Resolution-PC 89-1861,1 M . . ~:i'.. ~~ a i ti;~; ~%4f ~~~i~~~~~;~tt' ,~? ~ <(-~;r.r., . ~ESOT.~TJTIODT N0. PC89-~.86 A BES~LUTTQN OF THL A~AHEIM CITY PI,ANNING COMMISSTON THAT. PETITTON FOR VARIANCE NQ. 3973 HE GRANTFD WHER~A5, the Anahoim City P.lannir.g Comttiission dicl receive a verifiad PQtition far Varianco from KOLL COMPANY, 4343 Vo: ICarm~n Avenue, Suite fI, Tustin, CA 92680, owner, and K. W. LAWLER & AS~OCIATES, INC., 2832 Walruti Avenue, SuiLe H, Tustin, CA 92fi40, agent for ce.ctain rea]. progerty situate~9 in the City of Anaheim, Countx of Orange, State oi Ca.liforziia de:cribed as: THAT PORTTQN Ot~ T.HE NORTHW~ST QUARTER OF THE SOUTAEAST ~UART~R OF SEf;:CION 23, TOWNSEIIP 4 SOUrfi, RAt3GE 10 WEST, TN THF RANCIiO SAN JUAN' CAJON DE SI~NTA ANA, A~ PER b1AP k~CORDED IIv BOOK 51 PA(,E 10 OF MISCFLLANEOUS MAYS, IN T:•iE OFCIC~ UF TH~ COUNTY RECORUIsR OF SAID COUNrY, LYING SOUTFiW~STERLY OC A LItTc CONCENTitTC WITH AND S~UTHWESLERLY 5.~0 FFET FROM THF. SOUTFrF1ESTERLY RTGHT OF WAY LINE OF TH~ ATCHISGN TOP~FA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY' CONiPANY R~CORDED ITI BOQK 593 T'AGE 109 UF DEEDS IN THE OFFICE QF THE COUNTY RECORLER OF LAS ANGELGS COUNTY CA~,IFORNTA, AND DIORTH~RLX OI' TH~ NORTHER.LY F.TGFIT AF WAY LINE GF TUSTIN F3RANCH OF THE SOUTHRRN PACIFIC RAILRO~ COMPA.NY, AS PE.R D~ED RECOR~ED IN BOOIi 461 PAC,E 2I OF SAID DEEDS Or LOS ANGELCS rOUNTY. WHERIsAS, the City Planning Comnussion did hnld a pub].ic hearin,q at Che Civic CE31~.tRL' irZ the Cit_~ of Anaheim on July 17, 1989, at 1:a0 p.m., n~tice of: said public hearing h~•,ving heezi duly given as recfuirQd by law an,d in accoxdance with the prov:.sions of ~he Anaheirn Muniaipttl Cude, Chapter 18.03, to hear azzd consider. ~vidence ~ot and again:~t said proposed variance an.d to investigate and make Lin~ii.ric~s and recommendations in connection there~with; and iVHEREAS, said Co~nnission, after iiue inspectior~, inve3tigation and study made by iLself and i:i its behalE, and nfCer du~ considerati.on of all evi;~en~e and reports oCtered at said hearing, doc~s find and deterrninQ the f.ollowing facts: l. T1nat the peLitiener raguest3 waiver of the follawing ~,o establish a 12-lot ind.usLrial subdivision: .~E ~T~lT .lfi.01.13Q - Re uired lot fron~: c~„~g,. ~All lats zequirad t~ abut a publi~ street or allev; Lot Nos. 7 through 12 abut;ting privata clri.ygwavs) 2. ~h~t ~he above-me:fitiorit~d waivor is hereby granLed on the basis that there are specia'1 circumstances applicable to the prop~rty such as size, shape, topography, lor.atior! and surrounclings wYiieh c1o not apply to ot}~er identically zoned propert.y in t~1P. sarne vicinity; and ~hat Strict a~plic~tion oP the Zoning Code deprives khe property o:E privileges er.joyed by othar properties in the identical zone anc~ cl.assi.fication in the vicznity. ;, ~ 0959r -1- PC89-186 ,~'`~4,>:~ ) 4'~hih4~ i ~ ^ ,,. 3. That there r~re exceptional or extraordinury circumstances or conditions appZicable to the property involved or to the intend~+d uso of the propE3rty that da not apply ;?nerally t~ the prope~rty or class of t~se in the same vicinity ancl zone. 4. That tYie rec~uested variarico is necessary for Che , ~ reser~iation azid enjoyment of a substantial praperty right possessecl Uy other ~ property zn thP same vicinity and ~ane, r~nd denied to the property in gueskion. ~ ~ ; , 5. Thak the requestod variance wil]. not be materialxy ~ detrimental to the ~~zblic we1£~~.re or injuriou~ to tha property or improvQmonts ''. in such vicin,i*y and z~ne in which tha property .is located because private ' 8riveways cemplying with city s~andards will privide saf.e and adequate vehicular access. ti. That no or,e ir~dicated thPir prosence at saic3 public hearing in ogposi~ion; ar~d that no correspondence w~s received in opp~sition tu subj~ct petiLion. ; ALIFC~P,NI~~ ENVIF NMCI~ITAT~ QUALITY ACT FITIUING: That the Anaheim City Ylanning (;ommission has reviewed the proposal to establish a 12-lat industzial subd.ivisicn w~ith waiver of reauired lot frontage on an irregularly-shaped parcel of: la:1d consisting of approximately 6.R acres located at the southeast corne~ o£ Cerritos Avenue and Lewis StreeY., havfng approxi.mate frontages oC 440 feet on tho south sxdQ of Cerritos Avenua and 570 f~et on tho east side of. i~ewis Stree~., and furthez• described as 1000 E, Cerritos AvenuQ; ar,d cloes hereby approve the Nec~ative Declara~ion upon findiny th~t it has considerc:d the Negative 17ecZaration togQthpr with any '~f commsnts receivod during thc~ public rQVi~w process and further findinq on the basi;, of the initial study and any comments recezved that tl~ere is no ~:`` substantial evid~nc8 that the ~rojert will hava a signific~nt e£t9ct on the enviranment. _, hOW, THERFFOR~, T3E IT RESOLVED thal tha Anahoim City Plann3ng C~mmission c3oes hereby c~rant subject Fetition for Varianc~, upon the following aonditions which are hereby founci ~o be ~ x~ecessary preroquisite k.o the proposed use of ~he sub;jeci: property in order to preserve Y.he safety and general welfare of khe Citizens nE the City of: Anaheim: 1. That the owner/cieveloper of subject: proper~y shalY mak~; prav,isions for sc~~arate fire service for each porcel ot lanc~, as required hy the City Fire Aepartment. 2. That prior to issuance of a building permit, the appropriate traffic ttignal assessmen~ fee st:a11 be paid to ~he City of Anaheim in an amount as est~sbla.sYied by City Cc~uncil rosolution. ~'~ ~ 3. That no oukdoor storage shall bg permitted on any cf the lots within subject subiiivision, as spPCified 'by tha City Traffic En~.;ine~a•. 4. 7'hat ~:he proposal sha11 comply with all signing requir.ements of the ML "Industrial, Limi.ted" Zone, unless a variance alloraing sign waivers is approved by the CiCy Council, Planning Comm.ission or Zoninq Admznis+trator. '~: -2- PC89-18@ ,::;f ';';:; ~~ 1~~i n ~~`~~~~,~,3 . . . . ` '`' ..~}f`I', i; ~ ~ .'~ ,~.-~~~~ 1 j 5. That prior ~o the commenc.amont of the activity aut2ior,ized under i:2xis resalution, or prior ko Lhe ~ime that a building permi.t is issued, ur within a p~3rio3 of ninety (90) days fr~m tre date of this reso3.ution, whichever o~~curs £irst, the legal ownsr(s) of subject pro~ert~y sha~.l execute and i•ecorcl a ~ovenant in a forin appro~ied by the City~ Attorney' s O:Efice wherein such own~r ( s) agree not L•o co:~test ~)ie £ormation of any as~essment district(s) which may h~r.eaft~r be formed pursuant to the pravisions ai Developmenr. Agreement No, 83-01 betwoer~ the City of Anaheim and Anah~im Stadiwn Associates, whic:t- disl-.rict(s) coulcl include such legal groporty o~rner's property. 6. That the owner of subject property shall submit a lett.er requesting termination of Conditiona] Use Permit No. 2801 to 'c:kze 'Loning Division. %. Thai: subject property shall~ be devPloped substantially iYi accordance with plans and specifications oiz file with the Cit.y of Anaheim m~.rke~ Exhihit Nqs. 1 thruugh 13. 8. Tha~ Condi.tion No. 5, ahove-mentionad, sha11 be completed within a period af ninety (90) r3ays Erom the date of this resolu.tion. 9. T2iat prior to issuanco o£ a building permit o~ with~:1 a per3.o~i of one (:l) year from the date of tY~is CCiuQ1Ut]1011~ wk~ichever occurs fsrst, ~onditinn Nas. ]., 2 and 6, above-mentzoned, sha11 be complied wiL-h. Ext~nsions Por further time tv ~omplete said concl.itions may be grantod in accordance with 5ection 18.03.090 of the Anahaim Munici~al Cad~. 10. That prior to final Uuilcling anti zoning insp~otions, Condition No. 7, above-mentionea, sh.all be complied wititi. 11. Tne~t approva:l of thzs application r,onstitutE~s approva:l of the propused r~qutist onZy tc t'he extent that i1: complies with the Anaheirn Munici~ial Zoning C~de and any ottier a~plicable ~ ity regu:latior_s. Approval does not .~ti include any action or fizadings as to compliance or a~+proval oE the ~ requc:st .reg~-rding sriy other applicable ordinance, regulation or ~ r~q~:irement. BE IT FU.RTHLR RESOL~TLD thaC the Anah~im City ~lanning Comm:Ession does hexeby find and detormine rhat adoption of this Reso'luti~n is expressly f. . predicated upun applicant's compli~nce w.ith each and all of the conditions :~ereinabove se~ forth. Should any such eonditi~ns, or any part tliereof, be ~.`;, declared invalid or unonforceable by khe fi.nal judgmsYit. of any court of rompetent jurisdiction, L-h~n this R~solut.ion, and any eppr~vals herein contained, shall Le deeme~ nu7.1 and void. THE FUR~GQIPIG RESOLUTICIN is signeci and approved by me this 17th day uf Jiz~y, Y989. r '~..t''.G~ -a ~ ! ~2 .~'1;/" - CFIAIRDIAN, ANAHEIM CITY ILANNING COt~9dISSION' <;: I :,'_, ~ ,'.I :~ , ''~ -3~ PC89-1f3G ;"i t,{"~ . '; ~ r, . ,~. ebre ~Y'~ ;n, . _ __ ..,. . F`~ _ . ,. i~ ~ '.+~ ~ y ` :tll ~/~ ,. ~ ~~~ ~~'f ~ .UC ,, ~ ~ , . ~:~~ ~i! 1. . ~, ~Tr.~sr: ' - . W /) , L~~ _ ~ ~ ~ • ,~~ .~' ~cs.,,.- SECRETA Y, ANAHCIM CITY PLA N:[ G COMMTSSrON CTA1'E OE' CALTFQRNIA ) ;'.; CQiJN'~X qF ORAt3GE ) ss. ~j ~ C]'TY OF ANAFi~,irf ) i I, Edith I,. Harris, Secr~tary of khe Aiis~heim City Plann? ng Commiss:on, do ~ hereby c~rt:,ify that th~i Eoregoing resolution was pd~sed and adopted at a ~~ r• M1 ', .e +,•t rnQeting of tho Anaheim City Planning Cornmi ,sion helcl on .7uly 17, 1989, by rhe folloWing vote of the members ~hereof.i AYES: CbN,hfzSSIO~IERS: AJUAS, BOXDSI'L1N, ;ARUSILLO, ~L'LA.EiAUS, HGRBST, MC BURNEY, ME~SE NUES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: :~ONE 'IN WTT~`~;SS WHGRE4F, I h^ve hD+-9ttnt,n set my han~i this 17t1i day oE July, 1y89. ~..__ ~ ~ ~ '1 ~ • SECR~.'fARY; ANAHBIM CY1'Y PLAN G COMh! :;L SIOfI -~- rce9-iah .~~ ~ i T; .";L ,,.1~ ~k ~;J