Resolution-PC 89-109,rn•h , , RG~Q_ TI N N01 pC8~_109 ~°'"""~1 A RESOL'UTION OF TIiF ANAFiEIM CTTY PL,ANNING CGMMISSZON TERMINATING ALT~ YROCE~DINGS IN CONNECTTOId WITFI RECLASSIFTCATXON N0. 63-64-10 ~,,. 11r 1 '" 'r;~,i}~ ,, ~ t, WHEREAS, on July 22, ].963, Recla~~iEacation No. 63•-64 -10 was granted under Itesalution No. g50 b~ th~ Anahoim City Planning Cammi~sion Err rer.lassification fro~r the RS-A-43,Oq0 and RS_7200 rones to the HM•-1200 zoi1~~ ancl, iurtlier, on F~bruary 27, 1989, the ~lanning Commission approv~d Canditionai Usd Permit No. 3026 to r~Lain tha expansion of an c~xisting mobile home L-railer park bx aading 14 additional trailer/recreational vehicls spaces on a roctangularly shappd parcQl of land consis~inq of approximatell 6.65 acres having a Erontage of ~00 f.eat on the we~t side oE Zeyn ~L•reet and located approac,in~ately 400 fes~ ,vest of the Centorline of A.naheim Boulevard and .curther tiescr.ibed as 200 Wost Midway Drive (~ti.dway 'xrailer ?ark) and ,n~~, inclucling 2 single-family residances at 1439 nnc3 1~5~ South L'emon StreE*t). WHEREAS, Pa~~l Bostwick, Vics Fresident of El Vee Inc, dba Midway Trailer City, has submitted a letter roquesting termination oE Reclassa.fi- cation No. 63-64-10 in sati~far~io:~ of a condit+.on of approval of the aforementioned Condit.i~na~ iJso f'ermit No. 3U26. NOW, THERr~FORE, BE iT RESULVED t;hat the Anahaim ~ity Planning Commission does liereby termirlate all proceedinys in connecLion vrith lteclassification No. 63-6~-10 on the k~asis of tlie foreg~ing fi.ndings. THE k'O:tEGOTIJG RESOL'UTTON is signed an8 aupratrQd by me this ] Oth day ot April, 1989. ., , ~ ~ ~ _ '", ~,•'j.~ .~` ~~>~~%<,~:,~r st~ _ ~. CHAIRWCM ~; ANAH~Itd ~ITY PLANNTNG COh41ISSI0N ATTEST: ) ~ ___~~~~ ~~ ---,~-~ SECRETARY, ANAHLIM i:1TY PLIINNING CI~MMIuSI02d STATE p~ CALIFURNLA j COUNTY OF ORIu'VGE ) S~, GITY OF ANAHEIId ) I, Edilh L. Harris, SecrgtarJ of the Anabeim City Plar~ning Commission, do horeby certify L•hat the Poregoing rQSOluta.on was passed and adopted at a meoting of tlze Anahei:n City Planni:ig Ccmmission held an April 10, 1ygg, by the Lollowing ~•okQ cf. the members thereof: AYES: C02~2~tISSIC)NEKS: BOUAS, BOYDSTCJN, CARi1SILL0, FEliDFTAUS, HF.HBST, MC BURNBY, MESS~ N~ES: COh4~fISSIONEkS: NONE ABSENT: COMM2SSTON~RS: NONE TN WITNLSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sot my hand thi;: lOth day of April, 19F39. `~ `~ l~'~.~ c~C,---• ^ !~_.;, _ SECRETARY, AIJAHEIM CI'1'Y PL ING COMMISS~C'N 0813r PC89-1G9