Resolution-PC 89-128~ "t'~7`.',r ~;~ RE~.2.4~9~~`!4~@2 -x a e A. RESOLUTION OE' THE ANAHEIM CIZ'Y PLANNING CQMhSISSION TIiAT PETITION FOR 'VARIANC~ N0. 3908 BE GRAN'rEI7 WHEREAS, tho Ana2~Rim City PlAnning Cnmmission did roceiv~ a vc~rifiHd ~ Pc~~ition for Variance from CARL 2ABY, 444 W. Katalla Avenue, Anahein-, CA 92802, owner, und JAMES YQWELL, 350 W, Katella Avenue, 3~na2i¢~im, CA 92802, agent, of certain real pxapert~y s.ituaL•od in the Ci.ty uE ~nah.~im, C~unty r.E Orange, St4te of CaliEornia doscribed as: THAT PORTION OF THF: NUf2THWCST QiJAT.<TER nF TIiL NORTHEAST QUARTER OI' SECTION 27, TOWN~SHIP 4 SOU'~H, RANGH 10 WGST, IN THE RANCHO SI~N JUAN CAJUN DE SANTA, ANA, IN THG CI1'Y OF ANAEiBIM, COUNTY OF' ORANGE, S7.'ATE GF CALIFURNIA, AS SEIOWN ON A MAP RECOEtDED IN BOOK 51, PAG~ 10 OF MISCELLI~NEOUS MAPS, RECGRD,r, OF Oi~I~NGE COUNTY, CALIFOL211IA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: RFGINNINC AT A PUINT iN THE NO~2THEFtLY LINE OF SAID• NQRTHEAST QUARTER DIS~AI3T NORTH 89 DEG. 54' 30" EAST' 890.00 FEF.T FROM THE NORTFIWEST CORNER OI' SAIC~ NORTHEAST QUA'r?Z'FR; ThENCR ALQNG SAIa NORTHERLY LINE; NORTH 8U DEG. 54' 30" EAST. 227.80 FEET TO TI~IE: NOR.THWEST CORNER OF THE LAND llESCRI:BFD IN bEED TG ANG~LO ZABY AND CARL ZABY RECORUEb JL'LY 27, 1962 Irf BOOK 6192, PAGE 727 OC OF~ICIAL REf:ORDS OF SAII- ORANGF COUNTY; THElTCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAII1 ZABY LAND, SO-lTH O1 'JEG. 21' 00" EAST TO A LINE: PARAI~I.~L WITH AND SOUTFiBRLY 265.00 FEET FItOM SAII) NORTHERLY LINE; THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LIt1E SGIJTii ; 09 D~G. 54' 30" WEST 227.80 FEET TO A LI:IE THA'~ BEARIi SOUTH G1 AE:C. 21' 00" EAST ~'ROM THE POTN~' Ol? BEGINNING; TIiRNCE t70RTH U1 DGG. 21' Ob" WEST '165.Q~5 E'EET TO TiiE POINT OF Se.G:[NNING. WHEREAS, tht~ City Planning Commis3ion c9id hold a public hearinq ~t the Civic Canter in tho City of An:,heim on Msy 8, ~989, at 1z30 p.rn., no~ice of said public heari:.q having be~n ciuly given as raguirecl by Iaw and in acr.ordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to laear and considar evidence for and a•~ainst said propo~ed variance and to investigate and mv.ke findinqs and rQCOmmendations in connoction therewith; and ^ " WHCREAS, said Commiasion, after due inspoction, in~~estigatio;: and study mado by itself antl in iks bohal~, and ~xftar due con~idezaCfon a£ all avidence and reports o~Eered at s~.td hear.ing, does find and determinr, the followinq facts: 0855r -1- PC89-128 _r' ~:i . . . . .. ,.. ~ , . .r~.r.'t~.~~ ~ 1 %.i~::.~ v~~ d 1 1.~';.,1 ~ ~y514f~1 a;.s,:~; ~ 1I~~?f`" ~^'~s?y, dd * ~ , '~ ~rctih. ~ '. ~;''`'~i . I , . . ~r,1~ 1. That the petitionar requests waiyer of tha fo21ow1nq to I four froest~nc~in,q signs: .~tain '"'' ~A) ,~~~~.~QN,~.~~Q.~"~,Q~ - MaxiM~, nura - .~.~8.48 Q.~'1..Q_~Q k~9~ 9-~--€.~'ee enc~ima Qta~. ~~~ian parmitted; 4 ~c r~, c~xis~inq) t~~ ~~~T~O~~.~4.~.~.~73~, - ni ~.__' mu-.-~3~~~.~..~2etw-eet1.~~~~1~in.~gll;a ~ ~d x-.~-4~.~R7_,~~ ~~Q~,f~~ iequirec~; ~ I•, existing) 'z`_'3'Q~-~L~- 7,~Q_,__f~ (C) ~~TIONS 19.p5 091i~ _ n ~n_~.~.~0~7~ ~ ~`~-~~~~~.g~freesta•n ~na sa ~Q .~-~-.~.4P~~X.--~~.5.. '.crns ~.~~~ revuired to east and weat prop~rty .lines. 20, 29 an~ ~3 fee . existingt anc3 ~2, .~.~~, regu.ired to south proporty line, 50 f~ ,~ existing) Z. Thn~ the abovo-metit:ioned waivers are horeb :; triat tharo axe spec:ial circumstancc~s ar~plicable to the pr pR t,y such as sizes : shape, topography, location and surr.ound.ings wl~3ch do not a 1 ; identically zor,ed prop~rty in thw samr~ v.icinit pp y tO ath8x ^? oF tho Zoning Code de riv, s thA Y% and that strict applicati~r~ ~ propert.tes an the ic;entical zozie and classif.ic t r~nrin thegv~cinityed ~Y °ther 3• rhat the existing si.gns are intended t~ provtd~ :.nfoz~matfon on ` sorvicQS and prices Lo tha car wash customers And not to 2ttract Che travelin , public. ' 9 ~ 4• That t.hd pr~posed variance is heroby gx•~n~ea for a ~wO ~ 2 ~ Y@ax::. to t;erminate on June 30, 1991, upon te~rmination aE t~ ee curr ent lease on the prc;L ertr~. ~ 5. That the:o nrR exceprional or Qxt~rsordinary cirr,umg~nnCeB ar 7 conditions applir.abie to r.ho proporty involved or to the inL•c3aded usQ of the property that do not apply qener~-lly Lo tho property nr class of use ia the srune vicin~ty and zone. 6. ThaC L•hc ro~uestod variance ia r~ecessary fqr th~ preservation and enjoyment of a r~ubstar~tial properhy right possessed by otYier ~ the samQ vzcinity and zono, and denied to L•he propert iri property in Y q4oetian. 7. That the requeslr.ed variance will not be matoriaZly detrimanta2 to the publiC welfare or injurious ~o the property or improvement~ in sucla vics.nicy anc3 zone in which t;he i~roperty fs ~ucated. 8. Thak ao one indicated their presenca at s~id public hearing i~ ~ppogition; and that no correspaudence Nas rKCeived in opposftion to subjer.t petition. ~ -~L~FORNIA EN~7~4~.~~~Q~ Uirector or his authorizod re resc~.ntat ~~ra~~~~~~~i Trle P1ann.ing project falls withfn the clefinition ot• Categor cel rExQmptions~ Clnas rll~sas defined in the State EZR Guidelines an.d in, ~I;orefore, aategorically exempt from t~ie requirement to prepare An EIR. .~_ PC89-•128 ~rrs~ e~h~~:,;w~:.~,.,,,,. ,~ , , ~:~;. ~ ,,. ., ; <<,,,~ - ,;a,,a ,;, ,;~, :s ~ ~ ~':~i N~W, THEPEF()RE, BG IT FESOLVED that ~tho Anaheim City Flanning Commfssion does hereby grant subject Petitia~n fo_ Variance, upon, the Eollowiiig conditinns wtiich ar~ horeby foun~ to be a necessary pr9requ3site to the propqsed use of the subjec~ pr~per~y in order to preserve ~'.e sa£eCy ~nd qeneral wel£aro nf the Citiaens ot ~he City af Ana:aeim: 1. That damac~ed anrl/or hazardnus sir~ewalks shall be rega:red along Katel'la Avanue as required by the City F.ngineer and :in accox~aucQ witk~ stands~rd p1an~ and spaci~icationa on file iu the Office nf the Cit, EnginePr. 2. ThaL• th~ dritreway on hrsrella Avonue snal.l be reconstructed to acc~mmodaf:Q ter- (lq) fooC radius cur.b returns. Lxisting Ureken ar cracked driveways shall be i•emoved and rQplaced as required by tk~o City Enqine~z. ~. That, as requirad by t;he City Traffic Engineer, the sign closear to Katella Avenue shal'1 bo: (a) Located at least seven (7) feet bQhind Lhe public atreet right-of-way; or (b) The lowest F~ortion ok said sign shall be a mirximum of e.ight (Sj ;Ceel- above the fini.sh~c~ qrade; or (c) The maximum overall height ~lxall not exc~ed two (~) Eeet. 4. Trat a f~e sha17. be pai3 to the City of Anahoim for strAet lighting along Kntalla Avanue in an ~mount as F~stablished by City Council rasolution, 5. That: tha legal ownor of subject propQrty shall ~urnish the City af Anahei.m with an agrAOment, in a form ap~xoved by ~he ~'ity Attorney, wherein such owner agzRes t~ remove the four (4) ~igns specifi.cal7.y approvod ir. ~onnoctiou Nith subject vr.riance at his/her expensa if such rem~val is requir.ecl by the City~ of A.iaheim t~s a result of amc~ndment to the Anaheim Municipal roge modifyiny permikkea business siqnaye i.n thQ ~R "Commercial, Racreation" Zono (for i:iatancR, to prohibiL• suah signs). Said agreemeiat sha11 be recorded in the Office oF the Orange County Re~urder and a copy of the recor~ad agreemont shall ~hen be submitr~d co the Zoning Division. 6. That the ~wner of subject property shall submiL• a YeCter rgqueatibg termination ot Conc~itional Use Permit No. 757 to the Zoning Division. 7. That subjact property sha11 be dQVeloped, substantia].ly ir. acc:Ardance with plans and s~,ecific~tions on file with Che City af Anaheim markdCi Exhibit ?IOS, 1 and 2. 8. Ti~ai. C.cndition Noa. 1 th.rough 7, t~bove•-mentioned, shall be complete8 within ~a pQriod of ninety (90) fl~ys fxom thR date of this rRSOlution. 9. That, this vaciance s}sall terminate on ~Tune 30, 1991, upon t~arm3natfon of khe curre~nt lease on ttie property. -3- r~.~ ... ::;s 1~ =;;t~~~~~ PCBB-128 _. ; i ;r .:~4a:JN1111 ~,YA~4~ 10. Tna~ ~+~proval of tkiis applic~tion consC3tu~es ~pproval of the propos9d request only to tlie extent that it complios with tha :~n,aheim Municxpal 7,oniti.g Co~e and any other appliaable City regu.lntiuna. Appraval c1oas not include any action or L•indings as to complzance or a~proval of the request regarcling t~ny other applicable ord.inance, reyulati.on or r sqi~i rement . BF IT FURTEIER RESOLVED that the l~naheim City Plannir~g Commission CIOQS heroby Einc~ and dQtermine that aciopti~n ~f this ltesolui:ian i~ expressly predicated upon app]ican~t's campli~nce with ebch rznd all af the conditions herein~bove set Eorth, Should any such conditions, or any part thereof, ba declared invalid ~r unonforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisilictiou, ther~ ~this Resolution, and any approvals herein containecl, shall be deemed nu11 ~z-d void. THF~ FOREGOING RLSOLUTION is signed and n~prove~3 by tae this 8th day of May, 1989. __._._.~ "._..~ :.c~._> ~%~ / t'~:.• ,~~,_ --r-- - - ~ CAA7T2WOMAFI,,' ANAXiETM CITY. PLANNTNG COI~AMISSION ATTEST: ..._ _. •~~l~ . SECR~lAR , ANAHEIM CIT'f PLANNING CUt~fI5SIG11 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CQUNTY ~F ORA.ti'~E ) g~ , CITX Or A27ATiEIM } I, Edith L. Harria, Secretary of tha Anaheim City plannix~g Commission, do h~ereby certify that thca foregoing resolution was passed and ado~~taQ r~t a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Cammissi.on he.id nn May 8, 1989, by the follnwing vot~ of the membors ther~of: AYES: C~MMTSSIONERSt BOUAS, aOYDSTUN, CANliSIL[.0, FELDHAU5, HERBST, MC BURNBY, MESSF NOES: COMMTSSI~IN~RS: NQNF ABSElIT: (;02~lMtSSIC1~IERS: NONL•' IN WITNESS WfiEREqF, I hava haro+znto set my hand this 8th day o~ May, 1989. ~ ` ~ ~ _~_...._ ' .__._ .r. ~, .~ i SECRETA,RX, A.NAH~IM CITX PLANNTr1G CO:N(MISSION -4- PC83-128 ~`V ~ (?.i +~ ~~: i ~;,;i ti ~. ; t~? ', ,< , .;;, rr :, , :~ !