837AFFIllAVIT OF PUBLICATION ,;'r.vr 1 01•' CAI.1 F OR NIA ) )ss otint . of On -i nge (if said county. being first duly sworn, says—that he is a rrrale citizen of the United Stater, and of the State of Cali- fornia, over the age of eighteen years: that he has no in- t,-i•F-st in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned; t h"i.t lie is the Rrf rCl -'a . -^lerig of the -t f �. sw it = .IInetvtper printed. piihlished and. circulated it, the said ;7mint.y of Orange that said . AAAA ........._. ..................._.._... is a newspaper of general circul:.ition with a list of paid subscribers, and is published fair• the dissemination of both vocal and :;t!nera.l news and intelligence of a general char- a.ctor: that. it is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainmerit of a part! rular- class, profession, trade, calling, rare or denomination, or of any number thereof; that it ha been r.rinted and published in the CIty of Ana- beirn, County of Orange, States of California for more than one %'#,sir• iiext w-oveding the first. day of the publication hereto a.tt:rehed- that the l:� �ll�li re'1� r i : :1 rrnE:�f (.l♦r9 +'t, ..a .__. AAAA . ....................... ri ri ri t erd cniw. was puhlifihed in ~Kiri no-w"%r.st ir)?' 1 ,s; sue 1!� +` 11. r°Ci lirl� +�rl r11�dav (if 19 and that said 1•11hlis ip.d on. thr follnw. i►:: 4sei•A .91il',s[-riN d and svvnr•ri t•, t+r-•fo-.a rll? th1y....�1�..=... day of ...... ....... • . �Notar.v Puhile. LEGAL. NOTICE ORDINANCE -NO-927 %13T". TERM: 1Ti�4'!TY'd_ .. "" -BZCTI+QW T-,6...That the City, Coun- eil. tit : th* " C#r 'of . Anaheim ' did on thrp, 13th - d#y .: of . January, 1953, re- ceiv�* a' w+rittrn petition asking that' cextiahi • ar+w territory describ- s¢ 'in c 5414'..votttion" be annexed to the City.. of Anaheim: That befoft. the . filing of said pe- tition, , th'e' proposal for the ann'ex- Wan of . 'the territory hereinafter described to. the City . of Anaheim warm. submitted .. to.. the . Boundary Co3piniselan of t1ke County." of 'Or- ange, • Stade .:of California, and re. pported" ' upon, b ■'aid Boundary Commi,lsion w.i . rmpect to the definiteness and certainty . - •of the proposed boundari4. That' said . territory '..proposed' to annexed . to • Mi be: d City of Ana- heim Is. situated ie. the County *of Orange, stdte. of C lifornia, and to contiguous to the City of Ana bn. and'is uninhabited territot-y.. _ hat said petition eol taiaed.• a' d4orip- tion of said territory. in wordy a.nd figures .°as • hereinafter` in thts Ordi- nance described. That the City Council duly . as- sembled at - a regular m+eettng of said City Council held oiti the 13th day of January, 196,3` .did fiord that said '.petition at' .the -tirhe -.it was filed ,and received was reigned -by the owimrs 'of not less than one- fourth . of the area. - of the land In mint territory. and -represented not leas than one-tourth 'of- the :.asses* sed value. of. 'said .territory propos- laj-to; tie annexed according to - the asilt ' precading ' egf1alised assess• meat''roll of the --County of Orange, State of Cstlifornia, in which said territory fs aitnateLl anrd that said territory, did . met form a • part. of any . municipal• corporation and did find. - that said territory is conti- guous to. the City -of � Anandim ' and Is uninhabited territory. That" o* ' this 13th .day of January, 1168, ' at a regular -meeting of said City Council of the. City of Ana. helm; #t;e'soluttoa No. 2073 wwgs -dols passed and' adopted - specifically de• scribing the. boundaries[ of the ter. ritbry so.. proposed • to be .annexei to the City .of Anaheim and, desig. natr�in�g sucllr . • territory as ALIS -Or HO1vi�R AN -and givini notice of such- -gnnexation al,i>ld' ifs tag the, V8ith day --.-of. February,. 1953 at the • hour : of ..4.:00 wclock V.M- . m; this" City 'Council"- Chambers in thi City . Hall in - the. City of Anaheim es " the . days'. ho:ur and place . fol heierinec'..of written- protests to Bate annexation. and,-. when and - wher, any person• •owning ' real propert; within such 'territory so-"prop6s'ei to le annexed and having ' objet tions '.proposed annexatioi mighthe t `near before the City Coun til. of ; ;the.. ;.City .of . Anaheim an show oaus s 'why much territor; should not be , ann-exed to the Cit; Of Anaheim, and -directing the Cit; Clerk to. publish or cause to b published a - .copy - of sraid� R,esolu tion at lewt-Moe, but rot often* owners equal to one-hql! ,of - the 'slue : of the tgrritoty. propos., to re' annexed as' determined by"-.-;,th•' 'Ity. Council. AECTION .2: "That- the sun ---i,- it the -territory Includedwithin thi voi=d"&&ries of the •. ALLISON'HaN 8U LNNEXATION and more par'tie�t• arly described as.. follow ni, .;#o. writ: A tract Of land .1ytag withie -Section gg, To,r�ehip 4 �outllt. . "Razege ' 1,0 'West. ppartfac-."j �nw ,disk-d'Bass moft .i ularly "dbscribed 'a'Yof lows: Beginning at a point 'fa tb-0 sugA line .of. Houston• Ate. Anaega tign - to :the C! of ,� 04t hili Orange - ' County... Calm. . saidNoiat also- being -the is section -.of We south '95,.11 , of Iia' palma Aea. ft.::wri,rl :14nd,:-%the east lints af... * . iil'BBii[; thence; fro>ra mid' •pont -of-. beg!#lsin�. ; L- Southerly, .1300 ft. =Hare- .W less: along,the". sald east* W131, bf. iii% NWU ' sec '8," 10 Q. AWL, to a 'polat 'w► is; the southerly line, of see. ..*8, INS, R'194._ .: theme.-- A, Westerly ` 1501 ft more or lass alongg the - -maid. southesw. line of , X at XW%, • Sea. Tor RAO W; Blit :to a poflrl Which itrr.' in ',:tfi4- -: northerly - R ' . lino! ManchAst*r:Avis. (ti00 #t wile) ; . thence; 3. Northwesterly 1+:40 ft. ` asio•' .or - less , along " the nor hraoy' ' , R/W line of said KiLuchestir .Ave. to . an -tulle'. '01" `tp' t" - . . raid aorthefl�►' I;�w U66% .sl It'andheirter - Ave.; Ake , 4. • Nort*arestterly 30x91' ' . ! e e more ok lose,; a1 . V ; . hdotter `Avc / is is thi9` edatsN Rro6khurst ! i thenc*, . •.. :.. .. � . i. -Nor04! ' A. j � .1 s alogg siF >% lino t to a paint �rhioh t4ip southerly R/W -iia*• .of rand ; Palma: .,Ave.; thence.. .i: Easterly old t sonthes- y R/W -line of a said • Pirlt aft. Ave. 1301.3. Et. - more - -or less to the, southwesterly.. corhe>Ir at said Houston Ave".4m Aanreaq�tioa, thea continulft gess# "a3dAg the said southerly R/W lime of La -Palma Ave. which is also the southerly line of the said Houston Ave. Annexation a dig- tance of 1320 #,tt, more or less . to the point' o - beginning. is hereby approved and said terri- tory is hereby annexed -to and in- corporated -In the- City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Califor- nia, -and la. hereby deeignated as the ALLISON HONER ANNEXA_ T SECTION 3CiThat 'from and after the effective date -of this Ordi-no4ice an the filing of a certified copy th - f with the Secretary -. of state of!:the -State of California, the an- trieAtion - of the territory herein described shall be deemed to- be And shall ' be complete and thence- forth such annexed, territory shall be,. to all intents and purposes, • s Part of the City of Anaheim, . and from and after the effectfi►e.'date. of - such anneka.tion, a 'property therein shall be subject. t taxation the aCity of hAnaheimoand property - be taxed to pay its proportionate sliAre of the exioting indebtedness and liability of said City of Ana- heim contracted prior to or exist- ing,*0 the time of such annexa- tion pursuant to the written. con- sent of the owners of , property . in said• ' annexgd territory filed with the Clark of the City of Anaheim prior. to the adoption of this Ordi- nance. . ISROTION 4: The City @leek Affitan certify. to the passage . of h!s di>aanc. and cause the same to. be published once iw the Anaheim ad,l pubhehed letin -a sand circulated culated inrithe City. of Anaheim, County of Oban e. State of California, and 'thirty . (30) days from and after its final - pass. aSt it shall be in full' fora* and eifoct. THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE was approved 'and signed by me this 84th day of February, 193L CHAS. A. PEAR80N• Mayor of the City of Anaheim (SEAATTIBT: CHARL'Es E. Git"TIT$ City Clerk of. the Ci't�► of AnLbitm STATE OF CALIFORM COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY' OF ANAHEIM m' I, CHARLES E. GWFFITM M. Clerk of the Cit of Y Anaheim, do .hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at. an Adjourned Regular meeting of the City Council of. the City of Ane. - helm, held on the 13th day of .-Feb. rda,1`y. 1968, and that the same Was ;sassed- and adopted at a Regular meeting of said City .Council held on the 24th day of F ruary. iss% by. the following vote_! the m bera thereof : , AYES: COUNC .; °a pea iglu Wisser and Bone , NOES: COUNCI ,31 ne. ABSENT: CO'IJNCI : - Haying and Van 'Wagoner. AND I FURTHER, that the Mayor of the Ct beim approved and . signs Ordi- nance on the 24th dam F brus ry, 1953. IN WITNESS WHE• F. I have hereunto rii set my ha,,rus,nd :Affixed the seal of the City '"of Anaheim this 24th day of February, 1953. (SEAL) CHARLES GI Cit..• Clerkf the City fAgaheim the to wit: ­­ T11e... Jruuoux : er ILWO10.6LF - 8th►, Ca'ti t- aia,: 4nd also... �*..: genal • circ. mated, a 4ished •and . dir4 Qutridu City �o! Aiiahei ' bit` isE, the of Orange.:1n ," locate territory hereftx�t proposed • be ap[naxed.-.to of. naheto 'wit: ' This Pl'&4 Cou ' or directing . tha't;:.blioa#fou completed , it : 'A tweat)r ( 0) days .tnaprior to t#e of •h-bear.here+bove inn And fes- er - direetl thde °' � Ctei►k of": City -Of AnOaft -to•' eause wr , notice 'of •. such'; pregWed s unezdtt�iii to ' .ba m4led : •te a&bh .person :ts whom land'. -withts :talo territory pt6- posed to, be anrviWadtais asses" ,in the' .last-.equa1'1*Q -County as ment' rill availshib 'oll the date proceedings: wee . iattiated, at- tyre a:ddrese . shown oa. siid' a�ssesemeat roll or as known to said City ! as to am . ps soie wii has filed ' a name • find addmes 'a the- designa- tion of laude In Which he has interest, - either llegal. or equits" With -Said City c�k; and that'- a the-, event � that Urid Rithin the ter. rttory ' .proposed • ��to �be annexe .10 th* City o! :Anaheim ' is owned bounty, .'that the.' City - Clerk : Douse 'written notice of such .pCo- posed. annexation to. ,.be mailed :.to thi - Heard of .51;r4isors of w.uft sorsa and - directing that such., &O_ does: a given, *ot less-. than - tv% ty (80) , days: betbre. the first pub,tf hearing on. the proposed anhsxk- •t1oa. That on.. the hour, . Say, avd at the Place - ppppecified•' ie said- Resolution No. .20 73, to wit: : Od the 18th day .of .. February, 181FS,- .at the. -hour ..,st 4:00 o'dlock; - PJL - in - the City ;Cohn• cil Chambsrs is the City ball.: -is tlis . City of :Anaheim, Califon, the City. c6unt #'l =of Oe City of .A - aheim did meet - and. assemble -T to heat'. and haas.: on: all- protests 'filed or r, iveQ M. fib; the hour a�.:..4-:66 o'doc" P.1K: ' ::,lraid .date anile the Cit.yy Conn¢i1 ' d that ' the $est+- lrit#Qa !f hia : i»ime andn h! s ` bltehed the City tet lee _ n: directs f such. pra" eQ anaezel,+tion :wn;s led' 'to k oh ptetsua 'ta;, �11WOM:. land withirl� to tstritary• to be anhrgd i : ase�ss Which - suck r= eo! e: has est, by .the' :=' Clerk as -rd 4.4h . mat d ticfn.` - Thot " en proteata=> not "*ade : by .tbW Owner or s dV*ns=ha1� b! a value of tee' - rite► .-pbe- annexa4¢46- to ;qf -Ca1�lornia. aor' e teas ' � public or • eyi nal''- o Dive -ha] -U vsiue .of. e.: tOrdt6t, y prop,004 ';.: 6 efle determined bfeF+ d ., •.That .: the anne ;f AICA I sad more p= 1hey.;-:.416s as. follows, if'':.iRtti: .. =3o nlitna)iip 4 p f. diali d"76 a. beda�i"'!� ai at a oint .,In s. :o�,� dusto8'' - tQ :the city .oV4 e: County s .. being the is ,south %W. ( ft. Mn of..' ::� "knee. ''from Maid -4. . o i .;1�s6•�ft. afore=.�►!: sec s,' r. gid.. to. s -point, +es.: a -asuthoidy line. sf . ' :.:sec.,:i�:e ; •► thenae.: ' :leterljr `=1605 f!. arore 'e7 1400. slang the . -.:s. pid_ . sou !1 #llie.: of : N3lr : o - -$W%. Beta .8. W aR _-Io . W. S�tUX 'to a vain h. W Ii -•,i ie'•aortherly R:/' ` lisof •kiaachester•_Ave. (180 wit) : ; thence; '�'��.��' ��o'rt1E�►eeterly`�1�40 it. � mdsi-. i0ir lees , alonw 'the h e; R:JW ..line : of said ldancnorkest1erF iii to : an..a is,�oiut in' Che - nprth�erljr � `R- W� lini •�� a! auohaat�er Ave.; . thea,a., R .e: ia�aae lase; a%ng•. the TMfrthish v .0 1. 7 wm ' wI- DI NAY CE NO . §2 AST ORDIRANC : OF THF CITY OF ANAH71r.1 APPROVING THF AN Vr_ XA T- N To THP CITY O r ANN-AHIMM OF THE - TPRRITORY K. IFIT AND DFSIGNAT"M AS -. J.V1V • THE, CITY COiJNC 7j OF THF CITY OF •ANAHFIM DOPS ORDAIN AS �Tj LOWS SECTION 1; Thea the City Council of the City of Anaheim did on the 13th day of ' January , 19 53 p receive a written petition asking that certain new territory described in said petition a be annexed to the City lof .Anaheim. That before they filing of said petition, the proposal far the annexation of the terr�tory hereinafter described to the City of Anaheim was submitted to the Boundary Commission of the County of Orange, State of Calif0nia, and reported upon by said Boundary Commission with respects to the definiteness and certainty of the pro- posed boundaries. That said terr�tory proposed to be annexed to said City of Anaheim is situated in the County of Orange, State of California, and is contiguous to the C%ty of Anaheim, and is uninhabited territory. That ,said petition con4ained a description of said territory in words snd figures as hereinafter in this Ordinance described. That the City Council duly assembled at a regular meeting of sai4 City Council held on the 13th day of January_.... 19 53 , did find that said petition at the time it was filed and received was , signed by the owners of not less than one- fourth of the' area of the land in such territory and represented not less than one-fourth off' the assessed value of said territory proposed yo be.. annexed according to the last preceding equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange, State of California, in which said territory is situated *nd that said territory did not form a part of any municipal corporat�on and did find that said territory is con- tiguous to the City of'Anaheim and is uninhabited territory, That on the 131% day of Januaa at a . reg ar meeting of said City CoUnei.l of the City - i of Anaheim, Resolution of 2071 was duly pissed and adopted stec" i fi cAlly describing the boundaries of the tbrritory s.o proposed to be annexed to the City. df �.paheim and designating -Mich -territory as ANNEXATION and giving n§tice of such annexation and fixing the _13U day of Februyj 19..53. at the hour of #; AS o ' c lock P.M. at the City Counci� Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Anaheim, as the day, ho�ir and place for hearing of written protests to said annexation and, when and where any person owning real property within such territory sO proposed to be annexed and having objections to the proposed annexat�on might appear before the City Council of the City of Anaheim andshow cause why -such territory should not be annexed to the City of Anaheim, and directing the City Clerk to pub- li sh or cause to be published a copy of said Resolution at least twice, but not oftener than once a week, for two successive weeks prior to the date of said hearing in a newspaper of general circula- tion printed, published: and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to wit: The Anah iia Bullertin of Anaheim, Orange County$ California, and also in a newspaper of general circu- lation printed, publi sl* d and circulated oi4tside of the City of Ana- heim, but in the County of orange, in which � s located the territory hereinafter proposed to be annexed to the City of Anaheim, to wit The Placentia Courier and directing that said publication be completed at least twenty (20) clays prior to the k:.••_te of hearing hereinEibove mentioned: And further directing the City Clerk of the City of Anaheim to cause written notice of such proposed annexation to Ibe mailed to each person to whoa land within tAe territory proposed to be annexed is assessed in the last equal- ized county assessment ;roll available on the date the proceedings were initiated, at the'jaddress shown on said assessment roll or as w taw known to said City Clerk and to any person who has filed his name and address and the desi 4nation of lanes in which he has any interest, either legal or equitabl , with said City Clerk; and that in the event that land within the ter4itury proposed to be annexed to the City of Anaheim i s owned by a co ty, that the City Clerk shall cause written I notice, of such proposed nn-exation to be marled to the Board of Super visors of such county an directing that such notices be given not. less than twenty (20) da s before the first public hearing on the proposed annexation. That on the hour day$ and at the place specified in said Resolution No . ggZ., �o wit: on the 13th day of Feb arm : 195, at the hour of 400 .� o t clock P.M. in the City Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of .Anaheim, California, the City Council of the City; of Anaheim did meet and assemble to hear «old pass on all protests ;filed or received up to the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. on said dato and the City Council did find that the Resolution fixing the tide and }dace of said hearing was published by the City Clerk as thetein directed, and that written notice of such proposed annexation was railed to each person to whom land with- in the territory proposed to be -annexed is assessed, or in which such parson has any interest, by the City Clerk as directed in said Resol- ution. That written protests were not made by the owner or owners of oneahalf of the value o f the territory proposed to be annexed accord- ing to the last equalized assessment roll of the County of orange, State of California, nor: were protests made by public or private owners equal to one-half: of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed as determined by the City Council, SECTION 2: That: the annexation of the territory included within the boundaries of the ALLISON HONER AN?17- XATION and more particularly des- cribed es- ctubed as follows, to wilt: a M63- i A tract of land lying thin Section 8, Township 4 South, Range 10 west, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, more particularly de- scribed as follows: a Beginning at a point in the south line of Houston Ave. Annexation to the City of Anaheim, orange County, Calif;.., said point also being the intersection f the south R/V line of La Palma Ave. (60 ft, gide) and the easte ly line of N*, N1J2 Sea. 89 T48, R 10 Wo SUM; thence from said oint of beginning. 1. Southerly, 1290 ft. more or less along the said easterly line of N* of NWJ See. 8, T4 :, R 10 W, SBBM, to a point thich is on the southerly line of N*, N , Sec. 8, 7480 R 10 W, SBBM; thence, 2. Westerl 1505 ft, re or lees, along the said southerly line of N* of NW Sec. 8, T s, R10 W, SBBM to a point which is in the northerly line of cheater Ave. (190 ft. wide); thence, 3. Northwesterly 1340 Ot. more or less along the northerly R/V line of said Manchester Ave. to an angle point in the said northerly R/hT line of Manehester ve. ; thence, 4. Northwesterly 30.94�ft, more or lase, along the said northerly R/p line of Manchester ve. to a point vrhieh is in the easterly RA line of Brooihurat treat (60 it. wide); thence, 5. Northerly 540 ito me or less along the said easterly R/V line of Hrookhuret Street to aa point which 10 is the southerly 8/II line: of said La Palma Ave.; ihence, 6. Easterly along the outherly R/V line of said La Palma Ave. 1301.22 ft, more or les to the southwesterly corner of said Houston Ave. Annexation, then c ntinuing easterly along the said southerly R/W line of La Pelma. Av which is also the southerly line of the said Houston Ave. Annex tion a distance of 1320 ft, more or less to the point of beginni . is hereby approved and s�i d territory i s hereby annexed to and in- corporated In the City o� Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cal i f. - �rnia, and is hereby des gnated as the ALLISON How -4- ANNEXATION to the City of Anaheim. SrCTION 3: That from and after the effective date of this Ordinance and the filin of a certified copy thereof with the Secre- tary of State of the St to of California, the annexation of the territory herein descri ed shall be deemed to be and shall be complete € nd thenceforth such an4exed territory shall be, to all intents and purposes, a part of the ICity of Anaheim, and from and after the effec- tive date of such annex tion, all property therein shall be subject to taxation equally wit* the property within the City of Anaheim and shall be taxed to pa.y ils proportionate share of the existing indebt- edness and liability of 'said City of Anaheim contracted prior to on existing at the time of ;such annexation pursuant to ..the written con- sent of the owners of property in said annexed terri tory . filed with the Clerk of the City off' Anaheim prior to the adoption of this Ordinance, SECTION 4; The ;City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and cans$ the same; to be published once in the .An ahels BvLUetin , a daily newspaper printed, published and circulatO in the City of Anaheim, County of grange, ,"tate of California, and thirty (30) days from and after its final passage it shall be in lull force and effect. H.T. ''0R7rzrIYG 01ri TArcE was approved and signed by me this 24tk day of MAY. OR OP TRr CIT Y 0 ANA HFI ATTPST : -5- I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 32 13 14� 15 16' 17 Is 19 20 21' 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CITY OF ANAHEIM j seM s. awl ST. I � ANANwhi. CALIFORNIA 1 STATE OF CAUFORNIA COUNTY OF OTGB. ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM I, CHARLES E. *RIFFITH, City. Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was in aced at a ............................•............................ meeting of the City Council �f the City of Anaheim, held on the JJVLday of. ... XQb xx ....... , 1953..9 and that the same was passed and adopmd at a .. Re ?: a r ......meeting of said City Council held on the -241h ---da of.---..rAhruh'-y--------------- y , 19.M . -m by the following vote of the members thereof AYES: COUOULMEN: Pearson, Wisser and Bondy. NOES: COIJ C Lh[-EN: None . ABSENT: CO CII.MET: Baying and Van Wagoner. AND I FU ITH* CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said Ordinance on the ...2.4*day of....... --------------- 19.53.-...... IN WITNESS 1 EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of Anaheim this .24th ... day: of.._..IrbIx xagy................... 19-53.-.. ( SEAL) City Clerk of the'-''� .