Resolution-PC 89-133pip74~tiWfiYf'~11~ F~~• ~,:?4 ir?~(}:,rr .. t ,f ;:%,-.,~ ~q- r~ .:y ~~ r. ~ 5. ~ ' ~ . ~ v! - .. . . ~:'N T ~"~~ . S ~~ip,',~ ~~ e 1~ ,~ ; i~~ . h~ i •.tk ~~ Y . . . =lHJaY_4tY ~ A Q~.~_t_.1~~e.5LZ.~~~ l~ EtESOI.UTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC COMMISSIQN TNAT P~TITIOl1 POR VARIAlJCE N0. 3y46 gg D6IJIED M~~RBAS, tho Anaheim City Planning Commisaion did r9ceive a verified Yetitiun f.or Varianae fron MIV( WILf.~, Fullerko~n, CA 92635, or+ner of cortain real proportl 3ai~ a ed in athe CityVO~ Anahefm, County oE Oranga, 5tate oE Caltiorni~, deacribed as followas LOT 1 ANT) TfiS EASTBRLY 13.OA FE£T OF LUT 2 IN Df.OCR 1 OF EYGABROAD' S SUBDIVISION, IN TI~E CITy ~p ~J~}~gIM~ COUNTY OF ORANGF., STATB Op CAi.IPORNIA, A5 SHOWN ON 1- MAP RECORDLD IN AOQR 7, PAGg 13 dP MISCBLLAH60US M11PS, tN THE OPPICE OW TIIB CUIJ.*1'TY RBC4RDER UF ORAN(TB CUUNTY, H'dLR~AS, the Cfty P2a~:~ir.g r~~isaion BSd hold a pub:ic hearinry . at the~ Civic Corsler in the City o! 11n~hoim on N,ay 0, 1989, at 1s~0 p.~~, notico of safd public hearinq havinq baeu duly givon as requirRd bp 1~M and in accordatyce with the ~rovisions of the xnahelm Munj~~pal Code, Chapter 1g.0~, to hear anc] coasider evidence for and againat aaid propoaed varfance ~snd to fnvestfqar.~ ~n~ mAke Efndinqa e~nd recomnAndations in conn~ction therewithp and wHBREAS, eaid Cornnis.sion, after dua inapRC[ion, inveatfqatfon anci atudy ~~~ade by itaelf and !n ita behalt, iind al.ter due canst8eratioa of all eviclence and reportR affared at Aaid hAacing, d~~~a finA and determine the Eollo«.inq factar ~ ~.. That the petiticnec requesta waivers ot the ~Eol]oMinq ~a con t a 3-atory, 16••~inlt "aEford~ble" ~partm~ent c~~qx. (~-i S~.Cxt_4~N_1~.~.9tQ~1.~.Q~4 - MinLr~~m_~~Qt~.4~.l~t~~~[.s~.~~_s~~~ ~cn ~~ , . ( ~-~'.L~ ~FgLf ~, ~ requf redt ~q2¢.,~~~ ro P Po~a~1) ( D ) ~~(.'T,i ~!.N_.: $ .~4_, Q42_~.fl~ ~ - M~~i~ ~~~.~rt,~ .h~ ~41'~• «:_~.~Q~~e~ pe~,~itcear ~_~a.t~~~ proposed) (C) SSCT14~1__1~:~4.,44~..Q2q - ~dx~~!1!!ni._~~t&~~Sty~.!'~?Q~• (~$.~ permittedt ~_4~ P «posed) (D) $~r~"'1'_IqH__l.~_..39,Q6~_:_~r.X2 - t~i~P~J~__fr~nC~.,~a_r.s~• ~~~_~~~~ 3anclACaped reqvfr~tdt ~1.~__y. ~~.__~nsl ~ ro ~~e~ p pcaed) (E:) ~EC:19l~__1~.34._44~+_.042 - ~s~u~r~ v~ehi~ular _8~c~s~. (~4__ ~ark3~n~_~i~~~!.~ ~-etrw[ F te~.1 t~ bark crnto a~ put~.lir street; 4__~r~i~rkjay_--$pe~s~ praFrofad to ~'ack onto a eater Straet) 086(1r -1- ~'CA9=1;~3 ,;: f'~. !~~ f P~I , ~ 2. 2hat thR above-mQntSoned w~ivers are hereby 8eaied OD ths baeia that an oxceasive denslty and nurnber of .+aivern are proposed for thta epecific aret~ which consists mainly of ainyl.~--fe-mily dwellinga nnd lower deneity ayartmonts (du~lexes r~nd triplex~sy. 3. Thnr, thece ~re no exceptionnl or ~x~rnorNinary Circumstancos or cond.ttiona applicAble to 11~e property In•~olvucl ~r to the lntended uae Qf tha propgcty that do not ap~ly gonexnlly to the property or ~lase oC use in the same vicinity anc~ aone. 4. T:-at the r~quepted vs~ciance is not nocessary for the preservation ~nd enjoyment oE a aubstantial proporty righL• possessed by other property in tho san-e vicinity and zone, am9 deni~~i to the aroperty in queation. 5. fhat tho requQated ~•ariAnce will b~ materfally detrimental to the public r+Q2f~re or injurious to Che proparty ~r improvementa in such vi~fniky and xone In whfch the pcopnrty is locatod. b. iChat five (5) p~ople in~icated thefc preaence at asid public hearinq fn apposfriont anA th~+[ no corcvspondence was received in oppoaition r~ $ubjecr petition. ~J,~~..#~9~L~A~~~~.K4~[M~H~~~~2Ak~~XX...~.~~~j-~iP_S~.Ss That thE Anaheia l:ity Planning Conrnisaion t~aa [QV1RMBlj c:he proposal to conatruct a 3-story, 16-uait •'affardable" apartme.nt comp2ex with aaiver.s o[ mf.nimwn buildinq sit~ area per dwe;l [ng unft, maxir~um structural helqht, maxfmum aite cov~raqe and mintmur~ re~.Zu~red ynrcl on an irrequlariy-ahape6 Qarcel oE land con~aiatinq of approximately 0.36 scre locatsd at rhp southNest carner of Canter Stree: and Nalnut Strsest, havfnq frontages of ~p~roaimately 130 tes~ on the south side o[ Cehtar Street 157 feer. on tho weat aicle of Nalnut Screet, havinq s ma~cin~um clepth of approximately I5Z tevt and Eucther Aescribed as 1204 Neat Contsr Streets and does hereby s~pprove the Negativa Decl~ration upon finding that ft has conaider~8 the Neqative Ueclaratfon toqether vith a~ny coax~enl•~s rsceivad during the public rev~ew r~roceas ancl turtn~tr find3nq on the basia of the initial at~~:ly and any ~~+mrr~ents recai•red th~t thsre is no aubstank:al evldoacv the~ thQ project rill have a ai~nf[ir.ant e[fect on the environment. KON, TNEREt"OR~, BB IT RP.SOLVED that the l-nahaim Clty Plannirnq ComimisPian Aoes fiereby d~ny aubject Petition Eor rfance on the basis oE the a[aren-entioned tindfnga. _z_ PCl~9=13~ * , u, ,_, .. _ ;. .:fx ~ , r ._ ~-~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~;s, ~'t:~ TtIE PORFGGING RFSOGUTIUN is aignod r~nd ~pproved by me thia Sth oC ~ioy, 1989.. ~ (s' . ,( ~`n ~ ~..r-1".-~-."~-----v" ~!;?e.r..~ .. ...~-~.~~...~._. CNI~IRWOMAN, ANAlItiIM CITY PLANlJXN(3 COMMISt;ION '1~ ATTRS'Pt -~ `._._ _..._._..__ .__.._ ` ~~~~~ -- SB~RF.TARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNZ1tG COMMISSION SrATE OY CALIFORl1IA ) COUNTY t~F ORANGB ) ss. CITY OP ANAHBIM ) t, Edith L. Harris, S~cretary oE the Anaheim City Planninq C.ummi~sion, do hereby certify that tt~e fnregofng resolution r+as paased an8 adopted at a maet.ing of the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commiaaion held on May A, 7.989, by the followinq vote of rtie membors thereof: AYES: CONQ+{ISSIOKER5s BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, CARUSILLV, FBGaHAUS, HER~iST, MESSE, MC FiLRNEY NOES: COt~11SSI0N8RS: NONE AB5ENTs C01~4~1ISSICNERS: NONE IN WIT2~LSS wHEREOF, I have l~ereunto uel r~y hand this 8th day o# ~y. 1989. ~ , ~ ~_-_ ~? ~~~ . SECRETAl2Y, ANA4iBIh1 PLi.tJNING COt~Il~tISSION _3~. ~CA~I-1~3 +g~l }~~ -,. ~ ~~ ~ r A 1~ Y~ ~~ .s f ~S~#F'r ~ .~' 't ~ ' ._. . - ~ . ~. ~'~ i 1~~JF~:.i /.« _ i`.;~~F ,~ ei`da"rn~Y!°" . . .~