Resolution-PC 89-172~,; _. . . ~},, M r .~.. . .......~ ... .. .. . .t'~, , . . . , . . . ~~,.~~~, s ..c.cflf w'rifl ~1d)4r I~/,p , . ... , ~v='{ fi tii ~1. ~.: ~;~?~ . ~ , ~ ~ rr.,lS~.,; r~~soz,uT___zoN_N~~89-i?2 A I2ESOLLi1InN' OF 1'Fl'E r1NAHEIM CxTY PLANNING COMMISSION AtdENDING CONDITIQNS OF APPROV,AL FOR CONDITIONAL USE ~~RMIT N0. 3156 WH~REAS, on M~-y 8, 1989, the P1ann.inc~ Commissiun grar~L•ed Conr~.itiona~ ,, Use P~Lmit No. 3156 ~o permit i.ndustriall~ relatod ofgice usQS within an , Qxisking industrial complex with waiver5 of minimum width of ~mall car parking space~, maximum number of ~mal~ car Qarking ~paces and minimwn number of parking spaces on pro~r~r.ty consistinq of zgpro:~irnately 6.9 acre, having an appx•oxima~e frontaga of. 335 feet on the north side ~f Sa11 Roacl, havi.ng an approximate maximum dQ~~th c,f 915 fee~, and being located approximatoly 70U ~QQ"- w~;t of the centerline of~I_ewis Street, and furth~r dPscribe3 as %O1-741 EasL• Ba11 Ruad; and ~ WHEREAS, nubject Canditional Ilse Permi~ No. 3156 was granted in conner_t.ion with the resolutzon PCf39-131, and + amendment to aonriition na. 5 co.ntainQd in Resolut;io~gNot1PCg pg 131, nu ce ~ra ', tunc, ad4pte~ in t;onnection with the granLing o~' C~nditional tJse permit No. p~~ 3155, to .include proposec~ and exist~ng off.i.ce uses because Conditon No. 5 did no~ include the existing uses and shuuld be amended to re~d as follows: ~ "5. That tlie proposQd oE~ice uses stiall be limited t,;a ~~e following listod uses and that a covenant, reviewed and agproved by the Cat,y Attorney'~ p~fi.ce, so-limitinq said uses shall be recorded in the OfficQ of the Oranqe County Rer.urder, a copy oE which sba11 ~hen be submitted to the Zoning Division: 7• Comm~rci.al computer Printing services. 2• Cornpiitex desiqn and tecl~nolagy, 3• Computer processing. 4• Construction ~~„ipany a~~ land 8evelopm€rn~. 5. Enviroiunental engineers/cansultang. 6• Cscrow office. 7. Marketing. ~• OL•fic~/warehouso for building supplies. 5. l~ower Coolg clistributfon/sales/rQpair. 10. keqional ofL•ic~/el~vakar kraining. 11. Sales ~nd di~trabution ~f' medical home care equipmani:. 1z• Sales for businoss equiprnent. 13. Sales/marketing distributioti of books. 1`~• Sa.les/marketing office £urnituro 15. Soils Qn;ineerinq research and dovelopmen~. I6. Te.lemarJceting. 1%• Vic1oo conununicatians ~8. Acco~inting-9ookkeep.ing, CPA firmg ~r ~emporary CPA ~'irms 19• Advertising ?.0. Appraisers 21• Bank -Administrative Offic~s 22. 3rokers-~Rettl Estate, bu~iness opportunities, etc. 23. F3usiness systam aompanies 24. Communicat.ion c~nsultnnt~ s! ^i ~+ 0~56r ~ -1- PC 89-172 ,ui ~ r: ~; ?l;k I'Jr, ~ ~:: `:~s `r:~ ~ ~ „nc. ; ''1, :~ ',J,; `ji 25. Crer~it reporting agenay 26. Designer--industrial, anterior, graphic 27. Developmc~nt companies 28. Insurance c~mpanios/aqencies 29. Invento.ry servic~s 30. Leasirig cornpanies 31. Management consultants/companies 32. Marketing rQSearch 33. Personnel agencios 34. Sales O.ffice (outside, as it relates to inr~ustrial) 35. Socretarial services 35. Any use permitted undaz Section 18.61.020 oE the Municipal Code ot the City of Anahafm, as may be hereafter amended, subjeci:~co all condi.tions of said section. NOV~ TFir7REFORJE Yi~ IT RE~OLVED THAT THE Anahoim Ci~y ~lanning Commission does .hereby amer~d condir.io~n~ of approval of Conditional Use Pecm~t No. 3156, to amend Conditon N~. 5 of r.esnlukion I~C 89-13Y basect on tho fureg•aing findings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approve8 hy me this 19~h day of June, 1989. . . ~I , ~ . ~,;;~,~.~ / Jt !'L ~' , , ~ .'~ •~ i ~ i ,l - i•' c K.~ -----•-r~~__~-___ _ CFiA~RWOMAN, A~+TAHEIM CTTY PLAPTDTING COMMISSTON ATTEST: ~ ,.. ~ .~ (~ ~~~ : ~~.'~-G-s SECRETA.RY, ATtAEIE1tQ CITY PLANNTNG CUMMiSSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHETM ) ~. I, ..•~L•h L. Harris, Secretary of l:he Anah@im City Planni:ig Commissian, do '~er.eby certify lh~t the Eoxeqoing ra~o].ution was passec~ and adoptecl ~t a meQtizig of thQ Anaheim City Planning Commission h~ld an June 19, 1989~ by the folluwinq votQ of tho members thereof: AY^S: COhQdTSSIONEFt5: BQUAS, BOYDSTUN, CAF2USILGO, FEGDHAUS, HERBSZ', MC ftUP.NFy, ME a~E NOf;S: COMMISSIONERS: NONE Af3SENr: COMMISSIONL•'RS: NONE IN WITNESS WFiEEt~OF, ~ have hereunto sot my hand this 19Ch day of J'uce, 1909. ------- ~l-~i"~_ ~ ~~.L.'"`~ w''~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITX PLANI~ING COI~ISSION ~'±~ '2' PC89-172 i r J