Resolution-PC 89-105';`~r~ ~ . ~ . ~ . . ~~ ~ . ~>''~ ~~ , ' ` ~1?~ , ; ' ;;,.T4 ,', ~. . ''s $~~~TQ~I,.~~.~14 ? , ; A RESOLZITTON OF '.CHC ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIMG C~hA~fISSTON THAT PETITION FOR V'ARIANCE NQ, 3924 BE DF.NIED ~1HEFtEAS, thc~ Ax~aheim Ci~y P1ann3ng Commission dici rece~.~~r~ ~ <,~ ver.ified Petition for Vuri~nc~ trom DORR'Y pi, "' Norwslk, CA 90650, awner uf certain real r operty~1sitiated sinnthe~City rbr Anahe.im, CounL•y of Oranqe, Stare o£ California ~3escribo3 as; THE W~~T 165,p0 FF.RT, MEASURED ALONG THk; NOP,TH LINE OF THE SOUTFII:A~'T QUhRTER OF THF SOUTFIW~ST QUARTER QF SF:CTTQN 9, TOWNSFIIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, IN TFIE RArICHO SAN JtJAN CAJON DL•' SAN:CA ANA, CIT'.f OF AN'AI;CZM, COUNTY Ur OR1~2~GE, STATE OF CALxFORNiA, AS SAIn SGCTTON IS SHOWrT ON A MAp ftECqRDED IN BOOR 51, PAGE 10, MISCELLANF.OUS MAP~, xN T1HE OFFICE OF THE CQUNIY RECpRDEK OF SAID COU~ITY, LYING NORTHFftGy OF THE NORTHrAST~F.LY LINE OF T[iE LAND UESCR3~T;D IN THE DE~D TU T.HF, STATE OF CALIFORNIA RECQRD~D APRIL 26, 1954 TN f300K ?.715, r~nr,E ~Z3, pt'gzCThL RECORDS. WHEI2EAS, tY.e Ci~y Planning Commission dfd hold a at thc~ Civic Center in kt-e Ci~y of An~heim on April 10, 1989, ptb 1 30 Qaring notice of said oublic hearing having been d~ly givrn as reqtiired by law andmin accordance with :ha provisions of the Anaheim Mu.nicipa2 Code, Chapter 18.Q3, to hoaz• and consider ovidence f.or and against said proposed variance ~nd to inves~igate and mal:e f.indings and recommendation:s in connection thQrewi~h; ancl WHEREAS, said Commission, af~er due inspection, investigation a~d study mada by it~elf and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidenca and re~ports offerod at said he~rinq, does ~ind and cle~ertnS.nc~ the following facts: 1• That hhe petirioner requests waivers of rhp ,fpj],O~lI1C~ tp con,~ruct a second story addition to ar_ existing oEfir_e buil.iing; (a~ ~~x143~~@~4.~5?~2~41~ - M~~in~m stru~.u~.~.~}~i~~• «~ ~~ permitled when lor,aC~d 22 fe~t from RS-10, OOU aoninq; 2~4 f.~g~ F*opo~ecl) ( b ) ~~~~39~'L.18s.'1.~:~~. Q24 " ~1%.L~1I[~J__~~.F~~~~'~1 sot?~~s.. ~.t f~t~ requirQd from Wilshi.re Avsnue; ?iQn~ proposocl) 0807r. -1- FCB~-105 ,,,sF:•, ~~~',`,h i ~'•'~~ 2. Th~t the above-mentionecl waivers are hereby deiii~d on the ba~is that thc~re ~ro n~ spocial cirrumst~xnces ap~liaabl2 to the Proporty such as :,ize, s2xape, topography, loaaL-ion 2nd surro~andings which da not apply to other + ider~t5.cally zoned proporty in the same vicfn3ty; and that strict applica~ion ~ oE the Zoning Code dues not ~eprive L•he praperty of ~rivil~ges enjoyed by ~ othor proparkies in the idexitica'1 zone nn3 classificzt.ion .in the vicinity. ~: ,~ 3. That thero are no exceptional or extraordinary a3.rcumstanaes or conditions applica.ble to the proper*.y involved nr to the in~ended use of the property that do not apply g~ner.atly tc th~ ~raper~y or alass o~ usd in the same v::~inity and xone. 4. That the requested vfir.iancQ i.s n~t necessa~y for thQ prc~servation and enjoyment of a substantial property :ight possessed by ~ther property in tho same vicinity and zone, and denied to the prop~rty in ~uostion. 5. That the requestod varianr.e will be mztPrially detrimental to tha public welfare or injurious to the pro~i~rty or improvement: in such vicinity and zone in whiali l:Y:s property is located. 6. Th~t seven (7) peoF'le indicar.dd their presence at said public h~aring in oppa~ition; and one (1) lerter of corresponaer,ce was received in oppasition to sub~ect petiti~n. ' LTr RNII~~NVIRONMENTAC,__Q JLAGI,~x ACT~'INDI ~: That the Anaheim C3.ty Planning Commission l~as reviewed ~hc;~ proposal to construct a second story addition to an existinq of.ficQ t~uilding with waivers of maximum structural height and minimum structur3l setback on an ir.r.~egularly-shape~d paY•cel of land cnnsisting of approxiieat~ly 0.43 acre, hav.ing an approxim~te frontage of 1'70 fgeY. on the r.orth side of Wil~hiz~~ Avenuo, having a maxim•,am depth of approximately 139 fe~~, being located approxima~h.ely 660 .feet southenst of the c:enterline of L~ara StrQet unci ~urther descr:ibed as 300 North Wil~hi.r.e Avenue; and does hercby a~prove th~ Neg~tive Declart~tion ucan finc?ing tk~at it has cox~sidered the NagaCivo Declaration togother with any co:nment~ received during the p~iblic review proceas and furtY-~r finding on the bas.is of the iuitial G~11C1y and nny co~nments received that there is no subsrantial gvidence tt-at the pro~ect wlll have a 3ignif.ican~ effect on tho environment. NOW,THERBFORE, BE iT RESOLVED th~t the Anahoim City Paanninq Corr.mission does hereby dony ~ubject petiticn of JariaxicQ on the basio of the aforementioned findings. TH~ FOREGOING RESOLUTION is sign~8 anu approved by me this IOCh o£ Apri1, 1989. ~_ ...--.~.~lL .~,~ • ~• ' / ' ~rt'. f __ - i,HAIEtWOirfAN,;IANA.I3EIM~ C PI,ANNING COMMISSION y~, ATT~STt ~' ~~~ / t.~'~~'(/,~ .-- ---- -~- ~ _, SECI2ETAR , AN'1~-HGIM CITY PLANi11N(~ CGI~MISSILN -2- •51!M1Y14~R~) r;~ i~ PC89-105 ;`~, ;:~~I , ,tii~i r~}r r 7` W i~'~+ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTX OE GRANGE ) s~. CITY' OF ANAHEIM ) I, ~dith L. Harris, Secretary Af the Anariaim City Planning Commission, do herery certiEy ~hat the Eor.egoin.g reaolutiott wa~ paes~d anfl adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City P.lanning Cammission held on A~ril 10, 1989, by L•he followi;~g vote of the mambers thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: B~YD~TUN, CAI2USILLO, FELAHAUS, HERBST~ MESS~, MC BURNLY NOES: CO2~fI5SI0NERS: NOI3E ABS~NT: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS IN I~7TitES5 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this lOth day o~ April, 1989. ~ ~ ~~QJ~t~--____~2~~! ~~~'~'~~ SECRETARY, ANAIiEIM C'LANNING COMbIISSION ~ra ~ r ' t -3-- PC89-lOS ,,f , :, `'s 1'~.'.. ' . . . , .. ~ ~ . . .. . . , .. fl ~.