Resolution-PC 89-273~r~".St.~p~:Mae ~~r.~"•~: ..e.,,~.~, ,..,..., ..y....,,. ., .~....,, s , . . ~.. -..~ . ~_J ~,.'+i~:" ~'~r.':~~: ,.~,.~n~. ~ y~a.~~.: , y ... ..,:.~.;i ~ ,..,~. ~ ,.,:~~,. ....~-~i~~ ,.-~,,~.~~ ~1r i r,~ t~~~ fly ~ ' .. . . _ . .. . . . ~ . -. . :~,~ H rl ~ ~ ~pJ~yk. ~ f,`A.Sia{~ RESOLUTION NQ. PC89-273 A RL'SOLUTION 0~' xHE ANAHEIM CI'rY PLANNING CQ2~IIrtISSION I.DOPTING ANb RECOMMEN'DIN'G TO THk~ CITY COUNC'[L ADOPIIUI3 OE GENLRA~ ALAN AMENDM~:NZ' N~. 2(yg..2 WHERGAS, r,hd Ci~y Cauncil of the C3ty t,f Ana~~.im diU adopt ~he Anah~rim G~ric~ral Plnn by R~solt-t.inn No. 69R-644, ~howing the getioral descsiption and ~xtent of possiblQ futur~ developmRnt within the citys and WHEREA,S, purstianC tn a Plonning Comm.issio•.- request for ~n amen~lmex~t to the Land Use Element o~' the Gener.al Plan, in conf~rmance witY.- Sections anii of the Anaheim Munic:ipgl Code, st~fE prApared a GQnQra1 Plan Amendment to redes9.gnata irom the existing Medium Aensity Residenkia.l designation to Low Uensir,y Residential dosign~tion for ~he study area consist3~ng of. bpproximately 1.9 acres generally buunded by Santa Ana Street to the nnrt;h, the alloy west oL• Resli Street to th~ eazt, Water Stroet to the south and Citror~ 5treet to the west, Study A.rea 7. (Shown as Araa B oi~ Attachmeut A); and WHEREAS, the Plannin~ D~partment deemed it appropria~o, pureuant to tiie provisions of the California Enviroiimc~ntal Quality A~t, that there are no Significant environmen~al impac!:s anci roc~mmended thaC a 27egative Declar.ation bf approved; and WHFRBAS, thQ Anaheim City Planning Commiosiou did hold a~ublic hearfx~g aC the Anahoim Civic ~enter, Councfl Chamber, 200 South Anahc~im Boulevard, on November 6, 1989, at 6:00 p,m., notice of said public hearang havfn!~ been d;~ly given as required by law and in accordan~co with the pro~isions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, to hoar anci consider evideuce for and against said General Plan ?.mendment ancl to investiq3ts and makR findings and rRCOmmendations in connecrion therewith; and wHEK^cA:;, gaid Cammission, aEr.QL due con~idec•tiL•ion, inspection, inve~tiqation ar.d stucly mada by itself, and after due cunsideration of all ev.ic7Qnce and reports r~Efored at hearing, DQES HF:REAY FIND; l. That due to City Council and ~lanning Cemmisaion concorns regarding m~,~].tiple-family residential d~velopment: in Anahoirn, a phaseft work plan was dgve~loped which included, in part, an ar.alysis of areua clesigneted as Medium Density Residenti~l on tha Gen~r~l Plan, as well as thosA aret+s zoned KM-12U~ west of State Colleqe Eloulevard to thR westorn Cir.y limita to detArmine land use inconsisr.encios. 2. That stafP conducted a detailed analys.is of the GenRral Plan designations, zoning cn8 land use and identified 300 a~:c~a on wh.tc;h inconsist.encies exist Letween land iisot~ and L•he Genera]. Plan ciesignation and/or zoning. ~(r~ 3. Thnt evidon~~e praseute~3 ~ubstantiaCes ~he nr~ed ~or nn amen8ment tc ~h~ Ant~heim Genernl Fl~n and that; Exh3bit A ba adopted rerdeaigneCing subject ar~a for Low-Med.ium Density Residential la~d uses. 1136r _1_ Pr 89-273 y~F ~S vF 1': ,a ,~ ~.. ~:, ~.', . ,`.<i a , ~ ~;~~~ ~Q `~ ~ ~ ~ i; ~~~~~~"'~~~~~T~~--~~1~L~--1'.~~~-.-~3;~A~~$~ That th~ Anaheirr~ City Planniny Cammiasion has roviewod the proposul to amenci the Land CTsa Elemont of the Genergl Plan to chanc~e the current c9esignation of Mad9.um Den3,it,y Resicic~nt3al ciASign~tion to Low-Medium Density ~tesi8en~:i~l land uses ~n approx3mately 1.9 acres gonarally boixnded by S~nr,a Ana Street ta tht~ north, the t~lley wes~ of Roeh Stroe~ to hhe east, W2-tor Street ta t.he saath and Citron St:roet to the wes`t ~nd does ther~fore ~p~rove thQ N~gative Docla~ration on the basi~ L•hat it h~~ considered t~e prapa~ed Negative Declaration togorher with any comments received during tha public raview process and furthAr finaing on the bas3s oE the In~Cfal StuclX anc~ any comments received thal: L•h~rc~ ia no sut~stsntial ov3.dence that the pro ject will have a significant affact orr, the environmon~. NOW, THLREr^ORE, BB IT REfiOLVED, that ~.ursuant ta the abovg ~indinys, tho Anaheim CiCy Planning Commiss.ion does herab~ ~xdopt and recamimend to the City Councfl of tk~e City of Ariaheim adoptfon of General P1an A~nendment No. z68-z - Land Uae Elemeiit - Exhibit A rade5ignating subject area fox Low-Medium pensity Hesid~ntial lancl uses. THE FURF.GOIN~ RESOL,UTION i9 sagned and approvad by me thfs 6th day of Novernber, 1gFig. ~~ k-/ ~:~P'1 /// - ,(.ti ~ , _i' ~,f~ f-~-- ~( LHAIRW~ 1 PE2 TEMP012E ANAHEIM CIT1' k'LAN~IING COMMISSIpN ATTCSTs ~ ' . f ___-,r-~~!~.~w~G SECRETARY, AN1~FiEIM CI1'Y PLANNI27G COhQ~7ISSI0N STATE QF' CALIFORNIA ) COL'NTY OF ORANGE ) s~~ CIT1~ OF ANAFiEYM ) I, Edith L. HarYis, Searetary of tho Ana9~-im City Planninq C~mmission, d~ herc~by certify that tlie foregoing resolution was passed and adoptecl at a meeting of the Anah~3m C.ity Planning Commission hel~ on Novamber 6, 19a9, by the :~oll~w:ng voto of the membor3 thoreof: ~Y~S~ COI~MlISSIONE;RS: BO-JAS, DCYDSTUN, FELUfiAUS, FIGLLYECc MC BURNEY, MGSSE NOES: COD~iISSIONERS: NON~ ABSENT: COhQYSISSYONFRS: HERBST IN WITNESS WFIEREOF, I have hereunto s~t my hand this 6th day of November, 19a9. ~ ~C~`-~-C-yf... o~ ,~ ,~,,LiLs... SE~'RETAItY, ANAHEI~6 CITY PLAN ING COh4tISSYON -2- pC 09-273 ~ i:`r