Resolution-PC 89-191~. ~~~.dleq ~• FEh_OLUTYON NQ_z P.~$2-.x_`~~: ~~~u:;y~ A RESOLU~TON OF T.FIF PLANNING COMMISSION OF TFiL CTTY OF' ~~T.';.Ili'~N AI~:NDING CUND7Ti0N T?0. 2 ANA A~':`l2~VZNG AN L'~XTLIJSION OF ~'1:~1E FOR CONDITIONAL ~JSE 2J0. 281r Wf~EREAS, the Planni.rig Corrunission ot the City of Ana2ieim hArgtoFaro ailopted Resolutiun No. ~'C86-227 ~n SeptambPr 3, '1986, tn permit a church wi.thin an industrial bu:.ldii~q in the Canyon Industrial Area at 358~ Engerpriso Drive (iaiving Faith Chur~h); anc7 WHERE;AS, the petitioner h~s renuesY.ed an amendmentc tu Condition No. 2 of ResoluL•ior~ tdo~ PC86-227 pertaining ~o the ex~iration datQ of subj~+ct ~etiLion; and WHEREAS, r.he Plann.inc7 :om-r.ission held a du.ly noticad pub].ic hearing on s~id a~plzcatior, on July 17, 1949, at wh~ch t-~az•inq tlze PlanYiitig Commisszon did rec~ive and ::on:,ider evidencc~, both oral and document3ry, relating thereto; and ~THERFAS, the Planniny Commission heroby finds th~r sai~. us~ ~.s bQinq exarci:ed in a manner not dQtrimental to the partir.ular arsa and 4urrounding land tises, noY L•a the public peace, health, safety ancl general vrelfar.e . CALIF~RNIA ENVIRONTfEtT':AL _QUAI,ITY A~T_FITiTJ_I~_ Th~t the Negati~Q Declaratiun previsouly approved in conz~ection with (:ond.it`_on:,l CJse Permit ttp. 2819 i.s adeguate to ~erve as environmenl:al docwnen.~t~.on for this requesY.. NOW, :~FIGREFORE, BE IT F.~SO'L~IED that t:~e AnaYia.im City Planning C~mmi.ssion Cicas hereby amend Condition No. 2 of Resolution N'o. PC 36-227 to rr;a1 to as syown be]c;w atid apFrov~ ttn ex1:e~lsion. of time to expire October 4, 1992. "'that s~~ujoct petitio~i, or;.ginally grant•.ed tor a pe: iod of 3 ysars (oxpiring Octobor 9, l~fs~), .is further granLod for an additional 3 y~~~rs (nxp~rir,g on Octo:~er 4, 1~92.) at which time the pt~titionec may apY.ly for an aildiCional :1 ye~r:: of operation in cornpliance with Anaheim Munic.ipal Cod~s Section 18.61.U50." 1FIE T~ ~~RL• ~0 ~ ` of• July. 198u . \ ,, ,/ .-~-, j. . i' J. ~' : .c~~'J ~/ ` -~Y:~~._` ;. -CNAIRMAN, ANAI{£I.M~ CITY P'LANNING ~ON4dT~SION ' ltv'G RCSULUTION i^ signQd an~9 approvQd by me this 17th daj ATTEST: ~ ..~ . ~ ..___.___.r...._.._. _~!~± _ ".._-- ~~~ti.~=----•---- , ~ ~ ~. c SF.~R~:rAR'~!, AN1+~iEIM CIT_ PLAP,NIN + COMMIS..ZON 0966r 1- PC(i9-191 , , ;:~ r,w ' A ~~>~ 5TAxE OF CAGZFORNIA i. rin ~1 G COUN'PY OF I.~RANGF ) s s. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edi~h L. Iiarris, Secrotary of tiio Analaoim Ci~y Flax-ziing Commission, do horeby cert:[fy ttiat ;:he Ear~3goinc~ r.eso:lut~.on was passod and ad~ptecZ at a meeY.ing of th~j Anahcrim City Plann3.nq Commission held on July 17, I989, by ~1io £ollawang vot.Q oi the members thereoi: ~YGS: COMMXSSIONEI2S: BOUAS, BOYDSTUN, CA12lJ~TLLO, FEI.AKAT7S, H~RfiST, MC HiJRNEY, MES5~ NOF.S : COMMISS iONERS : iJpNE ~BS.:iJT.: COMMISSIONI:R~: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hQ:~unta set my hand thi.s 1%th tiay of July. 1989. _~ ~/ _ _ _-~~~~:~ `-~ <;~ . ~ -- ~.__.. ~~ SECR~T~AY, ANAHk:IM CITY PL hNIt7G COb(MiSSION 'Z' P^.R9-191 +JiF:; ,lia~.:,,,.