Resolution-PC 89-215~'~ ,;r .r~~~~ RESOLI TION NQ• PC09-2~~,ir A RESOLUTiI~N OF ~'H~; ANAFIEIM CYTY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETI'.~TON rOR R~CLASSTFICA7.'lON NQ. 89-94-04 BE I1EN'TED WHEREAS, the Anahaim Gity Plann:inq C;omm3,ssion clicl receivo a veriEied petition For Reclassification from ANAHfEIM AUTU PAR'.~5, INC., ATTN; ;. I,ARRY FtAUPERT, 1256 E, Lincoln Avc~nuo, Anaheim, CA 928U5, ocvner ~f cer~a:in real property sihv.atQd in ttie City oE Anaheim, County oiE Orange, State of Califor.nia, doscribod as Lollaws: PAkCEL 1: TFIE ~AST 75 FE~T OF THE NORTIi 185 F'EET OF 1'HE ~VEST 6 ACRrS OF THE EASTERLX HAL,F UF THE NOI:THERLX HALF Oc^ LOT 8 OF ANAIIBTM EJ~TENSION, AS SFiqV7N ON A MAP OF SURVEY BY WILLrAM HAMEL, A COPY OF' WHICIi I5 SHOWN IN BpOK 3~ PAG~S 163 AND 169 OR LOS AtI;;ELES COUNTY MAPS IN TFIE OFFICE OE' THE COiTNTY RrCORDER OF SAID ORANGE , CUI7NTY, AND ~ PARCEI~ 2: TH~ SOUTHERLY 75 rGET QF TF~E NORTI~E&LY 260 FEET, tdEASURED FROM THE CENTEIt LINE 0F L:CNCOLN AVENUE, OF THE EASTERLY 75 FEET OF TFIE W~ST 6 ACRES OF THE EAS'.fEF2L~ ONF.-HALk OF THE NORIHERLY OtdE-HAL^ OF U()T 8 Or A.NAHk;'!M ~XTENSTON AS SHOWN ON F. ~p p~ SCJRV~Y BY WILLIAhi HAMEL, A COPY OF WHICH IS SHOWN IN BOOK 3, PAGL•'S 153 AND 164 OF LOS A~YCE~~S COUNTY MAPS, IN THE 0:'FICG OF THE COUNTY RBCORDGR QF SATD ORANGE ' COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE SUUTHEI2LY 52 FEET GF Z'H~ WESTERLY 51 FEE;T THEREO~ , ~~~EREAS, the City Plannixig CommisRion did hold a publxc hearing at t2~e Civic Centsz~ in tl~e City of Anaheim ~n .August 28, 19$9 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing h~ving been duly given as required by law and i.n accordance with thc~ provi~ions of the Anaheim Municip~l Code, Chapter 15.03, to hear and consider ev.idonc~ For anct against said proposed r~clsssification and to invostigahe and make findings and recommandut_uns in connection therew.ith; and WHEREAS, said Comm.ission, aftc~r duq inspection, investiqation and study made by iCself and in its behalf, znd af.ter due consideration pf all gvidence nnd repc~rts oftoreu At s~sid hearinc~, does f3nci and dete•rmina the follo~•~tng facts; 1. That• the pQtitioric~r propose:~ reclasxificat~on aE subject praperty from the CL (Commerci.al Limited) 'Lone (north portion of property) antl the RM-l4pp (Residential, Multiple-Family) Zoz~e (south portion of pxoperty) t~ the ~tM-1200 (Resic3r~nkial, Multiple-E'~mily) , ~~;ir•~ ~.~ `'';~,4 ;, . '::~'~..7,i 1i I•r,I 1020r _j_ PC89-215 ~~..,, ~~''~, 2. That the Anaheim G~neral Plan designateis subject property for. Ganeral Conunercial lan~1 usos on the ~orLherly portion c~f subject prcpe.rty as a part of ~ GenQral Co,mmercial strip on thQ south sidt~ of Lincoln Avenue extenr~ing Prom E~s1: Stre,et to Center Stre~t. The ;;ot:;:herly ~,ortion is desig~~zatoa for Medium A~ansity Residdntial land uses (perm3tting u~ to 36 dwell.ing uniks per grass acre) and extends sc,utherly to na•oadway. 3. That tY:e propo~ad reclassi.fication is hereby deniec3 on t:he bas.i.s thrxt it shoiild e"s~ot zoning", with conunercial z~~ning existing to t:he norih, ~r~st and west of subject prqperty. 4. That: tihe proposed raclassification of sub7ect property is not nec:essary nor dee~irable ~or.• the arclerly and proper dQVglopment of rhe ~.ommunity. 5. That the pro~+osed r~3classificatir~n ~f :sub;,~ecr rropRrty dc+cs r.ot p~cogerly relate to ~he zonc,,s and their pErmitt.ed uses locally established in close proximit} t:o subjQCt proper'cy and L•o th~ zc~nos and their pQrmil:ted uses qenerally estab~lished thraughaut the communi~y. 6. Th~r or.e persoiis indicated her presence at said public hea:•ing in c~pposition, ancl t}iat no eorrespondenc:e was r.ee~:?ved in apposition to ~sub,-ject petil:ion. CI~L~LFURtJIA~TIV_IRO)1ME~~TAL QUALYTY ~;~ FIPID~NC~: That the A.zaheim Clty Planni.ng Cummission t~as reviewed the proposal to reclassify s~ubject property from th~ CL (Comme,rci~.l Lirnit~dj Zone. and th~ Rr2-;t40U (Reszd~ntia]., Mialti.ple-Family) Zone ta the RM-1200 (Rnsident:iul, Multiple-Family) or a less inten.se zone a~id ko conrstruct a 2-story, 8-unit a~artn~ent complex with waivers of mini-nu.m strur.tt~.ral setback, minimwn y~rEt requ.irement and minimum i:1~dr area on an i.ri~egularly-shaped prarcel of 1~~nd consisting of appro~:imate~ly 0.28 acre, having a fron~age o£ approximat~sly 75 feet on the south side of Lincoln Avanue, having a maximiun dept;~ 01° approximaCgly 2Q7 feet anc9 b~:ing lacated a~,proximatoly 787' feF,~ east of the cenCerlinm of East StrQet, and further fles~:ribe~ as 1266 East Lincoir. Aveni;~o; and does hereby approve tk~e 2legative Daclaration upon fi.nding that it :has consideced th~ Negative I-ec]a:ation together with any comments recQived during the public review process and furtr~er findinq on the bmsis oE the initial study and. any~ commen.ts rQCe:ived that ttiere is no substantial ev.idence th~3t the projscr. will have a signif.`icant affect on the envirorunent. N~W, TvEItGFURG, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anatiei~n City Planning Cammission doas hereby deny Potition f~r Recl.assification on the basf.s of. the af•oramentioneci findings. _Z_ PC89-215 '~~i ~~ ` ;1~ . ~ ,w.. ,~~t~~ '~ ~ 'J'HE FOEt~GUING RESqLUTT.+DN' i.s sign.ed and apl~rovod by me this 28th day ot August, 1989. /. / I 'W/ // ~ l~ G~.~ ~~•~ ~~j ~~ r / •~/ ~.~ ,..• r~ 7• ~..~~~~~~~~.~. ~ CFSAIRMA~1~,,;~~iNAHEIM CIT'Y PLANNING COMMISSION ~~ ATTES'P : ,,, ~ ~~~'-/~/~!i''~ S~CRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSIGN STATE OF CALIrORNIA COUNTY OF 0'R1.NGC ) s ~. CITY OF ANF.HEIM ) I, Edith L. FZarris, Secret~ry af the Anaheim City Planx~ing Commissi.on, d~ hereb,~ certify that the foregoing resoYution was pa~sed and adopted at a meetinq of th~ Anaheirn City Planuing Commisgion held on, August 28, 1989 by the following vute of thg membors tY~ereoE: AYES: COMMISSION~RS: ;iERBST, BOUAS, FET,DHAUS. M~ BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIpNERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: aOXDSTUN, HELLYER, MESSE, IN WITNESS WHEREOr, I have h~z'sunt4 sc~t my hand this 28th day of Augu~t, 1989. ~ r ~ ~ . i..2~ cECRETARY, 1~.N1~HEYM CITY PLI~NNING COhIIYSISSION _3.. ?C89-215 .~ri,~~ +~'Y ~~~~:~i'. ~,~/;~;:;•.~.~