Resolution-PC 89-2709~4f`~?},Ur`S, ~.,: , ~ ; r,~;~:Y ~zh ;• .~~~ , +`F;-Pv ~, ;. :~'i '.,_ ' '''~ ,' ' (:.., .~;~ . . ~~, ' 'Y, r 1 L 'r.1 .~ ~p"F , . a f'r"~~~~,~,~ ; ' ~ Y ~'1aa~~ f `"" ~~~ . ,; ~~L~TION N0. PC89-27~ A RFSOLUTION OF TFiE ANAHETM CITY PLANNING ~UI~fTSSI0~1 ADOPTTNG I~.ND ftECpMMENDING TO TH~ CTTY COUNCTL ADOPTION 4F GENERAL P1,,AN AMENAMENT Id~. 267-3 WHER~AS, the City Cauncil of the City of Ana~Zeim did ~tlopt L•he Analzeim Gerieral Plan bp Resolution No. 69R-544, showing the general description and eutent of possible f~.~ture devolopmen~ within the czty; and WI~IEP.EAS, pursuant a Planning Commission requ~st for an amendment to the Gand Use Elemant af trie Genera~ Plan, in conformancA wi~h Seatzon~; and 1a,03.050.030 of thQ Anaheim Municipal Cocio, staff prepared a General Plan 1-mandmenL ta redesignaY:e fr~m th~ exist.ing Medium Aensity Resiiiential designata.on to a Low-Medium Aensity Resids~tial designation for the study area consistin,q of agpraximately 5.1 ar.res genera~ly bounded Ly Cypress Stre~t to the north, f'lernentine Street to the east, Chartres Stre~t, to the south and tho alley east of F~arbor Boulevard to tk~e we3t, Study Area 3; and W~iEREAS, the Planning Department deemed it appropr3.ato, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, that there ara no sigi~i{icant environmental imp~cts and recommencled that a Negative Declaration be approved; and WHEIt~A5, tihe Ana2ieim City Planning Commis~ion did hold a public hearinc; at the Ari~heim Civic CQnter, Cnuncil Chamber, 200 Sout:~ ,Anahea.m Boulevar~~, on November G, 1989, at G: 00 p.m. , notic;e of snid g ab].ic hearing having bc~en duly gi~en a3 xequired by law and in accordance with the provisions of. the f'lnaheim Miinicipal Cod~, to hear and consider evidence for and again~t aaid General Plan Am~ndment and to investigat~a and make fi.ndings and recommendat::ons in cannectian Lhar~with; ancl WFlE~2~AS, said Com~nission, after due considera~ion, ansppr.tion, inveshiqation zz~d st;t:~y made by itselE', and a~ter due aonsiderati~n of.' all evidenco and rQparts oif~red at hearing~ DOES HEREHY FIND: 1. That du~ t~~ ~i~y Council arid Pl.anning Comrnis~ion cor.~cerns reqarding multiple -f.am3.]y rosiden~ial development in Anaheim, a phast~d work plan was clevel~ped whxch in~l~lded, in part, an analysis of axeas desiyriat;ed as Mec~ium Densi.ty Residential on Lho Gen~ral Plan, as well as thase areas zonod RM-1200 wost of St:ate College Boulevard to thQ westerr~ Gity limits to cletermine land use inconaist~nci~s. 2. That ~L•afi canducted a deta.iled analxsis ot the Gensra:l Plan designations, zonirig ard lan8 use .~ncl iclentified 308 acres on wh;.ch inconsistQncies exist between land uses and thQ Gorieral P1~n desicJnatiun and/or. zuning. 3. That evidence presnntQd substant~a~es th~ need for an arnendmant ta the Anahpim General Plan ~ind that Exhibit A be adopted redesigz~atiiig subj~ct ar~3a for Low-Medium Density Residential lz~nd uses~ rather than Medium llQnsity Residential as requested by the property ownc~rs. 1~'1134 r PC 89-270 1 : . .. ~. '~ Planning Commission has rcaviewQd the pro~osal to ~mend tYie T.,and Use Elernent o£ the Gr~neraZ Plan tu r.hanga the current designation of Meciium Density Residential desi,gnatinn to Lnw-Mediiun Density Resiclential land usos on aprroximatelx 5.1 aares generally bounded by Cypress Street ta the north, C1emPntine Strogt to tno esst, Ch.artres StreQt to tho south anci tha a11ey east of Harbor Boule~vard to t;Yle west: and does thr~refore approve the NQgat~ive Aeclaration o~ ~he basis that it has cansidered tho praposc~d N~gativt~ DAClaration t~get'ilor with any ~omments received during the public review proc?ss and further findi.ng on ~he basis of the Tnitial 5tudy and any comments received ~hat there is no subst~nti21 evidence that the project wi].1 hava a significant effec~ on L-ha envir~nmdri~. NOW, '.CfIEREI'O1tE,, BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to the above findiiigs, the Anaheim Ci.ty Plaiining Commission does hereby adopt and rQCOmmend to the Cit:y Cfluncil of the City of Anahcim aaoption of General Pl~n A,mendment No. 267••3 - L~nd Use Elemen~ - Exhibi.t A to redesignating subject area far Low-Medium Dsnsity Residen~ial land uses. h~ ~ ~ J~r zA ~ ' 1 ' ~' ~ ~ ~ ~F ~ 5 r1:'' ,~~v ~ ,.I1 ~fr/~ ~ ~ !r ';y CALIFURNIA ~NVIRONMENTAL QUALT Y A T FINDING : That the Anah~im ~ity TH~ FOR~GOING RESOLUTION is signed ancl approved by me thi5 bth day o~ November, 1989. ~~~; ~/ ~ ~ ~ 7~.' _ %;/L~'1 /'~/ . ,,L G~dLI%U.: o l,, i CE3AIR4i0r!AN PRO 1EMFORE I~NAHEIM CITY PLA.NNING COhIIdTSSIUN ti' ATTEST: }'~ _ ~, ,~°. .~/ ~.; `..,.r .__.._ SECRET~RY, ANAHEIM C:fxY PLANNI2JG COI~SIS5I.ON STATE OF CALIF012NIA ) COUI3TY OF OR~TGE ) ss. C.T.TY UF ANAHEIt~1 ) I, Eilith L. l~arris, Secre~ary of' the Anah~irn City Plarxning Cammis~ion, ~ln hereby certity that the foregoing resolution wa3 passed and ad~~tad at a meeting of the Ax~ahKim City Planning Commission held on N'ovember 6, ].989, by the following voke of Che members thereoE: AY:35: COA4tISuIONEPS: BOiJAS, BQYDBTUN, E£LDHAUS, H~;LLYER MC BURNEX, MESSE NOF~S: COh4+SISSTONERS: NONE AFi;~ENT: COMMISSIOI~ERS: tiERBST IN WI'PNESS WFiEk2E0F, I haL•e k~oreunto set my hand this 6t~ day of. November, ~989. ~ ~l~'~~ 'L'l,~i SECRETARY, A2JAHEIM CITY PLANZiING COMMT:iSION -2_ PC 89-27Q 0'.:`+: ~ ~~1: ~ ~r,.KA „lr i., h~pq ~ /'•` ~ ~ ~ lyd+~.~~~t,~'1fiLC0.~