Resolution-PC 89-2364 ~ ~ ~ R~~4r~uT?4~.~2~ ~'~a_4 _2.~~ ~; ,; A 17ESOLUTTON Or TNE 7~NAHCIM C:(TY PY,At7NINt; CqMMISSZON '1F1AT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USR PERb1IT N0. 3202 BE GRANT'ED WHGREAS, tno Anaheim City Planning Commi.ssion did r~ceive a vexitled Petil•ion for Cond'ationt~l iit~e Parmit irom UAN RATANIEE, 2960 W. Lincoln Avenue, AnzhQim, CA 92801, owner and LIN-AEA;Ei PROPBRT:[ES, 2960 W. Gincoln Avenue, An~hoim, CA 92801, agen~ fnr certain real proparty situat~d in the C3Cy ~f AnahQim, Counr.y of Oranc~e, Stat~ ot Cali~oxnia, described as: FARCEL 't OF YARCEL MAP N0. 79-285 IN TH~ CITY ~F APIAHEIM, COUNTY OF Ol2ANGE, S'PATE OE' CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN 600K 14:3 PAGE 3~ QF PARCE~, MAPS, IN TFf_": OEFICE OF THE COIJNTY QECORUGR Qi SAID COUNTY. or 4JEiEREA.S, the Cir.y Planninq Commi~sian did hoid a public hearinq at the Civic Center iii ttie City of Anahsim on 0~_„cber 9, 1989 at i:30 p.m., nutice of said punlic hQUring having baen duly Riven as roquired ~y law and in accordsnca with the provisiona of the Anaheim Mun:cipal Code, Ghapter 18.C3, to hear and consider evid~:nce fur and aqaingt sai.d proposed conditional t~se per.mit and to investigate and make findiiigs and recommendations in connection therQwith; s.na wFt~xcas, saicl Commf~sion, after due inspection, investiqation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after cluo consideration of all evicience and repor~s oEfere~ ar s~zd hearing, dees find and determir.e the fo2lowing facts: 1. Pet.itione~ requests appr.oval ~f a coi~ditional use permit uncisr authority of Codo Sections 1d.44.020.12~ and to pprmit the commorcial use of a residentia2 structure For r~ print shop with waiver of the fo.tlowinq: ~F.G.TIQtI 1Q 44.1,935.0~0, - Pgcmi*>S.g~1 ~ or_a_~i~n_sf__y_~hic~Q_p r i (all p~rk.ing to be locatsd to xaar o~ :~tructuro; 19 spaces propo3ed in fron of structure) 2. That th~ rpquested waiver is hQreby granted on tho basis that there are ~pec:ic-l circumsk~nces applicable r_o ~he propec•ty such as sfze, shapc~, lopography, location aad 3urrounding~ whic}i do not t~pply to other identically zoned propert! ir. the same vir.inity; and that stcict application of L•he Zoning Code d~prives tk~e p~opQrty ~f privilQqes enjoy~d by other propertiQS in the identical zone and clasaification in tho vi.cinity. ~. Zhac the proposed us~ will nnt adv~sraelx aff~ct the ndjoi~3~~g lanif usQS nnd thQ growth and :;evelopment of th~ arer~ 3n r,hfch tt fs proposed to be ].ocater3 , 1065x 1PC89~236 I~~,~. '? ~ ~~fi,~ ,~, ,;;~ ,. ; ~ ,?I 4. That the size tsnd shape of Che Bj.h,H prokosed for the us~ is adoqu~tQ ta a11ow the L•ull devalopment of tho proposed usa in a manner not detrimen~ul Co the ~,articu'l~ar area nor ho ~ha peace, he~ll:h, satety azid c~QnQral welf:are of. tha Citizens ~f rha C3r.y uf Anahoim. 5. That L•he gr.~nting of. Ckie Conc~itional Use Perrn3.C under the conditinns imposod, if any, wt11 not be detrimentnl ~o ~he peaco, hec~lth, ; sa~eL•y and generr~l welFare of the Citi.:eris oE tho Ci.ty of Anahc~.im. 6. That the traitic genarataci by the proposed use wi11 not 3mposo an undue burden u~oii the strc~ets and highways desi.gnod and impraved to carry Che traffic ia the az~a. 7. That no ono indicated tt~eir prrsc~nce at s~i~ public hearing 3.n opposition; and kha~. no corr~spo~idence was raceivc~d in qppositSon to ths s;ibject: pPtition. ~ALIF,QRNTA ENVIRQNM;,NTAL t AG~_A T FINDIN~: That tho Anaheim Ciky Planninq Commirtsiou has reviewod the proposal to pRrmit the commercial use of a rc~sideritial striic;ture for a print shop with waivar of permitted location of vehiclo parking space~ on a rectang~~larly-shaped parcel oP land cansisting of approximately 0.6 acre, k~aving a Lrontage of approximatoly 100 foet on the norL-h sidQ of Lincoln Avenue, havinq a maximum depth oE ;~pproximately 261 ~eet, bQing loc~t~d 4pproximately 220 Leet Rast of thQ cent~rlina oE Bel Air Street ar.d further duscribed as 2865 W~st Lincoln Avenue; and dces heroby approve the Negative Uecl~ration upon finding that it, has consider~d the NQgativQ Daclnrntion together with any comments receivQd during the public review process and further findi~iq on Che basi~ of the initial study and any cnmir~ents received that therc~ is no substantial ovidence that the pro;ject will have a~ignificant offect on tho onvirunmenC. NOW, THERF.FORE, BF IT RESOLVED that ~hc AtiahQim City Ptanning Commfssion dosc~ horeby qranr, subject [~otition Eor Conditional Use Fermit, upon the £ollowing cenditi~ns which are horQby found to be a necessar~r pror9quigfte to ~hQ proposed use of tne sub~ect property in order to proserve t;he saEety an~i general wc~lfare of CnQ Citiaens af the City oE Anaheim: 1. That th~ sielewal.k druin r,n Lincoln AvenuR shall be r.epaired in accordance with the requiremonts of ~.hQ Engineering Div.ision. 2. 'That fi.xo sprinklers shall be insta112d as ruquirocl by the City Fire 1)apartment. 3. That s fc~e shall be paid to thc~ City oE l~naheim far sCreet lightfng atong Lincoln Avor.ue in an amount as ~stablished by Cir~ Council re3oluGion. 4. rha~ subject properL•y shall bo a3rve8 by underqraund utilities. 1065r PC39-236 ~<.~„. _ rl ----~_ _ ~~S ~""y (' j 4 r ~! 1~ ~r;y;~~'1A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'i~~1 5. That tlie 1oga1 awner of subject property shall r~edicate to Ghe City of Atiaho3.m a strip of land f3ve (5) IEeet in width locatefl along the north property ].ine o~ subj4ct propez•ty for public uCil:ity purposes. 6. That prior to ~.33UF11]CO af a buildiiig perm.it•, the a~propri.+~te traFfic signal assossmenC f.ee sha11 bo paid to tho Cir.y of Anahc~~.m in an amount as estab.lishecl by ~:ity Council rc~solution. %. ThaL tht drivc~way ozi Lincoln Av~nue sha11 be construcke~ with ten (10) L•oot radius curb returns as required k~y tho City Engineer iii cunformanco with EngiiioQring AQpartment Standard No. ].37. 8. That thQ dr.iveway location shall be reviewed and approved by the CitX 1'raL•fic Engineer to onsure that the said locatioz~ does not ir~ confl3.ct with e~:i.stir.g driveways on adjacant properti.os. 9. Thn~ a fae sha11 be paid to the City of Atiahoim for treo plantiyg along Lincoln Avenuo in an ~unount as astablished by City Councal resolution. 10. That gates sha11 not be installed across the driveway in a manner whiclx m~y adversely affect vohicular trAff.ic in the adaacent public street. Inst~llt~tion of• any gates shall contc+rm Co the ~nyineering Departn~ent's Standard Plan No. 902 and shall be subject to the review t-ncl approval of• ~he City T~af~~c Engineer prior to issuance o.E a buil~ling parmit. 11. T2~at no our.~loor st~ragF sha~l be pormi*_tQd on st~ijoct property. 12. That trash storuge arr~as ~hall be providod and maintained in a location accoptable tn thA StroeL• Maini:enan.ccs and Sanitation Division and in accordancQ with appraved plans on Eile with said Bivist~n. Such inf:ormntion stiall be ~Pecificall.y shown ar. rhe plans submitted fnr builcling permits. 13. That all air conditioning facili~ies and other r~of and ~round mounted equip:nent shall be properly shic~]ded from view, and the sound buffered from adjacent re-identia'1 propertiea. Such inforrtiation shall be snecifical7y sliown on the plans submit::ed. for buildinq germit~. 14. Thah. due to the change 3n use aad/or oc.cupancy of. the building, ~lans shall be submitted to the Building Division showinq compliancA with the minimum standards of the Cxty of Anaheim, including th~ Unif.orm building, Plumbi•ng, ~:lectric~l, Mechanical antl Fire CoQes as adopted by the Ci~y of Anaheim. The appropriate per.mit3 sha11 be obtained for any ~ecessary work. 15. '~hat ar.y f.reestanding 3ign on ~ubiect property ahall be a monument type not exco~dinq fo•ar (4y foQt in haight and :ahall be subject to the review and appr~val. ~f the Ciry Trufffc Enyineer prior to issuance ot a sign permit by ~he Buil~inq Div.ision. 1065r ~C89-236 , ,~ ~. , ..,;,.ri ~ ~, ! 16. Tnat a;six (6)-£ooC high ma~onry block wa11 shall be maintained alang the nor~h and east property 1,{nos oxcepting tkie tront setback where t~he wall hefqht shall not cxcood threo (3) foet; ~rovided, however, that the Ci~y Traffic EnginoQr s'ha11 have tho authority to reduce the height of ~he wall ~o protect visual lines-of-sight whore podestrian/vehiculflr circulaCion in~erest. a`,;. 17. Tkiat any ~raposod parking area lic~htzng fixtur.es ndjacent to any res.idential property sY~all be down-lighted with a maximivn heiqht of twolve (12) foot. oaid 'lighting fi.xtures sha11 be tlirocted aaGy from adjacent residQntial properL-y lin~as to prdtect the residontial lntegrit,y of the areu and shall be sp~cifically shown on the plans submi~ted tor ru.ildinq permits. '18. ThaC minimum .Eifteen c~allon treos planted on minimum ~en foot center3 with appropriate irrigation facili~ies, sha11 be installed and maihtaived xlong the north propert; line. 19. That the ori-s3 to landscaping and irrigation systern sYiall be maintgineci in compliance wi~h CiL-y standards. 20. That subject proparty shal]. be clevel~pad substanti.ally in accordance wir_h plans and sper.i£ications subm,itL-Qd to the City of An.3heim by '.he potitioner and which plans ar.e on fil~ witli the Planning Department m~-rked Exhibit Nos . 1 t:k~r. ough 5. 21. That prior to commRiicement of the ar.tivity authariaefl by this resolution, prior to i3suaiice of a building perinit, or wiChin a peri.od ~f one (1) year Erum the date ~f this resolut.ion, whichever occurs f3rst, Conditiion Nas. 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, ~2, 13, 1~, '16 and '17, above--mentiened, shall be comFlied with. Extensions £or further time to comp2ote said conditions may b~ grantdd in accordance with Section 18.03.09U o~ the Anaheirn Municipal Code. 22. That prior to the c~mmencemont oE the activi~y authorized by this resolucion, or fin~l building and zoning inspections whichever. occurs first, Condition 11os. Y, 2, 4, 7, 16, 18 and 20 above-mentionect, shall bo complied w.ith. 23. That opprova:i of this app2ica~ion conztitutQS appruv~l of t2ie~ propoaed requeat on7.y to the exten~ tha~ i.t complies with the Anaheim Municipal 2oning Codo and any o~her applicabl~ City, SCate and Federal regulations. Approval does not inclucle any acti~n or f3ndinqs as to compliance or ~pproval cf tho request regarding any othor applicable oxdinanco, ragulation or roqv,iremont. BE IT FUP.THER P.ESULVEA that the Anaheim City Planniug Commission does hQreby find and determine th~t adoption of this Resolutfosi ia expressly prvdicatod upun applicant'3 compliancQ wiCh eac1~ and all of the conditiuns herein~bove set £orth. Should any such couditions, or any part th~reof, bo declar.ed invalic] or unenf.~rceable by tP~e ffnal judqment of any co~.irt of compekanC jurisdiction, then CI~~.S I2e~olutlon, and any t~pprova3s harein contained, ~ha12 be deQmeQ null and void. ~ 1065r F; E ~, PC89-236 ! T~ii f~ K°t~~.l~'~ S~^h 4:~in' t~y~r~i~Yy-mrs~.~~a~, r''' . • • ! ~~ THE FOREGOING RES~LU~,CION is signe~l and approved b ~ day of Octnbor, 1989. y m~ ~hi., 9~h ~:.~~~~~ ~;=' ~~ ,-;-') •.....GHA~R ~`~'i`-•~-c-~~~~'~"~,~-_ --------_._. M~N• ~~HEZM Cz~ir P~,ANNING CphIIrtTSSION ATTSST: /~ , SECRETA , ANAHLIhf CITY PLANNIN~ CO2~tISS:[pN STA'i'E OF CALIk'ORNIA ) COUNTY QF ORANGE ) ~is. ~IT~ ~~' ANAHEIM ) z. Eciith L. Harris, SecrQt~r Conunission, do hereb x °f tlle Anaheim ~zdo ted at X certiEy Lhn~ tY~e f.oreqoing resolution ast ~a Sed ~~nd p ~ meQ~in~J o~ rhe Anahaim City Plannin5• Comm.ission held on Octnber 9" ~989' bY the fo.llowing wote of the mQmbQrs thexoof; AYES: COMMISSION~RS: . FiER$ST, BOiDSTU~1, HELLYFF, F'L•'LDHAUS, BQUAS, NOES: COhIIrlTSSIONERS; MC HURNEY AB S El7T : NON~ ~OI~IIrfISSTONERS; bfE3SE TN WrTNrSS WHEREOF, I 2zave herounto se~ my ha:nd this ~th day o~ ~ctober, 1989. ~,~R~ ---- f:~cci'"`,'____~V~'L~~~ .~I •. SECRETARY', ANp.FTgI,,f CITY pLANNYNG C~N,MxSSION 1065r 1'~89-2:36 ;,=, .