746 ~ ~,,~ j -1 l'ffibnftit of Juhlitntinu - -- - -ORIll ~.J.A.P;C-&--NO-.----!14G.---------h---U--U_ _______ u_ _ --__u ..... . . .. - - -............ .... .. - ---.. ----.. --.. ------.... -- ------........ ---------------............ -----.. ---------- ......... - . ..... ....... --..... ...... ----..... --- ---- ----............... ------ -- -------- ---------.. --------------- --..-- Yan rIlltADiifim----- ........ - -......... -- --...... _...... ..------.......... ---------........... ----...... -------.... --------.. --- ...---- ----------- ......... - -........ -----....... ... --........ --- --.. -----.. ----- -----......... ---------------.... ------------------- -......... - - - - - -- STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } COUNTY OF ORANGE., SSe Theodore B. Kuchel, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is and' at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States, over the age of twenty-one years, and that he is not a party to nor interested in the above entitled matter; that he is the printer and publisher of the ANAHEIM GAZETTE, a newspaper of general circulation, printed published and circulated weekly, on Thursdays, in said County of Orange, and which newspaper is published for the dissemination of local news and intelligence of a general character, and which newS/paper at all the times herein mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscrip- tion list of paying subscribers, and which news- paper haR been established, printed and published in the said County of Orange for a period exceeding one year next before the publication of the first insertion of this notice; that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said newspaper on the following dates, to-wit: Thursday, - --- -------- ----------AUf~-us-t---la--------, 194--9- Thursday, - - _. --- --- - -. -- ------- - -- ---------- ------------ - --- ---, 194______ Thursday, - - - ------------------ - - -- ------ - - - - - - ----------- - - - - - -, 194______ Thursday, --- ------- - - - - - ------ - -- - ---- - ---------------------- --, 194______ Thursday, - --------- - - --- ------ - - - - -- ---- -- - - -- ---- -- ---- -- - - - --, 194______ Th ursday, ----- ------ - ---------- - - - --------------------------- --, 194______ Thursday, --------- -- - ---------- - - - -----------------------------, 194_u___ Thursday, - ---------- - -- - ------- - ----~-- - -- - ----------------- - --, 194____u Thursday, - - - ------- - - - - - --------- - --- --- - ----- ----------- --- - --, 194______ Thursday, - - --- ----- - - - - - - ------- - - -- - ----- - - - ----- ------- -- - - - -, 194______ - -- - - - - - -- --- -- -. - - ----------- - ----------------- ---~------------------------------------ Printer and Publisher. Subscribed and Sworn to before me by Theodore B. Kuchel, this _l6_th ~...!Jt..~~~~-u--, 1949__ --------------------__________~:m~~--~---------- N(Jtar~' Public - Couii"ty Clerk -.,;; en". Clerk M C E. ~- ...;,"-" / ~'~....3 yom. xplres ______________~_______~______~__~_ ~ . (Pub. Anaheim Gazette. Aug. 18, 19-19) i ORDINANCE NO. 746 : AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC- 1 TION 15 and 32 OF ORDINANCE I' NO. E42 ENTITLED uAN ORDI- NANCE OF THE CITY OF ANA- I HElM, CALIFORNIA, PERTAIN- ING TO" THE REGULATION AND USE OF GASOLINE AND PROTEC- TION OF THE CITY AGAINST _u___________, FIRE; PROVIDING PENALTIES__ FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF, o AND REPEALING ALL ORDI- i' NANCES AND PARTS OF 'ORDI- ( · NANCES IN CONFLICT THERE- ~ WITH. ! THE CITY CU1JNCIL OF THE: i CITY O~' ANAHEIM DOES ORDAI~ ~ AS }i'OLLO\VS: I SECTION 1: That Section 15 of Or- I dinance No. 542 of the City of Ana- I helm, California. entitled "AN OH.-; DINANCFJ O~' THE CITY (J}I' ANA- HEIM, C.lli.U'ORNIA, PER'I'AINING TO THE REGULATION AND U~E o.F GASOLINE AND PRO'I'ECTION OF THE CITY AGAINST FIRE; PRO- V1DING PENALTIES FOR THE VIO- LATION THEREOF, AND REPEAL- ; : ING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS ! OF ORDIN.-'\NCES IN CONFLICT ,THERE\VITH" is hereby amended to read as follows: "SECTION 15: COMPARTMEN'l'R IN TANK: Any cargo tank, tank truck, tank full trailer or tractor and tanlt semi-trailer combination having liquid capacity In excess of one hundred gallons, used for tht, purpose of carrying flammable liq- uids and mounted permanently or otherwise upon a tank vehicle, shall be divided Into llquid tight compart- ments, none of which shall exceed twelve hundred gallon capacity. Flammable liqUids are hel'{'!bY de- fined to be those established in Sel'- 110n 12t1 of the Fire Htandard~ fnr Tank V eh ides a nd Flam rna ble Liq- uids e::;tabliHhed by tlu~ Na tillnal Fiu' Protedion Association fol' lH4S. " SECTION 2: Section 32 of Urdinall~'(' No. 542 pntilh~d "AN OHI>lN.\NCE OF 'rHI!: (~I'1'Y OF ..-\N.\HI~Ii\I. CALI- . FORNIA. pgUT...\ INING 'ro THE; UEGl7I.AT(OX ..\ND U~E OF G.ASO- ! LINI'; .\),;1) 1'llO'I'I<Je'rIOX (Jr" THE! CITY ..\(i.\IN~T FjH.J~;: PIte >\'11 >1I"(; : PENA LTlllJH FUn. '.rHI~~ VI()[J.\TIO~ : 'l'HI~B.l4~()"'. .\'s1> HI'~PJ~~ALINn ALL! OHDIN ANCJ:f~H A\Nl> I'.\RT~ OF OH- ~ DINANCES IN CONl"I...I((~T THl<~Rl.~- " "'ITH" is hel'cb:r amended t., read UI';. follows: SECTIOX 32: l.:'NDJt~RUHOUND STORAGE TANKS: GaHoline in quantities f'xceedlng sixt.y gallolls shall be kellt. stored in UlH.1ergl"Ound tanks nut~idc IIf any building excppt as pJ'o\"id(ltl In Sec'ti0l18 4f). 41i amI 48, relating to jobhel's' pIa nts. and thf' following classes uncl (Jualltities of tlammablp liquids mm;t he stor'ed In underground tanks in the follow- ' Ing amounts and under the follow- ing (:ondIUons: MAXIMUM CAPACITY OF TANKS FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE Maximum allowable Storage Court Location If top of tanks Is above the lowest floor, ) lase- ment, ecllar 010 part of anJ.. building which is Class I, Il, and J Il, Under 100D ~'. Flash Point. Gallons Class 1([ a bo\"(O lOOD Fo ~"lash Point. Gallons (a) less t.han 10 feet awa;\' .....__. 550 50,000 (b) 10 fel:~t t.o 20 feet a.wa~'...". 2,000 75,000 ; (c) 20 feet to 25 feet awa',...___ 5,000 lOO,Oilll (d) 25 feet to . 30 feet away...... 15,000 150,001' (e) 30 feet to 40 feet away_..... 2D,000 200,01.10 (f) 4u feet to 5Q feet away______ 50,000 500,00(1 (g) more than . 50 feet away__ Unlimited l.nl1mited For the purposes of this Ordinance I Flammable LiqUids are divided Into I three classes accor'ding to the fla~h I: point a~ follows: __u..__.u__ Cla.s~ .I. LiclUicls with flaHh point Iw- low 25 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 de- gr'ees Centigrade) dosed cup tester. ClasfI Jr. Liquids with .th.Lflh point _________-___ above that fOl' Class I and helow 70 degn'es Fahrnnheit (21 degrees CPTl- tigrarlp.) dmw(J ('up t.ester. Class III. Liquids with flHsh point abovp. that fcuo Class I I. and he low 2no degrees .}4'ahJ'fHlheit (93113 degJ'em; Cen- 5 tigrade) closp.d cup tester. ___u___uuu 'I'he flash point shall be a!ol detE'J'- mined with t.he J4:1liott, ~\ bel, .A bp.I- Pen8ky, or the Tag closed eup test- ers, but the Tag closed cup testel' (StandaJ'dizerl by the l:nited ~.;tatel'; Bureaq of Standar'ds) shall be authQri- tatlye in case of dispute. _\.ll test!ol shall be made In accordance with the methods adopted by the AmeJoica.n Society for Testing Materiall:l and ap- proved by the American Standards Associa tlon. SECTION 3: Any person, firm or' corporation violating any provision of I .....,_ ""'......3.1_____ _ _...... _ _ I cJ1 U.l WHU;U Ule annexeu IS a prIntea copy, has been published in said newspaper on the following riate8, to-wit: Th ursday, --------- .----------..-_.____ __., ._u .__________________, 194.____. - ----- ----...... ............~ .J,_.,..........:"i.....J.\..J.~ THEREOF, .AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCEH AND PARTS O.F on.- DINANCES IN CONli'LICT THERE- WITH" is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 32: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS: Gasoline In quantities exceeding sixty gallons shall be kept stored in underground tanks outside of an)" building except as provided in Seetions 45. 46 and 48, relating to iobbe-rs' plantl:J. and the following cla.sses and quantities of flammable liquids must be stored! in underground tanks in the follow- I ing amounts a.nd under the follow-: ing conditions: MAXIMUM CAPACITY OF TANKS FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE Maximum allowable Storage Location If top of tanks Is above the lowest floor, base- men t, cellar or part of any bullding which Is Th urgday. Th ursday. --. -... ......-.-....- -..-...-..---...-----________.n' ..-Au.t~'.lJ~.t---la--n--.-' 194__9_ 194______ Thursday, -----.--. ----------..-- ...-----.. --. .---------------..-, 194______ Thursday, - -" - - ------- --...-..---.---.. - --.. - - - - -.--------- - -- - - --, 194___.__ Thursday, - ___________ __u .__ ___ _._ ______ _ __. _ _..______.__ _. __ __, 194______ Thursday, .- - - - --- - --. --..----..-.. ---.-- ---. - - -.-------..---- --, 194______ (a) less than 10 teet away ._...... (b) 10 feet to . 20 feet awaYmn. 2,000 (c) 20 feet to 26 feet awaYn_.._ 5.000 (d) 25 feet to 30 feet awaY__n.. 15,000 (e) 30 feet to 40 feet a waY..n.. .2Q,OOO (f) 4u feet to 50 feet away____.. 50,000 500.000 (g) more than . 50 feet a way_. Unlimited Unlimited For the purposes ot this Ordinance Flammable Liquids are divided into I three classes according to the flash ~ point as follows: _________u_ Class I. Liquids with flash point be- low 25 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 de- grees Centigrade) closed cup tester. Class II. Liquids wi th flash poin t _____________ above that for Class I and below 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Cen- tigrade) closed cup tester. Class III. Liquids with flash point above that for Class II and below 200 degrees Fahrenheit (93'13 degrees Cen- ?____________ tigrade) closed cup tester. The flash' point shall be' as deter- mined with the Ell1ott, Abel, Abel- Pensky. or the Tag closed cup test- ers, but the Tag closed cup tester (Standardized by the United' States .Bureau of Standards) shall be authori- tative 'in case of dispute. All tests shall be made in accordance with the methods . adopted by the ADlerican Society. f01: Testing Materials and ap-' proved . by the American Standards Association. . SECTION 3: An). person, flrm' or corporation Violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be ,deemed .guUty of a misdemeanor an"d shall be pun- ished by a. fine of not D,lore than f noo.oo or by imprisonment '',In'',the' County Jail for a period of not more I than ,three montu or both such fine and Imprisonment. SECTION 4: AU Ordinances or parts of OrdInances in conflict with the prO-I visions of this Ordinance are hereby re~~~bN'-'5: Th~ City Cierk of the City :of Apahelm s~8:U certify to the passage of.. thls Ordinance and shall ca.'use' the same to be 'prtnted and pub- lished. on~' in t,he Anabelm Gazette. a weekly newsp~p'er,: >>r~nted, publish- ed and circulated in the City of Ana- heim and it shall take effect thirty (30) days from and after it!! final pas- sage and' be In full force and effect. The foregoing Ordinance 18 sign,ed, approved and adopted by me this 9th day of August, 1949. CHAS. A. PEARSON, Mayor of the City of Anaheim. Class I, II, and Ill. Under 1000 F. Flash Poin t. Gallons Class III above 1000 F. Flash Point. Gallons Th ursday, - -------.. ------ .---.. - - -- .---- - - -.- -. ---------- - --- ---, 194______ 650 50,000 Thursday, ----- --- ---. --------- - -- - .----- --.. -. .--------.--.- - - -, 194..__u 75,000 100.000 , Thursday, _ _ u_ __. _ u _ __ __________ _ ______ ____ _ _ .____________._ _., 194_____. 150,000 200,000 ." ........... --- ----- -- -....... --------- --.... ------------------.-------------------------- - - --------- Printer and Publisher. Subscribed and Sworn to before me by Theodore B. Kuchel, this _~e_th da~__._.A~___.., 1949__ .~~- ~//' . -- -- -- - ---------- --.--.-----:~..~-~~.-~.:..~4----..------ Notary Public - Cou"ii'ty- Clerk --:.;: elt". Clerk My Com. Expires -------------l;}-:-~__~':_~L.~ ~-3 }iJ ~ ATTEST: CHARLES E. GRIFFITH City Clerk of the City of. Anaheim. (SEAL) . . STATE OF CALIF6RNIA) . COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. Clr.ry OF AN ABEIM )' ~ I, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City i Clerk of the City . of AJUl.helm, do i'herebY certify that 1;J;ie" foregoing : Ordinance was introduced at a. regn- 'lar meeting of the City Council. of ,the City of Anaheim. held on th~, 26th day of July, 1949, aJ)d tbat the same was passed and adoptecl at a regular. ; meeting held on the 8th day' of AUgust, : 1949, by the following' vote ot the 'members thereof: ,_.>. '~" . . AYES: COUNClI..UEN: Pearson, ;' Pace, Heying, Boney and Vall' Wag- , oner. ! NOES: COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT:' . COUNCILMEN: None. And I furthedcertlfy that the Mayor I of the City of Anaheim approved and signed said OrdinanCe on the 9th day l of .August, 1949.. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have' hereunto set my haild and' affi~ed ~ the seal of th~' City.. of Anaheim this 9th day of AUgult,. DU.' I CHARLlCS,,:,lD., GRIFFITH, City Cleiok of the ~lty I of Anahe.lm. I (SEAL) 1 2 3 4 5 ORDIR~CE NO. 746 AN ORDIHAN".. AKENDI.G SECTION 15 and 32 OF ORDI- HANCE NO. 42 Dt!ItLIm lAB ORDINANCE OF THE CIn . OF ~.lHEDI CALIFORJlIA, PZR'lAINIRG TO THE REGULA- !ION AND U E OF GASOLINE AND PROTECTION OF TBE CITY AGAIN If FIRE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOB TBE VIOLATION OF, AND REPEALING ALL ORDIIANCES AND PARTS tf)1' ORDINANCES IN CONFLIct TBEBEWIfB. 9 SEC!ION~: That Section 15 or Ordinanoe No. 542 ot the 10 City of Anaheim, Ca~1forn1a, entitled IAN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF 11 AlAHEIX., CALIFORNIA~ PERTAINING TO THE BJ:GULA'rION AND UBI OF GABOLI. 12 AltD PROTEOTION OF TijE CITY AGAINST FIRE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE 13 VIOLATION THEREOF, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDI- 14 NANCES IN CONFLICT ~HEREWITHR 1s hereby amended to read as t~llows: 15 .SECTION 15: COMP~!:MENTS IN TAN:lC: An., cargo tank, tank 16 truck, tank r~ tra1ler or tractor and tank .emi-trailer com- 17 blnatlon having liquid capaclt7 in excess of one hundred.gallon , 18 used for the purpose of carrying flammable l1qu1d8 and mounted 19 permanently or otherwise upon a tank vehicle, shall be divided 20 into liquid tight compartaents, none ot which shall exc..d ~w.l e 21 hundred gallon oapacity. Flammab1e liqu1~8 ~. hereby def1ned 22 to be those es'-blished in Section 129 ot the F1re Standard. 23 tor Tank Vehicles and Flammable Liqu.1ds 8.'.Cab11shed by the 24 National Fire Protection Association for 1948-. 25 SECTION 2: Section 32 ot Ordinance No. 542 entitled 28 NAN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA, PERTAINING TO THE 27 RlGULATIOH AND USE 01' GASOLINE AND PROTECTION OF THE CITY AGAINst 28 FIRE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOFJ AND REPEALING 29 ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORD~NANCE8 IN CONFLICT THEREWITHI 18 30 hereby amended to read as tallows: 31 SECTION .32: UNDERGROUND ~.!'OBAGE TANKS: Gasoline 1n 32 quantities exc.~d1ng s1xty gallons shall be kep' stored" 1n 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 underground t~8 outside of any bu1lding .xe.p~ a. provided 2 in Sections 45~ 46 and 48, relating to jobber.' plante, and the 3 following clas~e8 and quanti tie. of flammable liquids must be 4 s'tored in und.~ground tanks in the tollol'ling amounts and under ! 6 the following ~ondlt1on.: 6 HAXDlUH OAP ~CITY OF TANKS FOR tmD:sRGROt1RD 8TOBAGB 7 Location Maximum allowable S'orage 8 It top of tanks is a~ove the lowest floor, basement, oel- 9 lar or part of any b~11d1ng which i8 Class I, II, and III. Under 1000 F. Flash Po1nt Cla8. III above .1000 F. Flash Point. 10 11 12 13 14 15 (a) less than 10 fee1 away (b) 10 t..t to 20 r._t away (0) 20 teet to 25 r.~t away (d) 25 t.et to 30 fe_t away ee) 30 feet to 40 fe~t away (t) 40 feet to 50 fe.t away (g) more than SO f..1 away 5.50 gallon8 2,000 gallons 5,000 gallons 15,000 gallons 20,000 gallons 50,000 gallons Unlimited 50,000 gallons 75,000 gallons 100,000 gallons 150,000 gallons 200,000 gallons 500,000 gallons Unlimited For the purpose. of this Ordinance Flammable L1quids are divided into th~.e classes according to the flash poln~ as follows: 18 17 18 19 Class I. Liquids with flash po1nt below 2S degr... Fahr. - h.lt (-4 d.gr8e~ Oentigrade) closed cup tes~.r. Class II. L1qu1ds with flash point above that tor Olas. I and below 10 degrees Fahrenheit (21 a.grees Cen'1grade) closed 20 21 22 23 cup tester. Class IIJI. Liquids with flB.sh po1nt above that tor Class II and below 200 degrees Fahrenheit (93 1/3 degrees Cent1grad8) closed cup tester. The flash point shall be as determined ~1th the Elliott, Abel, Abel-Pens1O', or the Tag closed cup testers, but the Tag closed cup test.r (Standardized by the United States Bureau of Standards) shall b. authoritative in case of dispute. All test. shall be made in accordance with the methods adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials and approved by the American Standa~s Asso1at1on. SECTION): Any person, firm or oorpora~1oD violat1ng 24 -2- 1 any provision of thJs Ordinance anall be deemed guilty ot a .1sde- 2 meanor and shall be! pun 1 shed by a tine of not more than t300.00 or 3 b7 imprisonment in the Couniy Jail tor a period of no~ more than 4 thr.e months or bot~ such f1ne and 1mprlsonmen'. 6 SECTION~: All Ordinances or par~8 ot Ordinance. in COD- 6 flict with the prov~slons of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. 7 SECTION~: The City Clerk ot the City ot Anahelm shall 8 cer"1:f'y- to the pass~. ot th1s Ord1nance and shall cau.. "the same g" '0 b. printed and p.b11shed onc. in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly 10 newspaper, pr1nted"pub11shed and ciroulated 1n the City or Anaheim 11 and it shall take effect thlr~y (30) days from and atter 1ts, final 12 passage and be in tt11 force and eftect. 13 The fore,oing Ordinanoe 1s signed, approved and adopted 14 by me this ..i1S.. day. of August, 1949. 15 16 17 ATTEST: 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -3- 1 "ATE.OF CALIFORNIAI ) QttUfty OF ORARGE i) 88. 2 O%TY or .DAHIDI ) 3 I, ~s E. GRIFFITH, 01ty Olerk o:t the 011;1' o:t Anahe1m 4 do hereby c.r~lfy t~at the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a 5 regular meet1ng of ~h. City Council of the City of Anaheim, held 6 on the 26..h day of .July, 1949, and that the same was passed and 7 adopted at a re8Ulat meeting held on the 9th da7 of August, 1949, 8 bJ the following vo,. of the members thereot: 9 10 AYES: C~CILKEN: Pearson, Pace. Heying, Boney and Van Wagoner HOES: C~CIlJIEN: None. ABSENT: C"nl0ILMEN: Bone. And I futther certify thai the Mayor ot the City ot 11 12 18 19 ~ C L!: 0 I - OF ANAHEIM 20 21 22 23 24 25 2a 27 28 29 30 31 32 -4-