Resolution-PC 89-2005_,~ J ~~ ~ .. ~ , . - , ~ ' , , , } ~ I , ~ l,<~•9tr~+YWj~Gl~111 ,";,~ ~ t;~r ~,. ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ; ;'~~ ~i~ ~ a.~ ~~.~QL. ~4~4 ~2-.~.4 4. A RLSOGUTION pF 1'HE ANAHGIM CITX FGANNING COMMISSJO:~ THAT PE~ITIU~T FOR C~ARIANCE N0. 3976 BF, GRANTED WFiE~tEA5, Che Anaheim Cfty Pl~nning Commission did roaeiv~ d , v~ri.fied Petition for Variance from MATHEW CRArG I-,ND MONTCA ANNE GRAHN~f, 43r S. Canyon Ridge DrivF~, Anaheim Fiills, CA 92807~ owners oF certain real ~roperty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Ca].iFornia descr:ibed as: LOT 27 OF' TRACT N0. 9721, IN THf: CITY OF 1~1AHgIM, CO[TNTY OF ORl~NCE, STATR QF C~LIFORNIA, AS SHO'WN ON A MAP RECORDED 7N BOOK 42f3, PAGES 13 TO 16, t30'PEZ INCLUSIVE Q'r' MISCGLLANF.dUS MA.PS, kECORhS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WIiEREAS, the City Planning Commission did h~ld a public hearing , at the Civic Center in the City of Aeaaheim an August 14, I989, at 1:30 g.m., t notice of said public hodring h~vzray been duly given as xequired by law and in ` accordance with the provisions of tho Anaheim Municipal Code, Cha~.~ter 1a.03, ~ to hc~ar and consider pvidencQ f~r ai:d against said proposod variance ancl to investigate and makP finctings and recommendations i.n connectien tharewith; and ~ WHEREAS, said Comm:s~ion, af.tRr duo inspection, investigation and st•.udy made by ihself and in its behalf, and after dur~ con3ideration of all eviitence and reports oFfer~d at s~id hQaring, does find and determine the followinq facts: ~ 1. Tliat Lhe pQtitioner requests waiver of the follcwing to ,~.tain a i ground-mountud saCellite di.s~: r ~ ~ SEr.TTQN ,1$~4~Q4?_~412. - rrQh~12~.~g~_aro~,~~~~nt~d Qauin-nont. ~ ( NQ-- ~'04 ~' ~2~--~341~~=m~un~~.S~._._.~~4.~ 1.~..~._._.s2.~t~..~ pormiCted in ti~e Scenic Carridor. Zone OVerlay; ~nt~--~_~QG~_. h.~r1,_ 8-fQ2~ ~iamet2[ grounR-mounted ~ diah existing) :; ~i ~ 2. That tho above-montioned waiver is hereby grnntAd on the basis tbat ther.o are~ special circumstances appJ.ict~ble Lo the property such as size, ; shapo, topography, location and surround3n~~a which do not apply to okher ", il~ontically zoned property in the samo ~iciniCy; and th~t strict applicat;on ~ of the 7,oninq Co~e dnprives tlie proparty of rrivilegea enjoged by olher. Pruperties ir~ the idE~ntlcal zpne nr,d c'lassification in the vicinity. : 3. That thQre are~ exr.eptional or extraordinary circumstancos or ~onditior.s applic~blrz to tho propn~rL•y involv~d or tr+ tho intended use of ~}se property trnt uo noL• apply c~enera2ly to t)~e Prop~rty or class of use in the same vi~~iniCy and zone. 0995r _I_ PC69-Z00 ; ~~e~~'A~ ~?.~Neie, 4. T1iat the raquo~ted varianco .is necasaary f.or the proservation and enjoyment of c~ substan~i~,l proport,y right poa~cessed by okher proporty in t}ie same vi~.iniLy anc~ zone, and dont~d to L•he proporty in quostion. 5. That the requestod vnrinnce wil'1 noL be mat~ria.lly detrimental to the publir, wa.lfarF: or irijurious to the proper~y or. improvementa in sucn vicfnity and zono in which the pr~porty is 1~caCed. 6. That na one indicate~ their preRence at said public heari.ng in opposition; and ~hat no co:responc3ence was receivQd in oppositi~n to subjQCt peti ti.~~n. ~~.~3.~~~..N_~1~.$4.I?r~.~A~~U~LIT~~_T. F~NP~ '~: The Planx~inc~ Director or his auth~rizad representative has dakerminud that the kr~poseci projoct falls within the deEinition of Gategorfcal G.xemption~, Class .ll, as definod in tho Srato ~TE: Guidolinos and is, thore:ore, categorically exempt f.rom hlie requiremen~ to prapare an EIR. NOW, TH~~2ErORE, BE IT &ESULVED that thQ Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Pe~ition for Varit+nce, upon the followinq con~litions wh~.ch are hereby found to be a necessary ~rasequisit~ to Che propo~~d use of the subject propert;y in order to preserv~ the safety and general welfare of the CiL•izens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That plans shall be submitted to the Buildi:ig Division showinq complisnce w,ith thQ mi.nimum standards of thQ ~ity of Anaheim, including the Uni~orm Elecrrical, Mechanical and P'ire Codes as adopted by khe City of Anaheim. Th~ apprapriate perrnits shall be obi:ainad for any necessar~~ work 2. That 3ubject property shall be 3eveloped subgtanti.ally in accordance with plans and spacifications on ~ile with the City oC Anaht~im m~rked Exhibit Nas. 1 through 3. 3. That Concii~ion Nos. 1 and 2, abova-mentioned, shall be completed within a perfod of sixty (64) days from the dato of this resulurion. ~~. That approval of thia application constitutes approval of the proposed roquest only ;:u the extent that ih ~omplies aith the Aaahoim Municipal Zoning Codo and any other applicable City regu3ations. Approval does not includs any action or findings As to c~mplianco or approval ot the roquest regardiny any other applicable ordinance, rsgulation or requirement. BE IT FURTHCR RF.SaL.VED ~hat the Anaheim City Planning CommiASiqn doos herHby Pind and determine thaC Pdoption of thi3 Res~lution is expressly gredicated upen api~ltcant's compli~nce with each and all of tho conditions herefnabove Ret ~orth. Shoi-ld any such conditi.~n~, or eny part therqci~, be declared fnvslid or unenfor~c:oab2e ~y the finAi judgment of any court of competent j-~risRiction, then this Resolution, ancl any appr~vals herein containec~, Rh:~l~ be 9eemed null and vold. ~2' PC89-200 ~ ~ ~~~ 1 ~~ T,HE FpRECOING R~SOLU~'ION is signed and approved by me this ].4th day of Augu~t, 1980. ~ --'"•'' . 1.,~• ~ i~l / ~ ~t a ~',~-- . rC~r-_ce.~.~ CFIAIRWQ PRO TEt~PpRF, AN EI~t CI': X PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: _ , ~ ~ _ ~. _~~.~. .__ S~CRETAR , ANI~HCTM CITY PLANNING COA4f7SaI0N STATE Or CALIFO.T;NIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ) gg. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. FIarris, Secretary of tho Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby ~ertify that the foregoi.ng r•esolukion wss passed and adoptc~d at a moeting of the Anahc~im C.ity Planning Commission held on AugList 14, 1989, by the fo3low.ing vote of the mombers thereof: AXES: CGr~.MiSSiONER::: IiOYDSTUN, FIELLYER, FELDSAUS, 'BOUAS, MC BURNEY., MESSE NOTs'S: CONII~fISSIONFRS; NQI3E ABSENT: CONL~fISSI0t7ERSi ~:BRBST IN WITNESS WHL:REOF, I have kxereunto set my hand this 14th day oE August, 1~89. ~/ ~~.(~~~CJ ~` ~%' , ,._.. ~'~ '.,1 '~f'p.' SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY. PLANNING COMMISSIOti `;i d .~ -3- ~ ~~ . .•r ; ~+q~.~y~~'qy~}7~ ~ i~ '1,~ ~l, PCB~-200 :*' , `~ ~;' ~•;a : ~1