Resolution-PC 89-214$.~R~rll~ ~QN~9_~P~4~- z ~4. A RE50LU'.fION OF THR ANAf{EIM CITY PLI~NNING CQI~tiSSION THAT P~TITTON :OR COND'l~IONAL USE PERMI'T N~J. 3149 BE GRANTED, IN PAKT hTHEREA5, the Annheim City PYanni.ng Commfssion di~ recelve a ~:.:ffied Peti~fon f~r Cond.iCi~nal Use Permit from 3144. Tl:}CACO RErINING AND :4ARK~TTNG INC., 19T.6 E. Paciiic Coast Highw~y, Willmington, CA 90794, owner, ancl AI.BCRT AGCJERA, l0U Wost Katella Avanue, Anaheim, CA 92802, agent for cartain real pi•opor.ty situated in l:ho City of dnaheim, County of Orange, Sta~e oE Ct~l3[orz~ia, clescr.fbed as: TK~ NORTH 190 !'EET AF TFIE ~AST 135 FEFT OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTEK, SF.CTlON 27, TOWNSFI2~ 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, SAti BERI~ARD'INO f3ASE AND MERIDIAN, T!: T.HE CUUNTl Oc OIt1~NGE, STA~E OF CALI~'ORNTA WHEREAS, the City Planni.ny Commission nid hold a public hearinq at th~ C.ivic Center. in the Cfty oE Anahefm on April 24, 19d9, at 1:~0 p.m., notico of said public hearing h~ving bee~ duly givt+n as rsc~uired by law and in accordance w3.th the provisions of th~ Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1E.03, to hear and consxder ovidence fo: an<~ against s~id ~roposed conditional use pes:nit ~nd to i~ivesti~ate and make f.indings ani! reaommend~tions in conncction therewith; saicl petir_ion was continued to the meetinq of Muy 8, June 5, ,Iuly 5, July 31, and August ~$, 19a9; and WI~F.REAS, sa:id Comrnission, after duQ inspection, investiyakion and study made by itself an~ in its bo}~alf, and afEtor aue conuideration oF xll eviclence and reForts offerod at sa~d heariny, does f3nci and cletermine th~ folloWinq facL•s: 1. ThaC the petitioner ro~uests approval of a conditional use pcrmiC unciPr authority of Codg S~c:Ci~n 18.03.030.U10 to r~in a towinq .ervice in ar, Qxistinq servic;o station with waiver oE ttie fallowing: ~Q~9~ Z~_2.~:_4Q4~Q1Q - Dr~Il Y~~Z~n~~. ric~~i~~f=w$Y• 2. That rhe requestod wpiv~r, is hQroby deletod on the bzsia that thQ de~inaL•ion of ].and for streEt widening purposes in only :equirAd~ in conjunction with a building permit and ~iQw buildit~q permirs ure required for the proposed towinq s~c~rvice. 3. That eho use is heraby yrantQCi for a pnriod of approacimately 2 1/2 yQs~rs, ro terminate or. April 's0, 1992, the npproximate termiuation dt~ta of the cu.rent lebse. 1014r -1• PCL'9-2X4 w~;l ~JrHt~ ~.~nr~ 4. That the proposed use will n~t advers~ly af.fect tha adjoining l~nd u~rh ~nd the grow~h and dovolopmont of ~he area 3n which it i;~ proposed to l~e locatr~d. 5. That tho siz~ and sl~ape of the site propused ~oX thd use is adequata ho allpw thc~ tull dovolopment of the prop~sod use in n manner not detcim~nCal to the partzcuxar area nor to the peace, health, safe~y and yoneral wet~ar~ of tho ~itizens of: the City of Ana}ieirn. 6. imposed That t.h~: if grar,~ing of: the Conditioiial 1TSO Porm.it under i:he conditions , ge~ieral any, welfare ~f will iiot bo the Citizon detrimental Co the ~~aacQ, haalCh, f h safety and s o C R City of Anaheim. 7. undue bu That h.he rcian u on tr~ffic generuked by ths proposod us~, wi11 nut th irnposo an p trafff i e strc~ets unn highways CIG?gSgT1QCl and improved to carry the c n the aroa. 8• Tha~ no ~r_e indicated LY,air presan~Q at said p;iblf.c hearing in opposition; and that no corresponder.c~ was receiveci in opposition t~ the subjQCt petition. G~~R,~~IA FNVIjt~~E~L QUAL.~LTY ~~ FIN~ N,; 'phat the Anaheim CiCy Planninq Commission has revi~wed the proposa?, to ~etain a towinq ~ervice in au exis~ing sQrvi~co station on a rec+_anqularly-shaped paccel of la~na con~zating of appr~ximately 0.~14 acre, l~cated at thc~ sauthwest corner of Katella Avenua and ~iaster Street, having fronCage~~ o~ agpro~~imately 150 feet ou tho south side of ~;atella AvAnue and 13Q fe~t oa the wr~nt side o~ iiaster strQet, and furtlier c~QSCribed ss 190 West Katolla Avenuo (Texaco Service Stationj; and does hereby approve th~ Negative DQClaration ttp~n finding rhat it has cozisiderecl khe N'eqat.ive Dacl~ration together with any comments rec~ived durinq `he public review prucc~ss and f~irther ff nding on thp b~asis o: tho in;tial study and any comm~nts received thAt thor~e .in no substz-nttal evidence that the project will have ~ s.iqnificant effect on tho environment. NOW, TF3EREI'dRE, BI: IT RF.SOLVEL t`~aC the I'lnaneim City Planz~ing Commission doos herc-by gran~ sub7ect Potitio,. tar CAI.l(]~.tiOAb~. Une~ Permit, upon the Pollowing conditians whict- are hereby found to be a necessary prerAquisito to the proposea use of t;:~e subjPCt propcrt;y in order to prosarve Che safe~y and gc~nera' :;.~~~_N oF the C~kizens of the City af Anaheim: 1. That traah atorago areas shal? h~ provided and mgintafneU in s location accept,able to the Streat Mait.tonance an8 Sanikat~on Divisi~n and in ~ccoraance w~th approved plans on filA with st~icl Divlsiou. 2. That a fee 3ha11 be paid tn r_he City o~ Anah~rim foc ~rge plantinq alo~q K~tella Avenue and Haster 5tr~sC .tr, an amount os established by City Council resolut~on. i~ JZ- PC49-214 r ~,r~r?~ •~rr,r.' 3. That the lagal ow~ier(s) of subjec~. pro~~erty sha11 exocute and record an unsuborc3inated cov~nant 3n n Porm approvad by, the City AttoY•ney's O.fficd whorein such ok~ner(s) aqrae not to contiost tl-e formatian of an Asse~ame~t district(s) which may hereaL•ter be formed, for the purpose of financing th9 undergrounding of utillties in th~ Commeioial Recreation area, which di3trS.ct(s) could incluc~o such legal prop~r~y owner's properl:y. 4. That subjec~ towinq servica sha11 bo dfscontinued in ~he evont that the sc~rvice station discontinues diepei~sinq of gasolin~. ~. That L.ie propasal sha'll comply with a1i signing requi.rements of the CR "Commercial, Rocrear.ia::al" Znno, unltiss a var~iance allowing sign waivers i~ a~pr.oved by the City Council, Pl~nninq Commis~ion or Zoning Administrutor. '~urther~nore, no signage ad~~ertising said ~ow service shall Y,e permitt~d. 6, That ~.no or work on vetiicles or vehicular parta shall bo p9rmitto~, with the exception of tow L•xuck s~orage. 7. That the on-site landscapinq shall be refurbishocl and maintained in compliance wit:h City standards. 8. Tl~at subject property sha11 be developed substanLially in accordance with plar.s and spgci£ications on Ei1e with tho City of Anaheim marke~ Exhibit No. 1. g. TY~at Condztion Nca. 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8, ak~ove-mentiuna~l, shall be completed within a period of xiznety (90) days fram the dato of this resolution. 10. Tha- trin permi~ shat]. terminate on April 30, 19y2, approximat~ly the terrnination data of th~ current lease. ,~ 11. Thnt ,~pprove-1 of. ~~i.s a~plicatien constitutos anproval of the pr~posed rgq;uost only Zo the extent thaC ik compl.ies with the Anaheim Mun3.cipal Zqr-ing ~ode and any other ~pplicable City regulatiar.s. D.~proval does not in~:lude any artion or findings as to compliance or agproval uf the requoct regarding any other apnlicablo ordinance, regulation or r.equirement,. ~ B~ IT FURTHER TtESOLVF,D thati tho An~heim Cfty Planning Commission j doea hereb,~ fin~l and determine that adoQtion of this ResAlu~ion is axpressly ; predicuted upon applicanC's compliancz with ~ach ar.d all oF t:he condit'..ons ~ hereinabove aet forth. Should any auch conditions, or any ~art thereof, *.a ileclnrQd invalid or uneniorceable by tr.a f3n21 juc~gment of any court of compotent juri.sdiction, then rlais Resolution, and any approvals herein containad, shall be deomed »u11 and void. _3_ PCB~-214 7.~~ i: ,.;~~ " ,r 1 ' 'w - ---- _ _ . - ,. . ~ . ., /i.:~,3:s;?4:A ^ r "~'M ,~~h~ ~~ ; r ~ (~; ~ ~:~~.;~i s.~; ~, THE FOR~;GOTNG RESOLUTtON 3.s. signod and approvod b,y me ~his 28th day of August. 1989. /'' /~ ~ •'~,~ / ~.r• ' ~..' ~~~ ~',...~'r ~ f , ~ ~,._ /~!; _~•r, ~---~..._-:~. -^-- CHArRMAN, A23 EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISST~N A'rTESx: ~ _ ~.,._. _~_~~~`_~I..~/i'ti--fi/ _., SECR~T RY, l~NAHEIM C7TY PLANNINl3 CO?~1MI55IOr7 S'!'ATE OI' CALIFOR:IIA j CAUNTY OF URA1JGc~ ) sa. CJTY Or^ ANAHEIM } I, Edith L. Iiarris, :3ecretary of the .'~naheim City Planning Comm3ssion, do hereby certify that the f~regniny resolution was passed and ad~pted a~ ~ mee~it:g r~f the Anaheim City lPlann,ing Commission held on Augusr, 28, i9b9, by the followiny vote of Lhe members thoroof: AYES: COMMISSIONGRS: FIERB~T, BOYDSTUN, FELDHAUS, SOUAS, MC BURNLY 210ESt COMMISSI:ONEF.S~: NONE ABSGN'1': COMMISSIONERS: FiE~,LYER, MESSE IN WtTt7E:SS WHEREG~F, I have hdreunto set my hand L•his 28th day of Augus-~, 1989. ___~ ~CL_~''^ =_ ~ ' u'`J --- SECHCTARY, AI3AHEIM CITY PLAL ING COtr4dISSION :_;`. ~yf;', ~ _y_ PC89-214