Resolution-PC 89-228~ , ~~ ~; w :r ~~~ /y+ ~~ •'~ ~ ' A ~ r' ~~P~ . . ;i ,i R rr~ 4 . ~ U 'r~ r r _ ii4 , . ~'_G ~ ~ . _ ~ ~ A RESOLTiTrON OT' THE J~NAH~YM CiTY YLANiTTNG COMMISSION '1'[iAT PETITION FOR VARTANCE N0. 39R9 gr; CRANTEL~ WEiEREAS, th~ Anaheim City Planr,ing Commissian d3~~ receive a veriFied PeLiti~n tor V2ri.ance Lrom MARYON BUCfIr^.IM ANn EILEEN WERTFELDER 1'RUSTEES, Ci0 KIRK FINLEY, 1912 t3orth Broadway, Santa Ana, CA 92706, ownars, ~rzcl OFFICE CLLTB, C/0 DON'ALD CFi~W, 1631 Challc~~;go DrivP, Concord, CA 94520, agent~ for cez•tain real property situated in the Caty of Anahtim, Cou~ty of 4rang~, Skute of California dascribed n~: ThTAT POkTION ar TFIE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF TI~~; SOUTHWEST QUARTEK OF SECTION 23, OW'NEREHIP 4 SQUTFi, RX~NGE 10 W~ST, IN TFiE f2ANCH0 SAN JUAN CAJON DE SANTA 1~NA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED '!t( fi00K 5.1, PAGE i0 OF MISCELI,APTEOUS M~~PS, RE('ORDS OF ORANGF. COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCRTBED AS E'OT.,LOWS: HEGTNNING AT A POINT IN THE CENTER LINE OF' KATELLA AVCNUE 60.00 FEET (BEING SOUTFI LINf ~F SAID SECTION 23) DIS'PANT NORTFi 89 UEG. 57' 45" $A.iT 7C4.62 FE~i FROM THE INTERSFCTION THERrOF WITIi THE CENTE;'t L'!NE UF THAT CERTAIN 60 f'dOT STRIP 4F LAND DESCRIHED IN DEED Tl) TFIE STATE OF CALIF'ORNTA RECQRDED JULY lU, 1914 IT1 BOOK a58, PAGE 66 OF DE:EDR; 'PEI~NCE NOf2TH 0 DEG. 16' 50" WEST A DISTANCE QF 599.11. FEET TO A POINT; THENC~ iJOitTH 89 DEG. 43' 10" EAST TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF T1iAT CERTAIN 60 FOOT SrRIP OF I.ANb DESCRIRED TN DEEA TO SOUTHERN P7ICIFIC RAIGT2011D CO., RECORDF.D MAI2CH 31, 1899 TN B~OR 40 PAGE 268 OF DEEAS; TFIENCE 50UTFISEiLX AI.ONG SAID WE5TERLY LINE TO THE SOGTH LINE OF SAYD SECTION 23; TfIBlICE ALOPIG 'PHB SOUTH LII7E OI' SAID ScCTION 2~, SOUTH 89 DEG. 57' 45" 47FST TO TIIE POINT OF HEGINNIWC. hIHEREAS, the City Planning ~ommis:.:i.on did tiold a public hearin~~ at the Civic Center in tYe City oF l~nahe.im on September 25, ].909, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing havin~ bnon duly givan as requirod by 1aw and in nccordanca witl~ the provisions oP the Anaheim Municipa; Code, Chapter 18.03, r.o hear unc~ co»~ider Qvideiice :or and against ~aid Proposed variance and to investiqate and make findi.rig~ and recomm~n.lations ,in connectfon thareWith; and lOh9r '1- FG89-228 ~ . atnil ' r ,.~r;a~,~ WH'ER~AS, saad Commi~~ion, af.ter due inspoction, invastigaCion anci ~tudy made by i~self and in its behalf, and aftar due consideration of xll Qvidenco and reports o~EProd at said hearirig, doos fi.nd ~nd determine L•he Iollowing facts; :L. ThaL• the pntieionQr requosts waiver of tho £ullowing under authority of Code S~ction 18.06.080 to r t~i an oxisCing cnmmercial retail uso: ~ECT:40~.1~~.~L4~4.~2? - ~1~~m~nL1~~~4f_.L.~-rkin4~S~~~3. and 18.4~3_Q6 .U5Q (123 requirQd; 51 ex~sting) 2. '.fhaY. the above-montioned waiver is hereby gran~od on the basi~ th2-t the parking waiver wixl not cause an increase in traEPic c:onqestion in the iminediake vicin~.ty nor adversel~ af£~ct any adjoining land uses aad grantiiig ot• the parking wr~iver under thQ conditions imposed, if anv, will not be :letrimental to Che peace, health, satet:y ~nd genP 11 welEare oE tho citizens of thg City ot Anaheim. 3. That L•here are exceptional ar extraordinary circumst:ances or conditions applic~ble ':u t.he prop~rty involvecl ur to the intende~ use o£ the proporty tYiat do not spply generally to the property or ~12.ss of use in the samQ vicinity and aone, 4. That th~ reque~ted variance i.~ necessary for the presQZVation and enjoyment of ;. subsrantial propert•y righl- passessad by uth~-r pr~perCy xn the same~ vicinity and ~or.Q, and denied to thQ property in question. 5. That tho requested variance will not bQ mztdrially detrimental to tho public welPa:a or .injuri~us ~o the property ur improvements an such vicinity and zone ir~ which tY.e preperty is locaterl. 6. That no ~ne inciirated tnei.r prasc~nce at said publie hearing in opposition; and that no corresp~ndence was received in o~sposition to s~ibj~cl petition. S~I~IF~CRN7A ~NViF;_~N'-~iENTAL_QI~~LITY._A~,~F~ID~N~: Thati the Anaheim Ci.ty Plannfng Commission has reviawod the proposal to rQClassify ~ubject property from L•he MG (Industrial, Gimited) zone to the CL (Commercial or Limited) Zone with wai.ver of rni.nimum number oF pnrking spar,es on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately l.l.g acrps having a fronicnge o~ approxirnat~ly 277 feQt on the n~rtY: saiiQ of Katella Avenue, having a maximum depth of apYroxim~tQly 338 feet, being locatod approximataly 292 feet oast of the centerline of C~aucYina Way and furthar ctescribecY as 517 East Katella Avenue (Tho Offi~e Club); and doea herc~by approve the Negative Dec]art~tion upon finding that it tias considor.ed t}ie Neyative Daclaration L•ogoth~r with any commcants recefved during the public roview process and further find~ng on the basis o~ the initic+l study an8 any r,omments recr:ivoc3 that there is no substantial avidence ~hat th~e project will have a si.gnificant effect on tha environment:. -•'l- PC6y-226 , ~ ~'~ jf ~~{'a 1 NOW, TFiEREFQRE, AE TT kESOLVGA th~t ~he Anaholm City Planning Commissian does horeby grant suajecr Petition for Variance, iipon the tollowing conditions which ~re heroby found ta b~ a necessary ~rerequisiL•e to the propased uso of the subject property in orc3er to preserve the saEety tand gener~l welfare of LhQ Citzzens of Cho Gi~! of Ariahc~im: 1. ~ That gates sh~sll not be installed aeross any drivaway in a manner which may advers~ly affect vehiaular trafEic in the adjacent public straet(s). xnsY.a].lation of any g~tes shatl contox•m to the Enginer~ring Departmenr's Staizdard Plan No. ~102 and shall be st:bjdct to the revisw and approval of the City Traffic F.nginQer prior ~a issuance ~f a building permit. 2. T,iaC the on-site landsca,ping ~nd irr:iga~ion s~stem sh~ll bo rnaintained in ~omplianae with Cit,y standards. 3. Tt,at the proposal sl~all comp].y with v.11 signiny re~quirements of L-k~e CL "Commercia7., Y,imitod" Zone, unless a variance a1l~wing szgn waiv~rs is approv~d by tho C.ity Council, Flanning Commission or Zoning Adrninistra*_or. ~1. * That this Variancc~ is gran~dd subject ta tHc~ adopr..icn of• a xoninq oriiznai-ce in connectien with R~zclassification Dio. 89-9fi-7, now pending. ~. That subject property shall bQ develop~d s•:bstantially in accordance with plans and specifications submitted to the City o£ Anaheim by ttie patitioner and whzr:h plans are oii file with the Plannang Department -nark.ed Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 6. That Conditiun No. 5, above-mentioned, shall Le completed •;+ithin e perfod of one hundred ~wenty (1'LO) days from the date ~f this resolution. 7. That subjc~c~ VariancQ shall oxpire on Juno 30, ]995 ~t ~rhich time the property owner. may apply for a new VariancQ. ' '~ ~ }~"~~ , ~}4 r.~. 8. +~ That approval of this ap~lication constilutQS appcoval of the proposed request only to the extcnt Chat it complies with t' Anaheim Municipal Zoninu ~od~ and any other upplicablo City, State and F'ederal regulations. Approval c3oes not include any action or findings as to campliance or approval of the rec~uest reg~rding any ot2ier app?i~able orclinance, regul~tion or requirement. Ft~rthar, c~nclitions markod w~th an asterisk (*~ arp raquired by earabli3hod laws, codes, rogulntions anr3/or agreemRnts and are not subject to nogori~tion. BE IT FUft:'HER RFSULVED that tt~e Anuheim City Planning Cortvnig~ion doe~ here~y find and determine thati acioption ~f this Re.,oluc:.ion is expr;.ssly ;;~ predicated upon appl:c.ant's complinnce with each and all of tI-:Q condit~onss herainabove sek forth. Shoul~ any sur.h cond.itiona, or any part therc~c~~, be "' declared inval.id oz ~inenforceable by the fin~l judgmynt of any court of - competent jurisd:ction, then th.is Resolution, ahd an~- approv~l.s ho*ein "~ cor-tiained, sha21 bo deemed null and void. -3- YC89-228 ,;,~ -; ; ,ti~4 .'2:~. 3~~ 5~j~ ~~: I'~ l'i , ~t ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~,~y1F~ { ~ fp~~ ,I ~~', ~ ~~ i r°'~yN~ i ~.;~1~ f '' ,~ ~._ . .. '.'r(~' THE FAR~GOING RESOLUTTO,I is signed and approved by ma this 25~h d~y of September, 1989. `~~'~' ~-f.j,'~~-:' ` •.~----._ - ~•._...CHAT`RtZAN~ ANAHEIM CI Y PLANNI COMMISSTOIJ ATTEST: _ ~ ' i ._.._._ .r_._.~ ~_ SECRETAR , ANAH~IM CITY PGANNING CQMMISSIOI~T STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CQUNTY QF 017ANGE ) ss. CzTY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edi.th L. Iiarris, Secretmry of tha Aziaheim City Plantiing Commission, du her?by certify that the Eoregoing resa'lution was passed and adoptod at a meering of the Auahoim City Planning Commission held on Septarnber 25, 1984, by tha fotlowing v~te of thQ members thereof: AYES: COMAfISSIONEStS: HERBST, BOY?~STUN, H:C.I,XER, FELDHAUS, $DUAS, MESSE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONF AAS~NT: COMMiSSTONERS~ MC BUKN~X IN WITNESS WHEREOr, I have hereunta set rt~y hand this 25th day o~ Sop!:ember, 1989. n . J ~ ,~~~.. ~/= ~~ .~ SECRETARY, A2:AKEIM CITX PLAt1NING COMMISSION' . -4- _ _! PC89-228 ~~~, >~;