Resolution-PC 89-152~~j RESQL~TI~_NO PC$9--1~2, ~~ A R~SOLLITION OF TH~ ANAHEIM f;IT.Y PLI.NNING CnMMTSSTON 'TH7~T 1?FTITxON FOR VARIANCE N0. 3945 EiE GRAN~.'ED ^ WFIEREAS, tho Anaheim City Planr~ing C~mmission did receiva a vori~ied Yetition for Variance from hILI~IAM A. E;FICKSUN AND LEIAA C. ERICKSON, 205 Owons Urive, Ana}ie.im, CA 92848, owners o:f certain roal property situatecl in th~ City af Anaheim, County ~f Orang~, State of California describod as: 2'ARCEL l: PARCEL 1, TN TFT.r CITY OF ANAFiFItd, COUN~'Y OF OR,ANGE, STT.i'F OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A PARC~L hIAP FIL~D IN BOUK 104, PAGE :l OF PAkCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFTCE OF '.fFiF COUNTY' RECORDER QI' SAID COUTITY. EXCFPTING THEREF'ROM 'PHA7' PORTION C~F SAXD F'ARCEI. 1, DESCFtIBED AS FOl'~LOWS: BE:GTNNING A7' A POJNT ON THF SAUTHEAS'PERLY LINE OF SAID PAFCEL 1, SAIll POi'NT BEING NORTH 64° 2~' 43" EAST 1U0.00 FEE'P FROM THE MOST SOUTFiERLY COFtNER OF SATD PARCEL l; T.HENCE SOUTH 69° 24' 43" WEST 100.00 FEET TO T.FiE MOST SOUTHERLX CORNFR OF PARCc.L l; TEiENCE NORTH 15° 00' 00" EAST 2£3.50 F~P;T; THENC~ NORTH 79° 17' 30" ~A5T 84.28 FEET ~0 TkIE POINT OF BEGINNING. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commiss3on did holcl a public Y~earing at tho Civic Center in thc~ City of Anaheim wn May 8, 1989, aL- 1:30 p.m., na~ice of said public hearing tiaving been duly given as required by law and in accordanco with the provisions of tl~e Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter '18.03, to hear and c.onsicier Qviden^~~ for and aqainst sairl proposed variance anc~ to investigake and make fin~lings and rocommendati~ns in connection thererritY~; and said petition was con~i.nued to the meeti~ig of June 5, 1989; and WHEREAS, saicl Commission, after due inspQCtion, lnvestigati~n an3 study mad~ hy itsolf and in its bQhalf, and aft2r due consideratiozi nf u11 evicience and reports off.arod at said hearing, does find and deCermine the followirlg tar.ts: 1. ThaC the petitioner x•equests wa.iver oL• L•he Pollowing to r~cain a ham radio tow~r: ~.~~I~l$~~24? iQl?. - ~'x2~~i ' ~~nL-_I.44~~?~S~e uinm.Q.I~. (~?o~ro_~nd=m~un~ed c@ TU:ipme~z por~ni+tted j.r~ the Scenic Corrzdo.r Overlay Zone; Qr.~2.~~£oot;_ }iiq,h~QUnd_-n~nt~~i h.~m rn~i,Q~c~w,~r w_ ith 10,,_E~~tt m~,~r~ existinq} ^91~~ ,• ,,~: ?~.>~ 17E85r -1- PC 89--152 M ~ ~ ,/~\~ I 2. Z'lzat the above-mentioned waiver is k~c~reby granted on the bzais that sa5.n radio tower i~ retrac~able and its regular height: (wlzen not extende&) is 25 feets that i:'here are special circums~ances appl.icable to the property~ such as size, shapo, topography, location and surroundings which cio not app2y to other idontir.ally zoned property in the same vicinil•y; and thaL• strict application of tho Zoniiig Code deprives ~he psoperty of privile~~es enjoyc:d bl ottiQr propertisu in the identical zonP and classifi.cation in the vicinity. 3. That the propased variance is horeby granted on the bnsis that r.evisPCl plans were submitted indicuting incrQased landscaping and site screening af the propased t~am radic+ tower ors 3 sidRS by a 1" x 6" tongue and groove cedar clad strur.ture and by lh~ gar.r~ge stucco wa11 on tho fourth side to a minimixm height of 20 fe~t, witti approximatQly 3 fo~t 3 inches oE the ham radio tcwer and the 10 f~or ma~t and antanna v:isible above the enc'lo~ure when the tower is in tlie retracted pos.ition. 4. That there are exce~,~tionnl or e•ctraordinary ci:~umstances pr conditions applicable to the property involved ar to th~ i.ntende~~ use of the pronc~rty that do not apply generally to tYi~ prop~rty involved or to the intended use ~f l:tie proper ~•y tha~ do not aPply gc~nsrally to the propertv or cl~-ss of use in lie same vic:nity anc~ zone. 5. That the rec~uestad varianr.e is necessary £or tha preservation and enjoymQnt of a sub5tantial property ric~ht posse~sed by other properCy in t:~e same vicinity and zone, and. dQnied to th~ pr.operty in question, 6. That the requested variance will not ba m3terially det.rimental tu the public welfaxQ or injurious to the property or improvement, in auch vicinif.y aizd zone in which the proporL•y is located. 7. Thak two (2) people indicatQd their presence at said pizblic h~aring in oppasitian; and that no corre3pondence was received izi o~pos.i.tion r.o subjeck petition, CALIFQ~NT~ENVIRQ~TMEN~AL OU~,LI~Y,_ A~T FINDItTG: The Planning llirer.tor or his authorized representative has c?otez•mined tha~ ~he proposed project fa].'ls w.ithirz tha dotinitioxi oF Categorical Exem~~tions, Clas~s II, as def.ined xn tho StatQ EIR Guidelir.es and is, therefore, catagor.ical.ly exempt from tho roqui.rement L•o prepar.Q a~i EIR. NOW, TH~REFORE, BE IT RESOLV~D that the Anaheim C.ity Planning Cummission do~s :~Qreby grant subjeck Petition for Variance, upon tho fo~lowing conditions wkiich are hereby found to be a necossary pr~requisi~e to the proposed use of t2xe subject property in order to praserve t2~a saPety and y~nera~ welfare o£ the Citizens uf the Ci~y oE Anaheim: ]., That the appropriate permi.ts stiall be obtainrd ~rom khe Iiiiil~ing Division. 2. That subject Qropor~y sli~ll be devalopPd substantially i.n accordan~~e wikh plans and specifications on file with the Ci.ty o~' Anaheim marked 12evision No. 1 of Exhibit 11~, 1 and Exhibit No. 2. _Z_ ~ !,,, ! o,,,~ .. ~.~,~.: :'. PC 89-152 . ~; ii~'i' _.. ... ., , y,. .. .,. ~ ;.~.I ~ i ra6i;~q>: •C'C 4 /"~i~n, S ~, . ~~~ . . ' 1,~~A~ t ~l ~ ~ ~ ;'jn i .:~ . - ~ ~ ~ -,~~,.~(i 3. That the rear sa,ope sha11 be landscaped and permano~itly maintained and 4' safd lan,d~cape shall be comploted with £our (4) mc~nChs from thQ date of ` this resolution. ;~ 4. That Cundita.on Nas. 1 aiid 2, abave-mQntioned, shall be c~mnl~tQd within ~, I~,~ pRriod of sixty (60) c~ays from the dat~ o.f Y.his resolution. ~~ :r ;t 5. Tk~at approval of this apPlication cons~itutes approval QL the ~raposed , r~'quest. unly to the exten~ that it com.plies with the Anaheim Municipal ;~`fl Zoni,ng Code and any other applicable Cit~ regulations, Approval does not include any action ~r findings as to compiiance or a ~?' request regardinc~ any other app2,icable ordinance, pregu1.at on tor ,? requirement. BE IT ~UkTHER KE~OLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commissian doe;; hereby find and cletermi ne ~hat adop~ion of this Reso].uwion is expressl~ predicated upon a~plicant's compliaYice with each and a11 ~f the condi.tions heze:Inabove set forth. Shoul~t any such conditioxis declar or d , e any part ~hereog~ be invalid or unenfr~rceable by the final judgmen~ of an~ cou compet~nt jux•isdicti t r nf on, the:~ this t~esolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me Ch3s ;ith da~r of. June, igag, ~' c%~~ . ~` , ~ _ r ~ ' °` ,-._ , . ~r: G .-,y~ CHAIRWAMAN, ANAF;EiM CITY' PLANNING COhIIv1ISS.TON ~'`~ ATTESt; ~"~ ~(~, A ~v~/~ OC~'~.(~ • ~ ~ r ' ,,,~ , SECRETARY, ANAHETM CITY PLANN~ 0.`~L~tISSTON . ~ ,~, ~~ ~r1Y STRTE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~.~ ''`' C(1UNTX OF ORANGE ) ss, ~r, CITX OF ANAFIEIM ) `~~~'~+ I, Edith L. Harris, Sccrvtary of the Anaheim Cily Flanr.ing Commis~ion, do hereby certify that h ';~: ~' t e foregoing resolution was p3ssed and ad~~tecl at a moeting of the anaheim City Plannin C 1989 i g ~mrn ssAon held on June .5, . by the £o11ow3ny •rote o£ the membors thc~reo£: ~ A'1E5: COMMIS~IONER$: BOU~"1S, iiQYDSTUN, CARUSTLLO, F'ELDHAUS, HERBST, MC BJRN~Y, MESSE NOES: COMMISSIO~lERS: ZtONE A~iSENT; COMMISa^ZONERS: NONF IN WITNESS W~IEREOF, I havQ hereunto set my hand this 5th c~~y ~E $ ~TUnc~. 1489. `j ; ~:I __ `~ o~ p~ ~? -- ~~~ S~CRETARX. ANAEiE'Lh! CITY ~~-~. ~~ ~ PLA.NNING CObII•fISSION °` -3- PC 89-152 ~y '~- - _ . ,>>~