Resolution-PC 89-2A RESOLUTION OY THE .~NAHEII~I CITY PLT~~NING COMt~lI~SIOt1 TH7t.T PETI'~'ION FQR 'VARZA.JCE N0. 3877 J3F GRANTLD WH~RGAS, the Anaho.im Ci.ty Planning Conm~ission did r~caive a veritied Petiticn far Variance frofi Harol.d C. J. Coykezedal:l, 2890 Ii. La FaLna, Anaheim, f,:A 92806, owner, and Andrew klomes, 4400 MacArttiur Houic~vard, 1~900, Newport P,each, CA 92660, ~ic~Gnt, of. cQrtain real propertz s.itua~ed in the Ciry of Anahe`irt, Ccui,ty oP Grange, Sta~e af. Califor.iiia described as: L~TS 9 AND 10 OF TR.ACT N0. 255, EAST. ANAHE7M STJBDTVISION, IN 'TH~ C:[TX OF A~NAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, ST'ATE QF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP R~CORUED SN BOOTC 14, PAGE ~5, ~F' MISCELLAdEOUS MA2'S, TN TH~ OFI'ICE Ok' THE COUNTY R~CORDER OF ~AID COUNTY. '' WFtET.tEAS, the Cih.y Planning Commission did hold a public heara.ng ;'; at khe Civic Csn'ter in ~ho Ciry af Ana~ieim on December 5th, 198~, at 1:~0 ~.m., notics of said pti=.blic h~~aring havizig been iiuly given as requir~d by 1aw ' and in accordanc:o Nath th~ +~rovisi~ns of the A~iaheim Munic3.p11 C~de, ChaptPx 18.03, tc haa~: an~3 c~ns3c?sr evidence for and against said propose~ variance anct t~ investigeto and m~ak~a findings and rec~mrnendat.ians i.n connection therewitl~; a.rid sa~.d public hear.iny w~s cnntinued to the mc~et.ing of ~anuary 4, 1989; and WFiEREAS, ~;aid Commission, after due inspection, inve~tic~atzon and stucly made by atself and in ii:s behalf, and aL•ter due consideratio:i ~f all Qvidence ar~d revox•ts offered at said hearing, does fii~d and determino ~h~: followincf f.acts: 1. Zhs~ ~he petitioner proposes waiver oE i:he following ~o cansLrucL• a 3-stor~r, 2C-unit "aEf.orda.blP" ~parL•ment builcling under ~u~hor~ty of Caliiornia Gove~•r~.ment Code Sect'~on 659'15 a. ~A~) ~FC'lION 1N..~A~Q~1 Q..~~ - t~inim~un ~u?~~xn9L5:~~_'~~s'~_ r w Ln A H C~~~ ~ 11~ri 1~• , ~ ` ~ 1~.2~? ~3~.Fti xequire.~; ~. ~ (~ i~~ ~.3.LF~. Propos~~d) +, (Fi) S,~L~'~TYONS,_1f3,_~4~062"Q11 - M~xim~un s~r~c~ur~,l h~igh~. ~ ar.cl 1G),s34.062:(~12 (Perm:~tted: 1_~t;or.v withi.n 150 feet o£ ~' ~S-•%2Q0 zoning an~3 2-storiz~ othorwise: `3 Praposed: ;~=,~t,orig~ at 65 and 79 feet) ;~; .~ 2. Tha~. th~ ar-ove mentioned ~waiver (A) is h~reby granted puz•suant to . C~1~.£orrii.a Gove: nment Code Section 65915. ± 3. T!~~at r,he ~sbove-mentioned waiver (B) is hereby granted oa the basis ' that therF~ are special circumstances app~ic~lb7.~ to the properLy ~uch as size, shape, tapography, location and s~ur.rounding, which do not apply to other ' identica3.lr zoned. property in the same vici.nity; and that 3hrict application ~. of tlie ?.oning Cilde depr.ives the pruperty of ~rivileges enjoyed by other a; prop~rtses in kh+. identical zane and classif.ication in the vicin.i.ty. ~ 0602r -].- PC89-02 _ ~~;; , :; r ~ ~..~.,~`~~ -- - ~,~ , t~ ~ , .n . •:u.~ , l~~tii~ 4. That ~here are oxcepr.ional or extraordinary circumstances or c~~nditions applicab].e ~o the ~ro~,erL••y inv~lvQd or ko the inte.ndad usP nf ~.he }~roperty that do not apply generally t;o the L~ruperty or class uf u~e in t~h~ same vicinity and zoiie. 5. That the requested variance is ilecess~ry for the preserva~ion and enjoyrnent af a subs~:antial property righL• ~ossassed by nther propexty irl the s~iie vicinity and zon~, anu denied to tYie property in question. 6. That the r.egu~stecl variance will not be mai:erially detrime~ntal L-o ~ho public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in siich ~-ici.nitiy and :~one in which the pruperty is loc~ted. 7. ~hat two people indic~ted t2ieir pr~5ence at said publi.a heara.ng in opposi~ion; and that iio cor.res~anclence was received in opposiCion t:o subject petitiun. ~AL.T.F RNI~RENVIRQt3MEt~TA'L,_ T.Q~ALTTY ~ FINDING: irat the AnaYseim City Plarinzn,q ~ommission has reviewed L-ho proposal to reclassif:y subject pr.opert~l frnm th~ RS-7200 (Re~idenkial, Mult.iple•-F'amily) Zone ~o the RM-1200 {Residential, Mu1L-iple -Fam3.ly) Zone and Co const,r.uct a 3-story, 2U-unit "affordable" apartment building under authority of State Goveriunent Codo Section 659].5 with waivers of mi:iimum huilding siCe are~ per dwel~ing unit and maximum structural heightc an a r~ctangularTy-•shaped parce7. of land consistix~g oE appro~simatoly 0.53 acro, riavir,g a frnntage r,f appr~ximately 12Q feet an thc~ east side oi• Coffman Straet, h~ving a maximum deptk~ o:G appruximately 189 £eet, beinq lor_ated approximately 490 feet nQrth of the centerline of Center Stredt 3nd further doscribad as 2C~6 Nor.th Cofiman S~:reeL ; and does hErreby appruve the Negativ~ neclaration upon finding that it has considared the Negative DoclaraL-ion together with any comments roc~i~red during 4he Fublic reviaw process and further finding on the hasis of thQ :initial study and ar~y commen~s received that there is no substantial evidence that the project ~rill 2iave a signiEicant effsct on thQ environment•. NOW, TFIEREFQR~, II1~: IT FtESqLVED that the Anaheim City Planni.ng Commission doos hcrraby grtsrit subject Potition f.or Vaciance, upor. the fol'luwing cond3.tions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisit~~ t~ tho praposecl use of' the ~ubject praperty in arder to preserve the ,a£cty and CJF3T1Q5'31 welfare of the Ci_tizens of the City of Anaheim: t. That Chis Varian~e is granted sub;ject to th~ ad~pkion o; a zoning orc~inanc~ in cer~nection witn Rc~classification t7u. 86-89-24, now pending, 2. That prinr to issuance of n building per~nit, tha appropriate traffic signal assessment £ee skia"11 be paid to the City of Anaheim in an amount as estaalished by ~ity Council reso7.uti~n. 3. 'Chat both parking spaces in a tandem configuzation shal'1 be s~ssigned t~ thc~ same dwelling ur.it, as required by the City Traffic Enginger. -2- PC 89-02 ;, ~\ , . . . . ,.n ~u.7.. ' ~ ~ ' ' ~ '~ ~~~'S AI_. ~p4fi~l'~v~, . . 5~ ~ 4. That g~4:es shall not be insL-a13.e3 across the dri•/oway in a manner. whick~ ma~ adver~aly affect vE~hicular traf£ia in the adjac~nt ~ublic straet. Installatioai of any gat~es sha11 euntorm to th~ Erigi.neorinq D~v:tsion's Standard Plan Na. 402 rsn,d sha3.1 be subject to the review ~nid approval oE the City Traffic Engineer. 5. That al~, sma11-car }~arki~lg spaces shall. be clesign~d with ~:s ~ninimur,i width o£ eight ( 8 ) fee~:. 6. Thr~t a p3rking plan showing ~ompliance with City of Anah~iqn parking desiqn standz.x•ds sha11 be submitted to and approved by the City Traffac ~ngineer. 7. That prior to i.ssuance oi` a building ~~armit, ~:he approprxr•ite feos due for primary mains and fire p;cotection sexvy.ce sh311 be pai.d to the WaCex Utility Division in accordance with Rules 15A dnd 20 of the Wat~r Utility Rates, Rules and Regulations. fi. ThaL- a Eiro flow t9st of the waLer syst~m to de2~ermina adequato water pressure shal], be conc~ur,ted to thc satisfactian ot t:~e Cit~• Wa~tez• Engineering Divisi~n. 9. That fa.re sprinklars ~ha1l be ii:~tallec~ as required 1:>y Lhe Cit,y Firo Aepartm~nt. 10. 2hat Y.rash storage areas shall be pr~vi~ed and maint~ixied xn a J.oca~ion acceptab].o to the StrQat Maintenance and Sa:~itt~ti.an Division an8 in accocdance with appr~ved plans on f.ile wi.th said Divisioi~. 11. 12iat subjer.t pro~aerty sha].l. be serv~d by undergraund utiJ.ihies. 12. Tk~at the e~ci.ating pcwpr pole(s) sha21 bc~ relocated ~it the dQVglop~r's expense and to the satisf~ction of the City Elgctrical Engineering Divisipn, becau~a oE tiiQ relocatioii of str.eet improvemor,~ts. 13. That prior to issuar..ce r~f a building permiL•, ap7Propriate park and rer.reat.ion in-lieu fe~s shall be paic'i to the City of Anahezm in an amount as determined by C.ity Ccuncil. 14, xhat drainuye oE subject property sha~l be dispased oE in a manner satisF~ctory to the City Engineer. 15. That if required by tY:Q i'a.re and Policc~ Deparl•.ments, a11 lockable pedestrian and vehicu] 3r access gates sha11 be equipped with a"knox box" device to the satisFaction of. the City Fire and Paliae DQpactmen~s. 16. That prior to final building and xouin~ inspections, "no parking for strc~et swe~ping" signs shall be instal].ed as requirecl by the Street Main.t.Anance ~~nd Sanitation Di.vision anfl in Gccordance with specif.icatians on L•ile with said divisian. i; . ``' ~~~'. .: ;;.; ~ -3- PC 89-(`2 ~~~ `~ {'•~~'.'~ ' / I t' 17. Tha~ Lhe renter of. ~e~Ch rESidnntial dwolling uni~ shall be provided with writ~~n infarmatiori conce~ning Anaheim Municipal Co~a Section 14.3~.500 pprtaining to "narking res4ricted to facilitat~ street siveePir~g". Such written information sha1~ clearly indi.cate when on-street park9.ng is proh~.biL•ed aiid the panalty f•or violation. 1a, '.Chat a1.i air cotiditioning Eacilitie;t and otYiEr roof and ~a~~ound mo~an~ec~ equipment shall be properly shi~lded ~rrom view. ~.9. ihat prior to issuance of a builciing ~ermit, eva.dence shatl be pre~erlrad satisfactory to the Auildirig Division that the pr.oposed project is in conformance with Council Policy Number 542 "Sound Atteriuation in Rc~sidential Pr~jQ~r.s" and with Naise Insv.'~ation Stand~rds specified in tlle Califarnia Administrative Code, Title ~5. 20. That a six (6) £oot high masonry block wall ~hall bQ cansL'ructed and maiiitained along the east ~roperty li,ne. z1. Tha~ a covenanr s1~a11 be recarded ~greeing to provi.de Lhe renter t~f eacYi dwelling unit with writh,en irxform2tion obtained frcm the School Diserict(s) pert;aining to possible overcrowded con~litioils and busing skatus o~ Lhe schoul(s} ,,~rving the dwel'ling unit. 22. That prior to issuance of a buildin~ p~rn~it, the legal pr.operty owner shall enter into a recorciQd agre~ment wi'th the City of Anaheim pursuant to California Gnve.rnmenL Codz Sectian 659.15 to provide that ten percent (10~) of t2ie permiY.ted uumber uf residential uaits sha1Z be rented as lew incomo huusing as d.efiixed in Califor.n.ia Government Code Section 659~.5 and w~th appropriate rentnl controls as appruved by thE; ;;xLy of Anahexm for a period of not less than ~iir~y (,~t~, ye~rs frorn the datt~ o~ issusnce of occupar,cy permits. 23. That subject properCy sha11 be developed subst:antially in accordluce with plans and specifications c~n fa.la with the City of Anaheim marked Revision No. 1 af ~x.liibit No, 1 and Exhibit No. 2. Z4. That prior Co issuance of a building permit, or within a period oL• pne (1) year from the date of tllis resolution, w2iicnever occurg first, Conditiun Nos. 1, 2, 9, g, 6, 7, 8, 13, 19, 21 r~nd 22, above-mer.t.ioned, sha1J. be complied wiL•h, Exterision~ far furthEr time to cc+mpletg~ said conditioxis may be granked in accordance witr, Sec~ion 18.03.040 o.E the Anaheim Idunicipal Cod~. 25. That prior to f.inr~l building ,3nd zuning inspecti~ns, Condition Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, '1.0 and 23, above-tnentioned, shall be complied with. 26. That 3pprova~ of thi:; applicatian const~it.utes ~pproval of ~.he proposed request oniy to the exten~ that it comrlios with the Anaheim Municip,~l Zoning Code anc~ sny ot~Yier applieabi~ City rogulntior.s. 1~pproval c3oes n~t incl~ac~e any aation or findings as to compliance or approv~l of the request rogarding any othQr app].ir.able or~~inance, regu2ati~n or requirerr~enL•. -`~- PC 89-02 ?,r. _ ..r~~~: ~ :~, ` ^: BE IT FURx'IER RESOLVT;n tbat the Auabeini City Pa anning CoiruYi' i d ") ias on oes hereby find and doterminQ that ac]option o~ this Resolution is expressly pr~dicnted upon appli.cant's compliance with ~ach flnd all of the o~nditions hereinaP,ove set fr~rth, Should any s~,zch candit~on5, or any part ~i~R,-eof, be dQC1ax~:i znvalid or un~~iforceable by the final ;udqment of any Gourt of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolutzon, and any approvals herein c~ntained, sha11 be deemed null and voicl. THE F~R 3;GOIN~ RESOI,UTTON ~ s ~iqned ~rad appr•oved by me this 4th day ot Jartuacy, 19Fis. :'~:~7' " :::~~ _')r "<~~~.~__ ~EiAIT2WQMAN,~ ANAHIF,IM CJTY f~LANNING CQ2~fIS5I0N ATTEST: y ~ ~ ~~'f-'~ d.c==- - - SE;CXETA X, ANN3EIM CY7.'Y ?LANxIING COMi4TSSI0N ~: ,' c; ;i S~ATE OF CALI~ORNZA ) ~4 COUNTY OF OFANt; ~ ) s s. CTTY OF ANAFiEIb! ) << I. EciiL•h L. Harris~ Secratary of the Anaheim City Planning C~.,mmissiou, do hexeby cerL•if.y that the foregoing resolutio : was passed and ad~pted ~.t a meeting of tYxe Anaheim City Plaiinxng Commissian held on Jan~xary ; 4, .19a9, by tkie follawing vor.e of tho members ~hereof: ; ;i AYb'S: COMMISSIphER5: BOXDST*JN, CARUSILLU, Fr:LDHALTS, MC BURNEY, MESSE NOESt COMhtISSTONEI2S: B~JUAS, H~RBST AHSFNT: CQMMT5SIONFRa: NOtdE .; IN WITNE$S W~iEREO~', T rt~ve hereunto set my hand this 4~h day ~f January, y,ggy, ^ ~ . --~ ~ i SECRETABY', ANAkiEIM CI'rY PL,ANNING COI/,AiISS~ON -5" PC a9-uz ~: i. . _ . . .r.~ _ . ..__ . - ~ . . .. . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . , ~ . . ,~ '~.r ~~ ` ~i :s ~r, ; ~; ,~ _ ;';,~ ;~:~ ~%n 4~ ~ :{~~~~