Resolution-PC 89-227~ ,( ~ . V , ~~ ' ~ ~}~ • ~~ ~ _'; ~ RESOLUTIOTI N0, PCQ9-227, A RE~OI,UTION OI' TIiE ANAH~IM CI'PY PLANNING COMMTSSION THAT PETITION FUR RECLASSIFTCAT'tUN N0. 89-90-07 B~ GRANTED WFiEREA5, L-he Anaheim City Planning Commission aid reaeive a verified retit::on for Raclassificatinn from 2dARI~N HUCFTEYM AND ET.LE~N WER`I'rELDER TRU'ST~ES, C/0 ICIRIC FTNLEY, 1a12 Nort.h Broac!way, Santa Ana, CA 92'IOG, owners, and OFE'ICE CLUB, C/0 DU*7ALD CHEW, 1631 Challeng~ Dr.ive, Concord, CA 94520, agenL for certain roal property situated in the Cit~ of Anat-eim, County of Orax-ge, State ~~f California, desc:ribed a~a Collowsa THAT PORTION OF' TFI~ SOUTHEAST IJUARTER OF' TFIE 50UTHWEST QUA2:T~:R OF SFCTION 23, 04VNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RAN'GE 10 WEST, IN THE RE;NCIiO SAN ~7tJAN t:AJON DE SANTA ANA, A8 SFIOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN HOOK 51, PAGE i0 OF MISCELL,ANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CAT.~IFOR27TA, D~SCRTBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGTNNINv AT A POTNT IN THE CENTER LTN~ OF KATELLA ~ AVENUE 6A.00 FEET (BEING SpUTf~ LINE OF ;;AID SECTIOt7 ~ 23) DISTAI~T NORTH E39 DEG. 57' 45" EAST 704.62 P'EET ~ FROM Z'HE INT~RSECTION ?'HEREGr WTTH THE CFNTER I,INE OF f; THAT CERTA'tN 60 FOOT STdIP UF LA.ND DESCRIBED IN DEED '10 THE STATE QF CALIFORNIA RECORDED JULY 10, 1914 IDT ' HOQK 258, PAGG 66 OF' DEEDS; TEIENCF NORTH 0 DF.G. 16' , ~ , 50" W~ST A DISx'ANCE OF 599.11 FEF.T TO A POIN'P; 'CHENCE NORTH $9 DEG. 43' 10" EAST TG xHE WESTERLY LI:NE OF '„~ THAT CrRTAIN 60 FOOT STRIP OI' LAND DESCRt$~D IN A~ED ~ TO SOUIHERN PACIFIC KATLROAD CO., RGCORDED MA~2CH 31, , 1899 IN f300K h0 PAGE 268 OF DEEDS; THENCE SOUTHERLY ~'', ALONG SAII1 WESTERLY L7NE TO THE SOUTH LINE OF S.aTD '~' 5ECTION 23; THENCE ALO11G THE SQUTH LINF OF SAIll ~I SECTION 23, SOUTH 89 DEG. 57' 45" WEST TO THE POINT ~ ~F BF~Gi~NZNr. t WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public nea.rxnr at the Civic Center in the rity of Anaheim on Sept~mber 25, 1989 at 1:30 p.m., nata.ce of said gublic heariizg having been duly given as required by law and in accurdance with the Provxsions of the Anahaim :~;;::zicipal Code. Chaptc~r .L8.03, t;o hear and consider eviden~e for and against said prcposed reclass9.Fication and to investigate and rtiake findings and recommendatinns in connectioil therewith; and WHEREAS, sai.d Commission, after due inspectio~.i, investzgation and sL-ud}• ,nade by itself ancl in its be2.~alf, and af.ter iiue cons.iderai:ion of. a11 evidence and reports offered at said hearing, doRS f.ind ar.d determine the following facts: 1048r -1- PC89-227 .':'r~ . , ;;; ~ !)~1 1 ».i ++nhY t}1' ~.. That the netitioner pr~poos reclasification o~' subject ~roperty trom the ML (2nctustsrial, J.,imited) to the CL(Commerci.al, Limited) Zon~. ' 2. That the Anah~im General Plan clesignates subject property for ~f Business/Oit-ice/Service/Industr.ial Uses. 1 ~ ;i. That the progosed reclassif9.cation of subject property i~ nec:essary anu/or desirable for the orderly and propor dovelopment of, the •~ community. 4. That the proposed reclassification oi• subject proporty doRs ~ proparly relate to tl~e zones and their p~rmitted uses local.ly established in ~ clo;e px'oximity to subject property and to the zones and thair pormitted uses } gen~rally established throughout the community. `~~ 5. That th~ proposed r•ecla~si£ication of subject property requires '~ the dedication and improvement of abutting s'~raets in acco:d~.nce with the ` CS.rculation :.'l~~ment of the ~enera:l Pl~n, due to the anticipatecl increase :in :~! tr.affic which will be gen~rated by the intensification of: land use. 6. ThaL• no cue indicatecl their L resen.ce at said public hearinq in opposition; and ~har no correspondence w~,s recQived in oppasition to subjoct pPtztion. ~,AT,IFORNIA ENVIR• QNME,NTAL T ALITX ACT FINDT I: That the Anaheim City Ylanning Commis~ion has revi.ewecl t2ie pro~osal to reclassify subject property icom the ML (Industr:;.al, Limited) Zone to the CL (Commercial, Limited) ZGns ~nd to retnin an existing Commercial retail use wirh w~iver of minimum number uf parking spacc~s on a~z irregul.a.rly-ahaped parcel of land consisting of approximately ]..19 ~cr~5 havi.ng a frontage oE approximatQly 277 feet on the north side af Katella A~~enue, having a maximum depth of approximatQly 338, ancl being locate6 aprroximately 292 feet Qast o~ the center.line of Claudina Way ~nd further described as 51T ~ast Katella Avanue (The Office C'lub); and doas hereby a~prove the Neg[~tive Declaration upon finding that it has aonsidered the Negative Dec].arati~n toqether with any commen~s rece.ived during the public review~ process and further Einding an the basis of thQ 3.nitial s~udy and any comments receive~ that there is no substantial ovid~nce that tYie pr~jec.t will hav~ a significant cffect on Lhe environment. NOW, TFIEREF012E, BE IT RESOLVEll 'that the Anaheim City P].anning Cammission does 2:ereby grant subject Petition ~or Reclassification and, by so doing, that Ti~le 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Ca~e be amended to excl«de '.:he above-described proparty from the tdL (Industrial, Limited) zone ar.d to incorporate said described property intU r_he CL (Commercial, ~,imited) Zone apon r_he following conditions which are hereby fou~d to be a necossary prerec~uisite 1:o the p.rnposed use nf subject property in or~er to pres~rve the safety and gener~l welfare of the Citizens of the Cit.y of Anahoim: ~~,~ ,, _2_ ~„ ~ ~r PCE9-227 ''F: _ il;) %i ~ ~~ti .,.... ~ ....~„+ ..s.uh~.~ 1 s'~ ~ ;'^w~~~"C''~ e , .1 ~;'k l rn.::. • ,~~~5 a . . ~y~W~1 _ iR9. r"'•1 . .`~;i ~5~ '~,~~,~.'.. ~ ~''F ~ ~ . ~ ~ ;~r,'i k 1. * ThaC plans ak~a11 bQ submittad showinq the proposed parkiny layout Qasign ~oniorrtis tia the Enginooririg Uepartmont's Stc-ndard Plan tios. 902, 6~1, 602 ancl 604 por.taining to standard details ~:~:.r parking atructurss and ramp re~uiraments. 2, * That trash storage areas sha11 bc~ provided and maintair.ec3 in a~oct+tion ~cceptal>>e to ttie 5tr.oet Mai.nr,on~nce and Sanitation Div3sion and in accord.anco wich approved plans an filo witk- said Division. Said stornge area sholl iiot be locatad 3n tho front setbACk are~ aclj~cent t4 Katella Ave~nue. 3. * Thas: pur5uant to Chapte~ 17.30 of T3tle 17 ~f thR Anaheim Municfpal Code, a develc.pmenti £ee fo•c the Anaheim Sta~~fum Business Conter shall be paid to i:he CiLy of Anaheim in ~n amoiint as dotorminocl by the Ci~y C~uncil. 4. *~hac S~adium Are~ w~tar facilil•i~s toes and/or advances to the Water Utility Division shall be paid in accnriiance wi.th Rule 15D oE the Wator Jtility Rates, ~tules and Regulations. 5. That a traffic siqiial assessment fae equaling th~ clifferonco bQkween the indu~trial and cnmmercial assessmont fees shall be paid to tho City of Anaheim in an amount as e~:tablis?-ad by Cit•y Cuuncil resoli~tion. 6. That a11 air con8itioning f.acilitie~s and other roof and groun~. mounted eqtiipment shall be pruperly shiQlded f.rom view. 7. That prior ~o the ihtroducti.on of. an c~rd.i.nanco reaoning 3t1bjQCr property, Condition Nas. 1 through 6, above-mentioned,. shall be completed. The provi.siona or r~qhts granted by this resolution shali become null and void by acr,ion of tt~e Planni~ng Commission unless said conclitions arQ c~mplied with wi~hin one (1) year fxom the date of tbis re~olution, or ~uch further time as the Plar,ninr~ Commission may granC. -3- E~C84-72`/ ~ ;r ~, :~~,~ ~~~ ...~ -_ ;~~ +,t' 1 • ''~ . . . _ . .. . . . . . - '. ' . . . ~''I.~ V.,f~~~y,:~ ..~ ~~ ~•* That approval af this appl#cerinn cona~iti~tes a r~~Ue~ti unYy to ~ho extez~ Chat it complies wfthptlhe~Anah~imeMunfa.ipal Zoning Code and any ~ther apPl3c8ble Cit ~. ~ regulRtion9. Approval ~oes not; tnclude pn Y' ~tate an8 Fedoral co~npliance or appxoval af the request regarding p~ y o erd~applicable orainance, regulation or rac~t~irement. Curther, ~onditions markc~d with an asterisk (+~) arp xQ u1xefl I4~' es~abl~.shod laws, aodes . regulations and/or uc~raements and are nor, ~' subject ~o negotiation, HE IT FUItTfiER RESOLVED L•hat the Anahzi ~ City Planniny C~mmt:,~ion does he=a~y find and determina ~hat adoption of this Resolutiun ~s expre~sly predacated upon applicant's comp].iance with each and all of the conditions ; he.reinab~ve 301: forth. Should any such conditions, or an ; declareci invalid or unen.forcouble by the final judqmentyo.Ear nyhcourt~ ~f ; com~etent jurisdiction, th~,n this Resolution, and an• conta.ined, sha11 k~e deomed n~,:ll ancl void, ~ apF~rnvals here3n i THE FOREGOING E2ESOLUTION i~ ~igned unci approved by ~e this 25th day oF SeptQmbQr. 1989. / i i . ~ , , i ~~. ~)-- ----~~.~,~~r l~' ~. ~~_..C••XLi' .___ . CfiAIRMAN, ANAHEtM 6iTY PLANNIN ~COMMTSSION ATTCST: ;~ ...,. - ~ ~ ~~ SECR~ ~ R . ANAHEF ~•-_ - ~~/l.~-s/ M CITY PLANNING COMMISSI011 ST'ATE OF CAI,IFORNiA ) COUN'fY OF ~~A.vGE ) gs. CrTY OF ANANEIM ) I. Eclith i,. fiarris, Serra~ar Qf Conunfsaion, do horeby certify tihat the forogoing Qre otl tfon was y P~'~nning adopted at a mbeting of tt~o Anat~oim CiL-y Plenn3ng Commisaion lseld onpSeg embRa 25, 198g, by i;he fallowinq voCe og the members thereof: AYSS: COMMZSSIONF,RSS HERliST, BOYDSTUN, HELL1t'ER, FEI~DI3AUS, J10UAS, ~ MES~E NOES. COt~.fIgSIONERS: NONE ABSEM!': CObAtISSI0NER5t MC DUR.NEY IN ~VITt1EgS WNgggpF~ I have horeunto set my hand this 25th day of. S~~Ptember, 19fig, /~ ,./ ,~ _ _ _._____ _._ .>-L~~~___.~/ `~ SECRF,~T1~EtY, 11IiAHEIM CITY P:,AtJNI~ ISSIUN ~~~ PC89-22 % ~~1A S~ ?,~ I) ~.:} . ' .~.~~`,I 5 i