744 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE ()~.., CALIFORNIA ) )8S. County ot Oa'auge ) .R1.Q.h~... .'is.chl.e... .... .... ........ "_' ........................................... of said county. being first duly sworn. saY8-that he is & male citizen of the United States. and of the State of Cali- fornia over the age of eighte en years: that he haa no in- terest · In. nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned: that he Is the . ..~~.1.1.J..c.lp.al....c.l~er.k..... _. .... .... ................... .................. of tha .M.M~l.m....~ll.et.ln._.... ........ u.. ........ ........................ ........... a..~~.!~.~........ newspaper printed. published and circulated In the said County ot Orange tbat said Anaheim Bulletin ................ l~...~..~.~;~;~~.~.;.~.f..~;~~;;~l..~i;.~.~i~.ii"~.~. ";i'th' ..~...ii.~.i.. of paid subscribers and Is published for the dissemination of both local and general news and intelligence of a general char- acter: that it Is not devoted to the interests or published for the entertainment ot a partl cular class. profession. trade. calling race or denomination. or of any number thereof: that it' has been ~~inted and published in the City of Ana- heim. County of Orange. State of California for more than one year Uflxt preceding the first day ot the publication hereto attached: that the eQ.:r~ ~~~~.~....~.Q.,......'l.~!f............... ................ ................. .......... of which the annexed fa a printed copy. was publiShed In one 1ssue said newspaper at leasl..:...-._.._. __.................................................. commencing on the.....?~~.~.. day of ....~g.._.......................... u .49 and ending on tbe................day of m............................... 19 ....e. and that said _.......N.O.t1.CS............................................. was published on the following days: .M.ay... _.2.8.,.... .19.49.. _... _...................... ... .e.......... ........... ....... .............. . .................. ~:: ..:~:::;' ::;i:.~:~Z::~:4::~::~:.~:~::::::::::::::.:: 31 SuWJ;ed and sworn to ~f~re/me tbls......m............d~ of .....l..~.u~......u.J~, t~t. ' .~,. '" . LEGAL NOl:~.~~ .. shall exptr' 'on tit;. SGth' f.oUoWli1C . the ,date: ot t a~CJ: thereafter all. 1 "coJimence ali: of ..the l'st' and expire 011 ,tlie 30th." followlnc the 'lS8uanc. t of; that . 1~C"en8e. . 188UI. ~for., 1.... ;t~..n .one year. the feeJj IU'. be 1'Irorat.d &8 of : I the. fir.t cia~i"~ ~'.~ lbe month in whieb 8ald licen8. 8 18SU~. Ev.ry 'per- Son .~&'a&,ed. In~ tli, b,-ebi..... of rent- .Ing; 1.a8In&,' aDd/or 'm~t&tllln. any I am~8em.nt de.".Q. .to~" dl,p.~8in. . lDUiJic..only.&nd which.are cQmmonly known. a8 Juke boxe8~ mU8h~a.I. box- I es.. .vict~~la 'box~ or ;other Ilmilar llames 8hall . pay a lIcen8e fee of 1'welvfl ($12.00 Dollars. . 'SECTION 'i: . A. tran.fer may. be. made of. a 11- cens8 'from' one.. a~usem:ei1t Or Kame inacbine. to a.nother . of. the .sam. cbaTacter and mode' .of' oDeration 'during .tne .'period for. ..which -the ~ame. has ..heen. .licensed ~n .the flrist Instance 'wher'e the. ownership and place of busines's. .rem~iDs the 8ame. .uJ)OI1,t ,w~itten . apl)li.ca~ion for such trans.fer by the Ucen.ee thereof .to tile City Clerk. On' & blank form to be obtained from the Ci t,.. Clerk. and the- approval of such aDDlication by' the Chief of .Poliee of 8aid City. I SECTION 8: . . . , That Dothinc in thl.. .ord.inance . ' contained. 8hall b. construed .to per- m,lt the lieenslh... malntenancfj or operation of any. mech'anical device or: apparatus which ia contrary to aJ;lY. of. the laws of the.'State ~f. Cal-. it..,:mia or the ordinances of the et. of Anaheim;-.nor' to permit .the . opera~ioil. of .anY mechanical 1'lay device. lieen.sed. hereunder in "such & manner a.. to be. contrary to .ny of laid laws or ordi:panc... SECTION 9:' All.police officers are. Ii.r.by a'D- . LEGAL NOTICE pointed. in.pector8 of IIcen.... and .; . .. ~n addition. to tl)eir several. dutie8 ...:~ as pOlfce officers .are. hereby req.uh'- . .: .';~ORJjiNANCE NO. 744 ed tp examine all places.. of .business A.N'''uRDI:N'ANOE OF THE CITY and persons in the. Cit,.. of Anaheim 01' . ANAHEIM LICENSING ALL liable to pay license lor '..the trans- : K. i.. n S OF MECHANICAL action' of carry-ine on ~ot ~y busi- AMUDJlENT DEVICES AND ness.. profession.... avoc:iatDlil. trade. TO .~O.DVCTtNG. OARRYING call~n... or occupa,tion ....!!~ ~ Ide<J by . . ON' O:a...A.NAGING THE BVII- this Ordinance. and to... e., at 8uch N~18 o. MAINTA.llUNG A.N~ license8 ar. taken ou :iaad. shs.u .=:. EXHIBITION A..VSIiD- exercl.f) in connection.. w:tth their OR RECREA.TIOl\lAIA.:.. said .d1,ltle8 U license'ill_p.ctor8 the DBYlOEI AND II'IXDG TRB power to .make ar.r~st8 fOr. violation · -.&'J1. oP LICENSE TAX l1PON of any of the prov1sion. ot this Or- TBJD. .IA.IIE. PROVIDING PEN- dinance;..to .enter..without char..e 'at . AL~ :roa ALL VIOLA.TIONS an3r time any place of business for 'I'-'JIOII" AND Jl.B.PBALING wh.ich a.. licen.. .11 required by tht. ALL ORDINANCES OR 'PARTS OriHnance 'and'to demand the. ex- 0.. ORDINA.NCEIIX OONPLICT 'hi.bitlon ot .ucb lIcen8e for the cur- TIQ)BIDOII'. rent.. tetm. and. if any such person THE CI';rY COUNCIL Oll' THE shall there and then taU to. .xhtblt CITl' '01' ANAHEIM: DOES ORDAIN such license. 8uch Derso'u 8hall be AS FOLLOWS: '1 liable to the penaUy prov1ded. tor a . SECTION 1: violation of thi_ Ordinance.. It 8Jra.l1 be unlawful tor any per- It i. hereby made the duty of ,the son or persons. firm. co-partnership pOllee officers to cause complaint or. corporation or for any perso'n as to be filed against all person8 .viola- agen~ 8ervant. clerk or em'Ployee, ting any of the provisions of this or tor. .him8elf or' any other Derson. Ordinance. firm. co-partnership or corporation Th"e Chief of Police is hereby dl- within the cor,porate limits of the rected to carry.. into effect the pro- City ot Anaheim to conduct. carry visions of. this section. OD . or . .an....e the buslnes. of or SECTION 10: . IIl&lni:;&In.' any game. exhibition. -':acb and ev.ry day. or tractiollal shuf,fleboard game. or. 'amusement part of & MY &BY. "reGll.. flna. co- or recreational device or any me- partnertlhtp or corDoratloD.. -ball I chanlcal amUsement device or ma.- con.cJuct. carry OD. or ma.n.... the chin. which. upon the f"nsertion of bU8ines& ot muntalninK any nm.. . & eollJ.,.. .Iue or token in any slot or exhibition. amusement. or recrea- . . receptacle attached to ....ld. macblne tional deVic.. or iDecb&'alc&J.amu..- I or CODIl..cted therewltb O1'erate& or mellt QI' lIlueleal '6n1c.. or ....... &8' or 8ball operate.' m&bltat. .1' cau.. to b. O..rate~. ~I' mat...... -~.ot ' :~~ ~~I.. or. p.rmlt .1'. c~a,,),,'h~. ~ to._ .._ dODe wtthollt .. Uc..... 1>1' ....It;.h&ll con.tltUte,,';a Tt01a-'.. .~.";".~::-'c::i:.nsR'~~-~~:' '.::. . ~,,~'''''~.!~~il.~:;r.. ,... ...: . '._:~: or.~.. . ,.. .".., :.~,..., .~:,..~: . '..('''~fo:~~1:~l jUl'i:t,:\OI.l. . thereof. .-b.~:' :'tb.e- . tar ..Ia .....:_'_t..'~'...Tu.. "'.' . .. ,. Ct......)"~~1 '~:',' ':2.i~1"-':'*~: .1', ~. '<'_ . ..; the. .bq.......,: _ aZ'talJ1- .r:.:&: .....;~~::,~i#1i, .DJP........ ;. ..OP~..t~L~r.. qa.'htq.,~:"'!.. . ..-. , . . ..-.or .'o~r8,t.~:: .ytf~ ~~h, ..;~iiMe_i- . .." .. .!:'tfltboQt. o).~faf. It-lfc~, ...: .&de. .: _retor.. 4;j~ .11~1l :IaU .~. 'P&J.' th, .11_ . , . ".. . City. lot. c..~.:.. r.... ~ therefor'. ... ..r,1a Jrto-. 'li- .. oa:'fol1Dll:.:," .~ the ~~4. ..t~.\.Chlet. ot' :P~ce..:.t:t~.' · .' . 'amI.Jwhlcli.... .. ..tlOD' .~11 ltY. of~. _"~.JIIl ::._~1.<.."~ ..BUell L ',. "by the', a" . , -"'4:__U . ~~. ,*l1tbi~lo~.: ~.U8""I!Ilt:..~:r~- . L . .: the ~ol1o"''''J ! tloD:, .*.t.I..~~lcal..or .:qtlc_ C.,.tce 'f~ )~~:;:.... ot.. ~~ _..' t.".' . . '. .~~ "tJi..~ as:> see"'Y; :~r . tta. ~ ....... t;.of... ...11-" ...~.,o"A14 lle..D.~',~ 144..1111- · "B~t~ ;aea\teae.' ...J:i~~t~...il..' .~~~'.I~.t;:;~1:::ift/~I"~~. l ...t~.. ).: ..-. ,... ~\'~:~'~~. . .~:.pe~ .ttll~."'OO_-I_ _ . Ill. 01" ~ (1- :'l~te ..4 .....:. ef blrtJa.~;. ot ot>>orq.. . O-,ml~ Or.. ... eoa. :Z;::~..a:.~~~~: c:ia=:nt.t= ~~....::Or . tJie" eat...l . .'~ D.t .. or'..- IP!,.. .y~l~D." 4u~. tli.ri:ui....hl. iliat' ~IIU_~,.~t~. wherehi>~:......~ ,... ~'r.~,...t .,. :llev(ce or. de...... ..-11&11 'b. (I' ..t'o~'. or, .IIU~C~qJe&1 ,.&II1\1i1e-!U, .' .4..~ . .fo.UOW.':i'<:".. . '., ".. ~ea~~~e.lc. or.dn'IQ.:~:.....DrOD08_ i. · '_~.'~d..Vic. or.d~cea'.'.",,, eil. .to.. b.-l~&t.d.. .... '. . ... ~l' t1I.r.~.t shall. be ,,,c1 ~...u.. - etl. '. T". .~tfHD.ltlJ~:"" '.tll.:- aD.II-. !l' .,~.: ~~uDt.. of lIc.Il~. .... ~;4u. . a_to .' . .' ....... . '. l;-...f~J~,.: of. ~~eJ~. ~.. &Ill" 1J~tce ": <I'l,;.. ..~..~. "Pp~. ':."" ....a :e:,.d....~..;ll~t .OJd..J1..U.~.~Ntum.. ~~.~ or. all3". t.~lr,".OI' ..Ie,,- '0. '. ~"..er t~e-r..ot..~ 1tJ'0y,... .M1lQ'J';.::_. ..& .tat....~: CODoehi- .'. ~.r. tbt In..the .veat. tile _hi ill. tU;~..... s_o\ll4 . .h":..q~~4.:, of ,ldeflc. ,~r ..teYfc.e8 b_ ..~I~:'tor:. .0111 : tJale~ .lJ.~t: tr.tvlia.. .:.. .~tlm..' &ad'E4~.' ~~ :.tl1.. ~mouJ)t .:o{::.:th,~:'~~eenl. '~ I p. .ee:~...;.. ;.:a01l.I.~t.... . . :' e . tp. ..~qa~ :.t_ 'c;Jwner. :~~.t~r~or; ",_ l.;'.(.-)'~.':." ftt;t..~ellt.._tJjit:, th., ...... "-1:01" ',of. 'saJd .:4. ~.lcee ."aU'i.aey... :r. r.er~ll&l ~o~'. m;.~"'l . amuee- ;, e~~.. r~_"ln.~. .I1f1:JJI.._~"'. . tile.. -.... ~~t~~.:pr,.d~~e..u,.'~~..Oh..& .tll..lt~.I.l!I~b..:l.C.~. .' t..,...~..~..~ k.o.. ~~~~t..I. .~~.~_de4'to >. _",J~!!ft.. ,....... auul'tWnl:_.ft...... .~~"'..L ~._ ..._ , I.nur.tleboard camei or 'am.ullement part. o~. & ~J' LIl,.. per.Oll.. tlna. co- or .recreational devIce or any. .me- part1ieNhtp or .corDoratloD. Iball I chanical amUllement d.vice or 111&- couu~t. carryon ,or. m&nac. the chine which.. upon the l'DBertl(aQ. (If .,~U.1n" of..~Wl1l~. &ny'..&me. , a coin, Ilue or: toaa. in an~: .w:..... .~~~.ltl~n. ..,.arnu...~t ,01' .~.... . receptacle attached to 'lIald. machine tlonal'device. or taectiUlteal &'lnu.e- · I or connected therewith OJ)erat~.. or, lJient or m~.lcal'de"lce. or machtne l' whICh. may be operated for 11.. ..' Of. 8hall operate.' malDtala or cau.. & tame. conte8t. or amU8emnt or . to ~ Qperatetl: 0:1' malntatned .&I1Y of i for the diap.n81..of 'mullc or.'IcJi.. .~u~h 4evlc~. or p.r.mlt. or. eau.. the IDa,. be u8ed .tcw. .aDY .uoh .~.. :a-IP_ .to:. be don. without a licen.. contest. &IIlU8emeat' or mU8Ic.or:._'" .J)~ '~~lt.:.J.ll constitute a viola- terti-Inment alid .whlch 4~ ~. JlQt. .t.tO'll ;4f .thl... ordin~1).ce _4 aDY per- contain uy >>ay-otf. d.~e.',''':: tlli' "~1l .,..~C) tor .hlmli..rt or for aDJ' otla- returD ot ~lug8. eola. DlOILe;. ".lta. .t pe;r~.OD. tlr~. oo-D.ar~D.l'llhlJt or tOkep8 or merchandi8e. . : '. . ;~~~atloll.. Ih&ll ''Ylolat.. any.. of, the SECTION. J:: ..: . . .-' .,' '.. ..provIBtdnl .of thl, ordlllUlee 8hall It Ihall b. 'unla~ful._r".a" ...~ for.'each :riotatloll tll.reot b. deem- 80n to Inlltall. op.r8(t. .or .....~ .:e4, .culltY' of &.:m~s4eme&DOr &'Ju! up- , or p.rmit. to .be ia8talleil. oDen.ted jO!l'.Ic.:~Dl'Iictl~n .,bv aftJ'. ~ourt 'aavl.... or maintained on '.or-ems_. own.d Or -.lctloD .thel'eof. .be flnM. ther.- 01'. ander . the controlof. auch" :~P.:~' B.OIl '. 'lHOI' In . ..1I1!1l Bot ~,ace.dID. . Thre. . aDY.of. tbe amu8em.ilt; rec~..t ' a,1 .. ~ll~ed'.'("OO.O.)', ~Ual'8 .or '.hall d...lce.. or.' mechanical. ~d-.a ..: "_.I::~=.O"e4.1Jl.t__,:coulltY:.J&l1 not , coacluat any. ot tbe. .......:..or:o:.... . ,'. ..'C ..t~r.. (I). JII~D.~hl 01' by 'htbJtto.. . m...tl.e4' ..~""..' . .,. ". .',Tl hOtJl.;.-"c.h ttn..~~..tIllDrl.oDm.Jlt. . h.NG(. . without - baVS.. ~o . &. . . ..C1'ION;l:t... . , .' peftQtt. or lleeil.. la.. t~t .. . . .... .. III ,:the .~.nt. .~&t .'. anY' . lterlon .01' flulr~ by tll18 OrdfD&Jlie. .:. .peraoaB.. . firm. eo-partn.rllhllt .or '8tat:TION 8: .. ... ...,. .:.. .... " coI'P.oratlo~ ahs.11.condu~t. carry 011 . APPLICATION ." 1':1' ;.' ....T or, m&D1Lg_. the b~.ID... of mabita.ln- AND LICENS:&:: . iAJP.._.' ~a.'..;fir. a ,In, atzl.,. ..m.. '.ezhl~tlon.. .huffl.- pel'llllt to In8t..U,. 0"" .. ,or. ~n- ',bo~4 ...... .or.' .recr.~tt.onal. m.- 't&tD.: .or to. 'P.rmlt, .1o.ef:' '~,"."'l,,,, ch&lllc&1. ~~. m:Ulfe~ de..C'e o~ shall operate4. or Dlatat&l.. ..1:.:....... mUlltaln.. .ope~at. ~r eaus. . to be . &1IlUi!.mell:t .xht~ltlOD.,':' ~1iOa1'c1. JIlatatat".tt '01' .op'r..te4', any of. 81.JQh, ..a.m.,- or recreattOa&l !!.r. .:aeel&lai- 4evle.. without. ob.talnln&' Ii' ~Ic.n" cal a~ulemeDt device ~lLbe-:Jtaade' tl'1.refor,. Qr .ball .fall to pay the li- to . the" City Council 'of ..llh.. Cltsr tot. . e.118e:.. fee.'.;. therefor.. .al herein. oro- ~elm OB: fonu, :->>.rmde4.:'_ tb. "14ed.' th.', .Chief' of' Poltce of. f~e . at". 'Council. .....hlch: -I If .' '~l. ~ll .Clt,., 01 A.nahelm: ,~b&1l. .el.e 8UCI,\ be:..I&11ed. by.the:..l ... t -"-'c1...ahit.ll Irame~. .xl;1lbl~ton... aJ.llu8~me,nt.. recr.- cbat&tn the .toll"l_:.. , .. "&~on.: , at~OI1&1fm~~antca1 or Ibulical device .. (-a)' Nam. ot.. .tq~' ,.... c.t.;.~: ~ .: aDd ~14. th..~ .~ HClIrlty. .tor tll. . (b) Bu.ine8..... -.alr."-. of.. aD>>II..... payment.of.'8ala lIc,.n8e t..; anc! UIl- c~t.. 1 _, ,. .. ; '":' ..... .' tll a' Ite.a.. II olttatn-e4 '&Jld/or .re- . .(e) It..lld_ee .:..-.. . .f._ "1'11- a~we4.: .aDd hl t". eveDt ~fd per8e. L .eM'lt. '.' . '.: '.. ...... . .or. .penons, firm.. co-.partner.hID or I (4:- .Da.te ..4 >>Iae.. of blrtla. of corporatloll .ownlq or havlD8' con- 8oDPl1C&Rt.. . . .;....' ........ . , trol or polI..lllllon. of lIai4 devIce ; .(.- The ad4r..,. _..-IlUll. of the .Ihall fail,. within. a'. 'Deri04 of'thirt:; '1 o'W~.r. 1e8l1ee. or otber. p.~80:a:.. in . (.80) .daY8 to obtain a IIcelia. andlol' c~trol. of' the- estullslUDea.t 'or'..- P"Y'. &by'lIcen8e due. then. 8:ni! .In. that' I t~bU.1am~Dt. wherem .tll. .......... re~ .~.ftt ..aid devlc. 01" d.vlce8.shall be 'I creatloraa! or ,'. m~~~lOal " &mUH- . 4f.p~8ed" of 118 follows':. . . m.nt device or'dnlce..':are"proDo.. . 1. Saul.'c!avlc. or. d.vlc.l. &p. .. ed to. b. located.. '.' .. . ,maay ther.o.f .hall be 80ld to.. uti.. (f) The cltlaell.ltlp Oft ae>aD1tlt-.. fJ' .tb. amount 'of IIcen.. 'teel due 4:aftt. . . . . '.. '. the ,elt,. ot. Anaheim. ..nd. 'a~:y devlc. " (11'). It. th.. app1(cant ..Jau . beea .or de'\l!lce~'.n~t aold.8hall be.returned convl.ted of . aDJ'. t.l~, 01' .mtad... .to. the oW~er t~ereot. .ant! IIrov.lde. Meanor. tbea ..a . IW;tem.t. concerll- :t.~r.~,er tbat In:; the .vent. the 8ai4 la&'. th~. .a.m..~.l!q.. ~:r.8Qu.I~c!. of .4evlc."or deYice8 b. ..~Id; 'for a 8Um , the &pplicaat: ~it...~. ~tlzile' &nd Ie.. ~a~:.the ~mouJ;1t .:o~ th..Jicenlle . ! pIa. of. BUCIa ;;"'''.~tt.... . . '. fe.. ..tba~ the 'Qwner. '.o,p,.rator-'or 'P08- (h).. A. atat..~.Jlt that the;...... ...sor .of. 'I~Id ..4~vic.. shall never- recreational .0~,:-.ch&Jllcal . amuile- th.~~II' reJ:C1aln: 'I~~le..;f~r .tb. ~_ meJ! t' device. o~, 4-..!celr;t-or 'Wh"ch .. a ane. o~... such .:llC.D~. : fe.. .411. . AIi. lic.n8e i. !lo"'~'f'''7-.~'' .tn*e,a4e4.' to 'lI~'~af.r. thereQII.. ' , .:. ... .... ." . .:be,. and Wtl1...BOt\,.~. :aer.tnttte4 '.to::b.. .... .8~:r()N ,12:"" ~ . . ,. used t'Gr .aBY'. '......"'lfDir: JturDOie '.,.N:ot""l~h.t&nclID"'I&D7' .otbel'~; ltro~. wl\atllOeve:r~ .' :>:..':,:. .. . .toa..or pr~vl8IOD.:~ot:~ th... orcltaa~ . (.I).. A. .coml'll.~e::'.eler~ptlOIl. of. the It....~~l1.. k..urtr"~l. ~&~4' sllall' c~- ..am.,. r.ereat...... or' niecliaaleal a:tltute.. &. ml.d~m.anor .for allY ~.. amullement .: 4.vle....or davle...' .and .Oll. ~~ ''Per*OD" ..ft~DI.. ~o->>lI:or.tll"Nb.I. the Dlanne~ t1l "~eh th..v are to .be. G~' e~~r&tI..en. to. .~,~at....cond~i placed and <<JJ?er:IJ~"'.,' .. ~ ' e~r:~..on oJ:" .maa..... t:tt..;bu.11l.8.:of .(j)-..A. 8tat.meat .C)t the ap.DUC8Dtt. ~Intalnln.. ..nr.....am.. exhlbltf~.. jntere8~ In. or., tI~Je : to, the', game. 8h~:tf1ebo;ard .cam.. " or ..'amu8emeDt. recreational o~: ..m.ehalllcal amulie- rec:r.a ~.loDal. 'mec~anica1.' or mU81~l ~.ent device. or'.~n' tor. whioh' & 4e'V'.Ie~.'or.. to' matntaha.' G'l'8Nte--.w' hcense is .ou.dtt-:.' ;.: . . C$u,,: to b.. m..lnta.ne4 01" 'operated .SECTION 4:~",.. ~., . . &IlY of luch' dwlces. Without 'o-bt&tn- . The City _. ~. .:. ..... '._~ ref... AIel In.' a, lieen8. ~eretct~. ,and UNa a.Ucation' to, .'. ..Cllret.":of. pOHcet eo~YI~tlOIl of any' perIOD, or 'per8onl tor the purp.. . ::,. ~, IiV_ift.'ttop "_4. t".J' -.ball be' pU~lah.d Ity &. flD. C'If tbe Chiet of;: .... . ~". ~l. et.th.... ..p..: ~p(..lDor. than. '300.~O. or by ..lml)r~- prove or d .' .... ....... fa 'wrlttr' . at.. o~J.D~t ,Ill. the. -c~uz-.fy jall'fltr ;l1l~t the next r . ~ ..an..tln.... '0 .:th.. '. ~~~:.thall tl1.r.e. ..onth8. 'or ~..'bOtb City Council.': a(Jer. ",bich ...1" ... &"1>>"; flll...:-~d Imprl~Dl'DeDt for~_b. ....~ I plication ha...':.b_..~r.terre4' to.. 111_' .~r&t..., 'vlo~tlon. ..hereof. .~ aaa.. u.i01l I SECTION I.: . ~.":. ..' . ' .:: .... ,. :~:V:lctleJ1"of. all;Y flrm..or.....rltora-. . 'OP01l the ....41 ot the. ....ll_~ :.tloll It. 8h:&l1. be~ull.h.4 .b,.; a fi_ tton by .tb.,.;q.~ Ooulicf1.::.~. at~.. 'Of~_~Elt..tnor.. tla~',."O.~' .,'. . . ' Council 8hall!....~8t, Ik.n..:t6 ..at.::: ..._~~I.O. .18: ';:' .... . ,.' ,,' :': .applfcaat ..1tJla D..tm.t....Qt.f.tIl ::.. ~.-ordl~Ml~.. or Pa.rt.,'.of.:erdta- licen8e tee qi.'Mifnaft.r '>>I'OTI4.4. .allc~.'~ Dot.'com~lYlnc bereWith 'iLr. ,.~1I~.".. h;'d . ,"'~~iliWie1l~"e(';'~~;"f~'" game, recr., .at ,.01" DieObbf_{ ..~Ji.:_'1~t,..,.~.....t.h.'. .al...... amu~ement. ~ ..,........ . >1. .to be 'oitetaW.:: :of .~18' or41nallC.. ...:and.:~;' .b&u . call.e. Cc) The 88l".'4l\imber o'f' the D.r-' th~ 8ame to. b. lP11blls.he~. Otl~ In tbe mit.' ....... . ..., ,. .Anahe~1D: 'Bull.t~.~"a" .~8'W."aitel" ...of Cd) The -pl.-atlon date' ot the Ii- g~neral clrcula~lon... DU.,U,hed aDd cenlle. . "circulated. In the.. CItY. ot . .A:lI&h.lm.. (e~ 8ufticl~nt'. de.crlptlon.. ot.. the CaUforni~. -.nd ,..Ic!' :~rc"'il.&nC'e;'sh..ll particular devtee...lncludin8' It.' .e- take .ff~ct t~lrt7 4~Y. af,ter.ltl ft- rial ~umber. to id.ntity It:: '.' nal pa"4I~"... .., '.' '.. . . The operator ot any .uch mlLOhln. Th.. tor.e.golnJr.. ord~n8:nce ';wa. alt- sha1~ keep 8ueb'lIcense.contlnu'oul1y proved... and. slg~ed. .by m. ..this J.' attached to'. u.. machine and In ... day. of May, .194:9.: position wher.lt.ls con8pi.cuoU8.alfd (~B.A.L) . CH.A.R~S A. .PEARSO~ readily vI.lb1e to ~&n.v per.01I oDer-' Mayor. . City of Anaheim. atin.., the maeblne.. ..' A.TT~:.. : '. .' I SECTION. ..: '.,: . . C~.ARLES .E. G~FFITH . .' , . Every per"oJl...~.a..e4 III the"hu;' Ciyr. Clerk.. Ci~y of Anaheim'.,' . S1nell8 of ~..Dtl_. ..I.uln...' or maln- 1~A.'1'JD OF:CALII;'ORNIA " . . . I tainln.. anY:.:..~ea" r.ecreattDaaJ or . COUNT'!'. OJ",'O:iAlNGE.) ',.' . . , mechanical "'~"ement deVice la the CITY~'.OF ANA.H~IM ) . City ot ~efm.. oth.r .: thaa.. :an. , I.. ~HA.Jtt,EB Jr. GRIF:,'ITH. City amusement .'.iI.v.te.. .hfc~. '.diapeD..8 Clerk .of tb. Clb": of ..A,nahefm.. :. I mUllic only &114 '.'_Ich '. &1"8 COIDInOD-' her.~ c~ty t"~~, fore8otn* Ol"- ly kn<<:>>wn ai..J-...bo:s:......m'i,udO:boz- 41~~. "...l~uc...~t. a r...u~ I ell. viCtN.l&. .~.~. or: oth.~ jlzjsllar: ...t~n.. of.. th,'.'CI.~...(iou.nct1 of ,A.D-l name.. .hall. .,.,Y. an.. anD~ n~.D8'" ~~b~'- b.~ o. 't~. .18 .:48.Y of "'v.' fee of T",e~...tlv. Dolla~l. (.*I'~OO). .1.".. -..Dd' t~~~ .t_.....~rp.,.. ~~. 'Pa.8Ie4. Which li~el'lft.. ._uec! 'upo" :th....ay~ a.... ~9pUd ~*.,~,..~~1I'111&r:'m..tf_ !Dent, ot la...:, .~e.. wh-.II .ntltle- Bald .of. .tIt. Ci~ ~cl1;.':h'61d .o~. the .J~ applicant ~~. r8l1t or .lIl&tDtaln. da.y of M:~t 1"'. ..t:!t *he' ~1l0w1_. o~e .ech~.l ..U1~lle.~.ll.t .devlcta' v~~ ..f: tbe m_berl_ t'herecit: . . . Ithba.. t......~1;lly..: 'of' ~ah."':. and .~S:..' . CO~C~N:' '->>.a~ I or. & leOJj:: ,-Dlu.ement.. OJ' ..Ill. P&G8,. He~IJ"ii .Jley,. Va W....o...... ~ a4~tn. ~ .... ...8h~1l ~ .~~table~.:: . .~2.lCStw..~~IaQJN: .Nolle. . : :. n . w....l~...bal1 P&1.' "'.&ODual ~E~..a:.. 'oiIo-V~: Noa.. ..... .... tee, :tiI.'T'W.DtY.-tlv~.Qt&.Ot) .~c1'I tur**; . c_tlty that *'- ollara: ....nt..for ....tht.rd.lQtbh.nlea.l. .K&jo~ Qt..:~...~,~.~'.~.Jm .....: vice, aaa :".11&1. re.. of.:.1J."trenty';' ~ q4 appr~-::..orctt'D&Dc.. .... .e . (~6.._~.D~1:l"'8.. .~&ll?-;l)e. p.I4. .th..,.... .dat' of .:1,. .~.. .1.... " :. ~ . ~or, all: :.u~.Qu.att.. -.f;....nic&l-. .' .~N.. WI'l'NJ!1It... ',. ., ' IlBO.. I ....i: c.. ,th.re&ft~r. the ltceiIUI~e' sh..n hereuDto 8,t. mJl.. .-.nd.' al14 aftl... ~n annual Ucens. f$.,~t T",~~~ th.~eal.of.8al4'Clty of Anah.lm thWt e n2&.00) Dollars .a:eh. :.l:1J." 14.4a"7- of'J[ay_ :194'. . ... ~:. es ~ran.ted. .'hereunder ,.shall be (SmAL).,. 'CHAJU..ES'B. GIlI."...rT.. "1 lIcet;i..iB,' and ..alt,omme~ ,..:.. City C1eTk.~at)".of;:U~. . ~.. 1.~. 4&7.; o~. .,luI7".~~"t.~ ...4. hit. . ...,:.: 2I.-l~". . .. : 1 ORDINANCE NO. ~~~ 6 A~r OR.DI}:.,~NOE (iF THE ~ITY OF AlJAHEIlv! LICENSING ALL Kll~De OF lSECHANICAL Al~USE1{EliT DEVICES A~rn TEE ~CFDU~+ING, CARRYING ON OR M~NhGING THE BtJ~I~':"ESS or i:i.P:..I!-TT AINIIT.G AIry GAME, EXHIBITION, ~~iJHJSE1~~1TT <DR F.,ECP.EA T!OUAL DEVICES .A~m FIXI1~G T!r~ R~.TE Cl L:::C'ErSE T!~X UPON TI-r~ S;Jv1"E;, PROVID~ I]'T3 ~'E~~A! TtES FeR ALL 'fJ'ICLA.TIO~rS TH'~REOF AND -qE'!::E-~.L:~rG ALL CF-DIrTA!:IGES CR P~~lRTS OF ORDI~JA!:TCES IN aC!JFLIOT TE~_"!i:OF. 2 3 4 5 7 8 :'HE :J:TY CC IDT"JIl. CF "'''''''1;' ....:.....~ JITY CF ;'.J'L'~HEI}A DOES ORDAIN ,.'i.S 9 FLI :.1., o",:s : 10 SECT:CN l: 11 It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, 12 firm, cc-~')artnership or CG1'-f~'orotion or for any person a.s .a.gent, 13 serv~nt, clerk or ~mployee, or for himself or for any other person, f" t.. - :a.._ t" .+r- tb t 11.t 14 lrm, CQ-YJar nerS1'llp -'VI,r corpor8 Ion W1. i.I..~ln J.e corpora' e ml S 15 of the Ci ty of An~lheinl to conduct, corry on or ma.nage the business 16 of 07." n:;iintbin any €:,"B.me, exhibition".. shuffleboa.rd ga.me, or amuse- 17 ment 0r recre:,-:tional d.evice or, a,n~i mechrnicP,l amusement device or 18 mc.c~ine t.,'b.i.c:.:" u})on t~hf' inBertio~ of a coin, slug or token in a,n~' 19 slrt or rece~)tfcle sttac~ed to 8~id mechine or connected therewith 20 o}er~'tee:; or ,'''hi~h m~y be o:?eratec for use cS e. ga.me, contest or 21 a.lnus~me'Y.:t or for -r.he dis':~,ensing of music or lftrhich ma.y be used for 22 an:,:. ::,'ucr: €;:~nle, (::o~-itest, r:,rr..U8ement or f;lueic or entertainment and 23 which d~es n~t conteir ~ny pay-off device for the return of slugs, 24 co::.n, money, c~:_cc!:s, t.o>ens or 1~1erch&nd.i8e. 25 ~)~c~:c i: ~J: 26 :t ~.hFll ce unl[;:v!ful fo'r t:ny pereo n to inste..ll, 27, o~)ert te or m;..~intLin or ~.::.eTrl~li t. to be installed, opera.ted or rna.in- 28 tained .:;,n pr~mi BeG o\r;'ned or under the c0ntrol of such person ft_ny 29 of the ::;~~luEe;'~,!e'('t, recreF"ti.QnL,l devices cr n.'leCha.rlicE.l 'devices or 30 COYld-cct ,:'~ny I")f t"h~ g;jmes or ex})ibi tiOIlS rnertioned in Section 1 31 herec,f 1,.~i thout llsvins cbtained. e .~;)el~!ai t or license in the nlcnner 32 re~uiree by t~ie Crdln~.nce. _,..~ ;.--............~-..... ....--........'I.~....................~...............MI/I.................... .1 1 SEC!IOrr 3: 2 AI-PI~I~~~.TION FCR :?:f~P1!.~IT AnD LICENSE: APplic&.tlon for 3 3 '~..er'_~~\i t to ins-tall, operute or f~l=.Jinto.,in, OI' to peritlit to be in- 4 atalled, OJ,JC":rf.Lt-€ci OI' tnLintL ined ~~ny t:,C1!ne, ftl:!USement, exhibi tiOIl, 5 :,:,h""<4~+"'." e' .-\ ..,.-~ ,.r, ...-,.'e . ,(:\,., ":':':"~.; +.; .... ~r\.~," ".~ ",,0 "'"'h<,:,n" 1 0;,;1 .-...A.~ _ _ /:.1..) ar u.. be;.01 ,or 1 .......... ~'""... 'J uQ... 0... ...."...... (.,I. 1 ca. amusement 4evice 6 dhell be made to tDe City Council of t~e City of Anaheim on forms 7 )rovided by the 'Jity ,1ouncil, ltrhich ~;rjplio~tion shell be signed by 8 the a.:;Jplioa.nt a.Ld sb.e.ll contc.i.!l the following information: 9 ( a) rrc.(:.~~e of tl~:e (,;4 ~;,~: 1 i c ~ !~t . 10 (t) Bus ineE;S r.1.ddress 0: c.pplicB,nt. 11 (0) Residence address of a)plicant. 12 (d) Di. te ~n.:l place of tirth of applice.nt. 13 (e) The H.d(~..ress &..:K1. !It::n-46 of the OVIT~er, lessee, or other 14 16 18 ~er'sori iL oor:tr-ol of t:1e establishlJent or establishments v:hereiti the 6'cl.me, recreatio.:1al cr n1echanical amusement devioe or devices ~re .~rG~osed to be located. 17 (i) T~€ citi2an~hip of the &~~llcant. 18 (5) If tile ai_:..)lic\:l!lt hCiS been convicted. of c.ny felony or 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 r~.i~;d.a!i:E'anor, t.~le!l a. sts.tel~lerlt concerning t11e same shoulCl. be re~iJ.iTed e:.f tl:e L;~:;)lic::jllt; bivin6 the time and place of s~c~ canvi:tlon. (h) A ctate~ne.:lt th~t t:~e ghme J recrea.tional c4 mechanical r.llTJ.U8er:J~';:"J:, device or devices for. 'tr,~hich a license is sought, ic not intended to be, a!~d 't=ill not be permitted to be uEed :fi~r e..ny .:;"ambling :;u!'pose i~~hf~taoever. 26 27 28 (i) A cOMp~.eta descriptiOll of the bame, recre~tional or mechanica.l amusehent device or devices, a.nd the manner in ~!~:1.ch they' are to be t}:~.ced and operated. ( j ) A 8 tat e !'lle .~ to:' t.ll e ct p pI i C (;1 nt' sin t ere s tin, 0 r tit 1 e to, t::-.e ','0.:: ......~ rc......,.'e... +: on"" 'J ,." " .~~..... oJ , c...., _ C:;l. '.' ..!.. ~..L 01' l'IleorH!nical ariluseluent device :):r' J.e v :. ';J E':;;; f 0 T' l',~~U i c h ~ lie e~-~Be i 8 sought. 32 .... --.:j- _~~... ......--...t'. _. ~-+-.....-..._____....... .'-........... ._~ 30 31 32 1 SECTION 4: 2 The Oi t~? Gaulle il she,ll refer said e.pp11ca.tion to 3 the Chiet of Police for the purpose af inveetigation and the Ohief 4 of Pc~, ice shall ei they c;..:J:i.:;rove :,r disapprove in\~rlt1l1..g at the next 5 l~egulp.r !l~eeting of the Oit:l Coun.cil, after v.rhich sa.id. application 6 has been referred to him. 7 SEC~TCTI 0: 8 Upon the d.:J~l"o'Ta.l of the applicaticn by the City 9 :1ouncil, the Ci t:r Jouncil s~nall issue a license to sa.id a.pplicant 10 upon the payment of the license fee as hereinafter provided. Each 11 12 license sh~ll show: (a) The nal'~.e of the pel'!11i ttee . (t) The address ~t which the game, recreational or mechanical 13 14 atuusef..1€nt Q.evi~e is to be operated. 16 (c) The serial nmuber of the permit. 16 (C) The expiration d~te nf the license. 17 (e) Sufficient descl~iI)tion of t~';.e particula.r device, 18 ir~~luc!i:'1g its ::~er~i&.l nu~nbe::C', to identify it. 19 T~'}e o:pe:~a.,tor or" an~T such macr'ine sr.:.all keep such license con- 20 21 tinuo"Jsly attached to the m6chine a.nd in a position 't-There it is 'Jons~Jiouous 8nd I'sa.dily visible to any person operating. the machi.ne. 22 23 SEaT!OlT 6: E.,jery person engr1.ged in the busfnees of renting, 24 ~ea.slLS or rnaintj1nlng any ~ame, recreationEl or mechanic&l amuse- 28 ~ent device in t~e City of Anaheim, other than an amusement device 28 27 28 ~..rhich dispenses alu.oic only ~"nd 'trbich are coalinonly known a,s juke 29 'coxes, music boxes, viotrola boxes or other similar names, shall )..S :;ay an bnnuc~,l lioense fee of 'kA!lty_f~.... Dolla.rs (',.'On ) -r".:hich li ~ense issued ub:OIl t::1e iJaYii!Cut of said fee sJ:"lf;~.ll enti tle said ~ppli~::f;tnt to le:-.~Ge, rent or :n::tintrjin or:.e mechanical amusement d.evice \\-i thin t:~e vi ty ,:;f ADcheira; sn(i for a second amusement .or game ~t'iachine .:;.I, license shall be obtained c..nd the licensee shall pay an -3- ~. ._...... -~. 1..... .....--.... 'AI. . 1 .....-...-.--:~~ 1 ?-:J annual. liceD.Be :fee of !Wen"Y-l'l.,.. ( t..,..oe ) Dollars; and for /~,; 2 a tt;.i l'd iileol1anic al device,. an a.nnua 1 :fee of ""Ml"""i.".' .) :t' 3, (I 21.00) DollCl.rs shall be pF.id, p.nd for all subsequent mecb.a,nica.l 4 .:1evices thereafter, t}:.e licensee. sholl l)ay an a.nnua.l license fee ;; ~ . 5 of fw..\;r....tly. (, ~..oo ) Dollr::rs each. All licenses , 6 :~r:.~nted !--!ereundel' Eh~.ll .oe a.nnu:=.l licenses, and sha.ll commence 8.6 7 of the 1st d.e.Y' of July, 19_ and shall expire on the 30th day of 8 June, follo'tA!ing the da.te of tl1eir iSE'U2TICe, and therea.fter all 9 licensee shell comm$nce a.s of the 1st day of July and expire on 10 the ~Oth d(~.:,r of June, follolt'J'ing the issu8~:Je thereof; that licensee 11 issued for lesE than one year, the fee shall be prorated as of the 12 fil:st d.a~" of the lhonth in \orhieh s&.id li~ense was issued. Every 13 pel"'son e!lgo.ged in the 0U8iness 0: rentins, lea.sing and/or nl&in- 14 tai:;'1.ing t-:.n~r a.~.'Ll..;;e~~ent ...ievioe f~)l' (i.isfiensinb music only a.nd l.{hi"uh 15 al'e c:)mi"(ionl~r .Kn~)\.:r.L B..S juke ooxee, !nusical boxes) victrola boxes 16 , a,...-~ Qr ot::.e:c Siiililar nc.;..rncs sho.ll p;;'J.)" ii licel'j,s€: fee of 'i' (t 12.09) Dollars. ..... "'1". ( .C'. 17 18 SEOTIO~ 7; 19 A transfer m~y be made of a license from one amuse- 20 :nent 'Jr 6C:!.le l'J.l~;chlne to another .of tlle 6aJ~ie charaoter and mode of 21 o'~)erCJtion (iJ.ri"!l~ the perioa. for w'hich tl1e same has been licensed. 22 in tl":e first i~stf'nce, ".'h~re the 'Jv.rnersb.i~rJ D.na plaoe of business 23 re:'!!8.ins the sa'~ne, upon "t~ri tten apl:lication for 6uch transfer by the 24 licensee there..~)f to the' '~i ty ~ler'~: on a blank form to be obtaineu 25 fTom the Ctty 'Jle:ek, r;nd t:~e a.p.~Jr~val of such a.pplication by the ahief of Felice of said ~ity. 26 27 28 SECTIC!J 8.: ThE.t nothinG in tbis ordinance cont~ined shall .be c~rJstrued to pernli t tr-e licensing, I!laintenance or operation of ar;.~r 29 30 ~nechb.nical device o:r a:~~paratus 1t~hich is COl!trary to any of the lc..~lS 31 0:"' tl'~e Sta.te of O~_l.ii'Ol'nic:. or theorciinances of the Ci ty of AIW:theim; 32 nor to '~er~it the oper~tion of 2ny mechanical play device licensed -4- -~ _, ...-...................... . .....--.... ..... ....-...-......._"....~_.....,..... ................... :............10 1 hereunder in .such ~. manner as to be contrary to any of said laws 2 or ordinences. 3 SECTION 9: 4 All pOlice officers are hereby appointed inspeotors 5 0f ~i ~~:ense~ end in a.ddi tion to thair severa.l duties as police 6 officers fil"'e :1er'eby reGuired to exa.mine a.ll I)laces of business and 7 ~")ersor:.s in t~e Ci.ty of Anbhein1 li6.ble to pE.~y l,icense for the. tra.ns- 8 ::ct.ton or c8rr~Ting c'n of any business, profession, avocation, tra.de, 9 calline; or OCCU!:<~~ti.-jn cS pr')vided by this Ordina.nce, and to see 10 thrt such l:tcenses ,.tre ta.ken ~ut J .~;n(i f:;h~ll exercise in connection 11 ~iTi th thet r sa.id d.uties as license inRpectore the pOvrer to ma.ke 12 (;1rr~stB f0r violFtion of any of t!~e 1)ro":risio11B of ttts Ordinance; 13 to enter W\l'i thout c:-:::lrge n. t a.ny tinle 8.ny place of business for l~hich 14 c. license is requ.ired by this OrdinHnce and. to denland the exhibition 15 ;,)f such 2.icense for thecurrent term, and if {iny such person sha.ll 16 there &nd then fc=il to exhibit E~ch license, ,such person shall be 17 lial~le to t~'1e :::>enc"J.ty ~:;I'oviGed for a viol::: tion of this Ordinance. 18 It If:: hereby mc.de the duty of the police officers to cause 19 com;l&int to be filed against ~ll persons violating any of the pro- 20 visi~ns of this Crdin~nce. 21 The 0hief of Police is hereby directed to carry into effect the 22 {:rovi8ioTla of this B.eotion. 23 SECT:CN 10: 24 Each e6nc1. ever~r day or fr&.ctiona.l pEtrt of a day. any 25 person, firm, co-partnership or cor9oration shall cohduct,-carry 26 en or 1U?nage the business of mp.int~.ining any game J exhibi tioD, 27 8!llUSement. or recy'ea.tionel devices or rnechar.i.ica.l amusement or musical 28 :',}e1;icf>6 01" =YlDChine 0r 6h:'5..11 ogerCite, maint;'lin or c.ause to be 29 oper'ated or :"r1pinta.ined any ~)f such devices or permit or cause the 30 €arne 1<> :'.a dO:r1e ".:i thout Eo. license Gr' perrni t shall consti tute a. 31 vicl~tion of this ordinance and any person.~~o for himself or for 32 &ny other person, firm,-co-partnership or corporation sha.ll violate -5- __1. '. .~.... -..~.... .of. "'_.....,.____.....~~. .:~._J'....""~.......~_......._...._~_,~. 1 any of the provisi-ons of this ordinance e:hall for each violation 2 thereof ce deemed c;uil ty. of a misdemeanor B,nd upon conviction by any 3 court he.vil16 jurisdiction thereof, be fined therefor in a sum not 4 exceeQir~[ Three HU:l<:lred (~300. CO) Dol16..rs or shall be 1mpri aoned 5 in the county ja.il not exceeding three (3) months or by both such 6 fine and 1~pri8onment. 7 SEC~ION 11: 8 In the event that any person or persons,. firm, 00- 9 )artnership or 'J0r::)oretion s})v.ll concluct, carryon or man.age the 10 t,u~iness ~f ~!1E~inta.illing an~l game, exhibi tion, shuffleboard game, 11 or recreationC:'l, mec:hanicEtl or musical device or shall ma.inta.1n, 12 opel'ate~!" oelJ.se to be maint:-: ined or operated any of such devices 13 ~v1thout obtaining v license therefor, or s'hnll fe.il to .pay the 14 license fees. therefo~ as herein provided, the Chief of Police of 16 t.he ~it~/ of Ana.:'leirfi shr..ll seize such ga.me, exhibition, amusement, 16 reQreational mec}lanical or ~usical device aD~ hold them 'a.s sec~rity 17 for' t:be paYi:lent ,Jf sai6 licence fee, E.tnd until. 6. license is obta,ined 18 ana/or rene\'led, and in the event said person or persons, firm, 00- 19 ;artnerehip or corporBtion owning or having control or possession 20 cf said. device s118,ll fail, \Jithin a period of thirty (30) days to 23 24 26 28 29 30 31 32 21 obtain a license ancl/cr pay fi:n~r license fees due, then and in that 22 event aaid uevice or devices shnll oe dis,osed o~ as follows: 1 .....41 Said device or devices or so many thereof shall be sold to satisfy the amount of license fees due the City of Anahei~, and any device or devices not Bold sba.l1 be 28 27 returned to the Ol-!ner thereof and provided fllrther t:1at in .j~>e e'.:ren.t the said de~rice or devtces be sold f.Jr \:4 St.Ul~. less than the amount of the license fee that the owner, operator orpossessor of said devices shall nevertheless rema.in liable for the balance of such lice~se fees due and unpaid thereon. -6..... I -~ ......_.~..-....,.~....... . I _ ~...........-........~.- V 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . ' .. . ~'. -~.~"\,,,.. ",' .I....:..:tf........... ...~...."'-....;..!_~_ "".~ "'....""1 '..t~.", 1 2 3 4 5 SECTION 12: Notwlthstandine an-y- other provision or provisions of t"his ordinance, tt s~~lall be unlawful ana. shall consti tute 8. Tf11sdemeanor f'or any person or persons, f'irm, co-partnership or corporation to operate, conduct, carryon or manage the business 6 of maintaining any vame, exhibition, ~huffleboard game, or amusement, 7 recreational, frlAcl1snical or musical de.vice or to maintain, opeI'ate 8 or cau.se to be tlnintelned or operated any of such devices without 9 obtainine a lie ense therefor, and upon conv:Lction of any person or 10 persons they s}:1e.ll he punlshed by a fine of !.l.ot more t.han ~300.00 11 or by imprisonment in tb.e ~Olll1ty jai.l for not more than three 12 mon.ths, or by both fine and imprisorunent fer each separate violation 13 14 hereof, and upon conviction of any firm or corporation, it shall be punished by 8- fine of not more than $300.00. 16 SECTION' 13: 16 All o~dinances or parts of ordinances not complying 17 18 19 herewith are hereby ~epealed. SECTION 14: The City Clerk of the Gity of Anaheim shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be publisJled once in t-rle Anaheim Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation, pl1blisrl~d B.nd clrculs.ted in the City of Anaheim, Callfo~nia, and said ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its final passage. The foregoing ordinance was approved and signed by 24 me this al-- day of . ~ , 1949. ~N~ ArrTEST: ;0 -7- . ~ _. ..,~........................... .~...coll ,~+-...........--...---...... ~-........._...~~ 21 2a 23 24 215 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ~'I<"~.'.'------ -'-"'--"',"-- 1 STA'fE OF CALIFOHJ:.;IA ) COUNTY OF ORAHG-E) ss 2 CITY OF ANAH:E~IM ) 3 I, CHARLES E. OHIFFITE, City C1E'rk of' tJ"l€ Gity of' Analleim, 4 5 do hereby certii~' that the roregoin~ Ordinance was Introd.uced at a~.e, meeting of the Gi ty Council of the Ci ty of Anahelm he 1d Jithe I 0 d.ay of ~ ' , 1949, and. t.:t_a t the s arne was passed and a.dopted at a eplar meetlnr: of t;he Ci ty COllY1Cil 8 7 8 held on the A- d..ay of May 9 the members thereof: , 1949, by the fol1owinp vote of 10 AYES: COUNCIL1Ji.J:N: Pear.oB. Pac., H8J'iag, :801187. Van Waconer 11 NOES: CO'UNCILMF:N: Bone 12 ABSE:NT:. COm'lCIL1\1EN: !lone 13 And I further certify tllat the Niayo!l of trle Ci ty of Ane.'hoinl 14 signed and approved ea.id Ordinance on the --Z!L dE.Y of ~ ' 15 16 1949. IN \I\fITNESS ~~liJ!EE~CFl, T. have here1.Ulto set my hand s.nd afftxed 17 18 19 the seal of said City of Anaheim this ~ day of --7 , 1949. ~~. ~- . . '.. - -. . GLER " - n OF ANAHEIM 20 -p-