Resolution-PC 89-112~~ki ~ RE~~OI,UTION NQ. PC89-112 ;' ":' ~'~ ~ A RESOL'JTIOAI OF THF ANAHEIM GITY PLANNING GObIIr1ISSIdN THI~T PET:iTTON I'~ft GONDITIONAL US~ PERMIT NQ. 3149 BE GFANT~D hiHFREAS, the Anatic~im City Planning Commission did xeceivo a verifi,ed Petitiozi for Cnnditiona~. Use Permit from E}CCON CORFORATTON, 1200 Smith St~e~t, Houston, TX 77210, o~vn~r, and TAxT AND ASSOCIATES, 800 N. EckhofE Street~ agenL• for cN.ri:ain rer~l property si~uatr~d in the City of Anaheim, County of Oxanqc~, State af. California, described as: 1'HAT P012TION OF 'THE SOUTHEAS'P QUAPtTGIt OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST -~UARTER OF SECTION :12, TOWNSHI~' 4 SOIJTFi, RANGE 10 WEST, TI1 THE RANCHd SA21 JUAN CAJON DF SA2d'PA ANA, AS PER MAP RECORDSD IN BOOK 51, PAGE 10, OF M]:SCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF TFiE COUNTY EFCORDER UF SATD CpUNTY, DrSCRTBrD AS FqLLOV7S: BFGTNIv'ING AT AT TI~F. CENTBRLINE INTEFt5FCTI0N OF LTIJCOLN AVENUE (FORMERLY ANAI~EIM-OLIVE F.OAD) AND ItI'0 VI57'A ST~FET AS E~ER MAP FIL,ED IiI FiGOK 17, PAGE 3g, Oir' RECOIdDS OF SURVCYS, IN xHE OFFICE OE' SAID CdUNTY RECORD~R~ THEtdCS, ALONG THE CENTERLINE 0~' SAiD LINCOLN AVENiJL NORTHWESTFRLY 195.00 F'EET; THENCF PARAL'LFL WITH SAID RIO ~TISTA STREET NORTHEF2L1' 21~'~.00 FLET; TFIENCE PARALLEL WITH SAID LINCOLN AVENUE S~JUTHEAS'PERLY 195.00 FEGT TO uAID CENTERLINE UF RIO VTSTA S`~R~ET; THBNCE SOUTHERLY ALOPIG THE CENTER{~IZIE OF SAID RIA VISTA ~:CRFET 210.OQ F~E~ TO Tii~ POINT 4F BEGINtJING. E7CC~PTING THEREFROM ~H~ SOUTHWEST~kLY 30.04 F'E~T A27D T:?E EAST?s'RLY 30.00 k'F~'T THEP.E(~~. AI.SO EXC~PTING ALL OF THAT PURTION TH~;REOF DGSCRIBED IN THE D~EA TO THE STATE OF CALTFOF2NIA D.ATED ;iEPTEMH~R 16, 1963 ANn RECORDFD NOVEMIiER ~6, 1963 , IN BOOK 6817 AT PI.GE ti76, OFFICIItL~ R~CORDS Ck' ORANGk; CQUNTY, CAI,IFORNTA. WdSREAS, the City ~lanning Commzssion did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center iYt the C.ity of Anaheim ~n .Apri:l 24, 1989 at 1:30 r.m., n~Y.ice oE said public hearing havinq been du.ly give:~ as required by law anc~ in accordance wiCh the provisions of the Ailaheim Municipal Code, (;ha~ter 18.03, to hQar ar.d consider eviflence for and aqairist said proposed conditional u~e permit a:zd to invcsstic~atie and make findings and recommendations in cor.nection kherewith,: und 0~31x _~_ PC89-112 =::~ ~ ~ ~~ ,!h ., . . . ~ . . ~ . . . ~ ... . F YI~ ~ ~~ ,.._. .. - .. . . ~:.1!:! reV.d• ~ . . ' ..~.~~{U ~'l WHER~AS, sa:id Com-nission, after duo inspection, inv~stigation and study rnade by itse].f snd .in its behalf, anc~ after 8u~e consideratlon of all evidc~nc~ and rypor.ts off.ered at said he~ring, do~s find and determine the followinq facts: 1. 7'hat the proposed use is pruperly one for wh3ch a conditional use permit is aut•horized by An3heim Municipal Code Sactions x8.p3Q,Q~p, 18.44.b50.070. and ' to wi~t: to permit an gutomobile sorvice station and con~veni~nce market. 2. That tho proposed usQ will nok adversaly a~f.ect the adjoinir,g land uses ar~d the grcwth and development of the area in wb.ich it is proposQd ~o be Yocatad. 3• That the siza and shape o£ the site proposed for the ixse is adequate to Gllow ~he fu11 development oE the proposed use in a m~nner not c3etrimental to the particu~~;• area nor t~ the peaco, health, safety anfi general wel~are of the Citizen,~ af t~~e City of Anaheim. `, ~ 9. T2iat the granf:ing of 'the Condiki.onal Use P~rmit under the '' conditians im~osed, if an s ,~ y, will not be detriment~. to ths peac~, health, saEety and general wel£~re of tlze Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the tr~£fic gonerated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon t;he streets and highways desigiiQtl and im.~~roved to clrry the traffic in the area. 6. That no one indicat~d thezr prasen<.e at ~aid public he3ring iu opposition; and that no corras,pondence was rec;eivod in opposition to the subject peti*ion. AL'IFQRNIA L:NVIRONM~~TAL ALZT~~INny~; ,,hat the Anaheim City Planning Commission has r~viewed the proposal to permi~ an automobile service station and convexiience market on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consistixig of appraximately 0.5 acre located a~ the narthwest cnrnes of: Lincoln Avenue and Rio Vista ~trest, hav3ng appxoximate frontages uf 119 fe~t on thc north side of I.inc.oln Avenug and Z24 feet on the west s5.de oE Rio Visr.a Street, and fur•ther descri.bt~d as 2791 Fast Lin.culn Avenue; and does hereby appravQ the Negative Dealaration upon find,inq that it has considered the Nogative Declaration toget'.~ar with any comm~nts received during thg public review process and rurr.r,er finding on ~h; basis of the initial study and any comments recQivad tt~aL ther8 is no sub~;.antial evidence that the proj~sct wi11 havo a sigr.ificant effect on the ~nvironment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE !T RESOI,VED that tho Anahyim CiL-y Plann.ing Commissiaxt does hereby qrant subjact Petition for Conditixona~ Usa Permit, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necossarl ~' prorequisite to the proposed use oP the subj~ct propErty in order to p:•c~serve the safety and ~enerxi wel~are oF the Citi.zctns of tYie Cx.ty of Anaheimc ~• That ~rior to issuance of a builQing pe:mit, the appropriato traffic sagnal assessment fee sY-a11 be paid to the City of Anaheim in ar. amount us estab2ished by Czty Gauncil resolutian. `Z- PC89-112 ; .;, ,~~; . `:','. `~ ~ ,~ ;.~ 2. That sidewalks sha.ll be repairc~d along Laricoln Avenue and Fio Vi~ta Street ~s requi.red by the Cil:y Engineer 3nd in accordance with stand~rcl pl~ns ancl speciEications on Eile in the 0£fice of the Ci~y Engineer. 3. That°the existing most sou~herly drive~vay on Rfo Vista Street sha11 :,P romoved and replaced with a standarr~ curbo gu~ter, sidewalk arcl lands ~a~inc~, 4. That the ex3stinq most ~easterly driveway on Lincoln Avenue sha11 be xemoved and replaced with a standard Gurb, gutter, sidewallc and landscaping. 5. That the rQCOnstructed ds•ivewals on Lincoln Avenue and Rio Vista S~reet shall be constructed wi.tYi ten (1~~ .°,oot radius curb ret~;r.ns as raquired by the City Engineer. Fi. That an an si~e cixculah.ion plan showir.g adequate room F~r gssoline tanker trtxcks shall be approved by ~ho Ci~~ Traffic EngineQr. 7. That a fee shall be paid to the Ci~y of Anaheim for. stroet ligbting al~ng Linc~lxs Avenue in an amount as established by City Counril resolutiorx, 8. Ttiat streot ligk~ting faciliGies along Rio Vista Si:reet shall. be installed as required by the Utilitios Gpneral Manager in accordance with epecificaL~.ons on file in tl~s Office of Utilities Genoral Manager; or that seaurit~ in the form of a bond, certifica,te oi tleposit, l~tter of cred.iL, ar cash, in an amount and £orm ~ati3facL-ory to the City of Anaheim, shall be gosted with ttie City to guarantee che ~3ti3f8CtOy'y completion o£ the ubove-•mentioned improvement3. Said securaty shall be posted rvith tho City of Anaheim p•rior to 3.ssuance of a~uilding permit. The abovo-req~xired imgrovemexits shall he iiiatalled prior to occupancy. 9• That subject ~roperty shall ~e s~.rved by unde~ryround uhilities. 10. That, as required by the City Fi.rc~ Dep~rtment, televisi.nn. monitors shall be installed on a11 gasolii~e di;aponsir~q iglands so that; khe attencfant is ab1E to see th~ islands at a11 times. :ll. That as required by the Unitorm Firc~ Code, L•h~ followiny minimum standard~ shall app.ly: <<• ThaC dispensing devices ,hall be located a minimum distance of ten (10) feet Erom any pruperty lin~ and so 2ocato~i that all parts of a vehicle being s~srviced wi11 be on privAte property. b. That dispensing devices shall be located not ).es~ ~han ~on (1A) feet from any buildinc~ which is not £irc~ resistive cons~rucCxon. Su~h dQVices shall a2so be locate3 so L-hat the nozzle, when hase i~ fully extended, wi11 not reach within five (5) feet o£ any building opening. -3 - Pf:89-112 ~?" , :~~ ~ ,;'; c• i ;.~ ~ w } ;. ~ 1 1!,. N ~•YV ~rr~~ . . . . .. , . , ~ . ~ , , Y !1' %`. :1(f~~~~'~~, ti'~1 ~ i."'* `e~~il ,,~,+ ;~~ "~ ~ :,~ 1 }'. ~1. ~( j~ ~. c. Tk~at dispensing devi.ces ~hall bQ protected ac~ainst physical damage r; ~xam vehicles by mc~anting on a concrete island a minimum of six (6) inches ~ x~ heiyht, i.lts3°n~.te rnetho~~s of ~:rovid.in7 Rc~uivalent ~ protecL•.'con may be pern~itted when ap~:~•oved by the City I'ire Department. d. That dispensi.n~~ o~ gasoline into the fuel tank or inCo a ca:~tainer shall at all t~~es I~e undQr ths supervision o~ a qu~lified attendant. p. That. the at~ondant's pri.mary function shall be to supervis~, abserve and contrul the di~pensing ~f gasolina. f. 1"ha~ the dispensing of gasoliue sha~l not be izito portr~ble containers unle~s such containers are of appra~~ed material and constructi.on, having a tigk~t closure with scrowed or spring cover, so desigr.ed thrit the c~~ntents can rie aispensc~d w.ithout spillinq. g. That it shal? be the rsttendant's responsibility to c~ntrol ;touri:~s ~f ignition an8 imr,iediaL•ely haiulle acci~aiital spill~ anr3 fire extinqui3h~rs if necessary. h. lhat emerqency contr~ls shall be installed at a location accQpi:able tc the City Fire Department, but controls shall not be more than ane-hundr~d (1.00) £eet from itispeiisers. i. That instructi~ns for t.~e operaL-ion ~f disp~ensers sha7.1 be consP.icuously posted. j. That remute preset-type devices shall be in the "off" position while not in use so the dispenser aannnt be aati.vated with~u~ the knowlodge uE the att~ndant. k. That the di~pensing device shall be in clear viow ot tY~e attcQndant at a11 times and no obstacles shall be placed between the dispensing devices a~nd the aCtendant. l. That hhe attandant shall at zll times be able ko communicate with p~rsons i~n the ~lispensing area via a two-way speaker ~~st4m, ~2. That lYiere sha11 be no s~le of beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages of any kir.d oii the premisos ~ 7.3, That during busi.ness hours of operation of subja~t facility, separato men's and w~men's rQStrooms sh~'l1 be availabl~ to the public and shall be properly supplied and maintainecl. 19. Th~t in conformance with X~naheim Municipal Code Soction 18.44.Q50.070, a recorded agreement shall be submitted to the Zoning Divisian agrec•ing to remove the ser.vice station structures in the event that the statinn i~ closed f~r a period of twelve (12) consecui:ive months. A sexvice statian - ~~= shall be considered clo5~~d during any month in which i.t io open for less than fifteen (15) days. Sai.d agreement sha11 ae reviewed and approved by ~ the City Attoriiey prior to recordation with the off:ice of trie Orange '' County Recordc~r. ~,~, -4- PC89-112 ,. ,, i v ~ y ji; , ~ . . .. _ . . . . ~~ `I 1~Y.k ~7~~~d 1 4 ,~ ~vC~{~ ~ VlE.~ .,1~ { y r '_ r y ~ ~ . 1~, r ~,. 4 , tl,;,. . .. i • . . ,~ ,,.•~ ..' _ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ 1' ( r l{ nf~~ h NA I' k t ~~~~~~ '~: „ ;" 15. That trash storage areas shail be provided ~nd maintained in a locakion acceptablo to ~he Street; Maintenanc.~a and Sanitation Divisian and in .; accordance with approved ~lans ~n f:ile with said Divisaon. 16. T'hat all air a~nditioning facilities and otYier roof and gaound mounted equipment shall be properly sha.eldecl frnm view, and th~ sound ;~uftered trom adjac~.:t residential properties. 17. That tha proposal ~ha11 comply wi~h all signing rec~uiroments of the CL "Commercial Limited" 'Lc~ne, unless a variancQ allowing sign waivers i~ approved by the City +::ouncil, Plax-ning Cnmmiasion or Zoning AdministraCor. 18 . That a six ( 6)-foot high m~sonry J~1ork wall ;:•~-all be maint~ined alang the norrh ~nd west property littes exr,eptiny the front setbacks wlaere ~h~, wa7.1. height shal.l not exceed three ( 3) fQet. ,`! 19. ThaL any p~roposed parkzn~ area l.ighi:inq fixture~ adjacen~ ho any `' residen~ir:~1 pr.aperty sha11 be down-lighted with r~ maximum height of %; t~elve (].2) :Eeet. Said ligh~ing f.i~,.'cures sk~a11 Le directed away f~om ~; adiacQr~t resident'.al property lines to ~rotect the residential intogrity ~f the area. 20. That mis~imum fifLeen (15}-gal2on trees shall be ~.Zr~nted on minimum twenty (20)-foot: centers, including appro~+riata irri~~+~-~n facila.ties, shall be xnstal3.ed and mainlained along t)~e north and west propQrty lines. 21. That rovised plan sha11 be subm:tL•ed to «nd approv~ed by the Planning nepartmenl• showing relocation o= *_he air and water facilities so that i.hey ar~ Rasily .~vaa.lable to the trav~slinq public. 22. Ttiat the o~.z-cite landsr..apinc stial7. b~ maintained in compliance wi.th City standards. 23. '.~hat the owner of subject: pro~arty shal~. submit a Yet~or requesting termir~ati.on of Condit.iorzal Use PermiC No. 451 to ths 'Loning Divi~ion, 24. That subject property shall be developed sub~tar.tia7.ly in accordance with plan~ and spec;ifiutations on ~i1e with the City Uf Anaheim marked Kevision No. 1 of Exhibit N~. 1 and Exhibit No. 2, provicled that Itevision ~YO. 1 oF Exhibit No. 1 sl~aXl show relocatior- of tha sir and wa~or facilities so they axe reaciily accessible L-o the traveling public. 25. '1'ha~ priar to issuance of ~ buildinr~ perdii.t, .ox within a period of oiie (3.) y~ar frrm the dat~ ot this re~oluL-i~n, whichev~r occur.s first, CondiL-ion Nos. 1, 6, 7, 8, 1~, 18, 21 and 23, above-men~.ioned, shall be complied with. ~xtensions for fu.rther time t:o complete said conditions may be granted in acr;ordance with Section 18.03.090 of the ~lnaheim Municipal Code. 26. That prior to fi~nal bui2ding and zoning inspections, Candi~ion No~. ~, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, :LO, 15, 16, 1&, 19, 20 ~nd 24, above-mentioned, shall be complied with. -5- PC89-112 `: ; <<,~ .,;r, ,,,;. ;;;;,;~ , ~~~ .. ~'1';~i~' . . . '~.'~ It,}Iff~ ' . ..,. ., ~ , . ., i,ri~~-' r'~~. ; ~~ , ~, ~ ,:~tp ~1~ ~~~" 9~var~it h, na~ .ut~. ~ ~ ~ ~ , a' ~ _ ~ _ M~it~y'rae; ~ .. ' ~ . .. .. .. -+~ . ~ . . , ~~ ~ 27. xhat approval of this applia~tion cor-stitutes appraval ot tl~e prdposed requQSt only ta the extent that ir. complie~ wi.Ch the Anahei~o ali~oealnot Zoning CodP and any other applicablo City regulat3ona. 1~pP include aexarain~~anY otherl~~pplic~abJ.e~ordinance~,~reyul€~tfon~or~hA request r g 9 requiremer~t. IIE IT FI~RTfiER RESOLVCD that thn Ana.:~eim City Plannfng Commission does hereby fix~d andicantrslcompliance~withneachtttnd allpoftthe conditionaly predir,ated up~n e~p art thereo~, be horeinabove set focttt. Should any auch conditions, eA~aof ~n~~ co~xrt: of dec].ared invalid or un~nforcoable by the final judcJm camL~atent jurisdirtion, then this [tesolution, and any approvals here3n contained, shal.l be depmecl null and void. TFIE FOF.c~uJING RESOLUTION is si~ned and apprcve9 by me this 24th day uf April. ~489. _., . . ,. , ~,~r~,., , / . ~~~i~.,~ -.,~~~~ - ,.~ ,,,:. _.. _.--__--------_ -_ ____.-----~.________--- CHAI:~WOMl~N, AtvAF1EIM CITY PLl~NNING COIvII~SI5SI0N AITEST: /I , ~~Q(~ ~~--,F-='~'~= ~~ .~._ S~CRFTAP.`l, AN1~FiEIM CTTY PLANNING CONih1'LSSION STAiE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTX OF ORA2iGE ~ 5 g• CITY OF ANI+HEIM ~ I, Edith L. Harris, Sscretary cf the Anaheim City Plaaninq Comnissio~,, s~o hereby c.ertiFy that the forQq~ing reso3.ution was passecS and adopted at n meetiWinof.VA~e ofathemmambersicheroofC~~~ission held on April 24, 1989, by the follo q AYES: CQMMIS5IONERSs ME55L~~ ~~YD5TUN. PL~LDHAUS, 4IERBST. NOES: COlR~1ISSION~ItS: NONE AASENT: COIr9~SI5SI0NERS: CARU5ILL~0, triC BUqNEY IN WITNESS WHF.REOF, I hav~~ hereunto seC my han8 this 24th day of Apr.il, 1989. _~ ` ! GQ~~~• ~~IV~§~' 'c'y~ Sf;CRLTAR'l, I-NAHEIM CITY PLANNIKG COMMIS5x0it ~b~ PC69-112 , ~ „ ~`~~