dedicate to tt~o City oE Anahe.im a strip ~f land '10 foet in width frnm the centerline of the alley for alley widening purposes. ~. That tihe awrl~r of subject propert;y shall ~ay L•o th~ City of Anahaim a fee for stre~t lighting along Phi.Zadelphia Skreet in an amount as d~termined by th~ City CounCil. :` `= 3• Taat tho own~r of subjc~ct proporty shall. pa,y to the City of Anah~im s ; a fe~ for tree planting purposes along Philndelphia Street in ~n , ~' amount as determinQd by the City Council. : 4. That tbe existing structure shall comply with the minimum stanciards ; ~f the City ot An~heim, Including the Uni.Eorm nuilding, Plumbing t , Electri.;~1, Fiousinr~, Mech~tnical and Fire Codes as ac1opted by the > ~ Ci~y of Analieim. y ! 5. That the owncr(s) oE subj~cC prnperty sha11 restra.ct the occuPancy ~ of the r~ranny un.it ta one or two adults, bott~ oE ~rhom are sixt;y (60) ~ yeary of age or ol~ier, and turthermo~a, shall r~cor~' a covenant against lhc~ ro ~ p pESrty so r.estricting the ocr.upancy of saad unfr_. Said c ovenant shall be submittad to the Zoning Divisiun for ` trarismittal to the Czty AtY.orney's Office f~r rov3.ow and appr~v~l prior to recor~aCion. Pcoof of rc;corQation shull the~ bP submitted tu the Zanang Divisi.on. 6. Thpt subject property sha11 be davelapQd substantial2y .in ar cordance , with plans anrl specifications on file wirh t:ho City of AnahQim mar~ced Exh.ibit Nos. :i through 4. _..._. 0 157r -2- PC88-08 ~;:~;;'! ,}~ ,; ~ ~~.»~•~ . ~~ r y ~'. `e • r~ t ' Y 1 y"~lz. . . . . : 1 , + to'~7, ~ d5 ~ T c ' ~ . }Y~~4 ~ ., d", rf~ F`',~~~. ' . ~ s + f ~ `„t ~ ,,r, i ri ~. _ , ?a,~„i.4~, r~~,~~ \ ~ 7. :'haL• pzior to the commencement ~f the acrivity authorized by thic rc~solution, or prior to issuance of a build:ing pormit, or within a perioc~ af ona year from the date of tliis resalution, whichever occur~ fire,~, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 5, ak~ove-mentiont~d, shall be complied wi~h. Ex~ensions for Eurther timQ to cumplete said conditions may be granted in acc~rdan.ca w~th Sackiun 18.03.090 oE the Anaheim Municipal Code. 8, That pric.r to the commencem~nt of Che activity autoriz~d by t~hi.s rosoluLion or prior to final buildinq and zoning inspoctior~s, Conc~ition Nos. ~ and 6, above-mantioned, sh311 be complied with. 9. That app.roval of this applicaGion constiLutes anproval of the propased request only to the ext~ent thaL• it cumplies witli the ;4nahQim Municip~l zoz~ing ~ode and any other applicable Cit,y regulations. Approval does not; iizcl~:de any action or finrlin~s as to compliance or approval of the request regarding any othc~r applicable ordinance, requlation or reqi~irement. BE IT FURTFIGR K~SOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Corr~mission does hereby Eind and. deL•ermine that adoption of this Rpsolution is expressly predicat~,d upon applicant's compliar_ce with each ana a11 nf the canditians hereinabove set £orth. Should any s~ach conditions, or any part thereof, be de~lared invalid or unenforc~ablc~ by the £i.nal judgment of any court oF ~ompQtent jurisdictiun, then ttii s Resolut~ion, and any approvals her~3in con~ainod, slzall be deemed null and voic~. TFIE FOR::GOIt1G RES4LUTION ' s signc~d and approved by me this 4th da:r of Januazy, 1988. ' ~~~~ _~ . - - CHAIRMAN, I~IAHEIM CIT PLl,NNING CONL~IISSZON ~ ATTGST:~ ~ ~ 'J , _~~/,~"~ ~ __ ~: ~'C~~,C~l~,~_ ~ SECR~TARY, ~NAHCI:•i CI'TX PLANNING CUb1MISSION :, ~'r;._ 0157r -3- PC88-OEl ,;; ; }, tr~~ ~~ r~~~,~,~._,_ ~.. ..._., .. . ~b f:,L~s ~~•i:.., ''~~1 STAxE OF C~'~LIFORNIA. 6 '+ . ~ ` 4 ~ ~~}y-,'~ ~ ri~i' ~.I~ti {ri .. ~'?',s .t _ ; :y ,,;~ COUNTY OF O~2ANGE ) ss. `` CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ ;~i z, T:dith L. Harris, Soczetary oE ~he An~heim City E'~.anning Commission, do her~by cer~ify that ~.:ho forego:ng xe~olution was passed and adopted a~ ~ meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on J~snuary 4, 198Fs, by the following vote of the member~ thereof: ;; ,?t~ AYES: COI~fI~SIONERS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, CARLI5ILL~0, FELDHAUS, HERBST, ',t MC BURH~Y, MESSE ~~ NO~S: COMMISSIONERS: NONE AA5ENT; COt~1ISSI0NERS: ~IONE IN WITNESS WHEItEQF', I have hereunto seY, my hand tnis 4th day of January. 19~8. F~ ^. ~,_~ / L/ / -~'" ._._~ ~~ C.li'•v :~ ' - .'~L/~i'4-!~ SECRCTARY, ANAHETM CITY PLANNI*Tr ~UZ+IIdISS.LOli 0157r 1 ~a C 'i ~ ~' ~~ r ~ ~,~? 1 , f ~'rr~,~ ~ , '~1~~. 1~': 1 ~a.~x.a':~i 1 -9- PC8t3-08 ~ ~ ~ __ ~~~r : i:; ~ ~~ ij t~, ;' ,f~ . ' . ~ . .. .. ~~F~~~