Resolution-PC 89-110. ._ ,.. . . ~'~',3~;. "' ~ ';.~ ~ ~ . . . < < i i ~t.-,,'h ~ RE~o~4~.~~ P~ _~i.~ 1e RLSOLUTION ~F TH~ 1-.NAH~IM CJTY PLANNI~IG COMMISSIO~i THA'~ PETTxTO~I F~P CONDTTIONAL USE PEFtMI'C N0. ~146 HE GRANTED, IN PART WI3Ek2EAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commis~ion did receivca a ver.i.f.i.eci Petition for Conciitiona]. Use Permit f.rom xRINITY I,U'rHERAN CHURCH, 4101 E. Nuhl Ranch R~ad, Anaheim, CA 92A07, owner, and GOODMAN CHURCFi BUTLAERS, 3535 W, CommoiiwQalth Avenue, StQ. 2Q9, Fullerton, CA 92633, agent for cartain renl property situated in tkze :,ity o£ A~aheim, Cour.cy of Orange, State oF Califoi•nia, described as: THAT NORTION OF TIi~ LAND ALLOTTEll TO THE HEIRS OF LEANDRO SERRANO, IN SECTTON 9, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, R1~IGE 9 WEST, IN THF CI'PY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE,. S'rATE AF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON TH~ MAQ OI' PARTITION OP' THE FAI3CFI0 SANT7AG0 UE SANTA ANA, RECORDED IN JQOK "B" OF JUDGMEN'tS OF TT~E ~7th JUDiCIAI~ llISTRICT COURT UF CALIF6RNIA, DESCRIB~D AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHERLY TERMII~US OF THAT CERTAIN COiJRS~ IN THE EASTERLY F30iJNDAFY OF TRACT NO • 54' 99, AS SHUWN ON A MAP RE(;ORD~D 7N BOOK 2U1 PAGES 46 ANA 47 OF bfISCELLANFOUS MAPS, IN THE O~FICE OF THE CUUi1TY RECORDER OF SAID pRANGE C0:1l7TY, SFIOWN TT3EREON AS FIAVING A BEA~2INC OF NORTH 2 DEG. 25' 35" EAST AND A ~ENC~TH UF 2Q6.84 FEFT; T.HENCE ALONG SA7:D EASTERLX aOUNDARY NORTH 2 DEG. 25' 35" FRST 206.84 .F~ET; TFiENGE IdpRT:i 5 DEG. 37' 35" EAST 112.9A FEET TO THF HEGINNII~G OF A T1~NGENT C[~RVE THEREYN SHOWN AS BEINC GONCAVF TO THE WEST AND HAVING A RADTUS OF 309.88 FEET; THENCE NORTFIERLY A.LONG SAID CURVE 50 , t78 FEET, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEEIRS NORTH 86 DEG. 22' 00" ~AST; THENCE NORTH 86 Dr~G. 22' 00" 167.62 FEET TO TFIE BEGINNIt;G UF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAV~ TU '~'HE NORTH AND a3AVING A RA,DTUS A 300.00 FEET° THENCG EASTERLY ALONG S:~IV CURVF 113.62 FE~T; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVF NpRTIi 64 DEG. 4p' 00" EAST 9~.37 FEET; TH~:NCE SOUTH 25 Di:C. 20' 00" EASt 26.00 FEET; 'SFIENCE SGUTFI 2G ~,RG. 3~J' 00" F.AST 140.00 F~E'P; THENC~ SOUTFI 50 DEG. 50' 12" EAST 150.60 FEET; TIiENCE SQUTH 27 DEG. 30' 00" WEST 123.00 FE~T; THLNCE SOi7TH 1. DF.G. 29' 24' WFST 97 . Ct7 FEET TO TFIE IN'~ERSECTION WI7.'H A LTNE FiAVING A BEARINr, OF Sai;TH 88 DEG. 3~J' 36" EAST ANU WF3ICH PASSE~ THRO'UGff THE POIrTT OF BEGIN2vING; THENCE ;lORTH 88 AF.G. 30' 36" W.~S:'' 51J.00 FEET TO THE FO=NT dF BEGtNNING. ~~ 083Gr -1- PCt39-110 .~ ~ ^ ~ , y,~ , ~7,~ -~;i~ ~+> 1~ ~~:r WAEREAS, the City P?aniiing Ccmm~ssian did hold a puhlic hNar3ng nt the Civic Canter in the City af Anaheim on Apr.il 10, 1989, at 1:30 p,.m., notico of said public hearing having been duly gican as requirod bX l~ r and in accorclance with t.he provasions of r,he Anaheim Municipal Code, Chaptez 18.03, to hear and consicier evidence for and agains~t said proposed condition~l use permit and to izzve~tigato and make f'indings and recommendations in connection thorewi~h; and said public hearing wa~s continued to th~ meeting of ~pril 24, 1489; and WHEREAS~ said C~mmission, aEter due i.nspectio~i, investigation and ~tudy rr~ade by it;sel£ and in its behalF, ar~d aEt~r due ~onsiderati~n uf aZl evidence and report.s affered at said hea.rinn, doos find ana determint. the £ollowing• facts: 7.. Z'hat i:ha peti.Lioner reguests approval of a Conditianal Use Yermit unaer ~ut.i~ority of Code Section 1a.29.050.030 to perma,t a 9, g2a sq. f.t, a3dition to ~~n existing church f~ci~.ik,~ with waiver of the following; (A) SE~TIONS 18.Q6.050.0266 - Mini_ mum numb~r Q~arking snacg~. 1$ . 06.. ~$Q ("~41 required; 21 pr~posed ) anci 18.34.O~f~i~~10 ~~? S~CT~N 1~~A~4?.011 - M~xi~m ~truvtural. heigh~. ~?~`r_~~@~ per:nitted; 3~fs~ pro~,~osed) 2. That the r~quested w~iver (a) is hereby grantod on the~ basis ~hal•. the ~~nrking waiver w~i11 not cause an increase in traffS.c ccnges~ion in the immediate vic.inity nor ac]ver.sely affect any adjo.ini.ng land uses and granting of ~he parking waiver under the condition;, imposed, if any, wi11 not ~~e detz•imenta7. to the poar_~, hpa'.th, safety and genaral wQlf~re of tha cxt;i.zens of the City oE Anz.heim. 3. That the requeste~i waiver (b) is hereby grauted, in Parc, to pPrm~t a ma.ximum structural height ~f thirty {30) feet for the .propoaed sanctuary building on tha basis thaL- there are special circums~~nces applicable ta the property sucti ~s size, shnpe, topography, location and surrounoings which do not anply to othsr. identical.ly zoned ~roperty in the sam~ vicinity; and that strict app7.iGation of the Zoning Cc-de dQprives the property oI privilagos enjoyed by ather properti.QS in th~ identical zone and cl~sszfication in the ~~icinity. 4. That t2ie proposed use ~a.i11 not adver;~ely affect the ~djoining land uses and the growth and developmHnt o~ the dr.Qa in wlnich it is p.roposed to be located. 5. That the size ~nd shape of thc si~:e proposed for thA use is aiequate to ailow the full dc~velonmc~n~ of the, proposed u3e in a manner not cletrimental to the particu.lar area nor to ~lie peace, health, saFety, ancl general welfure of the t:xtiaens c~ the City oY Anaheam. 6. xhat the proposed use, a5 granted, will not adversely bfEect ~he adjoining land uses at~d t2ie growth and development o~: t:ne area in whach it is proposRd to be located. ^ -2- PCi.9-1J.d ~ ~ 7. ThaL• thQ s::ze t~na S11R~0 0~ the aite proposod for the uoe, as granted, 3.~ ~dequate ta allow tlhe tull develupment o£ tho proposed use in a manner not detrime,ital to the particulAr r~•rea n~r tn tt~e peace, health, s~aYQt;~ and <7er:eral wolEare of tk~e Citizens of tho City of Anaheim, A. ThAt th~3 grant.ng of the Conditional tlso Per.mit •uncier Lhe conditions imposod, if any, rrill nor be detrimental to ~:he p~aca, bealth, safaty and qeneral weliar.e of tha Cil•,izens of the l:i~y of Anaheim. 9. That three (3) peopl,r i.nd3cated th~i.r presence at 3Kid public hearing i.n opposition= and th~t no correspondence was recoived in oppQSition to the subject petition. ~AT~IFQR~I~~NV~RQ.~IJT IA, QU~L~~~t~~T F~t~~tTG: That the Anaheim City Plnnning Commission has rev3.ewed thg proposal to permit a 9,925 ~4q. rt. ac?dition to an exi~ting church f.t~cili~y w.ith waivers of minimum numbsr of parkinqs spaces and ~naximum structural height on a frregularly-s~aped parcc~~ of land cons.istinq of approximahcly 9 acres .locaked at the aortheast corner of Nohl Ranch Road and Nohl Canyon R~JF,ICl, and further doscribed as 4104 Eaot Nahl Ranch ktuad (Trinfty Lutherar. Church); and ~?.oes hereby approve th~ Negativ~ Declaration upon finding l•hat it has considered thQ Nagativq Declaration toqether with any comnents received during tli~ public review procass and furrher finding on the basi3 of L•:-e initial stur~y and any comments racoived that tharQ is no substantial evidQnce tha~ thQ project will have a signrficant offect on tkle environinocit. t70W, '1HEREFO[tE, BE iT RESOL.'VEU that the Anaheir.e Cit,y Planning Co~Y-mission 3oes hersby gran.: ~abje~t Petition fur Condit.i~na1 t)se P~rmit, upon the £ollowing conditions which are horeby found ko bo a necessary prerequ:tsite to the propored use of the subject p:operty fn order ~to pr.erequisitQ ~o the proposo3 uae of the subject proporty in order ko preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizen~ af Lhe City of Anahe.rr: x. Thar a parkinq ~ian showinq compl.iance with Cil~ parkin~ ).ot design stan3ards stiall be subn-itted Cu and approved by tho C.ity Tra.f~ic Enqinoer. Said plan shall eliminat~ any small c:ar parl.ing spa~es located on oiti~er side of any clriviny aislo. Z. That rrior ta issuanr.e of a buil.c~fng pQrmit, trie ~ppropriato tr~ffic signal t~ssc~ssment fee ~hall bn paid to Lhe C3L•y of Ai~ahefm .ir. an amount as esr.abiished by City Cou»cil resalur,ion. 3. That f3.r~ qprinklers shall be .ins.:alle~' as requirUd by the City Fire Departmont. 4. Th~t Fire Jepartrr.enC :.CC@38 a»d ovacuation routos to all on-site structur~s shall hd reviowed and approved by trie City Fire Departmenr. This shal; inclucle a twenky (2U) fcc~t NidP unobstructed access wtsy f:om tho education buildings r,~ a public street right-of-way. 5. T~iat the total maximum onrollanent fur the on-site school facility siiall not oxceed ~w~ hundred fiEtean (215) studonta, a~ specifiecl by Con(!itianal Uae Perrr.it No. 2615. -3- FC89-110 ~1 ~r~~ ~~ 6. That unle:~s proof of oxemption is ~ubmittod in compliance with City Council Rosuluti~n No. 85R-423, prior tio isauar~ce oF a building pRrmit, th~ appropriate major. thoroughfaro and bxidgc~ fee ~sht+ll ~~e paid to thc~ City oE Anaheim in an amount ~s spgcified in Lho Major Thoroughfare t~nd Bridge Fee Program for the ~anL•hi'l1/Ea~tern Transportation Corridor, as approved by City Council Rosolution No. 85R-A23. 7. Tiiat gates shall not be installod acrass the driv~way in a mannar which may adversely aFfect vehiculF+r traffic in tha adjacen~ public street. InstallRtion of any gates shall ronform ~o the ~ngineering D~partment's Stan,dard P1An No. 4U2 and shall be subject to the review an~ approval of ttie City T.raffic Enc,~ineer. 8. T23at in tha event a parking de.ficioricy or.cu.r~ follo~!ing occupancy of the subject addition (said deficiency having been demonstrate3 in a parking clomand at~.~dy to be funded by the ~~roporty owner/develo~er at ~tie requa~t of the City Tr~f_ic Rnginec~r an~3 to be rc~vfewed and a~provod by the City Traffic Enginec~r), additi~nal on-~itg parking (noC ~o exceed an add.itional one hiindred thirlx or~e [131] spaces for a total at three hundred fort,y one [341 spaces]) shal]. be provi3^d in a manr~~r approved by the CIt~ Traffic Engineert and that a cov6nant shall be recorded in a form approvad by the City Attor.ney's Uffice oblfgatinq the petitioner and any future assignees to provide such parking if a c~eficiency is fou:,d to exi9t. Said coveriant s}iall be recorded with the Of£a.ce of tho Oranqe County Recnrder. ~ copy of rhe recorded covonant shall be aubmfthod to the Zoninq Division. 9. Thnr the new construction authorizou by thia resolution shall be served by underqround utilitiec. 10. 'Phat all lor.kab.lR pddestriar. and vehicular access gatos ahal.l be eauipped wi~h a"knox box" device, if• rr.quireci by the Flre and/~r Po11ce Departmants and to tk-e satisfactien of said clapartn-ents . 11. Tha~ trash storage ai•~as rthall bo pravidnd and maintazned in a 7location acceptable to the ~treet Maiutenance ~nd Sanirat~on Division ancl in accardancu with approved plans on file wi.th s~id Division. 12. That all air condikic,r=r~a facilities an~ other ground moun~ed aquipment shal]. be prc,~~erly shi.elded from view, and the sound buffored from adjact.~:: res~c;enri3l properties. 13. ThaY. tbe proposal sh~-11 comply with all signi.nq xequirements of the R5-HS-10,000 (SC) "R~sidential, Sing2e Family, Hi1).sic]e - Scenic Corridor Over).ay" ZQne, unlea~ a varianc~ allowi_ig sign waivers Is nppraved by tha City Council, Pla--ning Commission or Z7ninq Administrator. 1A. That any proposed pnrkiiig area lightin~ f.ixturea adjacent Co the Fibu~ting residential propert3ea sha11 be eown-lighted with c- maxi.mum height o~ twelve (~2) feet. Said liqhting fixtures shall be d.irected away from tho adjacent resi~ential property lines to pr.oteck the residenti.ai integrity of the area. 15. That no rooE-mo~hLBd aquipmcsnt, whatsoever, shall be parmitte~l, as ~pecified in Anaheim Munici.~al Cor)Q S~ction _4_ ?C89-110 ~ a +.r . ~~ , ~ - , {~ , i . ~~~ - . .. ~~.~'il~ Y~ ~ ,'~Fl f i A ~ \~~: ~t ~ f r~ ~~ r,~ 3bT~a ~ ~ 74~~ , ,r ,~~'~'~.~ ':: r. ~~,~ `.~' , ~ _ 1G. That the on-c~i~e lands~api.ng shall be muinLr~fxied 3n aompli.ance with Ci.ty standards. 17. Tk,at subject prop~.rty shall be d~ve2opecl substantially 3n accordanae with plans ancl spacii~cations on f31a wi~h tha City of Anpheim markr~d of Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4. 18. That prior to issuance of a bailc~ing permit or vrithin a perioQ of one (1) ~Qar from tho date of this xesolution, whichever oocurs first, Gondi~ion t1os. 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and J.2, ab~ve-mentioned, s~all be comp].ied w~th. Extensians fur fur~liez timo to complete said c~nditions may bo grantod in accordanco with Section 18.03.d90 of tho Anuheirn Munir,ipal Code, '19. That prior to final bui.lding nnd aoning in~pections, Condition No~. 3, 9, 11, 1;:, Z4 and 17, above-mention~sd, shall be complied with. ~0. That approval of thib ap~ltcation constitutes approvaZ of the propos~d request only to the extent.'that it comglies wit~i the Anaheim Mtinicipal Zon.ing Code and ~ny other applicable City regi~lations. l~pproval does n~st iu~~lude any action or findings as to comglianco or npprovctl of ttio request regarding any other appli.cable or~.inance, regulatir~n or requ.iremQnt. BE IT FURTHER ItGSOLVLD that the Anahe.im City Planning Cammi~s3an doQS hereby £ind and determine th~t adoption cf this Resolution 3s expressly pred.ic~-ted upor~ applicant'~c complianco wfth oach and all of the conditians hereinabove set• forth. Sh~u1d any such condition, or any part thereof, be dec~ared invalid or unenf.orceable by the final judgmen~ of any r.aurt of r.o~r~petent jurisdiction, thei~ this Resolution, and any soprovals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. T.FiE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed t+nd approved b~ me this A~ri.l 24, 1989. __-,~,,;~!- -"-'~' -_ _/ v ,~1..1: i ~`_-sL_ CFiAIRWOMAI~,; IWAHEIM ~~ITY F'LANNTNG COMMISSION AT.TEST: /~ ` ~ ~-~t~ - ~ LL.__ ~G,ri SEGRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CObiMTSSION r~ -5- PC89-110 ~• : - ---- _ . . , : :.~ ~.'~'s~~ Yf ?' ~ iY ~~ . ' ., ~~'',+.;f ~',~, i} STATE OE' CALIFOfiNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s.y. CITY OF ANAfTExM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secie;tary of thQ Anaheim C:tty Planning Commission, do her~by certi~y that the forogoin,q r.esolution was passc~8 and adopted at a,neoti.ng of thQ Axxaheim Ci.ty P1t~nn,ing Commissi.on he].d on April 24, 1989, by the fo'llowing v~te of tho mombers khereof: AY~,SS COIrIIrfISSIONERS: BpUAS, BOYASTUN, F~LDHAUS, T3ERBST., MESSE ~~ NOES: COI~tISSIONERS: NQNE ABSRNT: Cdt~StSSIONERS: CARUSZLLO, MC BI.fRNEY '~ IN WITNESS WHEREOr', I ha~vQ hereunto aot my hand th3s 24th aay o~f '' April, 1919. `' , ~~~.~- ,_ ~ ' ~ ~~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PI,ANNIDIG COMMISSI~JN ~s -6- PC89-110