Resolution-PC 89-16~}i~y~ ~~~~;t~~ ~ gF~$ L 1 ZQN NO ,~C_.~2 _~~ A T<k.SOLUTION OF THE AN3~FiEIM CI'.CY PLANNING COMNISSIOti 7~OPTING AND R~COMME;NDING TO T.HE CITY COUNCIL UF' TH~ CI'YY OF ANAFI~IM ADOPTION OF G~NERAL PLAN AMENDMENT N0. 25Q - I,ANU USE ELEMF.NT WHEREAS, tho City COLITIC].1 of the City~ of Anaheim clid adop~n~ral Anahoim General Plan by Resoluti.on No. 6yR-644, ~huwing thQ q descziption and extent of possi:b~e fuL•ure development within the City; an~~ WHFRFAS, pursuant to a re~uest fr~m the propQrty owner for a General Plt~n Amendmenr p:oposing a redesignation from the exi.s~ing General Ir.idustrial designation to a Medium Dencity Residential dasignatio~noximatel 3.91aracres Y Gener.al Plan Amondment Eor th~ arQa consistzng ~f app locatocl at t:he sout.hwast corner of Gramercy Avanue arid Valle~+ Straota ana WfTERF:AS, staPE a'lso inc'luded thR e].imination of the utility desic~nation and tnQ relocation oE Fire Station No. 'L from Hrookhur:~,t 5t=•eet to CrHscent Avanue to reflect actual land use; and WHEREAS, khe Planning Aepartment ~taff deemed it ~.ppropri~+te, pursuant to the provisi~r.s of the California Environmental Quality Act, that there are no significant envir~nmental imp3cts and recommended 1:hat a Negative Declaration bQ approved; and WHEREAS, the C:ity Planning Commission did hold a public hea.rir-~ at the Civic Center in the City of An~heim on January '16, 1989, at 1:30 p.m•. notico of said public hearing having beoii auly given as require C~b p~e~ ~8d03n accordance wikh the provisions of the Anaheim Municipa:i CQ~osed Generai Plan to hear and consider evidence fcr and aqainst said piop Amendmont and to iavestigate and make findinqs and recommendations in connection ~hcarewith; and WHEREAS, ~aid Commission, after due i.nspection, investigation and ~! study ~~iade b~y itaelf aiid an it:s beYialf, and after due consiCleration of a11 evidence and repc,rts offered at s~id hearing~ ~oes find ~nn d~termine the ~. f.ollowing Ea~:ts: 1. 'Phat sufficient ovidence was presented i:o substantiate ~h~ need t~ amend the Lan~i Use Elc~ment of the Gonersl P1an ta redesignate subject study area from the existing Genernl Industria.l c~esiqnatiori to ~ Modium Density Rosidential desic~nation. 2, That Exhabit A iE a~propriato ~nd $hould be adopted to refl~ct the Medium Density Residential dosignation anQ also dQleke th~s CJtility Sta~.ion d~s.ignation~treet toptte~corne r ofeCrescenL• Avenuerand Va11ey Srre~~ ation fxom F3rookhurst ; 1 PC 89-16 0637r ~5~~,,; ~~ ~~,, ~,~t,~ Y ~ALTFQRNIr?1, r~ti~lTRQt3MEN7AI.~ 14SP?~~T F'IND.~IN~('; ;` F~lanning C~mmission ha~ het the Anaheim Czty ' r°viewec7 the proposal to amenr~ ;:ho Lar. ChQ G~neral Plan L•rom tho e~xi~t:ing Genc~ral Industrial ~3esignationetiola Mc~dium D~n~ity Res~dontial dQSicJnatioxi and t:o re,classify subject pra•perty from the ~tS-A-43,000 (Rosident.ial/Agricultura7.) Zone to the kM-12~Q Multipls-Family Residential) ?one :and ro construct a~_ ~R~Sidential, "atf.ordable" apart.ment cornpleK witn waiv~rs aF minimum si~~ arear~ex dwe],ling unit:, maaicnum structural height rnaxamum site covarage, an@ minimum cla.stancc~ berween buildiazgs on an irregularly-.shaped parccl oE land consisting of approximately 3.9I ~c;re, lor.ated at t,he southwest corner o~ G.ramercy Avenue anii V~11ey Street, a~zd further d~escribod as ~i25 t3orth Vt~lley Streetp and does heroby approve tYio Nogative beclar.ation upon finding that it has car~siderecl the Nocrative Decl~ration together with any commani:s recsived during khe public rev.iew process and f'urther finuing on the ba,is of the Ini.tial ~tudy and any ccmr~ents receivod 'that: there is no substantia7. ervidence ~hat the project will have~ a significant ~f.f.ect c,n the environmenL. LJOW, TJ~ERCFOfiE, BE IT RLSOLVED, that pursuant to the ~oregQ~.ng findings, the Anaheim C.ity Plann3.ng Commiss.ion does hereby adopt and ::ecommend ko tl•ie City Council of. tne City of Aaaheim adopt:ion of General Plai- Asmendmenr N~. 250 - Land iJse £lecnont, Extiibit A, xHE FORL;GOING RESOI.UTI'ON is signed and approved by mo this 16°,;h day uf: Januarye 19E-9. ~ . . ,-, ~=.=rL"~.=~''~ , ,1_~;Ji4''C;t.._~.._,.. CHA7RWOMAN, ,~NIWFIM CITY PLANNING COt~fISSI1~N • ~; ATT~STt ° ~. , /~`' ~l SECRETARY. ,t~T ~---~-c-~~'' "'- .___.- XM CITY ~LANNIN'G COA4rSIS;i20N STATE OH CAL.IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Sy, C7TY pF ANAH~IM ) I, Edith L. Harri.s, Secretary ;~t the Ariaheim City Planning Comma.s~:lon, do hereby certify that the foregoing rc~solution w~J p;~s3ea t~bd a~~optecl t~t ~ m~eting of the Ar.ahc:im City Planning Commissf ~,n held s~n January 16, 1ggg, bY the following vote of l,he members thereof: AY'~S: C~ODIIr1ISSIUNERS: BOUAS, HOYDSTUN, CAR~JSILLO, HE:RB;~T, NUES: CCMMISSIONERS: NON~URNF,Y, MESSE ABSENTt COMMISSIOtVERS: NONE ABST1tIN: COMMISSIOZIERS: FET,DHAUS IN WITN~SS ~iEREpF, I have hereunto set my hand tkiis 16tIz cl~~y ap January, 19l39. :, ~__._ t ~~/G~- ~ ~ /~,~~ SECRETA , I~Np~EigIM CITY PLt.I3'NING GOMtbISSTON N0637r ~ e .. Y'~' ~~~ ;:r . ~ ~ 1~~P1~'I ~..~,. ~~II~~