Resolution-PC 89-174,. ~< ,,,4~~~ti , , ~~tlM't1y` ,: ~ ~ , ,~: ;p. ,~}. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~•,:Jij' ,~ RF:~.~QLtLT:[ON NO• pC,~,~ -174 A f2ESnLUTION OF THC ,ANAHETM CIT1' ?L,ANNII~G CphII~SI5SI0N THA1' PETITION F'OR VA.RII~NCE 2vp. 3970 BE GRANTF.P WI3EREA~, the Anaheim C~.cy Flanning Com-nission did roce:ive a verified PeLitf~n ~Eor Variance ~From WOODCREST L~E4EI~UPMEI~T, Attn; JAMES H:CU"FiL1t2TD, 17911 Ma.tchell Avenue, CA 92714, owner of certa3.n real Pr~perty situatod in the City f V A aheim, County of Ormnge, State oE California described as: PAI2CFI~ Y OF PARCEL MAP N0. fi7-2:10, IN THE CITY OI' ANAFi~IM, COUNTX QF ORJ~NGE, STATE OF CALIFORNTA, AS PER M~P FIGFU IN BOOK 231 PAGES 42 TO 47 INCLU5IVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFTCE OF THE CqUNTY RECOp~~R OF SATD COUN'I'Y. :~ ~~HEREAS, the City Planniny Commission did hold a public hearing ~-t the Civic C~ri~cr in the CiL•y of Anaheim on ~7uly 5, 190g, a~ 1;3p p~m~~ natice of said public hearinc~• having been ciuly given as requ:Ired by law and in ar.cordance wi.~h the provisi~ns of thc~ Anaheim Muni~ipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear anri ~consider evid~ncQ for and against said proposed vari,ance ancl to investigate <<nd make findings ar.d re~,ornmendatians in connection therawith; ari~ WHEREAS, s~id Commission, after duQ i,zspection, ~inv~estiaa~ion and stuciy made+ by itse].t and in its beha'lf, and zftor due consi~erai:ion of all evidanre ansi z~epor.ls offered, at said he~ring, does ~ind and determine tho t"nllowing facts: 1• That the petitiox~er rec~~,~ests urdiver of. the fct? lowing t~ construct a 5:Eo~t, 6 in~h high solid wa11 with 5-ioot, 1C1-inch high pila~cters in the £ront satback abutting Canyon ~~r~ek Road in orde.r to pravide ~atio walls foi~ units in a previously-.approved Lo~nhouse complex; ~SF~TI N 18 ._?( 4. 043 101 - P r-mi 1 1. q '_~`-- ~S1~9r08Chmenta an~4_~.q'~.~.,I.~.~.r~. 8.3 06 ,070 (permittecl: maximun f ' ~-•-~~ •~~ •~t-~-' ~.~ - ~.15.? rsquired 1~-foot wide~l nd caped building~setback; r; proposed: .5•5-f~t hic~h_ w~ll wi~h ~~-foot ~0-a.•~ch tiigh pilasters) ~` h x. That ~he aba~re-mentioned waiver is hPreby granCed on the basis that there are special circi.unstances applicable to the pro~~Qrty sut;h as si~e, shape, tapograph,y, location and ~urrounuings which do not t~pply to other iden~ically zoned property in the same v.ic?nity; and that strict appliration of the Zoning Code de~irives the property of privileges enjoyc3d by other properties .in the identical zone and classificaL•i~n i:. tho vicinity. 3. That thc~re are exceptionzl o.r extraordinary circiunstauces or con3itions applieable ta the property .involved or to the ir~tendQd use of the properL•y that 3o not apply generally t~ the property ~r class of use i.n the same vicinity a2id zone. ~J9~br -1- PC89-174 '" ~ '~', ~,~tM~y` ~ ~,,~,i ;,,. 4. :^hat the requested varianc~ ia necessa.ry far the prgservation and ~njoyment oP a sub~tantiial praperty right hossessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and da:iied to th~ prop6rty ir. question. 5. That the requeatR~ vara.ancP will n~~t b~.~ materially~ clotrimaxital. Lo ~he public wel.fare or ir~jurious Lo the prnparty or improvements in such vicini~•.y anQ zone in which the propex•ty is located. 6. 2hat no one .:nGicated their presence at sa:i~ public hearing in opp~~sition;. and thai: no correspondence was re~eivod in opposition to subje^t ptti~ion. 4ALIrORN1A ENVIR(LENT~L ~iJT.LITY aCT FINUING: TYIa~ thQ ~1n;,heim City P.ianning ~Conunission has reviewecl the ~roposal to c„r~truct a 5.5-Eoot, ii-inrYz hig'~ solid ~val.l with 5-foot, 10-inch high pi.lasters in t;Y,e front setback area ~bixtting rany~n Creek Road in ~rder t~ provide patio walls Eor u;~iis in a prevlc~uslt-approved to~.-nhouse complQx with waiver oE permitted encroachmenLS into requirAU }•ards on ar., i.rregulaxly-~lxaped parce'! of land con,~istinc~ o~ apprnximately 30 acrzs located northerl,y ~t the i'uture intersection ni Car.yon Creek Ruad and Serrano Avenue, having fron~ages of approximat~~ly 16C~0 ieet un the no.rther:ly sid~ of Canyon Creek Road ancl 575 feet on the westorlX sidQ of Weir C~n;,~o:i l:oad, and further. described as xrr~ct Map No. 12995 (Sycaunore Cany~an Specifir. P1ai~ (SP88-1) Deve].o~meni: Arcia ('1); and does hereby appr~vQ the Negative Dc~c.laration u~on finding that it has consi~ered tY:e Negative Dacl~r~tinn toc~eL•Yier s~rith any commonts received dur.inq the public review process ~nd fux•ther finding on the basis of the initial study and any commant~.s rece.ived that tb.ere is no substanrial eviaence that the prujec" will ha~e a s~c;nif icant effect on the environment. K+OW, TH~REFOR~, IIF. IT RESQLVELI th.at the Anaheim Cit~• Planninq Commission doea herok,l ~rant subjecE Petzt3.on for Variance, upon the following cc~nditions wY,ian are heroby founcl to bg a nocessary prerequisit~ to the ~~roposed use of the ;subjeci: property in order to preservc~ ' he safdty and general wolfare of the t:.it.izens of the City of Anaheim: 1. TYiat prior to issuancQ of a building permit for subject wa11~ tY,e pracise wa.ll location shall be submitted to the City Traff.i.r, EngineAr Eor review ,snd approvul to verify compliance with Sta:idard Detail No. 137. 2. ThaL, as r~quired by Coiidit.ion of Approval No. 4~(a- of Specif.ic F1au No. 6~-i , ~~~iestrian access to ttie 3-acre pablic ~? park at the northwast ~urnex of Tract No. 1'1995, shall bQ provicled from Car,yan Cr~sek ltoad ~hrouyh Tract Na. 12995, and therefore, subject wal]. shal.l not bluck ttaid ~cce~ss. Furthermore, no gatrs shol ~. be insL•a11~ad acruss said access. 3. That prior to the approva7. uf the 1anc13cape plan for tl~e tandscape nroa adjacent to Canyon Creok I2oad, the ~e~xgn, l4cation and type of trAe roat barriers sha11 be subm.itted to the Cihy M~i.nte~ar.ce Operations Sectian ~~r review and approval. 4. That subject ~•t~ll shaJ.l be a~~~~ioPea substantially in dreordance w;.th plans and specizicahions on file wi~h Ck~r~ City of Anaheim mtariced Exliibit Nos. 1, 2 and 3. _ 2 ._ PC89-1%4 ' ' SG. `)) 1, ~~ : ii .%''n~~ ~~ ~~ C~rl1•a. ;. ~That approval of this ap~lication constituh.es ap~r.nval of the pro~osed r.equest only to Che extont that it camplic~d wi.th tho Anahoim Muni.cipal loning Co~e and xny other appltcable City requlatiana. Approvul do~s not .tnc:iucie any actinn or findinqs as ro compli~nco or ap~roval cE the xequ3st reg~src~ing any other. appl:cnLle oriifn~nce, regulat~lon or requiremonk. g;; IT E'!iRTIiER RESOLV~U that. tha Anaheim Cil:y Plz~nnin7 Commissi.un doc~s h~areby fincl and dstarmine thaL• adoptidn ~f rhis Resolution is expressly pred.icatc~d upon applicant's complianco with each a~id a11 of the conditions tierc~ir_abuv~ s~k [urt}~. 5hould any such c:onditions, ar cn~- part thereoi•, be r~~clared inval.id or unenforceable by t.he final judgmant ot any court of compat~nt jurisdiction, then this Resolutian, ancl any Approvals hereiii ~ontained, shall be doemed iiu.ll •r.nd voi~. THE FORGGOING RESALUTZOtT is signe~3 and approved by me thi~ 5th day of July, 1989. ~ ~ '~' ~~' ' ' -•~~'~;~ -.~i , ~ /r _t. • , , .. ~J CHAIRWUMAN, ANAHETM CITY^PLr~NNTI3G CUf~4~STS5I0N ATTESI: ~:' i ` ~. . ~ ' s %ia-' ,~~~j1 ~L ~_-. SECRT~TAR , AI3AHEIM CITY PL T-tJNTNG CO~~4VIISSIOt3 STATE 0: CALI FORNII- ) COUNTY OF ORA.NGE ) ss. rITY dY ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Hacris, Secretacy of. tha Anaheim Clty Pl.anninq Commission, do h~reby cerCify that the f~req~~inq resolu~ion aas pbssed and adopted at t~ meetiny of the Anaheim Citl Planninq Cummissio~ hetl~i on July 5, 1989, by the followin~ voto ~E the mambc~rs thereof: AYESs Cpt~tISSI02?BRS: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, ~'ELDfiA.US, FlERF3ST, MG5aE NOES: COMMISSIOhERS: NO,IC Af3SENT: C~MMLSSIONERSs CARUSILLO, r'C HilRT1EY It7 47's TiIESS WHEREOF, I have .~ereunta set my h~nrj this 5th day of ~uly, 1A29. V •L~ ~ , ~~~ _ .~° _ _.__ __..____ SBCFcET1-RY, ANAHEIM CI'TY ?LI-lt~iiN(, CGMMISSTOt3 ~-3- PC89-17a .,...~ :-.x~i