Resolution-PC 89-15__"_' . . . . . .. . ~!i•AJl ~g~ ~~yv~q~.., }1{pMW) ^;n~aR' . R~~~14.N~4-._~'~@.~ _l.~` ,A R~SOLUTlON OF 'CHL ANAHESM CTTY PLANNING COMMISSYON THAT PF:TI:CTON rOR CONLiTIntll~L tISE PERMI!' N0. 3110 BE GF.;LVTED WHEREAS, the Ariahoim City Planninq Commis:+ion did raceivc~ a verifted PetiY,ion for ~undit.iona3 Une P~rmit from hfR. JIANN S. WEI, f345 South Boack~ Doulevarc3, Anahaim, CA 92804, ewnor, nnd LU ARCI:ITECTS AND l.SSOCIAT~S, 08b2 Garden Grave Hou7.evard, CA 92644, agent for certz-in real property ai.tuatec] in the Cil:y o£ Ananeim, County nf Orar~ge, St~te of Califurnia, described aa: T.HE NORTH 105 F1:ET OF' THG SOUTH 729 FEET OF THE h:AST ONE-HALF QF' T.H~ EAST ONF.-FIALF' '."0 THR SOU'rHEAST QUARTER QI' THE SOUTHEAuT QUARTER AND THE NORTH 1Q5 FEE'~ OF 'rHE SOU;H 729 EEET OF THE EAST 8 FCET OF TBE ~ABST ON~-HALF OF SECTIJN 14, ILI TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH RA:tGE 11 WF,~T, IN THE RAN(:HO LOS C~Y01ES, IN THE CITY OF AIIAHEIM, COGNTY OF ~RAi3GE, STATE GF CALIFCIRNIA, AS PF.R MAP RECORAED IN BO~K 51, PAGE 7 AND FOLLO'WING, MISI":ELLANEOUS MAP5 IN THE AFF ICE OI' TIiE COUNTY RECQRUER OE' SAID COtTNT't. WHBRFAS, thc~ City Planni.~g Commissioci did ho1c1 a purlic hearing at th~ Civic Contc~r in the City of Anr~heim on Janupry 16, 1989, at 1:30 p.m., notice c+f sa3 d publ i.~ hear~inq havinc~ been duly g3ven as required by 1aw Ax-d in accor~,ance with the provisions ~f th~ Anaheim Muniripal Coae, Chaptsr 18.03, to heUr and consider evidez~ca for and against said proposed conditinnal use permit and l-o investigate and make findings and rgcommendariona in connoctian therewith; and ~ WHEREAS, said Commission, aftQC due inspc~ctiou, invoetigatioY~ and study mado by itself and in its behalt, and after due consideration o: all e~•idence and repar`s affered at said lsearing, does finii and deGermine the fullowing facts: ], That the proposed use is pruper2y one :Eor which a conditional use permit is aut}iorizect by Anahoim Municipal Code Sectio~i 18.49,050.160 to ± wit: to consL•ruct a la-room addihion to an existing 32-room motal. '~ 2, That the propu~ed use will not. advQrsely affeck thd adjoininq land uses and tt~e growtti and developm~nt oE the area in which i.t is proposed to be locatQCi. 3. That the size ar,d 3hape ot the si.te proposed For ti~e uese i.s s~iequar.e to A]].ow the ful~ development of the pzoposed use in a mannei not detrimenLal L~ khQ particular area nor to the peace, healt:Y., safety and goneral xelEnre of thQ Citiz9nK of thQ City of Anaheiro. OC~24r -i- PC89-15 i ;., `~ -- . . . t::c±:F:~1~ ~aq i2~,. ~ ~ ^~ 4. Tha~ ~hc~ granr:ina cf tha C'und.itional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, wi]1 noC be c~etrimental to thc~ poace, hoalth, sat•or.y and general welfare of the Cit•izens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the trafE.ic qNneratdd by ChE ~ropo3e~i use will not impose nn unduc~ burden upon th~ street~ and highways designeQ and 3mpr~voci to carry the Craffic in tlie area. G. That no onQ indic~t~d tliQir prose:ico aL saxd publtc hearing in opposition; ancl that no corresgondence was rQCeived in op~osition to the subject petition. CAi~IF RNIA _.~__NyI~QNt~F_.NTAI~_._QiJ1~I~I_ T~ .~~~ FTNUZNG: ~'haC thR AnahQim Cit.~~ Planning Comm3ss:ion has review~d thA proposal to rec'lass3.wy subjoct pzoF~erty from the RS-A-43,000 (PE:sic3ential/.Agricultura.l) Zone L-o the CL (Commarcial, Lirnited) Zona and to r.onsLxuct ~ 15-room a~ditior. to an e:cisting 3?.-room rnota]. on a rectangular].y-sY.appd pz~rcel of land consisting of ~pi~roxin~ate]y 0.72 acr~, having a Pror~~ac~e of ~-pproximately 105 feer on the wes~ sicie of Heacli bovlavard, having a maximum depth oi appL•oximately 298 feet~., being ].ucafr.ed aFproximakQiy b00 feet rorth of tho centerline of Ball P.o~ci and further described as 845 South Beach Boulev~xd (~ahara Motel); and d~as hereby approve the ;7ey-Htive Declaratinn upon findinq that it has ~~onsidered tha t~egative Deciarai:inn togeth~r •~aith any comments recdivod cluri:ig the publlc review process an~] iurther finding on the basis o.E t:~e initial study and any comments received that L::~1XE~ is no substantial evideuce hhat the project will have a significaiit etfenC an ti~f~ environmc~nt. Nr}W, TH'r;k~CORE, 3E Y'P RESOLVED ~hat the AnahNim City planninq Commi~sian does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditi.ona~ Use Permit, upon tho fo1:.;x_ng conditi~-ia which ar~ hereby faund to ~~e a necos3ary prerequi.site to the proposed as~ of the subjoct pzc~perty in order. to preserve tho safe+cy and gene.31 ~reif~rQ o;E the Citizens o~ the CiL•y of Anahc~im: 1. Tha~ prior to issuance oE a buil~ing pQrmit, the appropria!:p tra£fic ~ignal nsse~smant fee ahall be pa:.d to the City oL• Ar.aheim in an amount as ~stabli~li~d by City Cauncil rasolutic~n. 2. That curbs Rnd gut~ers sh~+l.1 be rspairad along Her~ch Boulev ~rA aa required by the City Engineer ar~d in accozdance with st~n~i$rd plans and specif.!r.atxons on file in the Office of tf-e Cfl:y l:ngineer. 3. Tha~ the driveway shall be reconstr~aCtQd to accommodato ten (10) foot radius curb re~urns. Existii~g broken or cr~r.ked driveways shall be iQmoved nnd re~lnced as required by th~s City Engineet. 9, That trash atorage aroas sha2! be refurbicched to cnmply With nppro~ed plans on filcs with Che Str~et Mainten~-nce and Sanir.ation Uivisfon. 5. That ~ firo Elow test of tk~e water systom to determinQ adequ~te w~ter ~1fA8SUxP, shell be conducteci eo the sar_isfaction of the City Wator Sngineering Diviaion. 2- PC69-15 1.;' :.;~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~,~r9;i~! ~!.., ~1~ 6. That this Concli.tional Us~s Parmit is granted sub}ect ~o the adoption oF tho 7oning cJxdine~ncc~ in connec'.ion witi~ Reclassi£ication No. Oa-84-30, now pending. 7. That Eire r,prinklers sr,a11 be inaCalXeB in both Cho oxisting a,id pro~~osed facilities as required by the Cir.y Fira Department. 8. That siabjocL- pror~erty shall be serve~ by ~undQrgroun& utilxti~es. 9. That a11 sir conditioriing facilitic~s an~i other ruof and ground mounted equipm~nt shal'1 be properly shielded from view and thQ sound bufFsred from aajgcent residpnt.ial properties. 10. That the exis~~ng struclure sha11 comply with the minim~un standards of tho City oE Anaheim, incl~iding the Uniform Building, Plumbinq, Lloatrical, Mechanica]. anii Fire CodQS as a~~upted by the Cfty of An~heim. 1.1. ~t~at the proposal shall com~ly with all ~ign3.ng r~qui.ramei~,ts of the CL "Com,mercial, Lim:ited" Zone, unless a variance allawing sign waivers is appro~~ed by the City Council, Planning Commission or 'Loninq Aclministrator. 12. That a six (6) foot high ~nasonr~ block wHll ~ha11 be m~intained along the west property line. 13. That the~ on-site lanclscaping ~ha11 be rafurbisred and maintained in compliar.cQ with Citp standards. 14. ThaL :;ubject pr.operty sta~ll bt~ developed subsL-~,ntially in accurdance wit.h pl~ns and ~pecifications ~n file with the City of Anahaim marked Exhibit hos. .l through 3. 15. That pri.ar ta issuanco of n'buiJ.ding pormit, or within a period of one year £r.om the date of this resolution, whichever occur~ first, ~ondition Nos. 1, 5~nd f,, above-mentioned, shall be complied with. Exter~sians for further timA Co complete ~aici conctitions may be grantea .in accordance v~ith uect:ion 18.03.0~0 of tlie Anntiei.m Munici~al Coc3e. 16. Thart prior to f.in.al. building anll ~oni:~g i»spoctic~ns, Canditfon Nos. 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17., 13 and 14, abova-montioned, shall bo complied with. 17. That approval ~f thi3 application conskil:uL•es apprUVal of tho prop~~ed reqitest only ta Y.ho estenL that it compli~s with the Anahaim Municipal Zoning Cade and any other applicable City regulations. Ap~roval closa not include any action or ~indinga as to compli~:nce or appraval of the request regarcliny any othar applicable ordlnance, regulatian oe rec~uixament. -3- PC89-15 ;~r,., , ,.. , , ,,, 1~ ~ i . . _ . . . J:? x N,1Y' ,ti:q,,i~.s r~Yr. - ~,jw.h 6.;~~ ~~ ~ ~,~;~~ i~ `~ FSE IT FURxHER RE50LVGD that L•Yi~ An~heim Ciry P'lanning Comm3ss;lon does hereby find and determin~ thnt adopt3an of this Resol.ution i.s expxeasly predicatecl upon ap~licr~nh's complihnc~ with aach and al'1 of the canditione hereinabov3 set Earth. Should any such conditiona, or any part thareoE, be denlar~d invalid or unenforaaabl~ by the final judgmon~ of any court of compet~nt jurisdiation, th~r~ this Resolution, ax~d any approvals horain c~nt:ained, stiall be deomed null and void. THE rOREGOING RESULU~ION is signed and aLproved by me this 16th day of Januar~, 1989. .,,, .. ~ 1 r• % :1 s'~_~~./~ ~/; ;'?~.r_ .,~.~..,~ CHAIRWOMA23, ;ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIIJG .^Oi+II~SIS5I0N c.• ATIEST: ~ ~ . ~ .x~~"~~__ ' ''~ ~~~il.cy S~CRETARY, 3-NAHLIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSl'ON STATE OF CAI,IFOkNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE } ss. CITY OF ANAI'FIM ) r I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary oF the Anaheim City Planninq Comrniss~on, % do hereUy certify th~st tho fnregoing resolution was passed and s~dopted at a meeti:,q of thc~ Anaheim City Plnnninq Commission he?d ~n .;anuary 16, 7.985, by the fallowing votP of the membors thereof: ; ; AYES: COMMISSIONERSt BOUAS, BOYDSTUt7, CARU53LL0, F~LDHAUS, HERE3S7.', ' MC BURNCY, MESSE ' NOES: CO2~frSSIONERS: NONE i ABSEN'r: CCtMhtI5SI0NERS: NONE i IN WI'rNESS w1HERE0r, Z have herounto set my hand this 16th day of ;", January, 1989. ~..~;,~ . _ ~ L~'i''t,., ~ ~ oC.~ ~ -~(~-..•,~. ~ , ~.; ~s. AHEIM SCCRE'PAR CI1'X PLANNING COIr4riISSION ~~ ~. ~ ~r, ~~ Z~ i ,,~ ~ ~ i`~ '~ 1)i ,1; i ;y S •~ ~ -. _q_ PC89-15 . . --`=r~ ? 7 : ;' ~-~~ ~ E~j ~, l '~ s . '' ,.;.~ ,,yY i, . ,;~4~ ' .r ,~'~ . .~ T" '~•Fy-_ :r,ws~A~il.i.,+i~Gti~u~.+ni. .rSwC~`a.,.s,.,r1d.,, . . .. . .,.... .. ~ ~ . . ~ . ~ .- . .. , . ......., r. ,.,. ~~ .,t.,,i-: r„ . _~. , , . ~~[; 1~• aY~.~tSd;kid.~71^