Resolution-PC 89-135~ ,~.}' ~ ~ ~ j1An ~~~ ~ XtE~41.~~1TI~LN~. PC 89-Y35 A RES~LUTION UF THE ANAHEYM CITY pLANNTNC COh4~SISSION THAT PE:T~x'ION F'OR RECLASSIFTC.ATION N0. Fi8-8g_42 Hk~ GRAN~gp WHEREAS, tlio Anahoim Clty Planniny Commission dia rac~ive a verified petition for Reclas~ificati~n Prom EDGA ENTERPRISES, A GENERAL '~ PARTNERSHTP, Attnc Les L~aerer, 19g0 Wostwood B1vd., 3rd El~ar, L~os Anc~eles, ,~ CA 90025-4614, owner, and LOARA HIGFI SCHOOL BAND BOqSTER5, INC., 1765 W. Cerritos Avenuo, Anatieim~ CA 92802, z~g~nr, for certain real pro,perty si~uated in the City cf Anaheim, County of r~range, Si:~te of California, doscribod as follows: 1HAT PORTTp*1 OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF TF~E h'URTHWRST QUART.FK OF S~CTION 23, TOWNSIiTP 4 54UTH, RANGE 10 W~ST, IN THE RANCHO SI+N JUAN CAJON DE SANTA ANA, AS SHOWN Ot7 A MAP RECORDEA IN BOUK 51, PAGE YO ~ OF MISCELLANL•'QUS MAP~ IN THE OFFICE OF THE COU~ITY i RECORDEF~ OF SAIU COUNTY, llE;SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE IN'?'ERSE~TION OF THE ~ENT~F LINE OF CERRITOS STREET AND THE CENTCR LII3E OF U.a. HIGHWAY 101 (LOS )~PTGGLES STI;EET), AS SAID :CNTERSECxION IS SHO!dPT ON A MAP F:[LED TN BOOK 35, PAGE 39, OF RECORD OF SURVEYS IN TFiE OFFICE OF THE Cf1UNTF RECORDEP. OF SAID COUNTY, TH~tv*CE NORTH 6 DEGREES 55' 00" WEST ~21.6r FEET; THCt7CE EAST 300.3" FEET, PARALLEL WITH TIiE CErITER LINE OE' C~RRITOS S'PREET; THENCE S~UTH 220.00 FEET TO THE ~EN:fER L7NE OF CERRITOS STREET; TFiFNCE WEST SOUTIi 220.00 FERT TO TH~ CGNTER LINE OF' C~RRITOS STREI;Tf rHENCE WE5T 273.58 FEET ALONG SAID CENxER L7NE TO THE POl'NT ~JF BEGINNTNG. EXCEI~T THAT PORTI027 THEHEOF L7CING WCSTERLY OF TCiE FOLLOWIt7G bESCRIBED LIN~: BE:GINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHEASTF,RLY LINE 0~' THAT CERTAIN STRTP OF LAND 60.00 FEET JN WTDTH, DESCRII~ED IN THF: U~ED TO TFIE uTATS OF ~: CALIFORNIA., RECORDED JUL'Y 10, 1914 IN BOOK 258, PAGE 66 OF' DEEDS, WITH THE CENTEF. LINE OF SAID CERRITOS j AVENUE; SAID INTERSECTION BBING ON A CUEtVF, CONCAVE WF.:STE~RLY, HAVING A RI~LIYUS Oc^ G30.OG F~E~; THENCE NOkTt~ERLY ALQNG SAID CURV~ TO ALINE PA12AL' LEL WITH AND ~' NORTHF.RLY 20.00 FEET E'ROM T.FIB CENTrR LINE AF SAID CEt2RITOS AVENUE, A RI~DIAL LINE THTtOUGFi SAID POIZiT BEARS NORTH 82 DGGRFES 54' 41" EASTf THENCE CONTINUTNG AL~:JG SAID CURV~, 50.81 FEET THROUCH A CENTR1tL ANGI.E Q~ 4 DEGREES 37' 14" TO THE SOUTIiERLY C~RNER OF GAND DESCRTAED IN TfiE DEEU TO THE S'.fAT~: OF GALIFORNZA, REi:ARDED APRIL 13, 1929 IN DOOiC 257, PAG~ 962 OE' OrFICIAL RECGRAS; THENCE N4RTH 6 DEGREES 55' ' 00" W~ST ALOtIG TfiE EAST~FtLX LINE OF SAID I.AND OF THE '^ STATE OF CALICORNIA, TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID ; LAND AROVk; DESCRIBED. ,, r' ( 2 r -1- PC89-135 fY4Y.e ~ '~ 1 'AFiEREAS, tha Ci~y Planning Commission c~i.a hold a publfc hearinq at tYie Civi~ Center in L•he City of. Anaheim un February 27, 1985 at 1:3U p.m., notice o[ saicl publ ic hQnring hzvinq bAen iiuly given ~is required by 1aw and i.i accordancc~ with the pr.ovisions of the Anaheim Municipol Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and c.onsider c~vitlence for and against said proposed rer,lassification and l.o inves~iqate and make findings and racommendatiuns in connec~i.on therewith; and said pei:it3on was continued ~t~o the meetiz~gs of April 24, 1.989 and May 8, 1989; and WFIEREAS, said Commiss•Ion, after due inspection, iiive$tigation and ~tudy mads by itsel£ and in its behal~, an~ rafter due consideration oi all evidence and rapurts of.ferec] at said $t33ring, does find and detexmine the fol].owing facts: 1. '~hat th~ petitio:ier proposes reclassificati~n oF subject property from thb ML (Limited Industrial) Zane to the CL (Commercial, Lim.ited) or a less intense zone. 2. That the Anak~eim General P1an designatey subject prap~rty for Gen~:ral Cammercial ].and uses. 3. That the proposed recJ.assification of subjact pruperty is necessary and/or ~esirak~lQ £or L•he orderlv and p:•oper development of Che community. 4. Th~.st the proposed rec].assiFicatio•a of subject property doas properly relate to the zones and L•}ieir pormitted u:as locally establishod in close proxim5.ky ro s~ibject property and to the zonos and their p~rmittad uses generally est-ablished throuqhout th~~ comrr:unity. 5. That no one indicatad thexr prosence at said pu'vli~ hearing in oppositioni Chat twenty (20) people inclicated their presence in fr~vor of the request; ancl that uc, correspcndence was received in oppositaou to suk~ject petition. ~LIFORNIA ENV7RON~fE,.~,I 'AL dTJ~i ~C ~T~~~IN,~: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviQwefl ttie proposal k~ raclassify eubject nro~erty fram ML (Limited Induskriul} Zone ta the CL {Commercial, L3mited) Zone and to waivo minimum number of parkinc~ spaces allow bir.~o operataons in ar. existing entRrtainmon~ facility for teenaqars on an irrPgularly- shaped parcel of land consi~ting r~f approximntely 0.15 acre locatafl :it th~ nartheast corner of. Corritos Avenue and Anaheim Boulevard, and further c~ascribed as '1490 SouL•h Anah+eim RoulRVai~c1 (Zzap - Thc~ NighCclub); and does herebX approvo tho Negative Declaration upoci finding t}iai: it has considered th~ Negative Declaration together wit•h any comments recaivod ~iuring tha public :eview pro~oss an3 :~urtkier tinditig on the basis o£ the initxal ~LUdy and any commanta received tht+t ther4 is no substantial Qvidenco that the project will have a significant offect on ~~he environment. -?.- PC89 -135 ;,~ ; ~ ';,~ ': ~; I ;'~ '! y~'. il'~ 1 ~ ' j ,~ t. ~~ ~t`r! ~ ~ ~ ;;~~~ x~~ ~r-.~,-. , , . l~~~ ~ - , ~ la ;r~~,~f ~. ~ . i ~q \~Y~~ ~ },}, ~ ' ° ;s '.~ ~ ~~~,~ NOW, THEREFOR~, Bks T1' RESQLVED that tho Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant sub;jeLt Petition f:or REClassification a~id, bp so cJ.oing, that Tit1e 19•-Zrning of the 1~naheim Munici.pal Gode be amended to ;,;f excludP tha above-de3cribed property from the ML (Limitad Industrial) Zone and to incarparat~ said described property inta the the CL (Cornmercia~, '`'1 ~ ~ •;-i I,imi~ed) Zone. : B~ it further resolved that appcoval af L-h1s applica~ion const~itutes approval of. the proposed requost only to ~he extenC tY~nL it camplies with the AYiahaim Municipal Zoning Code and any othor applicable City regulations. Approval does not include any action or fznding~ as to compi.iancQ or a~prov3l of the requosL- regarding any other applicable r~rdi.aance, requlation or requirement. F3F IT B'URTHER RESOLVED tha~. the Anahei,~ Ca.ty Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoption oL this R~solu~ion is axpressly predzcatpd upon applicant's compliancQ with ear.h and all of the conclitions hereinabove set forth. Sho~:1d any such c~nditians, o,r any part Cherc~of, be declared invalid or unentoxceable by tlze final judqment of any court of cpmpatent jurisdiction, thQn this Resolutiun, and any app.raval5 herein contained, shall be deomed null and void, THE FnREGGING R~50LUTTON is signed and approved b,y me this 8th day of May, 19E3y. ' i;'!t'',-~..~1- /{:., .ic!/r"a_~:.,~;~. CAAtRPiOk~N, ANAHEIM CtTY PLA~TNING COMMISSION v' ATTEST: ~ , . ~- P d~-~-~.~ ~ _~ SECRETARY, ANAIiEIM CfTY PLANNZNG COMMISSION ~TATE OF CALIFORPTIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI'PY OF ANIIHEIM ) I, EdiC2a L. Harris, SQCrt~tary of the Anaheim Ci~y PZanniny Co~runis~ion, do hereby cortify thaC ~Yxe Eoregoing rosolution was pas~ecl a;nd ~-dupted ar a meeting of the Anaheim Cicy Planninc~ ~ommission hel~. on uay i3, 7.969, by the following vote o~ the members thar4of: AYES: ~OMMISSlONERS: BOUAS, BOXDSTUN, CARUSILLO, HERB5T, MESSE WOES: COMM2CSIONER5: ~10DIE ABSENT: COMMTSSIONERS: FELDHAUS~ MC F3URNEY X989. IN WITtJESS WHEREOF, I have hQreunto set my hand this 8th. day of May, _ ~.1~i1~i_ ~,~ N~'~~v~.,~^'°~ S~CR~TARY, ANAHETM CzT'Y PLANNII3G CAMMISSION 1F'. ~~{' =k~:~:;, -3- PC89-135