Resolution-PC 89-265~ 1~~Sku.r~ 4.~9~~9.=.~.Si~ ~ A RESOLT.J'PION QF TFIE; ANr~HEIM CtTY PLANNING COt+4rfZSSION TFiAT PETIT~ON FOR VARII-NCE N0. 3999 RE GRANTED WH~;REAS, tha Anr~heim City Planning Commis~ti~n c'iid reccsi~~e a veriPiod Petition Por V~.rianeo from DENNIS M. BFRRYMAN, CAROL ANN BERI2YMAN, AFN iC. 'lOUNGMAI~ AND PATRICIA A. YOUNGMAN, C/0 PACIFIC DEVGLOYMENT GROUP, OYie CorporatP nlaza, Nawport Beacl~, CA 926G0, owners, arld 7~DIART, INC, 51Q7 F. Telegraph Rd., Lo:e Angeles, CA 90022, aqt~nt, for certain ~~aa1 propRrL•y si~uat~+d xn ttie City of Anaho?m, Caunty of Oranqe, State of. Califc~rnla described as: PARCEI,S 1, 2, AN1) 5 TN TH~ CITY OF ANAIiEIN,, (:OUNTY OF ORr1fTGE, STAT~ 0: CALIFpRNIA, hS S~IOFRT ON A MAP I'ILED Iti BOOK G3, PAGE 5 dF PAIiC'EG MAPS, IN THE 4FFICE OF 'CKE COUNTX RFCORDER OF SAID COUN'TY. ~; L_ WHEREAS, t2ie City Planning Commiss.ion 41d hold a pub].io hearing sst the Civic Center in the C.ity aE Anaheim on November 6, 1989, at. 1:3~ p.m., nntice of aRid publie hearing kaaving been duly g3.ven as required by law and iz~ accordance with the provisions of the Anaheirn rfunicipal Coda, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidonce For and ~sgains't said proposed variance ancl to invQStigate and make finclings snd recommendatians in aonnac~ion therowith; ~~nd WI3EREAS, saicl Commission, aftRr duo inspec,tion, investiqatio~n and study mad~3 by itselt and in iL•s betial€, ~nd aftor iiue considgration oP ,~11 ~viuenee and reports offerec3 at saict hea•i.ng, do~s fin~3 and determine the following facts: 1. That tha petitioner. propo~os waivers oE thN folluwing to ~anscruct one 65 sq~aa~re Loot freest,andinq sign: ~.~~~Na 1$..45•Q•9,1.010 - P rin .S~~S?~.~• 1~s.4_~4~?•.,Q.l~ (5~~.~~9[~~~cg~ .,~0 scr. f.~.t~.~.-~~1 ~~~ 1~..4~~..~.~~~4_ m~nument-type ~~4PP ~~~.S~~.t~.~~ 3~d~~~iS~.~.~on ~nd _x~~§~t062,Q4Q sign permit~od in Che Scenic C:oxridor Overlay 'Lone; 9~.~~~~~ed. 65 sa.f~..~~..Q4.~k~. monument-type ?~CY@~~3nQ ~n~_ .,,~~.gg~~g,_~~ti~' ~. ent~g,~.~.t~.on s.ign prop~sed! 2. 'rhat the e+bove-mc~nr,ionea waiver is hereby qrunted on the basis that ~:lierQ are special circumstances applicable L•o the property such as eizQ, sha~pe, topography, location o.nd surroundings wh3ck~ c~o noC apply tc+ other idsnr.ically zonod ?roperty in the aame vicinity; and t:hat strict application of L•he 2oning Code deprivos r,he propert;y oE priviloqes en~oyed by other proparties in the iclentical z~no and clas3ification in the vi.ciniry. 1120r _~,_ PC89-265 ~~s r~i,! ~ ,. ~ I<'_"" ;,,~ ,a ,,~ , i ,,~s;~ ' . ~~~~ p+~~!~ ~'. ~; ~?; ~~ 3. That, the proposed varirsnce is h~rebv grt~ntoc~ sub~ect t:o th~ petiG:IunQr's stipulation at the public hearinq tu 1im3.t~~d the sign to ti~o majur ton~n~s; ancl that il.luminal:ion of the sic~n sl~r~ll be ~axohibi~ed beL•waen midnight ancl 6 a,m. d. That t}~er~ are exaeptional or extruordinary ~ circum~t,ances or cand3tions ak~plic~ble t~ the ~ , "` property invulved pr to the intondocl use oP the prop~rty that do no~ app:ly ge»erxl~ y to th , . e prap~;rty '; Ar class of usQ in the sc~^e vi~.inity and zorie. ' 5. That the r~quasted variance Y3 necessary f.or the F preser.vation and anjoyment of a subst;anti~l pxoperty z•ight passessed by ~~t:hec properi:y in tho same v~.ci.nity anii aunR , an8 denied to the pruporty in qusstion. 6. ThaC 1:ne requested var.ia:~ce wiil no~ be mat•erially detrirrienral to the public w~lf are or il~iurious to the property o~~ i.mprovements in such vicinity anc~ zone in which r he . prop~rty i3 located. ',~ 7. 2hut no one indicahed their presenc~ at said public hearing in opposition; and that n ~ o corrQSpondence was receivect in opposition tn subject petirion. ~~ ~.I~TFOR~IIA F~NYIRONMCN~1~4_ 'L~t~L-%~_A~T ~' pxN : rtio Planning Director or hia sutliorized represenr,ative has det;erminefl that the pronrsed proje~r fall~a withir. thQ de Ein itiori t . . o Categorical Exempt.ions, Class 11, as defiiied in tha State EIR Guidelines and is, thereEor e t . , r.a egorically ex.empt from the requirement to prppara an ~IR. ~ ~~ 's '70W, THEREFORE, PE .iT RESOLVI:D ~hat L•he An~heim C3ty Plannxnq Commis.,:.,,. c~es hereby rant g sub j,ct petiti~n for ya: ianco, upon the followinq ~~~Itions which sre herdby ~QUnd t b o e a necasaary preregui.site to the prr~p~,ed use of the subjoct ~propertp in order to • preaerve L he safety and gerieral x~lEare of the Citizens c~f tha Caty of Anaheims 1. That subj~r.t sic~n shall be se~rved by und~rqround uti7.itics9. 2. T}iat the si.gn suppor.t sh~ll bo located a minimum of sovsn (7) feet from the end of the laudsca e8 l ~` p p anter in which it is ~laced, as raquired by the City Traffic Engineer to maintnin saEe vehicle visibility. r~ ~~ : 3.fi That ~lans 3ha11 be submir.tbd tu the IIuilding Aivision showing compl3ance with the tninfm ~,' um standards of the C.ity of Anaheim, includ::ng th~ Uniform Duilding, Electrlca? and Fi re Codes as adopted by the City et Annheim. The appropriate permits shall be obtai:~ed for ,~ , any necessary work, ',~ ~ ; _2r PC 89-265 ~ _~ ;;~ ;~ ti~~r.°: - --__ _ .., ~ .~~Y ~ ~~~ ~ ,~ _ /I 4.~ That ur~less tt v~ri~nce is applied for arid grantea, the lightiing of. sic~riago L•or vubjc~ct property shall bo prohibited betwean the hoiirs of midnight and 6:30 ~a.m., as 9pocified by 'Loning Cnde Section 18.05.Q91.052 "Limitat~ons on Sign Lighting". 5. That subj~s;t property 3hr~11 be dQVel~pod aubst~ntial.ix in ~ccordance with plans an~3 speczfications submitted to tho City of Anaheim by ttie po~•itioner t~nd wl~ich plans are on file with the Planning bepartmen.t marked Exhibil: No. 1. 6. That subjcct sign shall be limitod to a maximum o:E two (2) major. tenants. 7. ThaL• prior to issuancct of a building! permiL or within a period of one (1) year from L-he 6ate of taii~ res~lutiuri, whichevar occur3 fixsL, Condition Nos. 2 and 3, above-mentioned, shall be~ complied with. Extensions tor further time to completo satd c~ndit.ions may be granted in acc:ordanae w.i~li Section 1II.03,090 of the Anahe~.m Municipal CodP. 8. That p~~ior to fina .,uilding anu znning inspections, Conditian Nos. 1 and 5, dbove-mentioiied, shal? be complied with. 9•* x}~aC approval o.f tYai.s application constitut,es approval of the proponed request only to the extont that it compltes with t'ha Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, Stat•e and Federal regulations. Approval does not include any acL•ion or findings as to co~nplianc~ or approval of the requ~st regarding any nthQr applicablt~ ordinance, reqularion ur requiremQnt. C~nditions marY.ed with an as~erisk (~) are required by established law,, cades, regulations and/or agreement~ and are not subjpct tc, negotiation, BE IT I'URTEi~R REuOLVED that the Anaheim City P'lRnning C~:nmission does horet~y fin3 and dQtermine tihat adoption af this Resolution is expressly predicatect u,~on applic~n~~s co-np.li~nce with each anc] all of th~ condiCi.ons hereinab~v~ set forth. Should any ~uc:h candition;t, or any par~ theraof, be declared invalid pr unenEorceahle by the £inal judgment of any court oF competent juriadiction, thyn ~his Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall }ae depmed null ~n+~ voi~i. -3- PC 89-265 . ~.,.. ~1 . , ;. . .',1.~,.: /V~ ~,4{, ,' .'." ~ r~ _ ........... ~ . ~.., _~ '", ~ ' . .~_r,~ .. , ~~ ...~ .^.~i;sr . ... .. .. . . . . , , ri~. ...~.~, .., ,. , ' ~4 a~ ,~p ~~ ~tl6'w~~ i . ~~ ~~ ~ ~__ i.,,~ ~ ~ ~~.,,:, ~H~ FOREGOIhG R~:SOLUTION ~.s signed and approved by me this 6th day ; '` of November, 1989. ~ f;; „ _ ~iJ ~~ CHAIRWOMAt~ PRO TEMPQFE, ATTEST : Q~~ - ( ~ :c''~'.~,,'' SECRETARY, A2Il~HETM CITY PLANNING COMMI5SIUN STAT~; OF CALIFURNTA ) COUNTY OF ~RANGE i ~s~ CITY OF ANAI~IEIM ) ~~~~ - ~ bi CITY pI~ANNING CQMMISStON I, Ecli~h L. Harris, Secretary of tkxe Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby aertify that the foreg~ing resolution was pa~sed ana ac~opted at a mQeting ot Chc~ l~naha:m Ci"cy Planning Commission h~sld on November 6, 1989, by the £ollowing vo~e o£ the memb~rs t'hereof: AYES: CUMMISSIONERS: SOi1AS, BOYDSTUN, FELD~iAUS, IiELLYEF~ MC BURNEX, MESSE NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABS~NTt CQMMIS5IONERS: HERBST IN j97TNFSS WFIEREQi, I have hereunto set my hanc3 this 51:Ya day of NovQmber, 19(39. ~ . , +~ .~~ SECRETAFY, AN~EIM CITY PLANNING COt~SISSION ~q.. PC 89-265