PC 88-9/'41li~ ~' i `i ~ . ~~'. ~d i~. ~ p ~v }~T ~ ~ .. ,.. ,t.~i.'. , i`1 FE~S L T10N N0. NC$f~~,~ A RESOLUTION OF TT3E ANAHEIM CITY PLANNiNU COMMI~SION THAT PETITION FOR VARIAPICE NQ. ~736 BE GRANTED ~?~ WHEkEA5, the AnahQim City Planning Commiss~an dS.d recoiva 4 ''"~ ~~erified Petition for Varia~ice f'rom B~TTY A. WHITFIF.LD, 710 S. Claudina A~ ~~~ 5tre~t, AnaYl2im, CA 928U5, owner and JAMrS N. KAPKO, 703 S. Philadelphia Street, Anaheim, CA 92Ei05, agent for cerh,ain real prn~erty situatsd iri the City ~f Anaheim, CounCy ~f 0-ange, SL•ate o{ C~I.iforniz, desaribed as: LOT 10, :LN SLOCK "C" b~ TRACT 372,"CA.RkOLL ~ SUBDTUISIOPT", CITY OF AIIAFIETM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, •r ~ ~' STATE OF CAI,IFURNIA, AS SHOtiYN ON A MAP FEC012DED TN , 1~` BOOK 15, PAGE 18 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, F2ECORDS bF ':'~ ORAHGE COUN~'Y, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAF, the City Planning Commission c3id hold a public Y-earing at the Civic CenLer in the Cik.y of Anaheim nn necember 7, ].987, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sai.cl public hearing having been c~ulx gaven as requi.red by law and in accorc',ance wi~h the provisions of the Anaheim bfunicipal Code, Ch~pter ;8.03, to hear anci consider evidence Eor and agai.nst said proposed vara.~ncc~ and to inv~stigate and make fir~ding~ and recommendations in connection therewith; anc~ said puk~iic hearing having beeTi continued tu the meering of ~7anuary q, 1988; an3 WHER~AS, said Commission, after ciue inspQCti~n, investigation and si;udy made by itself and in its behalE, and after due consideration of all eviclence ana report~ offered at said hearing, does Pind and determine the fo11ow9.ng facts: " ~~ ~ 1. That the petitioner proposes waivers of the followi.na to construc~ a sizigle-family dwell3.ng to rQplace the exzstin d lli ,;, for conversion to a granny unit: g we ng prop~~sed ' (A) ~SE~TIQN 18.2C~Ob3.01p - ?~iinimum_ fron~~a~ ack. ,p ' (25 feet required; 22.2 ~~e~ '• pr~posed.y . ~ ~ ~ (B) SECTTON 1~~2~~?i~4. -_in.imtlm floar s~~a 2f dwolliiiq uni~. + ,, ( Z..,~2 2_ u r 5 sa .~.e fee~ required; ~4,~ f ~quarE fee proposed). j 2. That ~he above-mention~d waivexs are hereby graxiked on the basis , t.hat there aro special cixr.umstances dpplicable to the property such as size, s2iape, topoqraphy, locaLian or surround3.ngs, whxch do not apply to oLher identicallv zoneii properties in the vicinit~~; and tYia` strict application oE the Zoning Code de.prives ~he ~.ropert}• of privileges enj~yQd by other pro~Qrties in iclentical zoning cla~sificat.ion in the vi.cinity. ~ ,,, 0158r :;, -, ,,, . PC88-05 . . . , . ., '`~ ;'i ; "~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1!,, i M u , ~ 1~~{~ ~;;E; . 3. ThaL there .re exceptiozial or exCrau.rd:.nar.y circum~ tanc~s or conclitions applicabl.e to the property .involved or to thP intexided ~~se of the property that do not apply g~nerally to the prop~rty or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 4. ThaL- the requested varianc~ is neaessary for tl:e preservation and pnjayment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the same vacznity and zone, and deni.ed ~o the property in quastian. 5. T.hat tYie xe~~uested variance will no'~ be material].y detrimental to the public wel~are o: injurious to the property or improvements in such v.icinity anft zone an which the property is located. G. That no on~i indicatQd their presence at said nublic hearing in opposiL•io:~; and that no corresporidence was received in opposition to subject p~tition. CALTFORNIA _ENVIRQNMENTAI_QUALTTY ACT FINDING: The Plam~ir~g Director or his authorized representative has del:ermiiied that the proposed project~ fa11s within the cleFinitian of CaLegorir.al Exemptions, Class 3, as definecl i.n the State EIR Guidelines and is, tl2erefoze, categurica].~~ exempt from the requirQment to prepare an EsIh. NOy;, THEREFOF.~, BE IT. RF50LVED t~at the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby gr~nt subj~ct PeL•iCion f~r Varianc~. up~n the L-ollowing conditior~s which are hereby EouYid to be a necessary prerEqu3.site to the proposed u~e of ihe subject proper~y in order ha presQrve tha safety and aeneral welfax•e of the CiCizer_s of L-he City of Anaheim: ~; l. That the owrier of subjoct property sha7.1 irrevocably offer to der_licate to the City of Anaheim a strip ~t land 10 fee~ in width Erom the cen~c+rlinP oE the alley for alley widening puzposes. 2. Tx.at prior ta issuancA of a buil3ing permik, appropriate park and recreation in-J.ieu fQes shall be paid to the City oE Anaheim in an amount as determinerl by the City Council. 3. That prior to issuance of a builtl.ing permit, the appropriate traffac sig.nal ass~ssmen~ fee shall bP paid to Lkie Cit:y of Anaheim in an r~mount; as determiiied by the CiLy Council. 4. That the owner of subject proper~y sha~).1 pay to the City of Anaheim a£ee for street lighting alon,q Philadelphia Street in an amount as determinE3 hy the City Council. 5. That the owner o~ subject property ~hall pap t:o the Ca.ty of Anaheim ~z fee for Lr~:e planti.ng purposes along Phi :adelphi.a Street in an amount as detarmir.ed }.iy the Ci~ty Council. 6. That the new construction author.ized by this resolution shall ba served by underground utililies. 0158r '~- ~~C88-09 `` , ~, t. ;r~;. ~:';~ ._.>~~~r:~~~ .. ~ c r 7. Tha~ suUjec'c property s;~all be dQVeloped subs~antially in accordance with plans and specii:ication:+ on filQ witl~ the City ot Anaheim mark~d Exhibit P7os. 1 chrough 4. 8. That px•ior to issuan~e of a building permit, or within a pariod af one yr3ar from the ~.late of. thi.s resalution, whir.hever occurs first, Conclition Nos. 1, :3, 3, 4, and 5, above-m~ntioned, sliala be complied vrit'h. Extensions for fiirthEr time to complete sa.id conditian5 may be e~ran.ted irz accnrdance wiL-h Section 18.03.Q90 of the Anaheam Municio~ll Code. 9. That p:ior to final building and zoning inspections, Condition Nos. 6 and 7, above-men~ioned, shall be complieci wS.th. 10. That approval of this a.pplication ccnstitutes approval of the proposed reqttest only to ~the extent ~hat it complies with t-he Anaheim Municin~], Zoning Coae and any other applicable City regulations~ Apgroval C~OF3S not include any action or ~indings ~s to comp].ianc~ or approval oP the request regarding ~ny other applicable ordinance, regulation or requzrement. BF.; IT L'URTHER RESOLVED t;~at the Anaheim City Planning Commission do~s hereby find and del:ertt~ine that adopl:inn of this Resolutior~ is expressly predicated upon ~pplicant.'s compliance wi.th each and a11 ~f the conditions hereinabove seY. forth. Should any sur.h conditior.s, or arr~r part thereoE, be decl~r.ed invalid or unenforceable by the fina?. judgmont oE ax~y aourt of competent jurisdicti~n, then Ciiis Resolui:ion, az~d any approvals h~rein contai.ned, slaall be deemed nu11 and void. THE FORI;GOING R~SOLUTIUf1 is si.gne~ and approved by me this ~th day of Januax•y, 19a8. ` ~ ~~ ~ ~~~.. CHATRMAN, ANd~H~IM CIT PLANNIr'G COMMISSTON ATTEST: l ~ ,._.~ _~ f , --~ ~Z~~~ ~ ~_~~~~_4- ~:~-'L'1.G ~ECRETAR , A.NAHEI2d CITY PLANP7ING COMMISSZON 0158z~ -3- PC88-0~ f ~~i ~ ;'r: "+ ~~(: '~.,i . ~ - ~ ,~~~'~ , ';r ~~~, ~! ''r I > ~:» ,'~ ~~,' l~ ~ ,, ~'` ~'r~~o~\r~r~7," . . i~'~~~1~ t~1 ~ 1!i i`rN I ~; ~'r ~i;: ~,,^ r'. STATF OF CALIFORNIA ) ~' COUNTY O F ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF A,1AI?EIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, SPCrekar~ of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, du `;~' ~ hereby certify that thc foregoing resolution was p~ssea and adopted ~t a ;~:~; meer_zng of the Anaheim City Planning Cummission held on January 4, ].988, by `'~ +^~ ::; ~he z~ll owing vote of Che members tliereof: AXES: CQM'~IISSIONERS: BOUAS, BOXDSTUN, CARUSILLU, FELDHAUS, IiERRST, MC HURNEY, MESS~ ~~ ';r. NGES: COhIIvlISSION~RS: NONE ';;, ~a ABSENT: COMMISSIUNERS: NONE ':•M ~ ~ ,~ { { ' r IN WTTNESS WHE REOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 4th day of ~ ' `,,: Janu~ry, 1988. ~ ~ ~ ~.,~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~' C - -- - , SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION , :~; ; ;;i 7iiyJ , ~'r' ~,; . ~ r~~ r ~~.x~ry~",. 1 ~ ':. ~. ~ varaav U158r _,~ _ PC88-09 _.:.... ~;°.i