Resolution-PC 89-194_ , ~. , . ;>;',?fp ,,y , ~ px;~ «i~ , ~~'~;w RESOLIJTI'~N Np t P.C$~.=19!! ~ RrSOLUTION OF TH~ ANAHFIM CITY PLANNING COMMT;.~STON ~HAT T'~TITiON !OR RECLASSI:FICATTpN N0, gg_ag_6p gE GRANTED WIiE1ZiA5, khe ~t,naheim City Pl~r.ning Comrr;ission did receiv~e a ve~ified petition for Reclassification. £rom ALIREZA JALRL•IFOiTI2 AND ABOLFAZL , UJALALIPOIJR-MA.KUY, 5753 Ma..:son Drive, ~YPxass, CA 90630, owners aF certain , real prap~rty ~itu~t~d ,i.n the City of Anaheim, Caunty of Orange, State o£ Czlif~rnia, clescribed as follows; TFIAT ~'ORTIO~! QF THE NGRTH HALF CF TIiE SOUTFiWEST QUARTER OF THE SOLJTHE~IST QUART.ER OF SECTION 15, r~~;H-P ~ SUUTH, RANGg :11, WEST, IN' :CHE ~2ANCFIO L,OS COYOTES, CITY OF BUENA PARf:, AS 5H0?4N pN A NfAp RCCOF2DED IN BOGK 51, PAGE 11, MISC~I,LANRUUS MAF~S, RECORDS OI' ORaNG~ COUNTY, UGSCRIBEU AS FOLL,pWS: BEGINNING AT TH~ IN'PERSECTION OF' THE EAST LINE OE' SAID I10RTH HALF TVITk! TfIE ~IORTFiEASTERL~Y' !,INE 0'r THE iAND DESC.RIBED iN A AGED TO LOS ~'.NF,ELES INTER-URBAN RAILWAY COMPANY, REC4RDEA SSI~PLMB~12 8, 1905 IN BOOK 12~. PAGE 1.70 OF Dk;CDS, RECOI:DS OL' L05 ,1NGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THENCE ~TOFt~'EI 53° 22' 03" WEST, 3~4•44 FF'ET AL,ONG SATD NORTHEASTERLY LINE TO THE 50UTHEASTERI~Y LINF' OI' THE LANp CONDGMNED BY THF ORANG~ COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT UNDER CASE NC. 7'1721., A FINAL OKUF~R OF WHT~H WAS R1:CORDED Oh JRNUAZY 30, 1967. IN BOOF: 59g3, pAGE 4~0 OF OFFICIAL RECQRDS OF SAID ORAN~E CUUNIY; THF,NC~ SOUTH 80° 45' U5" EAST~ 115.90 FEET; THENC~: SOUTH 75° 32' 22" EA.Sm, 7,03.79 FECT TJ A POINT LY'ING pN A CUP.VE CONCAVE; i;AS'.el:i?L,Y AND "rIAVING A RADIU5 OF 45.00 FEET, A RADtAL LIpIE THIt~UGFT SAI~ PO.iNT $GARS SOi1TI•f 89° 49' 18" WE$T; THENCF' 5UUTHEA5TEF2LY ALONG SAIU CURVE THROUGFi A CENTRAL ANGLE OE' 90° OU' 00", AN AR(: LEt7GTH OF 70.69 ~'EET TO A PC1IN"' LXItIG ON THE EI~ST LINS OF SAID NQI:TI~ HALP', ~ RADIA~ LINE THRUUGH ~ILID POINi )3EARS SOUTH 0° 10' 42" EAST; THENCE ALONG SAIU EAST LINE, SOU'TH U° 10' 42" EAST; TI~:F.P7C~ ALpNG SAID F;AST LINE, SOUTH G° 10' 42" EAST, 104.18 FEET TO Tf~E 1.'OTNT 0~ BEGINNING. WHEREA$, at the Civ3.c Center iti the C:ity Planning Commission the C?t pf A ~lid hold puhlic hu~rin s notice of st~id public h x naheim on Jur~e earing~ having bee d l :19, '1969 ar_ 1; 3Q p,mg, in accordance with the n ~,~ y gi,ve provisions of th n as required by law and 1R • ~~ • ta hear anc? e Anahei.m r.onsider ovidence f Municipal Code. Chapter rer_la~sifi~ation and to c or and agzinsL said inves~igat:~ and makA findin s ~nd ~L'OnO:3P_(1 g ennection thQrewith; saicl pptition was :ontinu d reconunenda tions in ~.°89, July 31, 19f19; ana e te the me~tinqs ~g JuYY 5~ C97?r -1- PC 89-191 :+~;'."~ .C~2~:';'a WFIEREAS, s~id Commission, after due inspzcl-ion, investigation and study made by itselt and in iY.s b~half, and aFtaY• due cons.ideration of a11 ~vidc~nce ~.nd xeports nfEered at said he:tring, does Eznd and determzno ths following farts: 1. That the patiti.oner propose~ r~classification a£ subject property from L-he R~-A-43,000 (Residential, Agricultural) 7ane to tho RM-i~100 (Itesidential Mu.ltiple Family) Zone. 7. That the Anal~eim Gener.al Pl.an desiqnates subjcct property f~r. Low-Med'zizm pensity R~;sidential land uses. 3. 'ihat the proposed reclassi~ic:ation o£ subj~sct property is necessary aYid/or desir~.ble Lor the orderly arid proper development of the communi Y.y. 4. That Y.he propased reclassifiration o€ subject property does properly relate to th~ zones and thcir per~~.tted uses locally esta~lished in close pro:ci~nity h.o subject groperty and to L-he zanes and thPir permitted uses generally e~tablished ~hroiighout the ~ommixni~.~. 5. That one persori indica~.ec~ their presence at said public hea,ing. in upposi.tion; and ~hat no correspcn;lence was ~ecr~.i~~Ed in opposition to subjech peL-ition. CALIFQRNIA Lt~VIR~DIMFNTAf~ (~ALITY A T I'INDTNG: T2iaY. thQ Anaheim City P].anr~inq Commission :as revie•wed t2ie praposal to amend the Land Uso Element uf the General nlan to z•edesignate ~ubjec2 groperty fc>r Low-Mediurn Uensity Rssidential land uses and to r.eclassif.y subject propert,y fr.om the RS--A-43,00~ (12esidential, Agricti~ltural) Zane to the RM-•2400 (Residentia'l, Multiple-Family) zone and to cnnstruc't a 2-story, 6-una.t addition to an existirig 1 and 2-story, 8-unit apartment complea ~n an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consi;,hing oti apgroximately 0.82 acre having a frontage oE approximarall 42 fQet at the westerly L-c~rminus of Savanna Street, haviug a maximum ~Fpth oi approxxmately 300 feet and bea.ny locatHd approximarely 450 feet west of L•he cente.rline af MaY•iar: Way and fur~rsr described a: 3700-3750 Wost Savanna Street; and does l~e~s~y approve Y.he Nec~ative Derlar~~ion upon findi.ng that it has consiclerc~d the Negativ~ Declaxation toge~her with any comments receivad during the piabli~ review pioces~ and further finding on Y.he basxc of. the Initial Study and any commenCs rece.ived that there is no ~ubstantial avidance that the pro:iecC wi11 have a significant effect on the environment. riOW, THEREFOR~, BB IT RESOLVB~ that the AnahPxm City Planning Commission does hereby gr~nt subjQCt Petit~on for Rec7.assif.i.c~tian nnd, by so doing, that Titlm 18-Zoni~ig of the Azlahe3.m htunicipal Code be amFnded tn exclude t~Ze above-describUd property ~rom the RS-A-~33, 000 ( Reaiiientia'l, Agriciiltural) Zone an~l to ancorporate said ue~cribed ~roparty int~ the Rid-2~i00 (Re~idential, Maltiple-Fami:iy) 7.one unon tha tollowinc~ conditions which are hereby Eouna to be a necessary prerequisite to tt~e proposod use of subjecr property in order to pr~:sErve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens ot• the CiLy of Anaheim: 7.. Tha~ the ownor of subject property shall provi~e a written agreement, agreeing to part•icipa~e: in L-he t~pgrac;e of. the water main in Savanna ~trest, as required by the City Flater Uti.li.ty Dxvision. ~z- PCE39-194 ~• That a fee sh~ll be paid to the CiLx ot Anaheim £or ~ree plantinq along Savanna Street in an amount as established by Ciky Council resoltition, 3• Th~t prior to introduction of an ordinaiir,e rozoning subjoct proporty, tYie l~gal pz•uperty owner shall l~repare and record a.r.. uxlsuburdinat~cl covenant ].imiting occupancy of each apartrr,ent un.ik tc+ na more i-han two (2) ~,prsons (other than children undQr the age °t tW0 (2) years} pAr uedroom. Said limitation shall be inr,1uded .in each l~ea~e/rental ~greement. A copy of the coven~nt shall be submiCted to and apprnve~ by the City Atturne recordation. A copy of the recor~ied covenant shal7, be ~urnis2~ca to the Zoxiing Divisiori. '~• Th~t a covenant sha11 be recorded a re each dwel:ling unih, with writteu gnEormationprovxde the renter of School i~istricts pertaznin ~bEai:~ed £rom tne busing status oL• the ~ g t0 possible ov~rcrowded condi~ions an.d chools sr~r~xng L•he clwelling tinit. 5• '.Chat the devEioper shall be : esponsilile for any direct cos~s a~sociated with the monitoring and: or re~,orti.ng requ:ir~ments set fortti ~v 5ec ti~n z1081.6 of the Pixblic Resources Cadp to ensure implomontatio n of t,h~ rnitigation measures identified in Mitigated Nega~ive Declax•ation and which havF been incorporatPd tas Condition No, L her~in. 6• ~haL- prior to L•he in~roduci:ion ~f an ordinar.ce rezonin property, Condit.ion Nos. 1 throu h 9 9 subject complel;~d, The prov~.ision;; ~r xxgh~s ' above-mEntioned, sha11 bQ sha.ll bdcom •r. n;~ll and void b g g~'anL•ed by L•his resolutioii unless saicl candit5.o.ns ~rc~ c mplieci~wiCh i~thin~nnsl(~) C~earSfr~m th~z date of :~ig reso.lul.ion, or such further time as th~yPlanning Commission may grant, ~' Tk~at ~pproval of this application constitu'tes a Froposed request onl• pproval of thg 1 Co the extent that it complies with khe Anaheir~ Municipal a~ni.nq ~odP an~ anx p~hQr a regu1atiox~s. Appro~~al do~s n~t includ~ ~ny pPlicabi~ ~.~ty tc compliance or approval of the requestac egardingf.any ~ other at~~~.licable ordinar~ce, regulation or rQquiremHnt, D~ IT FURtf1ER RESpT VEb that the Anaheim CiLy Planninq Commission doeq hereby fintl anct detF;rmi.z~e t;haC ~doption of this Rc:solu~ian is expre~sly px~Edicated upon a licant s r.orn ~lance wit.Z ~ach and alI oF t.he condiL-S.ons herei.n~lbove seE ~~x~h~ , ~~ ~ ' thereof, be d~clared invalid or unar.forcea~lo ~ ucrj condit3.ons, or any p~rt court uf compotent uris ~' ~~e fizial judgment of. any J diction, then th.is Resolul:a.or., ar.d any t~ppro~.a;,s herein contained, sh111 L~ de~med null and voi.ci. ~ ~ -3- PC89-194 tnp,, o; ~~ ~ 'PHu t'4RFGUING RF.SOLUTION is si~nod and ~appr.~,vecl by me thi~ 31st dr~y of Jul^~ 19£i9. ' ~ _ , ~~ l ~. ---....... `4 ~.....!~,;._~_:_i: ~__:_~''.~ _~~ / , ~ -__._ __.._.._...__.__._~ CHAIRMAN. ANA~IEIM C~TY E'LAIJNING ~:Ot~4tISSIQN A~TEST: ' , ~ ' L~k'~,~ ~ti ~. /' ~.~C.~~-~~ _.'_' _ __._~_~ _ L._ SECRETARZ, ATIAFfEI1~t CIT'1 PLAt7NTNG L'Ch4`lISSION 5TATE OF CALI~'OR~IIA ) CU~7N~Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHE7M ) I, Bdith L. Harris, Secr.etaay of the Anahgim City Planning Commis~:iori, do hex•aby cartify th3t the forc~goinc~ rosa].uCion was passad and ad.optad at ~ mHC~ting oE L-he Aziaheim ~i.ty Planning Comttiis~ion held on Jul.y 31, 1989, by ttie follow:ng tio~e ~E ttie member;; thEroof: AYf:S: :.0"~SISSIONERS: IIOUAS, BOYDST~JN, FiERBST,MC BUFNEY, MESSE NOGS: COh~fISoION~RS: NON~ ABSBNT: COMMISSIUNE:RS: FELDFiA:JS VACA:TT: ~N~ SEI~T IN WTT~iESS WFI~REOF, ! havQ hereunto set m,y hand this 31~t fiay uf: July, 19f39. ~ c_ .' ~ -- --- ~--~`-'= "' == --- ` ~/ v .=.~~~ ANAIiF'IM CTTY PLANiJING CAA~fISSIOK SECf~F.'1'A tY, _~_ PC89-194 ~~ :~