Resolution-PC 89-275R.~iL~"~ ~,+~'u?~ ; R~ ' L JTIAN N~_ Y$9-278 A RESOL,UTION ~F Th~, :+NAHEIM CITY YLANNING COMtrlISSION THAT P~xITION FOR RECLA5SSFICATIQN NA. 89-90-24 B~ GRANTED '~' , WHRR~AS, thn Anahei.m City P'ldnning ~ommission did Leceive a verified peti~3un for Reclassification irom the CLARENCE W. MAUERH7~1 TRUST, ''',~y A'.CTN: 'r1ILLIAM MAUE~2HA:I, 210 NARCISSUS, CORONA DEL' MAR, CA 92625, owner, snd J. WARD DAWSON, ATA, 2~532 L~AP'WOOD DRIVE, MfJRRIETA, CA 92362, agent ~or nertain real prope~ty situated in the City of Anaheim, Cc~unty af Orange, StaL•e of Calif~rnia, describea c~s follows: `'`.: THAT PORTION OF LOT5 ~. AND 2 OF ~'ALNUT CQLONY TRACT, AS SHOWN ON A MA~' FILED IN BOOK 1, PAGE 14 OF RECORD ~F SURVEYS, ZN THE OFFICE OF THF. COUNTX RECORArR OF ORANGE COUNTX, CALIFORNTA, DE;SCRIB~D AS FULLOWS: BEGINNtNG AT A POINT ON TIiE CENTER LINE OF THAT CERTAIN ROAD ADJOIIJTNU SAIA LOT 1 ON THE NORTH, NOW Y.NOWN t.S KATELLA AVEPti1E, L~YSTANT SOUTH 8~3 DEG.. 51' 20" EAST 200.OQ Fr;ET ~ROM THE IiY''.TER.°iECTIJN OF SAXD CENTER LIN~, WTTH TI?F NORTkIERLY PnOLC.ItiATION OF THE W~STERLY LIN,t'., QF SAID LOT 1; iHFiICE CONTINUING SOliTH 89 DEG. 51' 20" EAT ALONG SAID CFNTER LINE, ?1 DISTAIv'CE OF 190.00 FEET; TI~ENCE 50UTH 0 DEti. 01' S9" EAaT PARALI~EL WITH T.HE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS I AND 2, A DISTANCE OF 365.00 FEET; TH~;NCE NOYtTA 89 DEG. 51' 20" WE51' 39U.00 FEET QARALLEL F1:[TH THE CENTER LINE OI' SAID KATELI.A AVENUE T4 THE WESi~RT~Y L7NE OF SAID LOT 2; TF:ENCE NORTH 0 DEG. O1' 59" WEST 85.00 FEFT A.LONG TSE W'ESTERLX LT23E OF ~AID LQTS ]. ANB 2, Z'0 THG SOUTHWE:ST CORNER OF LANU DESCRIEED IN A DEED TO JOFIN CRADDOCK AND WIFF., RE~CORDED MAX 15, 1942 IN BOOK 1135 PAGE 374 OX' OFFiCIAL RECORDS: THENCE SO'UTii 89 I1EG. 51' 20" EAST 200.Q0 FE6T PARALLEL WITTi THE ~ENTER I,IN~ OF SAtD KA'PELLA AV~NUE, T.Q THE SOUTHEA5T CORNER C1F LAND DESC~tIBED I27 A DEED TO JOHN ~. CRADDOCK AND WIFE, R~CORDBD FERRU'ARY 25, 1944 IN BOOK 1238, PAGE 216 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN TH~ OFFICE Or THE CQUNTY RECORDER OF SATD ORANGE COZJNTY; TFiENCE NORTH 0 DEG. O1' 59" WFST 280.00 FEET TQ THE PQINT OF $EGINNTt7G, E~-CENTING TI~EREPRQM THAT POkTION DESCP.IBED AS FOLLOWS: 1142r -7.-- PC89-275 ,I,~ ~: i '~~ ~ ;., i: 'u 'T ; ~;; w ~ f«~~ _ ~ BEGINNING AT A POT~iT ON THF CFFTER LINE OF TI3AT CEE2TA:CN ROAD ADJOII3ING SAID LOT 1 ON TFIE NORxH, NOW KNOV'JN AS KATELLA AVENi1~, DISTANT SOUTH 84 DEG. 51' 20" EAST 295.00 FEET FRUM THE INTFRSECTTON OF SAID CENTER LINE WITIi TF~E NORT.HEItLY PROLONGAT201~7 OF THE WESTERLY LIN~ OF SAID LUT 1' THENCE CONTINUINu SOCITH $9 DEG. 51' 20" EAST 95.00 FF~Ty THENCE SOUTH 0 DEG. 01' S9" EAST 280. U0 FEET; 1'H~,NCE NORTH 89 DEG. 51.' 20" EAST 95.00 FEET; THENC.E NORTH 0 DEG. O1' 59" WEST 280.00 ~'EET TO TAE POINT OF AEGTNNING. AND LOTS 15, lfi, 17 AND 18 OF TRACT N0. 3290, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK lQl, PAG~S 43 AND 44 OF MTSCGY,LANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFOkNIA. 6v'~iEREAS, tlie City Planning Commissic~n 3id hold a ~ublic hearings at the f;ivie Ce:~~er in the Ciky oi AnahQim on November 6, 1989, at 1:30 p.m., notice af said public hearing having veen duly given as required by law and in accordaxice wiL•h tho pro~3.sions of the Anaheim Municipal f:ode, Chapi:~er 18.03, ta hear arid r.onsider evidence tor and again~t said pr~posed reclassif.ication and Lo investigatQ and make findings and rscammendations in connection ther~swith; and said petition was contir.ued to the Planning Commiasion meet3,r~g of November 20, 1389~ and WHEREAS, said Convnission, af~er due inspection, investiga~ion and study made by itse~f and in its bHtialf, az~d s~£~er due consideraLion of. ~11 evidence and reports afEered ati said hearing, c~oes find and de~ermine the ; ~ f~llowing P~cts: ~; 1. That the p~-titioner Qroposes reclassa.fication oi sub;QCt praperty from the RM-J.20U (Residen~ial, Multiple-Familyj Zon~ L•o the CR (Commercial Recreat-ioii) Zone. ~i 2. That the Anaheim Genoral Plan designates subject property £~:. Commercial Recreational Land Uses. k: ` 3. 'That the proposed zeclassific$tic~u o£ subject property is ;`-': necessary and/~r desirable for the orderly and proper development af Lhe community. 4. xhnt the proposed reclassification of subjdct properLy does properly relate to the zones ar.ii L•heir permitted uses locally e~tablished in close proximity to subject propQrty and to th~ zones and their perm.itted usey generally establislied throughout ~he community. 5. That uo ane indica~:ed their prasQnce at said public hear.ing in oppositian; and that no correspondence was raceivod in opposition to subject petition. -2- PC 89-275 A ,'~~.; , ' ~ ~i ~:i: , ,;;ili ~ r.';!r {ti t~i~ /~;~~ ~ 4' ~'~ r'r~u`, ~rl,i CALIr~G4NIA EtTVI'RONME.NTAL QUALITY ACT FTNDTN'G: That the Ar~aheifi Ci~y Plarzning Co.nmission has reviewed the proposa]. to reclassif.y the southerly portion of Subjec~ pxopQrty (Lo~ Nos. la, 16, 17 and 18 of. Tract ~Jo. 3290) from tlie RM-'12p0 (Residantial, Multiple-ramily) Zane to the CR (Cornmc~rciaZ~ Recreation} Zone and to permit a 169-unit, 4-story, 50-Foot high, subject proper.ty consistizig of 94,18Q square feet, "all suite" hotel ,y witn waiver of minimum number of parking spaces an irregularYy-shnped parcel consistinq of approxima~ely 1.97 acres, having a£rontage of appr.oxzmately 95 teet on the south side of Katella Avenue, having a maximum depth of : approximately 340 feQt, being laca~ed appr~ximatel.y 1,015 feet west of the .~r centerline of G1est Stre~:t and fixr.ther described as 1176 West Katella Avenue (Space Age Lodge); and does hereby approve the Negative Der.laration upon Finding that it has considered the Negativ~ Declarati~n ~ogethar with any comments received during the public r~view ~rocess zlnd further finding on the basis of the initial study and r~ny cemments received that there is no substantial evidence that the projact will have a sigi:ificant eEfect on the environment. NUW, TFIEREFOR~, BE IT RESOLVED that tha Anaheim City Planning Commission aoes hereby grant subject Petition ~'~r RecXass?ficaL•iun and, by so doing~, ttiat x'itle 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Ca~ie be amended to exclude the a~nvQ-descxibecl property from the RM-120U (Residenti.al, t~ultiple-ramily) Zone and to incorporate said. describPd r~copert~~ ,into the CR lCommercial, Recreation) 2ono upon the following conditions which are~ hereLy Found to be a nec~ssary rr~requisite Lo the proposecl use of ~iibject uroperty in order t~ preservr the saE9ty and general welfare n~' the Citi2Qns af the City df Anaheim; 1. Thah_ a parcel map to combine the five (5) existir-g lots of ~he subjeat properh.y shal7. be sul~mitted to and approved by the Public Works - Engineering Department and then bo recorded in th~ Office of the Orange County Fzcorder. 2.~ ThaY. the leqal awnor of subjoct property shall irrevocably offer tc+ dedicate to the Citp of T,naheim, on additior;zl strip of ].and along Katella Av~nue for a bua bay a~ th~ exact location anci width as determined by the City Traffia Engii~eflr. iurthermore, the l~gal omner of subject proporCy shall po~t a bond to guarantee the sat3sfactory installation a:1d c~mpletiuY~ of said bus ba~r pr~.or to final buildzng and zoning inspection, `: 3. * That a fQe shali be paid to the City of A.naheim for ;.ree planting along t°~ Katella Avenue, Casa `.tista StreEt and Casa Grande Avenixe in an amount as established by Cz+:y Council resol~xrior.. 4. '.Chat the leqal owner of 3ubject property shall dedicate t•o ths City oE Anaheim a five (5) foot wi8e easemPnt aZong tihe most southarn portions af the narth properky lines r~f 3ubject proper.ty for. public utility purposes. -;- ~. ';'; -3' PC 89-275 '' j r„J ~ ':t~ M X~ '~ ~, ~ . . , . , ,. ...~., a.i . , ~,. ;a ; ,.:. .,,.:. _,. , , ,~%a,' .. . .~ ,..- -- ~. . . .. . , . . .. ~. . ..,...,, ~~,~.;. ,..~ _r!_=A.,r.Y..i-:.i^IY~ u,4{ • ~ qF; ~ ~ 4~~ - ., ,~~}: , i` 1~ia~;? ~;~,~~ . . . . , 4,; ~ ~. ~ ;i'', .'i~ 5. That prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subjeat pxu ert• ~ P }. ' Conditinn Nos. 1~:hrough 4., above-mentioned, ~hal7. be complotec3. ~h~ ' provisic~ns or rights grant~~d by Lhis ri~solution shal). becomo null and ~r ~ void by action of the rlannirig Commistiion unless said condition~ ar~ 'i complied with witllir~ ane (1) year from the date at this resaluti.on ~r `=';!;'; sxch Eurther time as the Plannang C~mmission ~na~ grant. , ~,* '!'hat appruval of ~:his applica~io.n cor~stztutes approva7. uf ~he pr.apused roquast only to the exte~i~ tha~ it comp.lie~ with tk~e Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicabls Ci.ty, State and Federal regulat5.ons. Approval does not include any action or fi.nclings as ~o compliance o.r approval of tha requegt regarding any c~tk~er applicable ~rdinance, reg~ilation ox requirement: Conditzons marked with an asterisk ~'~) are required by establishe3 laws, codes, regulatians and/or agreements and are n~t subject tn negotiataon. BE IT FUR'rTiER R~SOLVEA that the Anah~im City Plctnning Commi;siqn does hereby .find and determine tha~. ~-doption pf this Resolution is ~xpraRSly preGicated upon applzcant ~ s com~liance wiL•1~ each and all ~f. t*~e cunc~itions her~inabove set tor~h~ Should ~ny such conditions, or a~ny part there~t, be declared invalid or unanforceable l~y the final ~udgment af ~ny court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any ~pprovals horein contained, shall be deemed nul.l and void. THE FOREGOING RI~;SOLUTTO:I i.s signed and approv~d by me this 20th day of. November, 198g, ~ ~ / .. \~%~"~ /~~ /,~~`~ _~,~~_._~ l ~.. - -~=~--•'~+~~~~ I ~ ~ C A~, ANAiiEI ~CITY PLANNING COMMISS70*I aTTEST; i,~ ~~ ~~~. ~.~ SECRETAR , ANAHEIM CTTY PL N N1G ~ rpdIS5IUN `~ i ~ ; .;i F ~ ~ :~Yr ~~ ~~~ S7ATF OF CALLFORNIA COUtrTY Ok QRANGC ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM } t, F(lith L. t',nrria, Socrer.ary oE the 1-naheim City Planning Comm3ea.i~n, c]o hereby ~~r~ify thaL• the foreqoing resolution wae paased anfl adoptecl at a mee~iny . tho An~hetm City Planni.ng Comrn3ssion held on Novamber 20, 19f19, by tihe fallowing votr~ of ta~e momb~rs thereof: AYES: COMMISSIQr1ERS: BO`CUSTUN, DOldAS, k'CLDFiAUS, HELI.XER, MC BURNEY, IQ~SSE NOES: COtrRrtISSIONERS: NONL~ A$SCNT s COt+II~iTSSIONRrZS : LtUNE A~STAIN: COtrIIdiSSI0NEE2S: HERBST IN WITNESS WH~REQE', I havo hsrounto sut my hand this 20th day Novembor, 1989. ~~_ ,~ ___ ~ __ SECIcET RY, ANAf:EIM C TY PLANNING COt~SISSION 7.tiir~:'~ r+wa.~~rp il j ,~1y~ ~ `~,~~~ ,, ~ ~,. . ~,, ~ y~ `,I ' Of ~t~ -5- PC 89-2TS ~~:~i ~ ; ~,:~ r~ , ~~ ~