Resolution-PC 89-233~~~ ~ ~ ~; , . ~ ~ ~'~ ~+~~lt'i, ,s ` ~ . ~ '.; ' i ';t ~.~i,~Q~IT~N N-~~.~-23~, A RESOLUxiON OF TFIE ANA13ExM CF.TY PLANNING COIrII+4ISSI0~1 DENYXNG GENERAL PLAN .AMFrTDAfENT N0. 265 ~ WHEREAS, h.he City Council of the City oF Anahaim did adopt the ; Anaheim GenQral Plan by Resolut;ion PTo. 69R-644, skiowiny ithe general r- descr.iption and ex~erit oL possible future devElopment kithin i:he cit~y; az~d ,. WIiEREaS, pursuariL• to a property owner r~c~uest for aai tunendment ~o the Land Use E:i.ement of tht~ General P1an, sta.£f preparec3 a Gen.eral Plan , Amendment for the study area cor.sisting of app.oximate.l~ 1.04 acrss located at the northea,t corner o1: ~'eranim3r Dxive and Western Avenue having :Er+~Y~t;ages cf apprnximmtely 152 feet on the east siclo of Wester~i Avan.uo and 2~i5 ~eet on the north siciQ af Teranimar Drive and f.urthor dQSCriba3 as 828 South Western Avenue: anct ' WHEREAS, the Planning Aepartment deemod it approp_iate, ~ursuant to the provisions of the CaliEornia Environmental Quality Ar.t, that t:htare are no ' siqnific:ant; environmental impacts and recommended that a Nec~ative Declaration 1 be appro~~ed; and WH~R~AS, tho Ana, 3im City Y.tanning Com~cn.ission did hold a hearing• at the Anah~am Civic CeYiter, public B~ulevard, on October 9, 1ggg, at ].:30 p~m11c1 notice b~f~ saicl public taettrinm having been duly given as rRquired by law ~nd in accordance with *_he provisions ~f the Anaheim Municipa.l Code, to hear and consider evidence for arid againsr said General Plan Amendmen~ and to investigate and make findings and recommeiidations in connection therewith; ~nd Wher.eas, said C~rmnission, after due consideration, inspection, ~ :invostigation and sCuc~y macie b,y itself, and after du2 c.ondsideration ~f a11 `~` eviderice and report5 oLfered .3t said hearing, llOES HERFBY FIND: 1. ihat evidQnce was n~t prosonted lo Substantiate khe nae8 for an amendmeut to the Anaheim General Plan to Low Medium Density Residential land usos at this timo on thR basis that the surrounding aroa is a w~lY-maintained ^ qual.ity single-famxly (Low Density) residQntial area. ~~ ~$~.)~ENVI~i.9N GN~.~.~1LLI1X AS~'~..~'I N City Plannang Commission has reviowoci the propnsa~ to ~tunend~ thnh L nd8huse Element of the GenQral Plan to chango the currecit des.tynation of Low Densitv R~side;~tial land u~es to Low-Medium Density Resident3.a1 land uses on an irrsyular]y-stiaped parcel oF land consisting of approximately 1.04 acres loeated at the northeast corner o£ Teranimar Drive ai2d Western Avenuo h~ving frontages r~f ap~r.~ximat~l7. 152 feQt on tha east• side of Westgrn Avenu~ and 'l65 feet on the nartti sida pf Teranfmar Dri.ve and further des~ribed as 828 South Western Avenue; and does ther~fare approve the Negativo Declaratior. on the b~sis that it has considered the propoae3 Nega~ive lloclaration *_oqether wi,th any comments receivecl duriug Che public r~vic~w process anc3 furth~-1: tinding on ~he basis of the Initial Stucly and any r,ommeats r~ceived khat ther~o is no substantial evid~nce thtst the project will have a significan~C eff.ec;r un tht onvironment. 1U79r -1•- PC 89-•233 ~,,. r~~~ ~~~~~~ r~ ,,m.•, ., . p~k~M;~ ,~~.. NpW. THEREEORE, B~ IT RESOI~Vaoesr herebYr ae~Y tih~ requestV ~or.iGenera~. the Anaheim City Planx~inq Commissioxi pla.t Amendment No. 266• me thi9 9th day THE EOREGOING KESOL~TION is aigned ai~d apPY°~g~ by ~~E Oatober, 1984. l ~; J ~ f' 'i ~ . J+~G I ~~1i ~ ~_._---- - -);~ .J ;~ ~.. ~ ~HFiIRMAN. ~IAT~'EIM C TY PI,ANNTI~G COMMISSIO'!I ATTF.ST : ~~ ) !~~ J!~~ ~- / / ~= 5ECR~ E A y, ANAFiEIM CITY PLAIJNING COMMTSSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ~R1~NGE ~ g`" CITY OF ANAHEIM ) Flanni~iy I~axris, Secretary of the Anahp~.1n ~''ty assed and I, Edith L. ~ oinq xesolution wus p Commi.ssYO~~ dO ~eieby certif that thP L•oreg C~~issi.on held on Octuber adopter~ at a meeting °f the Anahe~.m CiLy PlanY~i.ng g, 1989, by the following votQ of the m2mbQrs thereoi•: ~ HFR~iST, BOYDSTUN, HELLYER, FELDFiAUS, TiOUAS, AXES; C:OMMI~SIONERS~ MC BURN~Y NOES: COMMISS:[Ot3~i~~' MESS~. ABSEN~: COtrII~tISSIONERS: t,and t:~is 9th daY Ut ZN WITNESS WHEKEOF, I have heraunt~ s~t my October, 1989. ~ ~ ~'/ C,.C,~i~.~ ' , --,-'~'" ____. SEC'RETARY, ~ANAHEIM CITY PI~ANNING COt'Q'~SI~SION ;` , ~ !''` .; , ~;±=. , ? _2.. ~ 1 ~. PC 89-233 . .,, . -:~ i,~tg:yy~~