Resolution-PC 89-130.-•, R~,S4~,_U~~QN NQ~~.~~~9_-1.~.Q A~2BSOLUTION OF TIiE ANANESM CTTY r~LAN2JING COhQdISuION rI~AT PETI~ION POR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ~10. 's15d if~ GitANTFD WHECtEAS, the Anaheim City Plannihq Cummiaaion did receive H vor3fied Petition frr Conditional Use ~ermit from aT. MARK'S MF.THODIST CNURCN OF ANI~N~IM, CALxt~ORNxA, A CORPORA'PxON~ I~T'TNz HtLLARD V~ARRBN, 3700 W. Qrange Avenue, Ananeim, CA 9t004, oMner tiE certa.'.n real property situated in the CiCf of Anaheim, Lounty ~f. Ocange, State of Calxfornia, de~cribed bs: A PARCEL AS ~ffOWN ON A MAP FILED IN F3UQK 151, PAGP.S 39 AND 40 OF ~1,RCEL MAPS, ZN THE OFFIC~ OE THE COUNTY RCCORDER OF ORANGB COUN2`Y, C~.LIFORNt11. WHEREAS, the City Planninq CoRaniasion did hold a public hearinQ at ti~e Civic Cer.ter .tn che Cfty of 1-naheim on !Yiry 6, 1989 at 1s30 F.m., notice of said publtc heariny having baQn duly given as royuired by law and in actardan~: witt. the provisionr, of t}~e Anahefm Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to ri^:,r and consider evider.cn for an~ aqainst saiu pr~poasd conditional uss permit and to investigate ~nd mak- findinqs ancl recommendationa in ~onnection therewfth; and WHEEtBA5, sofd Commission, aEte_• due ins~ection, investiqation and study made by it~elf and in '_ta behalf, and aft~r due r_~nsiderstion of all ev.idence and reporta otEere~ ak aa~d hearing, doRS fi~sd and determine tho fo12o.+inq fact3s 1. That the petitioner r~quovta approval of a conditional use permit unrler authori~:y oE Code Section to pvrtnf t Constru~tion oE ~vo aclditional clasaro~ma, a choir room and an oEEice at an existing church Cacillty, wf[h waiver of the followlnq: ~.~'~4~+~~esst4 49~,a~0 ~- ~i~~3~w .~i~~.t~~a.,~~v_r.k~s~. ~~a ~.~?_~~~ (3~~~ required Erom Snt~rior proporty linssj ~Q._f~2t propossd from east property line) 2. That thp requested waiver ia hereby qranCed on the baafa that there are special circu~-stances a~rplicable to the property auah as si2e, aha~e, tapography, location and surroundinga whiCh do not aQglf to other 3denifcally aoned property in the aam~ vlcinityt anQ that strfat application of tte Zuninq Code depr3ves che prapQrty of prfvileges onjoyKB by other praQerties in the ide,~tical zone and clas~iffcatfon in +tha vicinity. 3. Tha~t the proposed uae vfll not adveraQ~y atEect the :ldjoininq land uaes and th~ qrowth an~ develo~.ment of thrt aro.a in whlch it f~ prapoeed to be 7ocated 0857r -'_- ~-C89-134 4. TUati the ~ize a~sd ehapo ~f tho ffiiCe proposed for ~tie uee is adequete to al~orr Cho f~ill c3evolopment of the propoaod use in a mbntter not detrxmental to tl~e particular c,rna nur to the peace, hoalth, safety and general welfc~re af the Citizo:is ~f tt~e City of Anah~im. 5. That tho grant.tng of the Conc~iCional Us~ PermiL under the co»diti~ns imposed, iE any, aill r,ot be detriment~l to thn peaco, hoalth, safety and qeneral welf~re of the C.ltiz~ns of tl~e CiCy oE Ar.ai~eim. 6. That the tr~+ffiC qenerated by ~;-c~ p-~oposed use wi13 not impose nn u:~due bucden upon the stroots ~nd hfghway:s Qpsiynod and improved to cerry the lraffic in t.he ar~~a, 7. Thar no ~ne indicatod the~r presonce at raid public hear~nr, in oppasit;ions and thnr_ no corrc,a~ondancc~ was receive~i in ~pposition to the sub}oct petit.ion. ~! ~FORNI.~,~ t~V~24~'~E.~~L QUA~,~ C.~~_~'~,NUINGs That the Anahe3m Cfty Planninq Commission has rev:ew~d the praposal tco permit the cona:ruction of two addltional c.lassrooms, a choir room aud an ofEice at aa exittinq church f~+cility witt, ~blver of minlmum 4tructuc•al setback ~n a rectanqularly-ahapaA parceZ of land conaiatinq of approximately 1.5 acrea, having a fronr.aqe of Z32 foet on the souCh aidn ~•~ Qrar,ge Avenue, havinq a rnaximum 8ept`s of approximately 2h2 feet ai.d f«rrh~r describe8 as 3700 W. Orange Avenue~ and does hereby approve r.he Negatfve Decl~rar.ion upon findinq that it has considerod the Negative Dec2arntion tog~thAr with auy commenta recefved dur.tn~ the public reviow ~ror,esa and further findinq on tchg ha~ia of r,he initial atudy and any comments received that thore is no aubstantial evidence khat the project Will have a siqnificant eEfecr. on the env3roruRent. NOW, TSiFEtEFORB, BL' JT RESOLVEp that the Jlnahe3m City Planninq Commissiun dosa heroby qr~an~ subiect Petition for Conditional Use Pezm{k, upon the followinq couditior,s xhfch are hereby found to be a neceseury prerequisite to the proposed uae of the a-ibjecC pruperty ia ocder to preaerve tha aafety t+nd qeneral rrol~are of tbe Citizens oE the City of Anahoims l. That a fee ahall be pai.d to the City u: Anahaim for tree planting alonq Ora~-~Je 7~v~nue ia an amount ~s establishod by City Council resolution. ~. That prior to issuanc:e of a building pecmit, the ap~ropriate trafEi~ signal ariaesam~s~ °.ee 9hai1 be paia to thc Cir.~ of I-n~heim in Ln amount as esrablished bj ~ity Council regolution. 3. That all dcivoaaya on Orange 1-venue ahall be reco»atructed to aCC~nrr~dats ten (1~) foot r,dius r.urb returna. Exintinq brok~n or crackecl drtvAVaya shall be remove6 and replACed ne require8 Dy~ tae Ci*y ~ngfneer.. ..Z_ PC89-1~0 ~ ~: ~~ i1r:' . . , . . . _ _. . k ~h ,~~ f 4. '1'hat street l,ightfny FAC~Zlti~,@q along Orange Avenuo shall be inata~led c~s xequired by th~ UL•iliL•ies Geneznl Manaqer in ~-ccord~~nce with specifications on [ile in the Office of ilti.lities Ce.neral Dtanagerj or that aecurity fn the torm of n bon(l, certificate of depasit, letter of credi~, or cash, in nn umount ~nd form satisfactory tu the Cit,y of Anaheim, shull bc postbd with the r;ity to quarantea the satisfactory completinn oE the above-mentionQd improvements. Sai~ socurity ~hall be posted with ~he City of Anaheim pr.~or to iasuance of a building permit. ~he above-roquirod improvements shall be installed p:ior ta occupanr,y~ 5. Ttia~ the new cnnstruction authorir.od by this resolution shall bo served by underground utiziCies. 6. That prior Lo issuancQ of. a buildinq pormit, th~ loq~l owner of sub~ect property sha.l.l dodicate to the Citl of A~iaheim a ftve (5) foot rr,idR public utility easemont along tha lowor ht~lf of the e~st property lino, as required by the City Electri.ca2 ~:n~~inQering Divis.ion. Said oa:oment shall be rer_arded with the Offica ~f thQ ~range County Recorli~r. Proof of said rgcordation shall then be suhmittod to Che Zoning Diviaion. '%• xhat prior to issuance of a buildinq pQrmit, A parking pl~n iedic~tinq comglianc•~ with City parkiiiq 1ot desiqn standards shaTl be submittod to and approvec~ by rhe Clty Traffic Enqfneer. 5aid plnn shall show that the dxiveway conforms to Enqineering Standrrd No. 137. , e. That tha proposal. shall comply vith all uigning requirement:~ oE th~a RS-A-43,000 "Itesidential/Aqricultural" Zone, unless a variance allowing slqn xaivers is approved by r.hQ City Cocnail, Planning Commigsion or Zoning Administrator. 9. That subject property ahall be cleveloped substantially in ~c~ordance Nith pla~o and apbcific~tionu on file ,+ith tho City of AnahRim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4. 10. That pri~r t~ i3rtuance af a buildin~ permit or within a pei•i.od of one (7.) yeor from the date of this reaolutiou, Nhichevor occurs ffrat, CondiL•ion Nos. 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7, ubove-mentioned, 3hall be complied .r;th. Bxtsnsions fo~ further tin,e to complet~ aafd c~nclitiona may be qrantecl J.n accordance N.ith 5ection 18.03.090 ~' the Anaheim Mun:cipal Code. 11. That prior t~ final building and aoninq inare~:tions, Conditior, t~os. 3, 4, 5 and 9, above-montioned, al~al2 be complie8 x~th. 12. Th~t aPprnval of thi~ application conatitUtea npproval o[ the propoaed requeat ~nly Co the extent that ft compliea yith the 1-nahaSm Municipal 2aniaq Code and any utl~er applicablo City requlationa. Approval d4~s not ln~;u8e any actfon or findings as to complianca or approval of Lho requ~st regarding any otAer ap~;Iicable ~ordinancn, regulatian ur rcrqu.trem~r~t. ~, ~•A .~3_ PC89-130 `~1 ^ ,.. ~~ , ,.«^, ~ ++~.~ ;.k ~:; BE IT FUR'PHER RE50GVGD that thR Anaheim C.ity ~lanning Commiss+ox~ cioes hereby find and determirle that adoption o~' t;his Resolution is expreaslg- prec~icate~i upon applicar.t's complianco witli each ~nd all of ~he conditiona hereinabovd set forth. ~hould any such conditiens, or any part thereof, be ~9eclarod invalid or unenforceabla by tho ffnal judqmant of any court of competont jurisdiction, then Ghis Resolutfon, and nny approvals herein eont;r~ined, shall be ~ieemed nu11 and void. THE FOREGOIliG RE50~.UTIOh is signecl and approved by rne this ath day of May, 1989. ~~ ;, ., ~. ~ L_~,L._..l.'=`~.. ~ ~!!~r'~-:t CF:AiRWOMI-N,JANAHgIM CITY PLANNING COt~4tI~SION ,,' ATTES~s _ ~'C-~~: ~ ~ ' SECRFTARX, ?.NAHEIM CITY PLAtJNING C~NQ~I2SSION STAT~: vF' CALIFORNJd ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sS, CITY OF ANd-HBTM ) I, Edith L. Harrig, Secretary of tt~e Anaheim City Planning Commfssion, do hr~reby cr.rt~fy that the Eoregoing resoluti~n was pass,ad and ad~ptec~ z~t a moeting of the Anaheim City P:lanning Comm3.ar~ion h~ld. on May 8, 1~89, by the followinq vots of the mQmbers thereof: AYES: COt~IIrlISSION~RS: QOUA5, BOYVSTT'N, CAI2USYi,LO, FF.LDHAi1S, HL'Rr~T, Mr_ pURN~Y, MESSE NOESs COtrA{ISSYONERS: NONE ABSEKT: COMMIS5IONERS: NONE IN WITNESfi WFiERB4F, I hnvp hereunto sot my hanc! thfs $th day of May, 1989. ------------ . ---.-~ ~'t'~'°,__...._. SEt;k2ETARX, ANAHL'IM CITY PC.I-21lVIt~IG COMMISSTON ~~ _q.. ^~ ~... PCD9~1:30 '; r i . ~~, t~fi~i.