Resolution-PC 89-142~ ,i. 1 ,' I R~~ ~~N~~.~'~$~:~~ A RESOI~TJT.ION OF THE ANAHEIM CI1'Y PL~ANTTING COMAlISSION TFiAT PETI:~ION ~OR ft~CLASSIFSCATION N0. 88-89-57 BL GRANTED iVHER~AS, the Ana2~aim i ity planninq Commission did reca3vc~ a variEiad peL•iCion tor Reclt-~sific~tion from Qaul R, Chiavatti, 489 N. Aziah~im Bou'levard, Jranr~~, CA 92668, nrrner, and ANACAL ENGTNE~RING, 6:i4 5. L' onr.a St. , Anaheim, CA 928d2, Attn: G].en Gwatney, aqent tor c~rtain real proper~y situaC~d ~ thc~ City af Anaheim, County o;E Orang•e, State uf California, descri,bQd .~s follows: A P~RTION UF TH~ WEST FIALF OF THE EAS~ HALF UF 'rHE SOUTHW~'ST QUARTER OF LOT ~18 0[' ANAFIEIM EXTENSZON, RS ~HOWN ON A MAP OE SURVEY MI~bE BY WII.LTAM HAM~L, A23D FxL,E!) iN THE OI'FICE UF TNE COUNTY ~tBCORAER OP LO5 At~7GrLES COIJNTX, CALI:FnF2NIA, DL:SCRIF3ED AS FOLLOWS: BcGINt3ING AT THE SO[7THF.AST CC~NER OF LOT 18 OF TR:,;,'7' ' N0. 1544, IN 'rHF. CITY OF ANAHE'I.M, COUNTY OF ORANGE, ` STATE OF CALTFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A b1AP RECORDED IN ~ BGOK 97, PAGE 30 OF MISCELLANE~US MAPS, RECORDS ~JF ~; ORA2TGE COUNTY, CALIF~;IRNIA; THENCE SUUTH 0° l.l' 37" EAS1, AL,ONG THE 8.~1UTHERLY PROLONGATION OF :"HE ~ RASTERLY Lt*rC OF SAi~ TRACT N0. 1544, TO A E~OINT QN TH~ CENxER LINB OF A(i0 FOOT STREET RNl':~1 AS CRONE ~ AVEMIE, AS SEiOWN ON SAID MAP OF TRACT N0. '1594; THENCE 50UT[~ 89° 10' 00" WEST ALONG THE CENTER L'INE OF SAID CRONE AVENUE, 164.1.1 L'EET TO A POSNT ON THE SOUTHERLY EX'PENSION OC THE MOST EAST~RLY LINE UF LOT 15 OF SAID TRACT NC. 1544; THENCE NORZ'H 0° 09' S4" WEST, ALOPiG 5AID SOUTHERGY E:LTENSION AND TEi~, 2dOSx EASTERLY LINF. OP SATD LOT 1~; J28, a8 FEET 7.'d AN ANGLE POTNT IN SAIL TRACT N0. 1549; THk;NCE N~R';H 89° 14' 2?" EAST, A'LONG THE SOIJTH L'INE UF LO'TS 16, 17 AND 1f1 OF SAIU TRACT NQ. x544, 163.93 FEET TO THL~ POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCGPTING THBREFROM .dE EAST 80 FEF.T; ALSO EXCEPT2NG THCR~FROM THAT PJRTION LYING SuU4.'H OF THE NORTtt LINE Or TIiAT CERTAIN ST[2IP ON LANU CUNVEYt?D EY C.W. HEDG~S AND OTHE~tS TO ?HE CITY OF ANAHEIM, BY TIEEDS R~CORDED MARCH 2, 1908 IN BOOK 157, PAGES 334 AND :335, RCSPFCTIVGLY OF DEEUS. WHER~AS, the City Plaiiiiing Commission did hold a pUblic hearirig ~C tha Civic Cetiter, fn khe City of Anah~eim on i~i~y 22, 19F19 at 7.:30 p.m., notice of ~aid public hearinq l,a.ving bc;on du~v gfven as required h} l.aw and in rscr.ordance with th~ provisions of t:hn Anaheirr, Municipal Code, Chapi:er 18.03, to hesr and canr~.ider avidence for and dgai~,st 3aid proposecl r~classi.fir,ation and to inve~tiqato and m~ke finding~ nixci rQCammendat,iotis in conneation therewith; and 067~.r -1- PCH9-142 n ~ i ~ ~~~ 1~1 : ~r '~„ p l~9 ~ n'ur^~ ~ •'. WHEREAS, sai~3 Commias.irn, after due inspecti.on, invost3ga~ion and study made by 3ts~lf and iri ats behalL•, and aft~r dua con~ideratfon of. a11 ev.ider~ce and raports otfered at sa.;.d hoecing, does find and determine the [ollowing Facts: 1. ThaL thc~ p~t3.tioner pro~asos reclas:~ific~ation aF subject property from the RS-A-43,000 {Fas~dent:tal:AgriculCurt~1~ t~ the RS-7200 (Res~.dential, 5iii71a-Family) Z~ne. 2. That the Anaheim Genc~r•al P1an designates subject proper.ty for L~ow-•DQnsity Residenrial I~nd us~s. 3. That the p•ropo~ed reclassification o~ ~sub:jact propertl• is necessary and/ux dc~sirable for the ordarly and p.roper development ~f the community. ~1, That the groposecl recla~sification of subject ~roporty dcas pxoperly relate ta the zonos and their pormil:ted uses Iocally establisheci in c1osQ ~roxi.mity to suUject property and ta th~ zones and Lheir pormft~gd uses generally established throughout the community. 5. That the proposed reclassifir.ation of subject prop~rt~~ requires improvement c~f the abutting sLreet in accordance with the Circulation ElPment of t'he Gener3l P1an, dae to tho anticipatsd increase in traffic which wi11 be generated by the intensification of land use. 6. ZYiat fiae (5) people inaicated their presence ai: said publ3.c hearing in oppo~ition; and that no correspondsnce was received in opposit:ion to subject pQtiti~~n. 5~~~ EL~~FtONMEIJTA~^,Q TY ~~T„_,~I~~NC~: That the Anal~eirn City Planning t,omm3ssion has reviewed the proposal to reclassify su:.-ject propQrty f.rom tY.e FS•-A-43,000 (Resi.dential/Ayricu3tural) ^~ne to th~ RS-7'l00 (Residerital, single-family) zonQ ~nii with waivar of required lot frontage to Qstablish a 3-lot subdivision on a rectbngularly-3haped parcol ot lanc~ consisting of aQproximately 25,093 sv,uar~ foet, havir.g a frontage of approximately E4 feet un the north side of Crone Ave:~uo, liaving a mttximum depth of approximately 300 feet, beinq located approximately 243 feet west of the center.line of Pythixg Avenue and furthor described as 1421 Wast Crone Av~nue; and do~s hereby approve ~he rregati~,e Declaration upon find:ng that it has considared thg rTogative Dec.laratio~ toqethQr with any comm~snts receivad `r durirg the public r~view F~rocess and f•urther finclin~ on the basis oE the initial sl•u~3y and any comments roceived ~hat there is nu substa:~tial evid~nce ' that the projeck, will have a siyn.ificant OffQCt on the envirc>nment. NOW, TiiEkF.F0~2E . BE IT RBSflLVED L•hat the Anah~im City Planninq ~~ Commission dors hereby granr, subject Petition for. Reclaa~ificat•iun and, by so acing, that Til•1e 1.ti-Zoning of the Ariahaim Municipal Code be amended t~ exclude tho above-describQd properky from th~ RS•-A-43,000 (Residential/Agricultural) Zone aad to incorporate s~sid ~escribed property into the RS-7200 (Itesidential, Single-Pami.ly) Zone upun tihe .followinq conditions whicl~ 3rc heroby found to be~ a nPCessary prerequisikn to thR proposec~ use of subjecr. proPorty in ordox to presorve ~he safety a»d qa::c~ral welfarA of the Cit•izens o~ the City of An~utieim: 'Z- PC84-142 '; ~ ,~ -.a..~.~ ~ ~ ~r~;r , . . ,~„ ,, , '~i :l. That a fee shall be paic1 to ~ha City of Anaheim for Cree planting along Cror.e Ave~nue 3:~ ~in a,nount as establS.sh~d by City Cauncil rQSOlu~ion. 2. That street lig:zLing f.a~;ili.ties ~long CronP Avenue shall be installec7 as requirecl by the Utilities G~enoral Mannger in acr,ord~nce with s~ecifzcations on fi1Q in the UfficQ of Utilities Goneral Mannqerj oc tha~ secuxity in thg form of- a bond, ct~rtificate of deposit, letter ot crAdit, or ca~h, in an ~mounC and form s~tisfacLory to the City of Anaheim, sha11 be posted with the City to g~,~arantQe thQ sa~isfactory complotion of the above-mentioned improvem~nts. Said sec:urity shal'i be posted with the City of Anah~im prior to the introductfon of ati ordinance rezoning subject property. The abovo-reqt~ired impruvemenLs shall be installed pLior to occupaz~cy. 3. That the legal owner of subj~ct proper~y sliall clodicato to ths City of Anaheim a si:rip oE land fivo (5) f~et in width 'located along the north prupQrty line of. subject propc~r~y for public utilit~ purposes. 4. T~ prior tu thP introdu~tio:i of an ordin~r.ce rezoning subjQCt property or wi.thin a period o£ one (~) ~ear Erom L-he date of th.is resolution, wliiche•~~ex occurs first, Condition Nos, l, 2 and 3, above-mentioned, sha3l be complFred. The provisions or zights granted by thi.g resolution sha11 berame null anci void by action of the Planning Commissi~n unloss said conditians are complied with vrirhin one year from the date of tb.is resoluhion, or such further timQ a~ the Plznning Commisg.i~n may grant. 5. Tl~at approval ui t:his ap~~lication ~:onsti~utes approval of the prapoaed rec~ue~s+, only t~~ th~~ oxtr~n~. that it com~lies with tfxe Anaheim Municigal. Z~ning Code and any ~rthar app~i.c~bla City regulations. Apprc+vaY does not fz~clude any act~on or findings as to compl:iance or appro+~al of the reques~ reyarding f~ny other applic~ble ord:in~nce, regulation or requirament. BE '[T FURTHER RESOLVEU hhat t-he Anaheim City Planning Commission does herRby f.ind aud determinQ that adopl•i.on of ~his Res~lution is expressly predicat~d upon appli.can~'s compliance w~ith each an@ a7.1 of tk~e conditions hereinabo~~o set torth. Should any such c~nditions, or any paxt thereof, be declarQd i.».valid or unenEorcaable by the Final judgmc~rt c~f any court of c~mpetent jurisdfction, then tt~is RRSOlution, a:~r~ any Ppprovals herein contained, shall be rieemeci null and vrid. THE FOREGOING CtGSOLUTIO:S is ~igned and approved by me this 22nd day ,t of Ma}•. ].989. . ~ _____.-!_i--~` ''~- % ~; ;~~I.'-~`~ r _.___.__.~_ CNAIR47pMAN, ,-ANAFSEtM CITX PLN1NINt~ CGh4~lTSSION ,% ATTEST: ,~~ ~ , ~ -----~62~'~--~~~t-~_._.t..-----•--- SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLAt~PIlI1G COMMISSIU23 ._3 _ P.^,A9-1:2 a ~ 1;:; /'''~!} S'.~ATE OT' CALIFORNIA t r;'~ ~"~~I ' 'r ,` ~ ~ ~ „~~l.~ C'i, l~i !''r COUNTX 01' ORI~NGE ) as. ' CI'TY UP' ANAHEIM ) '';r `;i I, Edith L, ~iarr.is, Ser.ret~ry ~f i;he Anaheim City Planninc~ f C~mmission, do hereby cer~•lfy that the foregoing resu3ution wt~3 passed and i adopted a~, a meeti.ng of the Anaheim City Planninq Commissian held on May 2Z, ~~ 1989, by the following vote nf the membars C~.oreof: ' ? '~ A'YES: (:OMMI5SIONER5: BOUAS, $UXDSTUN, CARUSTLLO, HrRBST, ~ ! MC k3URtJE'Y., MESSE ~ NOFS: COMMISSIONERSs FELDHALiS , iri ; ABSENT: COhIIrSISSIONERS: 130NE , ~`~ i ; TN WITNESS WFIEREQF, I have heraur~~o. set my har~d t2~is 22nd day of '; May. 1989. ~ k `' ~..~.Gl...~ , ' ~+-lil,-.~--d_ ~ -1 ~ ~~ ~. . . . ~: SECFETARY, ANAHEIid CITY PLANNIKG CQMMISSIO"I r i ~ ~~ :,~ , -4- PC89-L42 ;; ~~