Resolution-PC 89-185„ ~~ RE~ TIQN NG__,__k~~89--18~ ~'~ A RESOLUTIOIv OF THE ANAFIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSTON APPROVING S.P~CIFIC PLANS FOR COI3DITTON~eL USE PEFhlIT N0. 2g45 Wfi~RSAS, tY,e Anaheim Ciky PlannincJ Commissipn did recei.v~e a f.rorn the potitiuner, IIurger Fir,r restaurant, far apgroval of. spoci~'ic plans ~or the third of three 3rive-through r~staurAnts which were conceptually approved hy the City ~ouncil under Canclirional Use Permit No. 2845 anra Var3ance IJa. 3603 anc~ which rostaurarit include~ the addition of 315 squars fee~ tb ti~~ previously ~i~proved 2, l0U sqiiare f.oot rQS~auranL•; and: WHERE~,S, the CitX Planning Commissian did hold a publ ic hearings at the Civic Ceriter in the City o~ Aiiah~im on Jiily 5, 1G13g~ ati 1;30 p.m., nokicQ of said public Yiearings having boen duly giv~n a~ required by 1aw and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim I~unicipal Code~ ChaptQr lg,p3~ to h~ar ar~d consider evidence for and a~a:inst said pr~posed spacific plans for subjecr conditional use permit and to investigate and make findings arad r.ecemm~ndat~ons in connectioii therewith; arid said petition was continued ~o the mae~.ing o£ Jtt1y 17. 1.gg9: and ~.'rIEREAS, said Commi..,s.i.on, aff:er due ins~ecrion, inve~tigaL•ion and study made by itself aizd in its behalf, and a1Et~r due consideration oE aJl eviclence and repc~rL•s offered at sazd hearing, does find and determine the ~nlluwing f~:cts: 7. Tha~ Cot~aitinn No. 5 0£ Resolution N~. 86R-b26 rec~uires that the Planning Commission review and ~apiirove speciEic plans Eor ths drive through re~taurants prior t;o the issuance oL• building permi~~. z• That L•he specific p].an, for subjact drive-through restaurant which was conceptu~lly approved by the City Couricil under Conditional Use I?ermit No. 2845 (Res~lution No. 86R-526), and which includos the addition oE 315 square~ f.yet to the previ~usly approved 2,100 squar.e fo~t restaurant are substant~.ally in ~:anfox•mance with the previous a~proval. 3• That no one indicated their presence a~ said public hearinq ii~ opposition; anci that no corxesponclencc~ was rec~ived in o~pusii:ion to subiect petition. ~L7F I2N~A ENVTRONMEtJ~'AL~~zTY AC'T FINDIN : Planning Commission does hersby find that the re-v~iou,,l hA a tiho Anaheim City Declarat.i.on appro~ed ,in r.onjunctiion with Condztional Use YPerirp t`No. r28 5 1is adequat~ to serve as environmental documQntation for th~ proposed project. TFiE FOkEGOING RE~OLUTJON is s.iyne~ and approved by me h.his '17th d~y of July. 1985. ~:: ____;~,'~:~~ ,~' , f ~~ ~ --~-~_ ==~-z. : ~' ..~L~ CHAIRMI~T, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CU'~II~IISSTON ATTEST: , -- t=~=~ ._. ~.-~.~ S6CRETALt , ANAHETM CITY PLANN NG CObIIQISSION U960r -1- ~y~',. ,iP9~j~Yf y' 'i ~ i ~ 1'C89-'1C5 i i' ~;; .. ;: ~~ :~ ~''^~, ~ t,. ~,~ it~~~.~ ~ ~~~~ ~„ ;,;:ti~ ;~~ ,:,4, ;n ;~. cY S'l'AT.E OF CALIF'ORNIA ) s COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CTTX f?F' ANAHEIM ) ~ ~ I, Edith L. Flarrzs, 5earetary of hhc~ Ar,aheam City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that thQ farogoing resolution was passed and adaptecl at a mQeting ot the Anahexm CitX Ylanning Commission held on JuYy ~.7, 19A9, by tiae fo.llowirig vote of the membr~rs thereof: `r~~ 'u A'YFS: COMMISSIOc7EFtS; $OL1AS, BOYDST.UI3, CARUSILLQ, FEi.,DHAU5, HERBST, 1. MESSE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABS~NT: COMMISS:[ONERS: MC BURNEY +f IN WTTNEfiS WHEREOr, I have liereunto sel: my Y~and this 17~h day o.f July. 1989. ~" ~ ~~_ `J ~ ^ . .,.',;: ~! c ~~,+~~~ , ~ SEGRGTAIt , ANAFiF:fM CITY FLANNINC COMMISSION ;;r ~i r, ,. ~ i.: , -Z- Pca9-iss ; ,e~ ,_,~ ;,;` ~;;~ ;;f~ .. ,,, _ ~:.~