Resolution-PC 89-14~ ~ ~`~~ ~1, ~~ EtE~QL,3,TT.I~T_N0. P~89-~.4 A RE50LUTT02~ OF TF{E ANAHFIM,CITY PLANNIIZG COtdMIS~~:ON THAT PFTiTION F~)R R~CLASSiF~TrAT.iON N0. 88-89-~0 BE GRAT1~Ti:D r~tii~l <7~j;~~ y y k~''{~ WHEREAS, S_he Anaheim City Plannin7 Commission did roaalve a vex•ified petitinn for Rec:lassificatioxi From MR. JIANN S. WEI, 845 Sou~.h Beach Boulevard, Anaheim, CA 92009, owner~ and LU ARCHITECT~ AND ASSOCIATES, 8862 Garden Grove Boulevard, ,3uite 101, Garden Grove, CA 92594, agent for certain real proy~erty situated in the City of Anahe~m, County o£ Orango, State o£ California, de3cribed as Eol].ows: 1HE NORTH 105 FEET OF THE SOUTH 729 FEET OF THF EA.ST ONE-HALF OI~' THE EAST ONE-HALF TO TTiE SOUTHE:~S'7' QUAR7:ER OF THE SOUTHF.AST QUARTEF AtID ~HE NQRTFI I05 FEFT OF' TH~ SOUTH 729 FEET OF 'SHE E;AST 8 FEET Or THE WEST OtdE-HALF OC SFCTION 14, IN TOiV~I5FiIP 4 SOUTfi Rl~NGE 11 WEST, IN TEiE RANC~TO LOS COYQTES, IN THE CI"rY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORILNGE, STATE OE CALIFOFNIA, Au PER MA~' RECORDED IN B04K 51, PAGE 7 ANll FO~,I.UWING, MISCEL~LANEOUS MA~'S YN THF. OFFICE GF TFIE i:OUNTY RECORI~ER OF SAIA COUNTI'. WHEREAS, thQ City Plarining Commission did hold a public hQaring mt thQ Civic Center in tho ~"'~ty af Anaheim on January 16, 1989, at 1:30 p.m.~ nfltic:o of said publie hearing h~vinq been duly givc~n as required b~ law and in accordance with khF; ~rovisiong of the Anaheim Munici~al Code, Chapter 1.8.03, to hear and cansider evidence .for and against said proposed rec'lassificatiun and to investigate and make findings t~nd re~commenda~i.ons isi cunnection therewith; and WHERrA;;, sFid Conuni~szon, aftea~ 8uQ in~pection, inves~iqatiUn and study made by itseii ar.c~ in iL•s behalf, and aftor due consideration of a11 evidQnce and re~por~~ o£f~r.ecl at said haariiig, does fincl and detQrmine the fnllowing facts: 1. Thr,t ~:he patitior-ar proposes reclassi£ication of ~ubject property from 22S-A-~13,Q00 (Re~idential/i~gr~cu7.tural) Zone to the CL (Commercir~l, Lamited) ~~r a less intense zone. 2. That the Anaheim General ~lan deaignates subjec:t property for General Commercial land ~a~es. 3. That, thc~ prc~oosed reclassiEication oE ~ubjec~ property is necesa».ry and/or desir.able for L-he or.d~rly and proper de~~elapmc,nL• of the community. 4. Th~t the proposecl rerlas~ificatior. af subjact property does properly relat4 to i:he zone:: and thear permittad ~~ses loc:ally es'tablished in close proximity t~ sur,:ier,t property and ro tY:e xone~ and thexr pc~rmitted uses generally establis2~.ed throughour_ the commun.ity. _ , ~,; ; ~ ~ ~,,:, }'?! Y2l~,F~'~~~~ ,i~•~, ~' '''' ~, . ri nr~ . ~,?i~. ~ ~ ~~;i~ ~; . ,1}: ~ , ,~ 5. Tht~t the propased r~classificata.on oE aubject prop~~~y J requires the dedication of abutting S~reets in accordance wiCh the Circulal;ion ' ;lement of Y.ha General P1an, tlue to the anticipated increase in traff.ic wh:f,ch ~~ wi.11 be gerier~t~~ by the intan~ification of land use. ~ ,;. ~. That no one ind~.cated the.i.r presence at said pi,~lic hear? in ~ppdsition; ~n8 tt~at n~ corrrspondence was reee.tvad in sub~ec~ petitiori. o~position co ~ALIFORNI7~ ENVIRQNMEtJTAL _ pU?~LITY ACT FINDITI~: That the An~heim City P].ann9ng Commission h~s reviewed the proposal to reclassify sub'ec~ pi~operty f.rom the RS-•A-~l3,000 (Residantial/Agricultural) Zone ~o theJ CL (Comm~ar.cxal, Li,nited) ?one aiid to construct a 15-room addition to an exi~tin 32-ruom matel an a rectangularly_~happd ~arcel ~f lanc3 consistin o~ approxima~ely 0.72 acre having a t~on~~g~~ o~ a g west side :~9: Beu~h goulevard, PProsimately 105 feet a~n tihs having a maximum uepth ot approximatsly 29g feet, being Iocat,3d app~oximately Road and further described as 845 6South L'oachr Boulev ihii (Saha a I,~ e~f Ball ~ does hereby apprnve th~ l~egative Dec7aration upoi~ fxn~ing th~treit~ has .^.onsidered the Negative De~claration togQther wxtih rn duri:7g the publ:c review proc.ess and fv.rther f•indin on c°mrrients received inikial studx and any cornments z•etceivod thaL there is~no substantaalsev d~nce ~hat the project wi11 have a significant ef~ect on th~ eiiviro~eriti. NOW, THEREFORE, BE :CT f,ESOLVED that the bnaheim City Planii:ng Commi~sion doe~ hereby cJrant subj~~~r pes~ition for Reclassification axiti, by so doitig, rha~ Tatle 1$-7,onin oL ~~ exclude g ~p An3heim Mun~cipal Coda be amended to tYie abovo_described pro~>erty frorn tho RS-A-43 000 Ay:icult.ural) Zone ancl i,o incorporate said de3cribed property `into dthe aCL (Commorcial, Limited} Zone upon ~~he folio+~rin found to b~ a necessary prerequisi~te to the prop sPd zusenot w ub eC~re hQreby in ordQr to preserve tche sa£ety eind g~no.ra.~ we1fare of the Citazens of'~~he City ot Anaheim; 1. That the dedicate legal ~wner of subject property sh~ll irrevocably o£fer to to the City of Rnaheit Boulevard n an additional , measured noi•~herly F rom t~ strip of 1a~id along BeACh corner of i . e ultimat~ xight-oE--way the intersecf~ion of B~ach Boulevar ~ lin.e at the n width . ~ from twelve (12) feet far th~ fir s nd Ba11 Road, ancl varying ~n~ then . ~ transitio•,iing from twelve (12) f th:;~e_hundrod (3U0) feat eeC threQ-hundred (~pp) feet, ta 0 feet f or the nexC ?. That rior ~ P to the ~xitroduct;ion of an ordinanc~ rezonxng t~ub~~ct prOPertY. C~nd3.t;ion No. 1, above-mentioned, shall be cu-nplet~xd. :~he ` `c provisions or, rights granted by this resol•ution sh.all becumo nu~l and ' void by action of ~he planninc~ Cos.unissivn unless said co,~ciiti,on~ are / complied with within ~ne (1) year trom the date o~ tl~is resolution, or such further time as the Y.lanning Comm.ission may yranL•. -2- PCB~-14 ; ~, ~;;~;'+~ ~~ 3, ThaL- apprnval of this ~pplication conctitu~es approv~l of the proposea request only to the extont *_nat it c~mp~ies wirh the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any ather applicab].e City regulations. A~proval do~s ,zot include any ac~ion or fi.ndings as to c~~mpliarice or approval c" the request regardang any otlaer applicr~ble ordinance, r.egulation ar r3quirem~nr. BE IT F[JRTHER R~,SOLVED that the Anaheim C~ty Planning Commission doc~s hereby £incl and determine that adoptxon n~ this Resoluta.on is expres~ly predicated upon applicant's campliar.ce wi~th each and all of the conditi.ons hereinzbove set forth. Should any such conditions, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the ~ina1 judc,~m~nt af any c~urt ~i competenY. jurisdictic~n, then ~his Resolution, and any npprovals herein caataxn.ed, sha17. be deemed nu11 3nc~ void. THE FOREGOING RESOLU:iZON is signed and approveu rix me r,his 16th day of January, 1989. ~; .__~._.. r"'•~ =~- ../ . ~':'~~Y.~__,~,.., CH?~IRWOMAN, ~A~NAHEIM CITY rLANNING CGi~.MISSION ATTEST: ( ~ ~ ---____=~-~-~_~~~-~.., ~ ' - ~ ~. -- SECRETARY, ANAHEZM C7'1'Y P ANNING COMMSISSIOPi , S7_'ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGF~' ) ~s. CI'PY Ok' ANN~IEIbt ) I, Edith L. Harxis, Secretmry of the Ana.haim L'ity Planning Comm9.ssion, clo hereby certif.y that Y.he ~oregoi.ng resolui:ion was ~assed and adopted at a meet•inq of. the Anaheim City Planning Commission hold on January 16, 198~, by thQ Lallowing vote of the members tY~er~of: ~ J.YFS: COMMISSIONCRS: BOUAS, bOYI+STUN, CARUSZ~,LO, F'ELDHAU5, FIERBST, MC HURNEY, DIESSR NOES: CdMMISSIONEFS: NO.~E ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NfJNE I:~ 'AITNF.SS WHEREOL', 'I. havQ hereunt~ sot my hr~ud this 16th d8.~ of January, 1989. .~~-' ,~,~ ° - / . ____ ~-Y-~ .1.~~._ SECRETA 'Y ANAHEIb; CITY k'LANNING COI~IMTSSI~N ~ _3_ PC89-14 1