Resolution-PC 89-190.: , ~ r ~.,:~.,;~ R_~~.4.~~~ I~N~_,.__pS ~$ 2=1 ~ Q A RE.ri0LU7.'zON OF TFiE PL7~NNING COMM7SSION OF :?'HE CITY OE' Atv'A;3EIM AMENDING RESOL,UTTON N0. PC87-].31 HY APPROVING DELI.TION OI' CONDITION It~;QITIRTNG EXTENSTON OF 1'IME F'OR VARIANCk~ N0. 3667 WHEREAS, thQ Planning Cummissic,ii uf the Clty ot' Anaheim herato~ore . ad~~pted Resolutaon No. PC87-1.31 on June 22, 19'~7, a~prov.ing an autdoar storage areu with waivars o[ minimum number of parkinc~ s;~ace~ and required enc].osure of outdnor usas; and WHL•'R~AS, tt~e petiLioric~r has requc~steci an ameridmant to or dalation of Condit.ion No. 8 of Re~oluL•i.on Na. PC87-J.31 pertaiiiing I:o a time lim.it~tion of. two ycars Fvr. the usQ oL an ~utdoox storago area. WHEFEAS, the P?anning Commission helc~ a duly noticed public hearing on sairl ~pplication on July '17, 19f3~, at which hoaring the Planning Commissiun did rer_eive anc: coiisider evidence, both oral ancl clacumen~ary, ralating thereto; and WHEREAS, the Plarininc~ Commissian hereby fi:~ds tIiat said use is being exercised :in a maiiner nol detri-r~erital L-o tkie particu].ar ~.ren and su ~ounding land iises, nor to ttie public pQace, haaltl~, safety ~nd qQn~3.ra1 we2fare .•ubjecr to the a~ditivn of. the following n~:w condition: "That L•he outdoor storage shal.l be limitec~ to shaet metal pruducts." I~ND FUKTfiCR, that all cor.diLions imposecl on the original ap~roval sha11 be compli.ed ,~itli and that thQ dQ2otion of the time 1.imitat.fon is necessary to pormi.r. reasonablc operat.ion under the variance as granted. n"iji;~ NOW TEiEREr^Oi?E F3E IT RESOLVED r.hat the Anaheim City Pl~nninq CORIRI1551011 does horeby delete Cond.iti.on No, l3 0.', Resolution No. Pt; 87-131. TEIE POREGUING RF:SOLIJTION is sir~nad and approvad by me thi5 ~7tr dny nf July, 198g r . _...~~: :.:~_s.~.'~_sK~~ ~~f.?~ ~~---.~.~------• CEJAIRtQAt7, ANAEiEiM CITY PL..'~NNING COMMISSION .~ ATTEST: _ , - --- - ~ ~~~~"--,~-~ ~,~ . . ~1rL.r...,_-- SF.CRETARY, ANAHF.t?f CITY PLAi72 2N~3 COh4•t'_SSION 0963r •-1- PC89••19C~ ~ ~.,, *. '.sYi _I :i ,. ~ ~i '' J~M;~'.~1 vr~ei~'+~ . r ~ STATE QF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANC~ ) ,~5, CI~'Y OP' ANAHEIM ) I, Ec13th L. Harr3s, Socrakary of th~ Anaheim City Plnnning Cummis~xozx, du hereby cartity that. thQ ioregoing resaluti~n was passed and ~ adc,pted n~ a moQ~ing of the Anah~im City F>lannizig Commission `~o1d on July 17, :~: 198J, by the followinq votQ of. the members ~hereuf: ~Y~~ ~ COhIIVf:[SSION'ERS: IiOUAS, BOYDSTUN, CARUSlLLO, FEI.DHAUS, HER}3S'.C, TdC IIURNEY NOES: COMM]:SSIONERS: ,1UNE ABSTATNF.D COMMTSSIONLR: MFSSF. 1~fiSENT. : NONE IN Fi'tTNBSS WHEREUF, T havo hQreunko set my hand this 17th da,y of July,. 19&9. ~~~' . ~ -- ~-_~- _~~ ~~.~-- ~ECR~TARY, aN7~HEIM CITY P~,AN TING COMMISSION ' -z' FCBy-190 'i ~r_ } --- ; • r~