PC 88-95WH:~REAS, the Anaheirn City Plann~ng Commission did initia~e a peti.tion far Reclassification of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, 5tate of California, described as fnllows: ~ RESOLUTION' N~_,_,P 8 =„~5 i P Y~ ~F(. ..~~n ~~. ~,~~ ~'a~ .~~`f ~ A R~SOLUTION OF TFi~ t1NA.H~IM CITY PLANNING COMMTSSION 'PFiAT PETTTION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 87-88•-45 BE GRAN'rED PARC~L 1: LOTS lb THROUGH 23 IN BLOCK 4, LOTS 3 THRQUGH 9 AND 14 THROUGH 19 IN' BLOCK 5, LOTS 3 THROUGH 7 AND 12 THROUGH 16 IN BLOCK 6, LOTS 3 THROUGH 6 AND LOTS ANA LOTS 11 THRO'UGH 13 IN BLOCK 7 OF TRACT ~12? "MILLS PARK TRACT', AS PER RECORA~D I1~ BOOK Z5, PAGE 481, MISCELLANEOUS 2d~1PS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CAL:CFORNIA. PARCEL 2: LOT 1, BI~OC:i A OF TRACT N0. 530 AS PER MAP RECORDBD IN BOUK 20 PAr~ 10 OF MTSCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORL~S OF LOS AIJGELES COUNTY, CALIFORI~IIA. PARCEL 3; LCT 22 BLUCK A OF TRACT N0. 158 AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 12 PAGF 8 OF MYSCELLF-NEOUS MA.~' RECORDS OF LQS ANGELES COUNTX, CALIFORNIA. PA^^.~L 4: LOTS 1.6 TIiR0UGI3 10 S~,OCIC l, LOTS 1 TFIROUGH 10 iLOCK 2, LUTS 1 THFtQUGH 10 BLOCK 3, TRACT N0. 135 A5 PER M.~P RECORDED IN BOUK 11 PAGE 24 OF MTSCELLANEOUS MAP RECORDS OF LOS ANGRLES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. PARCEL 5: LOTS 1 TFiROUGH 6 BL,OCK 1, LOTS 1 THItOiTGH 6 BLCCK 2, LOTS 3 THROUGH 5 BLOCK 3, LOTS 7 THROUGfI 12 fiLOCK 4, LOTS 1'PHROUGH 12 BLUCK 5 l~NA LOTS 1 THROLTGH 12 BLOCK 6 AS P~R M]-P RECORAED II~ BLOCK 4 PAGE 82 MISC~L~LANEOUS MAF RECORDS OF ORAIvTGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. i'~` ; PARCEL, 6: TIiAT POR'PTON OF LOT B2 OF THC VJNEY.ARD TRACT A'S PER M3~P RECOFDED IN BOOK 4 PAG^nS 629 AND 630 OF DEEDS UF LO:~ ANGE;LES COUNT:' MORE uPECTFICALLX DESCRIBED AS LOTS 13 '1FiR0UGH 20 AND 26 AND 27 CF ASS~SSORS PARCEL M,~1P 035-164 UF ORANG~ COUNTY, ALSQ L,OTS 1 THFOUGI•I 6 OF' TRAC'r N0. 154.~'i MISCET.LANEQUS MAP BDOK 45 PAGE 35 MISCELLANEOUS MAPS RECORUS UI' ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. 0252r FC88-95 `::!r i ' ~i~~ ``~~ '~?'a , , ; ,;r~i~ `,,: nt '~.?~ ; ~pr. r 1~ ~~' ~ a _ .._~.,,~ '~`~f ' "~ ;~ . ~: '',~ ,~. .; ;~~: r; ':~ . . .:. +~ ~ ~,r; _ ~, , ~ ~~ ~ . ~ `.~. ~ ;Yl ~~1 :1,.~ . ' ~ . ~ , , ~ . . . ~f. I . . ';.,':1,ii ' ~~: . ~ ~ !,1(r, ;i _ii : . . . -~^~t PA.RCEL 7: 'rHE EASTERL~t 17.2 FEET OF Y~OT 1, LOTS 3 AND ~ji ;~, 4 OF BLOCK A, LOTS 6 THROUGH 21 OF BLOCK B, LOTS 22 ` THROUGH 37 B~.OCK C, LOTS 38 THROUGFT 53 BLOCK D, LOT~ ;+ ~ 69, '75, 76 AND THE WESTERLY 4g FEET OF I,OT 79 AN17 LOT 80 OF BLOCK F, LOTS 85 T.HROUGH 1(i0 QF BLOCK G, ANL „:,;;;; LOTS 101 TAF.OUGH 116 OF BLOCIC H AS PER MAP R~CORDFD ' ~~ " IN BOOK 'l PAGE G48 AND 249 MISCELL:aNFOUS R~CORDS OF t,~~ LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALII'ORNIA. PARCEL 8: LOTS 1 THROUGH 13 OF BLOCR 1, LCTS 1 `; i ' TI~ROUGH 14 OF BLOCK 2, LQTS 1 TFiROUGH 3 ANA LOTS 9 '~,-' THROUGH 11 OF BLOCr 3 AS PER MAP RECORDED TN BaqK 5 PAGE 3 MISCELLANEpTJ5 MAc'S OF L'OS ANGE'LES COUNTY, ~"' CALIFORNIA. PARCEL 9; LOTS 1 THROUGH 13 AS PER M.AP RECORDED TN 1300K G PAGE 7 I~SISCELLANEOUS MAPS OF LOS ANGEL~S COUN7.'Y, CALIF08NTA. PARCEL 10: L~TS 1 THROUGH 12 OF BLOCK E, LOTS 7., 2, i0 TIiROUGH 12 OF BLCCK D AS RECORUED IN t300K 3 PAGE 144 MISCELLANEbUS M~.PS OF LOS ANG~LES COL'NTY, GALIFORNIA. WHGREAS, the City Plannin~ Commission did hold a public haaring at the Civic Cent~r in the Ci~y of Anaheim on April 11, 1988 at 1:30 p.m., riotice o£ said public heari.ng having bpen duly yiven as rQquired by law and in accordanc~ wzth the provisinns of t'he Anaheim Municipal. C~de. ChaptEr 18.03, L-a hear axic~ consider evidence for and against said prupc.:ed re~classificati:+n and to investigate and make findings and racommendations in connecti.on therewith; and WH~REAB, said CUmmission, after due inspection, inv~estigation and study made by itsolt and in ii:s behalt, and after du~ con.sideration of all evidence and reports offered al said hearing, does f.ind and determin~ ~~E I:ollowinq Eacts: l. That ~he petitioner proposes recla~sifica~ion. of subjec.t property from RM-].200 (RESiden~ial, Multiple-F~miJ.y), CL (Commerci al, Limif:ed), ~fL (Industrial, Limited), and CG (Commercial, General) Z~nes ~o the RM-2400 (Residential, M•.~ltiple-Family) Zone. ,~ 2. That on March 28, 19Ei8, the Anaheim City Ccmmission recommended adApti.on of GenQral P].an ~m~ndment ~ redesignatinc~ subjech. area fror,i Madium nensity Resiflentia~. l~nd }~I Low-Meclium Density Residential land uses, -2- PC88-95 Planning :°iE ~:; ~ No. 227 uses ~o ~° ::,~~. , ''~:i :td~ _., s';~ § ,r;~s~ ;:j`L; : ,~` ;;o }'G i'/i" / ~ ~j ~~~ , 4f , ic, zr,'s ~ ~ 3. That the proposed reclassification of' subject property is n~cessary and/or desir.able for the orderly and proper development oE the community. 4. TYiat the prapcsed reclassification of sulaject property does properly relate ta the zones and their pern~itted uses locally establi.shed in. close px•oximity to subject property and to ~he zones and thei,: permitted uses generally established throuqhout the conununity. 5. That ten (10) person:; 9.ndicated their presence at said public hearing in favor of subject r.eque;st and £aur (4) people indicatecl their presence in opposition; and th~t no correspondence was received in oppositi.on to subject petition. CALIFORNIA ENVIRQNMENTAL OUAL~ITY ACT FINDING: That the Anaheim I City Flanning Cammission has reviewed the proposal tcs recl~ssify subject ' praperty from the Rbt-1200 (Rasiden~ial, ldultiple•-Family), CL (Ccmmercial, T.,imited) , ML ( Industrial, Limited) aric3 CG (Commercial, General ) Zoiles to the RM-2400 (Resi~ential, Multipte-Fa-nily) 7.one on approxirnately 91.3 ar.xes generally bounded b~ Anaheim Bouievard ~to the west, Cypross Street to the soiith, ~.he Union P~cific Railway to the east and La Pa1ma Avenufa~ to the north, and excluding the following: (1) tY.~~ area bouizded b~y tlilhelmiria St,reet tc the noYth, Sabina Street to the west, 5vcam~re Street tc the south anci the Union Pacific Raiiway ta the east; (2) thoso ~Sroperties f~c•onting onto Anaheim Boulevard and L~ Yalma Avenue; (3) Portions A, praperties consisCing of approximatsly 0.87 acre located at the northwest corner of Claudi.ria Street and Wilholmina Street; (4) P~rtion 13, 7 propert•zPS consisting of approxirnately 1.29 acres located at the southwest corn~:r of Ad~::. Street and Emily Straet; (5) Portion C, 15 proporties consistzng of approximately 2.13 acres located on the north si.de of North Srreet between Olive Street ar.~;'. the al'ley immecliately east• of Anaheim Boulevard; and (6) thcase properties presently zoned RM-2400 as follows: 15 propextiF~s s~uth oF Mi11s Drive east of Anaheim Boulevard to Olive Street~ 71 proper.ties sou lz of La Palma Avenue north 4f North Street, bnunded by Uliv~2 Straet and the i;. i.on Pa~ifia Railroad axcept for the northe~~t corner of Olive Strest und North Street commonl~ kn~wn as 405 North Street; lE0 .properties south of NortP: Str.e~~ and north of Wilhelmina bounded by the alley east of Anaheim B~ulevard and the Un~an Pacific Ra.3.lway except: for the property lncated at 726 N. Claudina Street. And that the Anaheim City Qlanning Cnmmission does heroby approve the Negative Declaration upon £ir,di.nc7 that xt has considered the Naqative D~claration together wi~h any comm~ents received durinq the public review process and iur~her fzndzng on tk,e basis oE the initial study a:nd any ~ comments recQived that ther~ is n~~ substantial eviclence that the project wil~. ~~' have a signifiaant ef.fect on trie erivironmenk. -3- PC88-95 :~ ~ : `•'y - - -._ ..,,t, ~ ~,~,.~r4 _ . ~ - x p ,!t. "• ~;,~~, ;:t ..i..~~ ~ . ~'~~y~ . .. . . ~ i - i k r ; ~.,~.~ ~ j r~U,; ~ ~~~4~ NO'~T, TH~REFORE, BE; IT RE~OLVFD that the Anaheim (;3ty Planning Conunission doc:+s t~ereby grant subject Petition for ReclbssiEicatison and, by sn • doing, tha~ Title 18-xoning of the Anaheim Municipal Coc~e be am;~x~ded to exalude the abave-descr'h~d proporty Eram thES RM-],200 Multiple-Fam31 (ResidQntial, Y~• ~~ (~ommercia~, (,fmitod), ML (Indastr3al, Limi~od) and CG (C~~mmdreiaY, General) Zonas anii to incorporar.e aa.id described pi•operty 3nto '~ the RM-2400 (Resi~ential, f con~ition k~hich is hQrebyM~found Q p~heY,a lrieCa~s ~~eC~ ~O ~~R ~ollowing ~ proposed use of sub'ect Y prerequiatte t~ th~~- a proper ty 3n order to preserve thc~ sa.fety and general welFare oE the Citizens of ~he City ot Anaheim: 1. That pr.ior to adnption o~ an ordin$nce rec:.assiEyfng aubjoct property, Goneral P1an Amenr]ment No. 227 s}iall be t~dopted by the City Council. BG t:f FURTFIER RESULVED that the Anaheim City planning Commission does hereby finil and detsrmine thak adoption of this ;o~o).ution is expressly predi.cated adoption of. Genoral P1an Amendment No. 227 by Che Anaheim Ciky ~ouncil. Should said General Plan Amendment not be ad4pted, then this Resolution, and any ~,pprovals herein contaixied, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGCING RE50L'TI~N is aE April, 19t38. ~~. CHAII;MAN, ANAIiEIM CI ATTEST: ,~? , , ~ ~i ' ~~ I~ ~ , ~, SECRE'Pl1E2St, ANAF(EIM CITY PLANNING COt~lISSION STATE OF CALIFOFNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANG~ ) ~s, CITY 0~ ANANEIM ) znd approved by me khis llti~ day PLANNING COMMTSSION I. Edith L. HArris, SecreL•ary of the Anaheim City Planning Commissi.o:., da h~reby cerkiFy th~t r.he forQgoing r~sc+lution Wbs passad ancl adopted ac a mPOtinq of thQ Anaheim City Planning Commisuion hold on Ap''=a ~.i, 19$F3, by the folloWing ~~ota of Che m~mLers ~hereof: AY~~= COtrA~fISS70NERS: SOIIAS, BCJYDSTUN, C4RUSILLO, l~ELOHAUS, H6[2BST, MC 1~URH£Y, MESuE IIOESi C4t~t~SSIONERSt NONE ABSHNTs COMMISSIONERSt NON~ IN WIxNESS WHLREOF, I have herounto aor, my hand this ~.ith day of Apri)., 1988. r . . --• -- ~ -~~~,~~ __~~ . 5ECItBTA Y, ~NAHEIM CITY PLANNtNG CONlMIS5ION -4- PC88-95 ~,q:~ . ,~.~,j~~'i ~l{i i , „+ e~ ~' - - r~" ,