Resolution-PC 89-161~ "i'.0.5~ ~i. , ,; F ,. ~ i Mj~. ~ ~j. `,:{ , }. , . f~~,~ ~',~ R~SOLUTI031 N0. Pl: 89-16X A RFSOLUTTON C1F iH~ A~AFIEIM CIT:Y PLANNING CON1t~STSSION SELECTTIQG THG FLA~A REDEVELO~IdENT PROJ~CT AND Af+PROVING A PRELTMINARY PLAN FORMUJ~ATFD FOR TIiE RED~VELOPMFNZ OF TEIE PROJECT AREA WFiEFF:,AS, the City Couricil cf the City of Anaheirn, by Reso7.ution No. 89R-161 on May 2, 1989, @esicTnated a l~~develapment Survey Area for redevelo~mei:t study purposes; and WHFREAS, th~- Califorrlia Communit~r Redeve3o;pmen't Law ~Health and Safety Code Section 33000 eL• seq.) ~~rovides i`or the P1annS.ng Commission to select. a redeveloument proj~3ct axea from r~ithin the boun~aries of s~ survey area, and to #ormulate a preliminary ~lan far the redevelopmenk oP ths selectecl pro;ect area. NOW, THEREF~JRE, THE PI~ANNTNG CODIIvSISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAF?EIM, CALIP'ORNIA, DOES fiESOLC~E A5 P'OLLOWSa 1. That the Planning Comtt;.issior,. neroby selects and designai:e~ as the Projoct Area for tha Plaza Rpc'evelopment Praject, the area with.in the Redevoiopment Survey Area shown on the "Proj~ct Area Map." attached heroto as F,xhibit A and incarporatacl by referencR herein, and as more particu.larly doscribecl in the "Leg;il Descript:i.on of the Project ArEa", attached hereto as Ex.kiibit B ana zncoz•porated by reEerence h3zein. In ~he ~vent that .it is necess3ry fnr clarifi~;atian purposes to make r:~inor, tochnica~ alianges to Ci:e bcun.dari~es described in Exhybit B, the Plan~ing Cammission hereby ~inds an~'. cletermines that any s+~r.h minor, techr.ic~l change tor clarification ~urposes ~oes not materi~liy atfec;~ the bounclaries selecCQd and d~signated hereby. 2, That tlie Planna,ng Commissiun hereb,y approves th~ "Preliminary Plan for the P1aza Redev~lopn~ent ProjecL-" in thQ form attached horato as Exhiui.t C and incorpor.:,l;ec3 by reference hezein, subjec~ L~ the stipulaL•~on that the Planning Commission wi11 ba invQlved in th~ publir. hearixxg process for aprrraval oF the final plan~, 3. T.}iat the Chairwoman oi the Anaheim (;ity Planning Commission is hereby auth~rizQd and directod lo submit the Prelimir~ary Plan to the Anaheim Redevelopment Agency an.d the Comrnunity Redevelopment Commission of l:he City o£ Anahcim. PC89-161 'hxY~nl'nTJ~v ._~:•.l'J'!: ~~i THE FOREGOING hESOLUTION is si~ned and approved by me +:his (;? 5th r~a,~ oE June. :1989, s '~~ .-,• , r ; ; ~? ~ i 1 . . ~ _~ _ % ~~~-t-/. .-•- . : ~%~~~r~'~. ' ,, CHAIRWOM~M~ CITX PLANNING CUbIIrfZSSION ~' t:.~ ,, ~1 .A.TT~ ST : 1 c~.~cdZ~~~ ~.~ . ~-i~ - SEGFtETARY, ~NAF3EIM CITX PLANNING CQMNITSSION STATG OF CAL?FORNIA ) COUN:~'Y OF ORI~NGE ) sg. CITY OF ANAFiEIM ) -• , ;:! I, l~:th L. Iiarris, Secret~ry of the Anaheim City Planning 4 Commission, do i,~reby cerl:ify that thQ roregoing resolution was Z~as.ed '~ and adopted at a meeting of thQ Anaheim City Plannin~ Commission he~d ou ~~ JunQ 5~ 1989, bx the following vote of the members theroc,E; AYES: COMh4TSSI0NERS: BOUAS, EiUXDSTUN, HERSS~', MC BURNEY, NSESS~ NOES: COMMISStONERS: FELDHAUS ~~`t AB~ENT: COMMISSIONERS: CARUSILLO ,;: `.; ~ ZN WITN~SS FVH~RLOF, I havQ hereunto set rn,y hand this 5th day o£ ,; Juzie, 1989. -'S~ ~ ;~ _ ~E7 c~~,~~~ ~S .___`~~~ , :" iL~f..L.~,°../ SECRRTARY, ANAHEZM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION ~i _ . ~'i I~~4 "/~ ~ i~l ~'/j }' :~. .il :~~ ~~0893r -2-