Resolution-PC 89-1~~"~ S~ 41. I N~.~...~'.$~-U 1 A RESOLiJTION OI' THE ANhHEIN( CITY PLANNIN'G COMDIISSTON TfIAT PETTTION FOR RE(:L~.SSIFICATTpN Nq. fS8-E9-24 BE GRAN7.'ED WHEkEAS, the Anatieim Ci~y Flannin~ Commission iiia rec~ivR a v~~~r:ifiad petitioii fnr Roclass.ification irom FIarold C. J. Caykendall, 2890 E. La PA1mts, ~.naheim, CA 92006, owner, arid AndrQw Hom~s, 4~00 MacArtt~ur Tioulavard, fR900, Newport Ee~ch, CA ~266U, agent, af cprtain real property s.ii:uatc~~i a.n Zhe CxhX of Anaheim, Count;y o~ Orange, S~ate <~f Calif~rnia, describQd as follows: LOTS 9 ANn :LO OF TRACT N0. 255, EAST AN'AHEIM SU~3DIVISION, IN THE CITY 0~' ANF-IiE7M, COUNTY pF ORANGE, STATE OF CAL'IFURNI'A, AS PER MAF RECURDED IN BOOK ld, YAGE 25, 0~ MIS(;ELL7~NEOUS MAPS, IN TH~ OFF'ICE OF THE C~Ut7TY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WFiEREAS, the Ci.t.y Planning Comm~ssion did hold a public hearing at tkie Civic Cer~ter in the Ci~;.y of Anaheim ~n Docember 5, 19Af~, at• '1:30 p,m. ~ ; not3ce of said p~ablic h~aring lidving been dul.y givon as require~3 by law and in accord3nce with thg provisior-~r of the Anaheim 1~unir.ipal Codo, Chap~er 1fi.03, to )zear and consider evidence for and against said propospr3 •recla~sificatiot~ and to inv~stigate and mRke findings and recommendations in cunnection ~herewiL•h; and said public hear5.ng was contiiiu~ad to ~he meetir~g of January 4, 1989; x~nd ~ ;:;{1e.~ ij;f:l !r; ; WHEc2EAS, s.~id Cammission, after due inspecti.on, investigation arid st_~tdy made by its~J E and in its behalf, ~r~.~ aftar due considaration of ail evi~9once and reports o.ff.ered ~t said h~aring, d~ES .find and detaxmine the following ~a~~s; ~.. That the petitioner ~XGYO;R@3 recl.assification ~f subject property from the RS-7200 (Residential, Sin~lo-Fami].y) T.one to the RMr12U0 (Resider~Ci~l, Multzple-Family) or a less intei,~e zone. Z. That the AnahUim GQneral Plan closzgnates sub.ject pro~erty ~ for mediwn density residentia~l land usos. i necessary and/or desi abl.eo orz~~thed c derly zand~.~iro er subjec~ pro ert is community, P P devQlopment p of y~he 4• That the rro~osc~d roclassificatic~n ~f subject property 8oes pr~~eriy relate to the zonas ancl their perm:tted uses locally established in close pr.oximity to subjec~ proparty and to the zones and thei= per~~~itted uaes generall,y established throughc~ut the community. 5. That h.he propo3ed reclas:sificarion of subject propertl requ.ires the dedicat:ion dnd improvQmpnt of abuttir.g ~ trec+ts in ~accordnnce with th~ Circu.lat.ion Flemeiit of the General P~an, due to the ~ntfcipated ~ncrease in trnf.xic rrhirh will be gQnerated bx the int~nsification of lsnd use. 060]. r -1- PC il~_pl - - - - _ , _ -- - ~:~ -Y`''~~~1 6. That t~•ro person~ indicat~ci thQir presence at said ~ublic hearing in opposition; and that nu carrespondonce wns received in op~osiLion to subjeCt peCiti~n. (:AI,I~;~f~N~,1~ E 1~Vr~NMGNTJ~L~jjA~TY~T__~.~:ND~N~,: That thQ Aa~he.im City Flanning Comm~.ssion has reviewed tt~e pro~osal to reclt~ssi.fy subject property from the Tt5-7200 (Residential, Multaple-Familp) Zon~ to t2io RM•-1200 (Resldoritia7., Mult:iple-Family) Zor-e and ~o cozistiruct a 3-story, 20-unit "afL•ordable" apartrnont bui].ding with waivers oE minimum buil.ding site area per dwelling unit and maxi,~um structural hoight on a z~rctangularly-sh~sped parcel of 2~rid c:on,isCing of approximately 0.53 o.cre, having a frontage of ~-nproximately 120 Leet on the ~asL sido of Cotfman Str~et, having a maximun aepth oE appruximately 189 feet, being locat~d approximaL-ely ~190 f~eC north of L•he center.line o~' CenCer Strec~t and further described as 206 North CoEfman SLrQet; and doea hQreby ~pprove the Nagative Declaration upon findzng that it Y:~s cons.idered the ~TegaL-ive Dec:larati.on together wiCh any commAnta receivod during the public review proceas ar_d further Einding on the basis of the initial study ar,d any commer,ts received that thoro is na subst~nti~l evidence that th~ project will have a siqnif:ir.ant effect on the en~•ironment. NOW, TIiCREFORE, B~ TT RESOLVED t2iat the Anaheirn Ciky Planriinq Conunission daes hereby grAnt st~bject Petition for Reclnssification ancc, by so duing, L•haL• 7:itle 18-Zoning of the Anahexm Municipal Code bQ ameride3 to exclude thP above-described property from the I2S-7200 (Resitlantiat, Single-Famzly) 2ono and ro incorporatR said desarib~~i ~roperty into the RM-120f? (i:esidential, Mu~tip'ls-F~mi1y) Zone v.pon tnr~ following condition~ wliich are hereby found to be a nec.esssry prerequisit~r to the proposed use of subjacL• property in ard~r to preserve Lhe safety and general w~Ifare of the i;itizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. Thak streeY. li.ghtiiig facilitics along C~~ffn,an Str.•eet shal.l be installad as requirad by the Util:i.ti~ss Goneral ttanager in accordance with specif.ic~kions on f.i le in ?;he Office o1: Utili~ic~s General Manager; or that security in the form of a bond, cart5.ficate vE depnsit, letter of crodit, or casb., in an amount und form sar.isfactory tr~ the C.ity of 1~naheirn, shnl.l be posted wit2i the City to guaran~e,e the sf~tisfactory coml~letion of tha above-mentioned improvomr:nts. Said ~jecurity sha?1 be pnsteci with the City of Aixahcir~i prior to inr_roductio:~ of ar~ ordinance reaoni.ng subjQC~ progerty. Th~ above-r~~c~i~irod irnprovomr,nt, shall be ?.nstalled p:ior to occupancy. 2. That the lc~gal ownQr o~ subj~sc~ doclicato to the C.ity Uf Anahoim a width from the center?.ine oE !;he widoning uurpos~s. prope:rty shall irrevocably offer Co sCrip of land thirty two (32) f.eet in street; alang Cof£man Stre~t f.or str.eeY. 3. That a faithful p~~rFormanco bond zn a:~ amount approved by the C3.L-y Engineer sk~all be posted witl: the City of Anah~im prior to introdaction of thQ ordinance rezoninq subject ~~roparty ko guarantee the removal oE existinq sL~Qet improvements alonq Coffman Str~et and reconstructioi:/~or.sf:ructfon of full strest impruvemants at the all•imat~ location when +-equired by Ctse City Engin.eer. ~~ ~~~.~ ;;ti. .~. ;'. •,~: .; ,' -~- PC 89-O1 ~/~ ~ ~~=s~µ ; `t ~ ;;; 4• That a feQ sliall be paid to the City of An~hc~im £~z tree planting alony C~a.ffman Street in an arnov.nt a~ ~stablished by City Council resolution. 5. 'fhat pzior to inCroducti~r. of ari ordinar.co razoning subject property, lhe .legal properL•y ownQr shall prepare and recarc~ an unsubo.rdznat9d covenanL• lim:Eting occupancy o~ each aparLmont unit to no more than two ( 2) persons (other ttian childr~n unc7er the ag@ of two ( 2) year~ ) per bedroom. Said limiratzon shall be inclu~9s<. in each leasQ/renkal actr.eemant.. A copy of tha covenant sha~1 be suLisni~ted to and approvsd by the City Attorney prior to recordakion. A copy oE rha recorclod covenant shall be furnishecl ta the Zoning Division. 4• That prior to t2ie introduction of an ordinance rezonzng aubjQCt property, Conditi.on Vos. l, 2, 3, 4 and 5, above-mentioned, shall be completed. Thg provisions or rights qranted by thzs r.esolution shall become nu11 and void by action nf tho PXanni:ng Commission unles~ said eonditians ar~ compl:ied with within one year ,Erom the c~ate of ~his resolt-t3on, or ~uch ~ua•ther time as the Planna.ng Commission may grant. '%. That approval of this appl:.caCion const.itutes ap~roval of tlia proposed rQquest only to the ext~gnt that it complies with the Anahei.m Municipal Zoning Code and any other appl?cak,~1Q City requlations. Approval does r.ot include any action or fi.ndings as to compliance or approval pf the reque,^,L• regar3ir.g any other applia~ble orcli.nance, requlation or requiremont, ~E IT FURTHER RESOLVED t:h~t the Anaheim City P13nning Commi.ssion does horeby find arici determine that ~~d~ptipn of this Res~luLion as oxpress]y predicated upon applicant's compl.ic~nce wit}i each ~nd all of the conditions herginabove set L•orth. Shoiild any such conditi~ns, or any pai•t thoreof, be daclared invalid or uneni`~rceab].e by tkio ~inal judyrrent of any court of competent jurisciiction, then this Rosnluti.on, and any approvals Y~orein contai~ied, sha11 be deemed nulJ. and void. TH~ FOR~GOTNG RESULUTION is signctd and approved by me this 4L-h ci$y o~ January, ~,gg~, , ' ~ , ~~ _ •,,,, , ; ; . ",'.~ : ~__ i' -, ~ . CHAIRWOi~AN, ANAHEIM CITY FLANNINC, COb4r(TSSION ATTEST: ~` _ lt' ~~,~~ r 's ~~'~ SEC1tETARY, ANAHE;IM CtTY P~TN ~ c cor~.ir.sszorr ~'. ~3 PC 89-07. `I~r ~ti , ;V i ~,.; , i, ; '~;i r, uww>Yanrri~tatr,~,11w; . , ,. . ~ .,. . ,. , v . . , {•,~. ~~ { ~ ~ ~:k,K2 )'~~rpt~ i ~ ~.' ,`.(i ~l7tiir~ %~; ~ .. .,~.. . , . _. S~'A,TE QF ~ALIFOkt]TA ) COIJNTY l7F QRANG~ ) ss. CITY OF ANAHExM ) x. Fdith L. kiar~~~, Secretary of ~he Anaheim Cit,y Flanning Cr~mmission, do hereby certif.y that the foregoing res~lution was passed and adapted at a meoting of tha Annheim City Planning Comm33sion held on Janunry ~~ ].989, by r~e f~llowing vote of• the mQmbers therQOE; AYFS: COhIIdISSIONERS: BOUAS, IIOYDSTUN, CARU5ILL0, F~LDFiALTS, MC BURNEY, MESSE NOES; COMMISSIONETtS: HERBST ASSF.2dT; COhIIQTSSI02dERS: NONG IN WITNESS WFYEREO~', I h~ve hereunto set my ?xand this 4th day of January, 1989. _._.~.~~ ~ ~., - - - , J~.~.._~ SECRE'rARY, ANIHETM CITX` PLI~NlrIN~ COMMI;SION -4- PC A9~01